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  1. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!


    Ok so my flat is now nicely wired up with DSL, so you'll be seeing me around a lot more from now

    I'll mostly be lurking around these forums, and occasionally in game, I'm on my laptop at the moment so CoH runs okish, but not fantastic, and I won't even bother trying to load CoV, it's just not cricket.

    The good news is that it seems my UK boxes will be arriving in a few days, including my decent PC! Once that gets here we might actually be able to finish our little SF on our Hunters eh guys! I'll also be able to put some work into Supermarras again. I've got a few ideas for that, and am looking forward to giving it a bash.

    Anyway, I'm currently 12hrs out of phase with the UK while I'm down here in NZ, so 9am here is 9pm there. As soon as BST ends it'll move out further and I'll probably get more chance to catch ya's online, but for now it's looking like weekends or my mornings will be best to catch ya'll.

    Not sure what's up with your forum access there Harps. I'm still teetering on throwing out that forum and dropping in one like this CoH/V one. I've already made it there and have played with it a little, but haven't pushed it live. Will see, if I can intergrate it so the one login controls it all, I might. If it's another login from the main page it'll just be a pain in the [censored]...

    Catch ya's round soon.
  2. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!


    Yikes, first things first! Sorry I've been so AWOL these last couple of months. I've been trying to let everyone I know know, but know that I haven't gotten to everyone. So...

    August 11th was my last day working in the UK, I did some travelling after that, and around the start of September, I sent boxloads of my stuff back to NZ, followed by myself and a few bags. My visa ran out and I was having a problem getting another one (I didn't want to be locked into my job there, so that limited my options really).

    So here I am, back in NZ. I've already picked up a new job, on the sunny east coast, which looks fun. I'm moving into my new flat soon, and will be around more when I can get my net wired up. Basically I've been netless most of the time, so haven't managed to get this post out sooner.

    On the good front, is up and running. I haven't had any time to do anything with it for ages, but I hope to do some work on it when my PC arrives from the UK. I have some plans and ideas, and my new job here is mostly web developing, using the same tools as I have on supermarras, so it should come in handy for stuff there too

    Anyway, that's me. I'm trying to be around more to catch everyone, but it's just not happening (being 12hrs ahead of the UK doesn't help much either...), but I'll get there when I have more time to get online.

    So, hope everyone is doing well and still around and reading. I'll catch yas soon hopefully
  3. Tower_EU

    Base Plots?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Yes - same when buying the next plot up (it will take into account your existing plot and take it off the new plot).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ok so say the plots are 0 (the usual one), 1.1, 3.3.

    Is it 1.1 to buy first one, then only 2.2 to buy the next one from that? Or do you need 3.3 but it only takes 2.2 anyway?


    Not that it really matters to me, bases have lost their appeal big time really.
  4. I have got *such* a headache.

    Bloody hell, I barely even remember running this thing. I think I actually did a mission afterwards, with like a full team. And someone called Kess was there. And Golden Crusader.

    I could have dreamed it all... It was surreal.

    Glad I could help out everyone. As you could probably tell, the Trial and Skull go way back.

    *mutters about invis supression changes* bah.

    I'm going back to sleep.
  5. I love this trial.

    23.15 tonight (UK time, 7/7/6), I'll run it if there are 8 people online who want it. Should take around 10minutes, less than 20 usually.

    Warning: I will likely be quite drunk at this point.

    Send a /tell to Skull Bender after 11ish if you want in. First 7 to sign in get to be part of it. I'll wait until around 11.30, then bugger off. If we do a run at 11 and more come after, we can do another before 11.30. After that, I'm going to be doing something else.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    As well as 3 mill influence, one of our members is donating a Hamidon Enhancement. For those of you who don't know, a Hamidon enhancement can be used by any origin and give a 33% boost in two different categories (for example, it might do both damage and accuracy)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You might want to add that the Hamidon Enhancement is most likely a level 50, which means that you'll need a character that is 47+ to actually slot it.

