Electric Melee and Electric Armor




Yeah if my Stone/ElA Brute can tank, an ElA/Stone Tanker will be very survivable especially with Tanker numbers.



I suppose "very survivable" is relative. It'll be a very unique tanking experience, though, as much of ElA's mitigation comes from draining endurance. Not a style I'm really interested in playing, but will be something to watch.



I hope they dish out Conserve Power from the set and replace it with a click heal or click regen buff, call it Re-charge or something.

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I'd be surprised if it stayed in; otherwise Tankers could have two Conserve Powers. And that would be silly.



I hope they dish out Conserve Power from the set and replace it with a click heal or click regen buff, call it Re-charge or something.

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I'd be surprised if it stayed in; otherwise Tankers could have two Conserve Powers. And that would be silly.

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Can't Blasters potentially get two targetting drones these days?

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



No, they can get Targetting Drone which is a Toggle and Surveillance which isa click Defense/Resistance debuff

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



If a self heal of some type isn't offered in ElA, would you prefer +168% regen over Aid Self (not to mention that you can slot most of the afore mentioned into Aid Self)?

If not, then what do you give up to keep Stamina? Fighting Pool? Leaping/Flying (assuming you're trying to build defense)? Speed (Hasten)?

On a total resist set, you need every source of defense you can get AND a heal (as witnessed by Fire Tankers that attempt heavy tanking). Regen is nice but barely cuts it at WP levels in my experience.

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I'm not an expert at Elec Armor by any means and I won't pretend to be. My main point was that 168% regen isn't a trivial amount to just pickup somewhere. If you have AS with 95% heal slotting and recharging every 10s, it's exactly 1/4 of Aid Self, passively. (If you're using Aid Self every 10, you're spending ~30% of your animation time doing nothing but healing. That's a ton.)

I'm not saying I'd take 168% regen instead of Aid Self - I'd take both if I could. (As I said, I've never made a build without Fitness I've been happy with, so I'd be taking it anyways. That's just my opinion.)

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I can't disagree and like you, I have little first hand knowledge of ElA (a 20s El/El Brute for me) at the end game so we're just spitballing here really.

From my experience (and here I'm likening it to a Fire Tanker as that seems the closest corralary) for all the regen/defenses I can build up on a Fire Tanker, I know the largest telling factor in his survival is Healing Flames. Without that (or even a slower version) that Tanker's survivability goes wayyyyyy down.

Now my experience with Brutes in general is this: there are some Brutes that can be built as "Tankers" and some Brute combos that simply can't, given end game tanking (and that's really what my focus is on here but it includes full group tanking at almost any point within the game). Brutes have the luxury of having access to an amazing amount of support in full group situations between Dominators, MMs and Corruptors, while Tankers only really get relief from Controllers and Defenders by and large. Porting ElA over to Tankers may end up exposing just how much support a Brute really needs to effectively tank a full TF (again this is just spitballing).

Out of the box, I see an ElA Tanker being a cross between Fire and Will Power ... the largest missing factor here of course being the healing. Since an ElA Tanker will never have WP's regen and doesn't have (currently) a fast heal to depend upon, as it stands right now, my supposition is that said Tanker will have to depend upon either its secondary (i.e. Dark Melee) or power pool (Aid Self) to do heavy tanking.

If that turns out to be correct, my further supposition is that since not every ElA Tanker is going to choose DM as its primary, and eventually at least some of those ElA/* Tankers are going to want to do heavy tanking, they will have to either sacrifice offense (i.e. Hasten; which also effects some of their defense) or Stamina or some defense to get into Aid Self (assuming here that the Fighting Pool is a must for heavy tanking on an ElA (which I think it will be)).

My contention (and I totally agree with you about trying to build a Stamina-less Tanker previously) is that it might be possible to build a Staminaless ElA Tanker and totally not miss it with the combination of PS and x2 CP (PS itself can possibly be made to replace Stamina as has been noted).

Health, while certainly a big (of subtle) part of taking the Fitness pool, in my mind becomes ancilliary to the need of having an on demand heal of some sort. So in this case (and again only in my spitballing opinion) I think Aid Self becomes much of a greater need then Fitness for an ElA Tanker, even with the combined common virtues of Health and Stamina.

Time will tell (and this could get totally blown out of the water if CP gets replaced with Healing Flames or similar power, which would make ElA Tankers *extremely* attractive in my mind).



