Why Do People Hate Stalkers?
They blow in PVE though.
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No they don't. They just have to be played right.
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Ok my pvp concept stalker blows in pve then.
But to be effective against stalkers as a blaster you HAVE to have */devices, while a stalker is effective against almost any other AT no matter what powersets they choose. To me, this isn't very fair.
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it only takes one empath in the zone to take away stalkers hidden advantages, is that fair? As a simple analogy its just rock paper scissors, A beats B, B beats C, C beats A, there are plenty of ways to rain on a stalkers parade. Every single AT can beat stalkers, to name but a few sets, SR scrappers can see them, Ice Tanks with CE upset them, controllers and defenders with pbaoes mess them up and of course there is /dev.
**Acceptable "support" responses**
Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault
Solo, my scrapper eats stalkers for breakfast.
Teamed with someone who can -fly or slow them and I eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
A stalker can 1 or 2 shot a squishie
An Ice/En can 3 shot a squishie without any chance of escape
any /en blaster can 3 shot a squishie if they don't leg it quick enough
My scrapper can 1 shot a squishie with a crit, 2 shots without.
And I only have tactics, and never have a problem seeing a stalker - even ones with hide and stealth.
Stalkers are a flawed AT. They're [censored] in PvE and stupidly powerful in PvP.
Whereas the rest of the AT sets in CoX are the other way round - hence why we've all been nerfed to hell and back more times than I care to remember.
Can't say I agree with that statement Sar - it needs a qualifier.
Stalkers are rubbish in PvE if played badly, and very powerful in PvP if played very well. (obviously this can be said about any AT)
I team with a couple of stalkers regularly (PvE), and whether playing as my corruptors or my brute I love having them around. Naturally we have encountered stalkers still learning the AT, but that just reinforces the above statement.
In PvP, (which is more the province of the missus) stalkers are really, really easy to get kills with. However, a good hero team, or sr scrapper, or ice blaster, or /dev blasters, or even a single empath in Sirens makes stalking very difficult. The very good stalkers live with this, and quietly carry out their hits. The bad stalkers spend a lot of time in the hospital. I think the key difference is the willingness to stay and scrap stalker style if needed, but that is more due to player attitude than the inherent ability of the AT.
Player attitude.
Everything is said.
Lately I accidentaly saw two teams fighting each others in Warburg. Heroes vs Vilains. Looked like a fun fight. I just stopped to watch. A few seconds later, I was killed by a Stalker, and I didn't even bother to try to fight back. Of course, he has his line all prepared : "Muahahahaha", or something like that. I still wonder why he was proud to defeat someone like that.
It's just this behavior that is annoying in pvp zones, and unfortunately there's nothing to do about it.
The fact that so many Stalker do that is just because it's so easy with them.
I'm still waiting for the Stalker that would come close to me, notice that I don't see him and say in local something like : "Are you ready to die, Hero ?"
...perhaps Controllers....are tougher to play...
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You have to be kidding right. Find a squishy, spam holds till said squishy is out of breakfrees, attack. V difficult.
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Hmm, now just to get my holds to do more than 35 dmg
"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"
Ice trollers dont count arch
controllers: Ill rad , grav rad, fire kin, ice kin
blaster: ice em
scrapper: spines sr
Enroling: Simple reason is that squishy archetypes shouldn't be in melee range taking all the aggro, this makes it hard to play against higher level NPC for better XP.
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Uhm, if you say so. I usually either get or give the buffs/debuffs so Im able to stand there.
Doesnt your teams include corrs (damage mitigation), brutes (aggro control) or dominators (aggro control)? And when you say fighting for better Xp, I presume you mean getting stuck in the middle of things, and actually fighting. Stalkers are better at this than most toons, cause they deside when to attack.
Some defenders types can tank, most controllers are better than tanks, a blaster should be so buffed, hes able to tank.
Getting stuck in the middle is usually where the best Xp is anyway, and you dont get better Xp by not contributing to the team.
Besides stalkers arent squishie.