    Then again, people were buying Hami-Os for 25million inf each at one point. Possibly anyone that can't or doesn't want the prize could sell it on for a decent sum.


    Good luck on your event, horn.
  7. Would appear that post was meant for the teams - helllooooo thread...
  8. BIG congratulations on your 2nd 50 there Subject, was glad you waited for me so I could be part of the dinging team!


  9. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Ok, I guess it's time enough.

    Sorry I haven't posted in this thread for an age (definitely the longest time between my posts in this thread!), I've not been sure what to say about anything yet.

    I've registered and got hosting for It ended up that people were just 'used to' typing .com, and so we went for it. I might pick up .net and .org if we find the need, it's not a great deal of money per year.

    Feel free to wander over and have a look. It's REALLY far from finished, basically we've just started, and I'm still not sure I like what we have, I've been thinking about restarting it all from scratch, which will mean losing the gallery and forums that we have at the moment. At the moment we don't have much in those two, but yeah, it would suck if we started using it regularly and then we decided to can it all and start again. We have plenty of space and bandwidth on the hosting site, so I could make a new folder and try out some new things there anyway.

    If you visit, register. I'll look through the user list from time to time, and flag anyone I know as subscribers. This will give you post access to the forums, and it *should* give you upload rights to the gallery, but for some reason that is borked and pretty much the only reason I haven't gone public right now.

    Once you have forum access, feel free to use it to post anything anywhere. Please make loads of website suggestions, anything good that looks quick I'll put up quickly, anything good that will take time I'll try to take the time to do. If I say I'm working on anything and you see me in game... tell me to go work on the site, then explain to Puma why I've had to log

    Like I said, there are a lot of things I want to change, it's very early days, and I expect a lot of changes in the next week. Currently we have a few site admins with full access rights to the dotnetnuke content management system (the website), but I'm the only domain/host admin, and I don't see that changing ever.

    If anyone want specific email addresses, yell out to me. I can make unlimited ones, which is pretty cool, but most people have like a dozen email addresses anyway and won't need more. I have currently made the usual website emails (webmaster, forum, etc), and a personal one, but that's all so far.

    I'm still very much umming and ahhing about dotnetnuke. On the one hand it's very nice for quick setup of generic websites. On the other hand our site probably won't fit most generics. Sure we want a forum, guestbook, gallery, news/announcements, etc. But unless I can figure out how to develop new modules for dotnetnuke pretty quickly... well, we'll see.

    I'll still check back here for posts for a while, but I'll also have supermarras up on another tab.

    Thanks in advance for any constructive suggestions
  10. I'll be interested to hear how this goes guys, with the AV/GM changes not in yet you're going to need some major -regen to knock the king down a peg or 3, and isn't the Synapse TF just below the lingering radiation 'uber AV power' of radiation defenders? Take at least a couple kinetics with well-fast recharging transfusions and/or dark defenders with quick twilight grasp if lingering rad is 22+ like I think it is...

    Good luck, godspeed!
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Anything badgewise going on this evening?

    Would anyone be up for some PvP badges? I currently need the arena rated ones, including gladiator matches, and also need to kill 20 villains and rep badges. If anyone else needs these i'm willing to log as my villain and let him get killed til someone gets the badge, or if a villain wants one i'll let you kill my hero, in return for letting me kill you til I get it?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have a villain who can get into Bloody Bay (he's 17 I think) if you're keen on a trade. I almost never take him out of his box, and it should be quick enough to do (I fly upppp, drop, you shoot me, repeat, plus hospital coming with no health makes it fast), but there is that pesky 'you have killed this villain too recently' thing meaning you dont get reputation for doing it. Not sure how long the wait is or anything

    If it's something like 1 minute before you get more points from a kill, this will take a LONG time to get to 400 reputation each...

    I need loads of these on Tech, but seriously PvP is something I can never be bothered with. So I would likely not get most of them ever without organised killing like this.