Well, time alone will tell, but I'm fairly sure CP will be replaced with something. Though I'm doubtful of whether that will be a straight out heal. Elec has such great end recovery abilities that I could see that being overpowered by Castle and co. Something like Drain Psyche probably makes more sense, as the regen could be a help. Or maybe a Dull Pain type power. *shrugs* I could be wrong, of course, Fiery Aura does get Consume and Healing Flames, of course. Though I'd be foolish to argue that Consume is better than Power Sink (other than the fact that you can get it much, much earlier).

And maybe it will all just stay the same, heh. You never know.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



I always wanted an invuln/elec tank for the longest time. Now though i'm thinking as i wanted a shield/fire to farm i might like shield/elec for it better anyways.

They NEED to get elec mastery for tankers with ball lightning included though! So much goodiness.

And as far as elec armor goes, i think an elec/dark melee tank would be very sweet.

Plasmic's Guide to Sonic/Mental

Plasmic's Guide to Regeneration

Plasmic Fire - 50 Fire/Rad Victory Server



Well, time alone will tell, but I'm fairly sure CP will be replaced with something. Though I'm doubtful of whether that will be a straight out heal. Elec has such great end recovery abilities that I could see that being overpowered by Castle and co. Something like Drain Psyche probably makes more sense, as the regen could be a help. Or maybe a Dull Pain type power. *shrugs* I could be wrong, of course, Fiery Aura does get Consume and Healing Flames, of course. Though I'd be foolish to argue that Consume is better than Power Sink (other than the fact that you can get it much, much earlier).

And maybe it will all just stay the same, heh. You never know.

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I agree that on the surface, a fast recharging direct heal might seem over powered and yeah a regen ability would make more sense from a balance standpoint although functionally I don't think it'd help unless it gave WP/Regen levels of regen in short bursts (i.e. a ghetto version of Fast Healing).

Dunno ... should be interesting though.



Well, time alone will tell, but I'm fairly sure CP will be replaced with something. Though I'm doubtful of whether that will be a straight out heal. Elec has such great end recovery abilities that I could see that being overpowered by Castle and co. Something like Drain Psyche probably makes more sense, as the regen could be a help. Or maybe a Dull Pain type power. *shrugs* I could be wrong, of course, Fiery Aura does get Consume and Healing Flames, of course. Though I'd be foolish to argue that Consume is better than Power Sink (other than the fact that you can get it much, much earlier).

And maybe it will all just stay the same, heh. You never know.

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I agree that on the surface, a fast recharging direct heal might seem over powered and yeah a regen ability would make more sense from a balance standpoint although functionally I don't think it'd help unless it gave WP/Regen levels of regen in short bursts (i.e. a ghetto version of Fast Healing).

Dunno ... should be interesting though.

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The real question is how much Castle values Endurance Drain as a mitigation ability. This is something I've been wanting to ask him forever, since it affects both Electric Armor and Electric Blast, both of which tend to get ranked at the bottom except for a few staunch defenders.

Global @Diellan - 5M2M
Mids' Hero/Villain Designer Lead
Virtue Server
Redside: Lorenzo Mondavi
Blueside: Alex Rabinovich

Got a Mids suggestion? Want to report a Mids bug?



Based on the amount of times I've teamed with */ela brutes and from my own horrid experiences with my axe/ela brute (now deleted), this set would be interesting ported to blue side. Some have been able to do great things with this set. I wasn't one of them I can see this set totally owning in synapse TF and the first mission of katie TF (mary bashing anyone?). Vahlz, hydra, arachnos, freak tanks, and ITF I see will be a pain. I still have nightmares of toxic taranchculas, slag golums and getting dropped in AE boss farms the moment I attacked a mob.
As far as cp is concerned, I can see them treating this like they do the epic ATs and block similar powers that where already taken. ie: widow's follow up/build up, crab's venom grenade, kheld's can't even touch flight or TP pools. If they do allow it, it may get treated like the stone armors or multi stealth powers.
I see short circut as better fit as a replacement for elm's jacob's ladder. I don't see that happening though. Only time will tell. For the first time, Ill be looking at all the ported sets in test. The last issue with PP was a no brainer. I knew exactly what I was going to roll. This time, I have less slots to work with along with questionable power ports with only claws on brutes and rad blast on blasters being the only two no brainers.

"All problems can be solved by throwing enough scrappers at it."

@Riez on Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted server.