A Paragon Defender
hello everyone
Well im quite new to this game 3 weeks play time,and have a lv 26 scrapper i admit im not the best player but a group of friends decided to go into the pvp zone so i taged along,
and we just got dominated by the stalkers ? it seemed like they took me out with no more than 1 or 2 hits with 3 def skills on ? assasin strike and it wasent just me even the tanks were geting took out in 1 or 2 hits aswell ? someone said fire aura ect should slow them down and all this it got to a point when the game became no fun with them camped outside the hospital is it only me who thinks this is rather unbalanced seeing as they take little skill to play and be effective and no one wonts to stay and get killed 100 times its just not fun.. and reading some of the above posts it dsent seem that challengeing to lv with that char type... I have COH & COV not installed it yet as i wonted to get to lv 50 first with my char before starting a new thing... i will now not do any pvp as it dosent seem a worthwhile and balanced aspect ??? in the game
I'm still waiting for the Stalker that would come close to me, notice that I don't see him and say in local something like : "Are you ready to die, Hero ?"
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That was a very common thing at one point, where every stalker thought it was original and witty.
"r u redy 2 die?"
"i cna c u can u c me?"
"lol u r powerelss agenst evil"
"how dose it feel 2 no u r gon2 die?"
On and on.. no way to reveal.. no way to spot. Every few seconds I would shuffle a feather to one side, as the invisible villain would shuffle against me, either humping my leg or trying to make sure they were at melee range. Eventually they'd get bored and just try to kill me, and end up doing nothing against my Personal ForceField. Problem was, once they realised I wasnt going to make an easy target of myself, it turned to :
"omg u r 2 scarrd of me"
"n00b chikin stop sheelding"
"ill get u & ur mom"
Unfortunately, back then I wasnt too hot at attacking in short chains between flicking my PFF off and on, I was either in my PFF or just dead, cursing that none of my holds were good enough to get through most characters mez resist, and that my force bolt never seemed to knock the right toggles. xP
Still, for my view of stalkers still needed a bit of a rethink/rebalance, I have to agree that attitude and playstyle makes a lot of difference. Met a few good stalkers, and a whole bunch that I can at least stomach, even if I dont like 'em. Just the way that games go I guess..
main reason i dislike them is that when a fight gets going and the target the stalker has doesnt 1 shot or near enuf, the stalkers run, now ive fought many a stalker that 1, sticks it out and dies fast due to their build and current status, and 2, sticks it out and dies eventually, or 3, sticks it out and beats me. i enjoy t when stalkers do this, its good combat style.
i do however build my mains AT to detect and and all stalkers so watching them get close to AS range then fireballing them in the face is always amusing.
but its the running away that gets to me
Flip a coin.
Heads you survive.
Tails you die.
What's not to love about that?
i waste stalkers for fun is always nice to watch em run away and die while fleeing and yelling i cheat
Stalkers is the beginners AT.Simple as that. Once more skilled players come in the zone the stalkers become cannon fodder
hello everyone
Well im quite new to this game 3 weeks play time,and have a lv 26 scrapper i admit im not the best player but a group of friends decided to go into the pvp zone so i taged along,
and we just got dominated by the stalkers ? it seemed like they took me out with no more than 1 or 2 hits with 3 def skills on ? assasin strike and it wasent just me even the tanks were geting took out in 1 or 2 hits aswell ? someone said fire aura ect should slow them down and all this it got to a point when the game became no fun with them camped outside the hospital is it only me who thinks this is rather unbalanced seeing as they take little skill to play and be effective and no one wonts to stay and get killed 100 times its just not fun.. and reading some of the above posts it dsent seem that challengeing to lv with that char type... I have COH & COV not installed it yet as i wonted to get to lv 50 first with my char before starting a new thing... i will now not do any pvp as it dosent seem a worthwhile and balanced aspect ??? in the game
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Which character and server?
There are a few stalkerbusters around you could maybe team with. Part of the problem is such a high learning curve for new players, exaserbated by the different zone caps (bigger players are in sirens/warburg and the newbies in bloody bay have no one to learn from).
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
Hmm have read all of this thread, some very intresting discussion.
A few things stuck out for me.
1. Weasel comparing stalking to flipping a coin, I think this is a very good comparison. It fits us brilliantly.
2. We aint that hot in PvE folks, sorry to break it too you. I think we have the least fun out of every at in PvE. Endless glowie missions or stealthing to the boss to kill him? Not that fun to me.
3. We are not a defensive AT. Somone did say this. I must admit I had a chuckle at the comment. All CoV At's lack in defence when compared to CoH AT's.
4. I think its Quilty who brought up the Stalker running comment. I am sorry are you having a laugh? Would you honestly expect a Blaster to stay still if he doesnt kill you? Mate if we did that we would be wiped on the floor.