  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    How about a big bunch of /DA scrappers, going in dead (teledropped perhaps) and using their self-rez power next to hami. Enough to disorient him? Would that even help at all? Hmm.


    [/ QUOTE ]
    Won't help at all, we need to hold him, not disorient

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How about if we forgo the hold phase, and just pummel him, then when he approaches critical spawn points, we mass disorient him. Can't spawn while disoriented?

    Shrug. Probably nothing, but I've heard the mag of that self rez disorient is so huge, maybe Hami will be easily disoriented by as few as a couple of rezzers doing it.

    How can we tell if he is... Does containment come to play on a disoriented enemy? If so a countroller could spam spectral woulds or any attack (bar inherents like brawl) and watch combat log for containment damage. If not, I guess it's hard to tell if the blob is disoriented...

    Shrug. Do we even have that many /DA scrapper with the self rez at that level?
  13. *pondering*

    How about a big bunch of /DA scrappers, going in dead (teledropped perhaps) and using their self-rez power next to hami. Enough to disorient him? Would that even help at all? Hmm.

  14. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Oh damn, just remembered, it's Thursday, that's Dutchies little RPing get-together thing.

    Think we can draw him back to do this TF? I don't know, has anyone been following whether he's actually having fun there or what? Maybe he's just looking for an excuse to get away.. Maybe he's having more fun with them than with us

    Tell ya what dutch, if you're reading, come to the Croatoa TF with us, and we'll all play in character for ya, so you don't feel like you're missing out

    Oh and those guild wars accounts I have, 2 are used by my nephews, 1 is shared between my nephews (this one doesnt have factions) but is pretty much not used, and the last is my own.

    Hopefully we'll be able to do the TF. We'll do something anyway

  15. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    I've been thinking about Guild Wars for a while, as it has no monthly fees, and it's made by the same peeps as CoH so hopefully should be quite good... Anyone played it?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hrmm... I have 4 accounts in GW. 3 of which have the expansion applied.

    I really don't like the game. Seriously .

    Oh, it's published by the same people, but completely different developers behind the games. There are a lot of things to like in GW, but enough that I loathe that I won't play it.

    Shrug. I'd recommend getting it, it's cheap enough and like you said, no subscription fees. Then you can play it, hate it, and come back to CoH
  16. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    We might as well give it a go we have 2 kineticists on team, and their transfusion does -regen, so if they're speedboosting each other, and just spamming it constantly, we should be good, even without lingering rad. Last time we tried it we did actually damage her, but then our kins lost speed boost and didn't transfuse quickly enough. Somethin like that.

    We need to fix your binds up Blade. From memory you need something like:
    /bind numpad1 "powexce_name speed boost$$team_select 1"
    /bind lshift+numpad1 "powexec_name increase density$$team_select 1"

    Remember you can do /bindsave (sp?), which will spit out a keybinds.txt file in your coh directory. Pop that open and you should be able to copy and paste the right commands and save it correctly and use /bindload... something like that. If you get in before me, which is likely, you can try it and see.

    I'm hoping to be home by about 6.30, but might be closer to 7 tonight. Any idea what time you'll be free Dogg?

    Like I said, a clan/other games might be jumping the gun , but we've got time.

  17. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Just got off the phone with Puma, she'll be home quite early today, and since there is a public holiday in Sweden tomorrow, she's quite keen on a TF tonight.

    Anyone else up for this? I'd still like to do Croatoa before they nerf the GMS, and with toons that don't need the exemplaring in order to join... So if Badge Hunter is available and willing, should be some ok xp. Oh darn, if he hasn't respecced Lingering Rad in, might be no point... . Maybe can find a ring-in rad, but that's such a hassle.

    J Dogg, was thinking earlier when reading a thread about the Task Force Commander badge.. If Badge Hunter dings 35 you should be able to do the Numina TF and get the this accolade. I'm thinking he'd be the first toon ever to pick up that accolade at the minimum level possible ... You'd probably have to die a lot so you didn't level though. But hey that just works toward the debt badge huh . Or just not do the missions and log back in for the final AV battle

    Damn lucky that you made him a Rad/Rad mate, heh, easy to find TF teams for you!