I Took an Energy/Electric Brute to 46 mainly soloing (EVERY mission, every contact) and the odd time i did team i typically got my butt handed to me. i built this brute with fitness, Flight, fighting, and medicine.

A few things i noticed:
1- Conserve power is crap and Power sink is awesome.
2- between power sink and lightning field i could keep minions drained of end.
3- while the minions and lts were drained i could then use aid self easily.
4- the lack of a self heal really hurts electric armor in larger fights.

i deleted the 46 nrg/elec and have rerolled it as a dark/elec.
i'll probably roll an elec/dark tank as well.



MMMMMM an Inv/Elm tank. Can't wait.
Hammer-Hand lvl 50 Inv/SS
Geo-Lithic lv 50 Stone/Stone
Frozen Steele lvl 50 Ice/Ice
Agent Star lvl 42 Inv/EM
Syroth lvl 35 SD/DM



Absolute madness. I took an Em/Ela brute to 50 with Aid Self, Stamina and fighting pool and it was the time of my redside life. If they hadn't nerfed Em I'd still be playing it.

I solo, duo, small teams, TF/SF, you name it.

Some stuff that needs refuting in this thread:
Grounded: Works fine on slopes and [censored], that got fixed. Rarely got KB'ed at all, usually only if leaping from one spawn to another when an ally was in need.
Aid Self: One interrupt was enough to fire this off nearly whenever I wanted, a second and I was firing it off during dots without a second thought. Once you get used to the timing you can stop, heal and start moving again while the effect finishes.
Teams: If you can get ice or ff shields you are a god.
CP: It's good, or would you like to see the screaming if it was removed from the APPs? It will come in at frickin' level 18. People take both Stamina and QR but THIS gets ridiculed?

Then again, this is the Tanker forum so we will whine and [censored] and moan and tell people who want to be positive to "wait and see" rather than the other way around. lmao



It gets ridiculed because it's unneeded. Power Sink, on its own, makes it such. THEN you factor in Stamina and Endurance Reduction enhancements, and it somehow reaches negative.

It's an excellent power. Just not on Electric Armor and Energy Aura.



Absolute madness. I took an Em/Ela brute to 50 with Aid Self, Stamina and fighting pool and it was the time of my redside life. If they hadn't nerfed Em I'd still be playing it.

I solo, duo, small teams, TF/SF, you name it.

Some stuff that needs refuting in this thread:
Grounded: Works fine on slopes and [censored], that got fixed. Rarely got KB'ed at all, usually only if leaping from one spawn to another when an ally was in need.
Aid Self: One interrupt was enough to fire this off nearly whenever I wanted, a second and I was firing it off during dots without a second thought. Once you get used to the timing you can stop, heal and start moving again while the effect finishes.
Teams: If you can get ice or ff shields you are a god.
CP: It's good, or would you like to see the screaming if it was removed from the APPs? It will come in at frickin' level 18. People take both Stamina and QR but THIS gets ridiculed?

Then again, this is the Tanker forum so we will whine and [censored] and moan and tell people who want to be positive to "wait and see" rather than the other way around. lmao

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CP wasn't being ridiculed ... but the fact that Tankers already get it as an APP was thought to mean that it might be replaced for ElA Tankers.



Absolute madness...

Some stuff that needs refuting in this thread:
Grounded: Works fine on slopes and [censored], that got fixed. Rarely got KB'ed at all, usually only if leaping from one spawn to another when an ally was in need.
Aid Self: One interrupt was enough to fire this off nearly whenever I wanted, a second and I was firing it off during dots without a second thought. Once you get used to the timing you can stop, heal and start moving again while the effect finishes.
Teams: If you can get ice or ff shields you are a god.
CP: It's good, or would you like to see the screaming if it was removed from the APPs? It will come in at frickin' level 18. People take both Stamina and QR but THIS gets ridiculed?

[/ QUOTE ]

As someone who's been defending ELA & anticipating its port to tanks for years now... overreact much?

Agreed on AS, but the fact that I might have to take it in the first place is a bit irritating. Still, most tanks "have to" take certain pools to make up for some shortcomings.

Grounded is a PitA if you happen to hop a lot using CJ + Hurdle for high, unsuppressed mobility during combat. No biggie for me since I'm still dropping in a BotZ or 3 for the set bonuses, but not everyone can do that.

Fire tanks are pretty godly w/an Ice or FF fender on the team. Does that mean they're uber all of a sudden?