5. Now killing Stalkers is fun and easy. Al you need to do is see them and hit em, maybe try a slow or some -movement power. I hear many people screaming "But Stalkers have hide how can we see them?!11" Its not that difficult. Find a guy with the leadership pool, pop yellow inspirations, find a defender with CM, buy the temp power IR Goggles when the zone is yours, Roll SR, Stay near someone with a toggle PBAoE, I would continue my list but its so long I grow board.
6. Do more offensive/idiot type players play Stalkers?
I dont honestly think so. There is no reason or figures to back up such a claim. I think the Stalker AT gives more satisfaction than any other AT. Thus people are happy when thay make a challenging kill, hence in turn a victory call is made.
Just to further back up my above point.
A lot of good quality players play the Stalker AT.
I can think of a few, Ghostblade (known as MarquandDance on teh forums), Myself, Stalk-obot to name just a few.
A lot of comments here seem to be based only upon predjudice not actual fact.
Just before I leave I wish to reinforce a comment I made earlier.
So the stalker doesnt kill you and thus runs.
Um yeah and?
So stalkers have Hide I cant ever see them they are cowardly.
Um yeah and?
You can see em if you have an ounce of game knowledge.
(Not meant to be a flame comment, not aimed at anyone in particular.)
...perhaps Controllers....are tougher to play...
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You have to be kidding right. Find a squishy, spam holds till said squishy is out of breakfrees, attack. V difficult.
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I was talking about team PvP, if a Controller isn't careful about where he is and isn't sure his team is backing him up well enough, he gets swarmed and destroyed.
World of Jackcraft.
...perhaps Controllers....are tougher to play...
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You have to be kidding right. Find a squishy, spam holds till said squishy is out of breakfrees, attack. V difficult.
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I was talking about team PvP, if a Controller isn't careful about where he is and isn't sure his team is backing him up well enough, he gets swarmed and destroyed.
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in pentad or a team with a fair mix of ATs the controller is the hardest hero AT to play by a long way imo
2. We aint that hot in PvE folks, sorry to break it too you. I think we have the least fun out of every at in PvE. Endless glowie missions or stealthing to the boss to kill him? Not that fun to me.
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Why on earth do you want to solo? This is a MULTIPLAYER game designed with TEAMS in mind, and every change the devs make just further supports this. If you want to solo, you should play halflife or something like it.
4. I think its Quilty who brought up the Stalker running comment. I am sorry are you having a laugh? Would you honestly expect a Blaster to stay still if he doesnt kill you? Mate if we did that we would be wiped on the floor.
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If this was actual real life and you only had one of them, I'd understand your urge to be running off like a headless chicken if your OHK attack failed, but this is a GAME and you have ENDLESS lives, and dying from another players hand gives NO PUNISHMENT. If a player is about to kill me then I know I've been dealt a bad hand, or the player is just plain better than me, and in either case he deserves the kill. I don't run like a coward. Ever. I might move 10 meters if I get AS'ed, but I stay the fight. Stalkers however jumps on the next charter plane and skips the country if their AS fails. It would look pretty silly if one team ran off the field the minute they were 4 goals under in a football match.
5. Now killing Stalkers is fun and easy. Al you need to do is see them and hit em, maybe try a slow or some -movement power. I hear many people screaming "But Stalkers have hide how can we see them?!11" Its not that difficult. Find a guy with the leadership pool, pop yellow inspirations, find a defender with CM, buy the temp power IR Goggles when the zone is yours, Roll SR, Stay near someone with a toggle PBAoE,
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Take my case as an en/en blaster. To be able to see a single stalker with hide+stealth/grant invis I need tactics from a defender, IR Goggles and my own tactics on top of that plus maybe a yellow or two. No matter what I do, I'll NEVER be able to spot a hide+stealth stalker on my own (aside from having a tray full of large yellows and popping two every time the effect of the last two wears off, but lets face it, this isn't an option.) This means that ALL stalkers have the edge over me NO MATTER WHAT I DO, because I can't see them untill they AS me, and if I don't die from the AS, I still can't fight back, because THEN they plactate me and either kill me on their next strike which will give them critical NO MATTER WHAT, or they've teleported away and are hidden again within 10 seconds.
6. Do more offensive/idiot type players play Stalkers?
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Yes. Not all, but gankers WILL choose the stalker AT for reasons I have said earlier.
A lot of good quality players play the Stalker AT.