    Anyway, can't think of much more to say. I guess is what I'll be buying, unless people think .org is better? I dunno. Maybe .eu or somethin. I'll look around for a cheap domain registration place that gives me enough flexibility in what I do with DNSs and subdomains and stuff.

    We'll come up with plenty of content. Besides, it's not necessarily just CoH based. No reason we couldn't do it for other games we find interesting. Hrm, a Supermarras gaming clan? Shrug, maybe.

    Let's not jump the gun

    Laters all!
  18. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Was a good night last night

    Got to 22 with our midbies, need to slot up with a few SOs before the next meet up, have been considering a bit of a respec too for Ice Wish. Will see if I can come up with anything I want to lose/gain. I think the main/only thing could be to drop the flight pool and pick up hasten and maybe jump. Currently Poweramp is my only toon with Superjump, and he's the one I wish didn't, so might be respeccing him too.

    Whipped out the hunters last night, and had a blast. We rolled some new little ones to welcome our new Nu Hunter into the SG/group. SG is pretty decent looking now. Have 3 brutes I believe, Nu and Rho being created last night as Elec/Dark, my mastermind (Tau - nec/dark), a new Stalker that dutch rolled (Beta - /dark), and a whole range of */dark corrupters around the 16 mark

    we didn't manage to get to talk about the domain name though... Or what we plan to do with it when/if we get one.

    Blade don't worry about money... yet . If it works out expensive then yeah I'll yell out to the group to see if anyone wants to throw in for it, but I don't expect it to be overly so. I figure we'll go .org, and those are dirt cheap per year. The only thing I'm not sure about is web hosting, need to find a place that's cheap without ads and preferably does ASP.Net hosting, since that's my preferred web coding language.

    I have a few ideas for what to put up, there's a lot of free resources out there that we can customise if need be, or I can whip a few things up in my 'spare time' (like I have any, I'm in CoH if I do ).

    To be honest I'd like to get off this thread quite quickly, since I know some people dislike it in the main forums, and so we can just talk about anything we like anytime. Shrug.

    So if anyone has any ideas for domain names (and .net, .org, .info preferences?) throw them out here. If anyone likes the sound of anything suggested throw that in too. Currently I'm liking the idea of something with marras in it. Obviously or .org I like cause of the 'super' heroes/villains thing. I'd rather not have Ascended or any SG names in it, just make it generic enough that we can have and or whatever. Putting things in front of the main domain like that is free and we can do whatever we like there.,, etc, etc. I'm just using as a placeholder. If people think of something good then post it. Cheesy, I know...

    Shrug. Ideas would be good
  19. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    *sings* Hup Holland Hup!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *sings*? O_o

    Remind me not to go on Teamspeak tonight
  20. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Hmmm... Good one, how about something like marras or something. Though Ascended sounds great too.

    Will have to think about it, we can discuss this tonight aswell. *ponders about names*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hmm, com, org, net)?

    Could do, it's unlikely to be taken . Think for tonight, I won't register anything on a whim (considering though ).

    I should be able to get a load of useful stuff for the site. Need to find a hosting place etc too though. Sigh, I think this is why I haven't been bothered to do it in the past.