If you actually read the arguments against CP, you'd find very few ppl want CP *and* Power Sink. W/o PS, of course CP would be greatly valued.

Again, try to keep in mind, I *like* ELA. Doesn't mean there aren't valid & constructive criticisms about the set and how it might be improved coming to tanks.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



They should just add something called Electric Surge which acts like Healing Flames..

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Agreed, but the extras like a strong tier 9, end drain protection, a +recharge +speed auto power, kb/teleport protection, a fast recharge pbaoe end drain AND a healing flames clone would be a little much if you ask me.

Something like reconstruction with a 80 second base recharge timer would be a little more reasonable. Either that or a fast healing clone or a auto HP power. Personally I'd prefer the self heal over the other 2.




Electric Armor - Oh good, another set that requires pool powers to team tank. Pass. Unless CP gets dropped for a heal. In which case, might just work. And would drop Fire even further down the chain.

Electric Melee - Could be a fun set. DM/ElM for stunny goodness might be a good time. The previously mentioned SD/ElM for double port aoes for maximum carnage. Acceptable.



I see short circut as better fit as a replacement for elm's jacob's ladder.

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don't you EVEN consider touching jacob's ladder. Its the reason i've been waiting for elec melee to port to tanks this whole time.

Plasmic's Guide to Sonic/Mental

Plasmic's Guide to Regeneration

Plasmic Fire - 50 Fire/Rad Victory Server



They should just add something called Electric Surge which acts like Healing Flames..

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Agreed, but the extras like a strong tier 9, end drain protection, a +recharge +speed auto power, kb/teleport protection, a fast recharge pbaoe end drain AND a healing flames clone would be a little much if you ask me.

Something like reconstruction with a 80 second base recharge timer would be a little more reasonable. Either that or a fast healing clone or a auto HP power. Personally I'd prefer the self heal over the other 2.

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Really, i'd personally prefer a fast healing clone tied in with a auto + hp power.

As it stands now, maybe a touch over fire armors resistance and just a few resistances to things like slows and end drain. This set is going to be far to weak for me to even consider without something like a combined fast healing/auto hp power in place of CP.

which likely see they might do since tankers already get CP in the epic, and they don't want ATs to have double of something like that, hence why blasters dont get it in the epics.

Plasmic's Guide to Sonic/Mental

Plasmic's Guide to Regeneration

Plasmic Fire - 50 Fire/Rad Victory Server



They should just add something called Electric Surge which acts like Healing Flames..

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Agreed, but the extras like a strong tier 9, end drain protection, a +recharge +speed auto power, kb/teleport protection, a fast recharge pbaoe end drain AND a healing flames clone would be a little much if you ask me.

Something like reconstruction with a 80 second base recharge timer would be a little more reasonable. Either that or a fast healing clone or a auto HP power. Personally I'd prefer the self heal over the other 2.

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Really, i'd personally prefer a fast healing clone tied in with a auto + hp power.

As it stands now, maybe a touch over fire armors resistance and just a few resistances to things like slows and end drain. This set is going to be far to weak for me to even consider without something like a combined fast healing/auto hp power in place of CP.

which likely see they might do since tankers already get CP in the epic, and they don't want ATs to have double of something like that, hence why blasters dont get it in the epics.

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While I still don't think CP will be removed from ELA when it's ported over (I think they'll just block the epic choice from people), I think the most likely replacement (and good for Brutes as well) would be a Stamina clone.

And yes. CP is great. It's that you don't need it with a slotted up PS, that it becomes worthless.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Electric is a worthless armor set without a heal or something capable of making you not faceplant.

On a team you may survive, but not every team has some kind of heals or buffs that get applied to the tank. Because of this I feel all tank sets should be able to stand on their own two feet as far as survival goes and electric armor fails at that.

My only hope for the set is that it gets some kind of heal/utility power in place of Conserve Power. CP is unneeded in a primary when you have Power Sink plus potential to get CP in epic pools. Actually If they removed CP and PS and replaced them with a Drain Psyche variant plus some kind of cool utility power the set could be awesomesauce.

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I totally second that !

Having already CP in the EPP is our real hope to get something much better ! A self heal please ! (and the same for scrappers^^)



i dont care what anyone says...im looking forward to my spanky new elec/elec tank.

already got 3 sets of glad armor and pancea waiting for him. plus the 3% resist unqiue and the 2 3% defense i.o's....ooooooh what good times ..

now i just need a outfit for him