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In this, you won't get an argument from me, but this in itself isn't an argument for or against anything discussed here.
Just before I leave I wish to reinforce a comment I made earlier.
So the stalker doesnt kill you and thus runs.
Um yeah and?
So stalkers have Hide I cant ever see them they are cowardly.
Um yeah and?
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What point exactly does this reinforce? That Stalkers are cowards? Yes. That no stalker will stand and fight? Yes. That the stalker AT isn't overpowered? No. That stalkers aren't used for ganking? No.
I wish I had more time to explain, but I need to go.
This whole stalker thing really gets to me, especially the taunts of 'coward'. Sure, some stalkers do run for the hills as soon as AS misses. Same can be said for any AT - I've seen tanks and regen scrappers run ffs. Example, the missus was in Sirens, having a doozy of a fight against a regen scrapper. Both of them have used dull pain and IH, both down to last sliver of health. Reconstruction comes up a fraction faster for the stalker, goes to finish him, and he tiggers his way all the way back to the hero base. So getting the hell out of dodge isn't a problem limited to stalkers.
Then, you have the issue of a 5 on 1 gank. Normally the wife clicks IH and tries to take as many down with her as she can. If IH (or at the very least DP) isn't available, she'll jump around the vicinity until one of them recharges, then get back into the fight. Is that cowardly?
I know why stalkers are hated, and it boils simply down to this - some people don't like a challenge, and want PvP to be all about trash talking. Anyone who PvPs for the fun of trying to challenge themselves isn't bothered by stalkers, because they already have the tools to beat them.
Ok, I'm back, and I just read my previous post.
While I mean everything I said in there, I do NOT mean that every stalker out there is a n00b, ganker or coward. I mean MANY are, but then again it's an easy AT to be merely good at. To excell at it you need some skill, just like every other AT. But the Stalker AT is so incredibly easy to misuse. I wouldn't have anything against the stalker AT if just all the other AT's were as complete as the stalkers.
Yes, I do indeed believe that the Stalker AT is the ONLY AT in the game that's actually a COMPLETE archtype. it seems to me that the Stalker and MM AT's are the only two AT's that's got a thorough evaluation and the only ones that is completely thought through. In fact, I think NONE of the hero AT's are even remotely complete. They worked when there was only CoH, but now that CoV is out with it's more thought through AT's the CoH AT's need a revamp.
I know why stalkers are hated, and it boils simply down to this - some people don't like a challenge, and want PvP to be all about trash talking. Anyone who PvPs for the fun of trying to challenge themselves isn't bothered by stalkers, because they already have the tools to beat them.
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Disagree Cap, the problem with Stalkers in PvP is that you need a specific build/AT/set-up to match Stalkers, and if you do have that match, you can slaughter them. If you don't have that match, you're dead if the coin lands on heads.
That's the problem for a lot of people, no control of their destiny. Stalkers show a incredible level of skill for their enemy, but the enemy has next to no skill, only 'monkey presses the button' to place against the Stalker.
Aye, you are probably right weasel, I was a trifle irritated when I wrote the post due to a clown being incredibly immature in Sirens towards my lady wife. Fortunately such miscreants have so far been a rarity in my PvP experience.
Hell, I got as far as level 9 with my stalker (just don't like them myself) but I've sat and watched her PvP, and the principle complaints just don't tally with the way she plays. Sure, she can 2 shot most blasters, but a team will usually (eventually) take her down. She is fine with that, as she operates on the 'if I'm going, you're coming with me' approach
i have an energy energy blaster i have nooo probs taking down stalkers dude. just gotta learn to hunt them
Someone told me today that stealth and hide are no longer going to stack.
Think hating stalkers will soon be replaced with hating to play em tbh.
Stalkers aren't as squishy in PvE as people seem to think, I was in a team (7 of us, mostly Corr's, two stalkers, one brute) and everyone but myself (EM/EA) and another player (Something/Ninjitsu) wiped whilst fighting a mob, and an ambush.
We managed to finish them off without much hassle, it's all about knowing what to hit and when to cycle your targets. That and having some DO's.
In PvP, I'm still not sold on the whole 'skill' thing, I mean, I can see where skill comes in to the AT, but I can also see why Stalking is probably one of the laziest play types to go by. But most people whine about them because they don't like being taken out Solo. If a Stalker keeps splatting you and you want revenge/PvP, get a team, get some temp powers, get some insps, then go get your righteous vengeance.