    There's always that sgregistration site or whatever it was called. Dunno if I liked it though

    Talk to yas later
  21. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Glad to have your other toons in with us Blade dude. Certainly makes the SG Roster look a bit more impressive with another pair of 50s . Pity about your old SG though, specially since you were a founder . Hey maybe we can persuade Scorp and Flash to jump too now

    Anyway, I think we're not able to pull out a TF tonight, Puma is working till late, so that leaves Croatoa out again. We'll get there soon, maybe this weekend

    It is Hunters night, too right. I'm up for that. After our last meetup session and that rather epic Mayhem mish (I swear we were in there for about an hour!), I'm raring for more! We definitely need to take in a LOT of blue insps though , maybe we can nominate someone to run to buy some every few minutes, lol. Grats to Dutchy dinging Omega Hunter to 16 (and picking up the mighty Shadow Fall!). Alpha and Gamma are less than half a bar from 17 now. Hey maybe we might have a chance with the Strike Force tonight when they ding

    Nah probably not

    Anyway, Dutch any chance you could get hold of Power Puncher and see if he'll be about? He has a corrupter and a brute at our levels now, heh, I should work on my Mastermind sometime (they're just *too* boring!).

    Ok that's too much villainous talk for this hero forum. I'm highly tempted to buy a domain so we can talk about what we want anywhere. I'll see what I can find at lunchtime. Any suggestions on domain name? Will be used for Ascended Union, Ascended Defiant, Xenohunters Defiant, and the Dutchies Brotherhood, if they want.

    Catch yas
  22. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Looks like the SG will be spending a lot of time in RV in the future

    Get us a Rad controller or defender and we can pick up the badges for the AVs that spawn too. I think there is one per different AV, and one for getting all 5? Shouldn't be hard with a team and a rad or 2.

    Well li'l Badge Hunter will probably get to 40 soon enough with all the TFs that are being thrown at him, so might be able to steal him for it. I know a few other rads from my AV hunting I7 days too. In fact this girl I am mishing with tonight has a 50 rad/rad, I'm going to tour her around RV for a bit, then work off debt I'm sure

    Was hunting Shivans yesterday with Death Kiss (Blade), after I woke around lunchtime. In one mob got ASd by a li'l stalker. Thought he might go away if I ignored him. You know, like bees. But he put me down. Got debt cause was fighting Shivans at the time... Popped back up, hunted him down, and squashed him. The only good stalker, and all that. Got my Man in Black badge (after a very bad joke by Blade ) 'If I kill another hundred, maybe I'll get the Man in Black 2 badge. It won't be as good as the first one though...'. Heh it was kinda amusing

    Anyway, will try to organise Croatoa for Weds if everyone is available?

    Will talk to everyone tonight some more.

    Also I need a willing villain... or 3, to kill over and over for the 400 reputation badge on tech

  23. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    We'll have a look when we get in tonight. Might take Tech out at some point, promised a friend I'd mish with her, but that will probably be quite late anyway.

    Oh in other news... I got 2 Contaminated last night!

    Yup was in RV getting some badges. Got 2 badges for controlling the big robots and one for taking over pillboxes I think, I dunno really. I was up late chatting to some late night friends and badgehunting. I guess I need like 80 more contaminateds for the badge sigh.

    Ah well. Will get there *eventually*.

    Catch yas tonight.
  24. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!


    So I had a good weekend! Had the BBQ on Saturday, met J Dogg and Irish Storm, amongst others. We did the Manticore TF on Sunday afternoon, and that went very well too, thanks to Dogg bringing Badge hunter to debuff Hopkins at the end, heh. Few more badges around and good xp for our group.

    This week...

    Ok how about now that we have J Dogg/Badge Hunter, we do some more TFs? We have the Croatoa TF unlocked, and the only reason we couldn't get anywhere was because of the AV... which wasn't really hurting us, just [censored] us off because we couldn't hurt her! I expect it to take 2hrs, maybe less, with our current up and comers, so we could do it during a weeknight. Hopefully we can get Irish in too, since it would be great to level her a bit with our group, she's been stuck at 33 for a long time

    Other than that I don't really have any plans. I'd like to get our 33ishs out more, or I might start playing Satisfaction without them, which I'd rather not, but I'm getting annoyed with him stagnating

    Anyway, anyone else have any thoughts?
  25. Big Grats Jade It's amusing because I was there when you were ungenericised to Jade not long after I7 was released , and have teamed with you on a few AVs since.