Electric Melee and Electric Armor




The higher Tank resists should help, but I think Elec Armor tanks are going to have to rely on Tough and End Drain as mitigation. Think of it as Fire Armor with a sapper power instead of a Heal. I'd love to see Elec Tanks replace CP with Short Circuit.

Is it gimmicky? Yes. Is it anbother set that requires Tough to be viable to most- yes. But It is different, and that is whaty makes it fun, for me at least.

As for Capping Defense? I was able to get 48%+ melee defense on my Elec/Elec Stalker, so this IS doable.. and looks like a very sick possibility (in a good way).

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Tough doesnt bother me.. I put tough and weave on Every Tank ( yes even Stone.. and yes its overkill )

Its just that I see the set on Brutes and I am not that crazy about it on brutes.. I can see of you really went for end drain then that would add some damage mitigation and you really dont need Conserve Power AND the Drain... One of those has to go.. They should just add something called Electric Surge which acts like Healing Flames..

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



The higher Tank resists should help, but I think Elec Armor tanks are going to have to rely on Tough and End Drain as mitigation. Think of it as Fire Armor with a sapper power instead of a Heal. I'd love to see Elec Tanks replace CP with Short Circuit.

Is it gimmicky? Yes. Is it anbother set that requires Tough to be viable to most- yes. But It is different, and that is whaty makes it fun, for me at least.

As for Capping Defense? I was able to get 48%+ melee defense on my Elec/Elec Stalker, so this IS doable.. and looks like a very sick possibility (in a good way).

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Tough doesnt bother me.. I put tough and weave on Every Tank ( yes even Stone.. and yes its overkill )

Its just that I see the set on Brutes and I am not that crazy about it on brutes.. I can see of you really went for end drain then that would add some damage mitigation and you really dont need Conserve Power AND the Drain... One of those has to go.. They should just add something called Electric Surge which acts like Healing Flames..

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Understandable.. Brutes kinda get screwed with it because while they have Tanker level Resist caps they start with Scrapper numbers- so it does feel squishy.

How about your Electric Surge idea but instead of heals it boosts resists instead? That would be a nice twist.

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



*cough* Cheby *cough*

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Port in, port out. >.> What?



I don't like electric armor on a brute, as it's not as survivable as I would like, but with tank numbers, it rocks.

I'd put together a WM/elec brute build with 40%+ melee defence which would be soft capped on tanker numbers and throw in 80%+ resists to S/L/E, you're in pretty good shape.

I agree it would be a complete turkey on SOs.

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Yeah, this is exactly what I'm thinking. There's a *huge* difference bet. 60-ish resists and 80, which is what going from Brutes to Tanks gets you. Yes, you need (really want) Tough, so what? Most tanks do. If you take AS and get your defense up through IOs (really easy to do these days), I really think Elec will be one of the tougher sets out there. Yeah, those are a lot of ifs, but it's got potential, if you're willing to plan & spend a bit.

I do agree that CP is worthless for the set (hell, I can prolly do w/o PS, but again, that's very IOed out). If they do introduce a self-heal in its place, Elec is going to absolutely own.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Has a powerset ever changed (as in powers swapped out) when it was ported to another AT?



If you discount changes to secondaries for Assasin AT then no. Only thing I can think of are name changes like fire/thermal shields and then taunt/confront. Anyone else know?

The issue here is why would/which Conserve Power stay since it would be available twice. Under Energy Mastery for Tankers and Body Mastery for Scrappers.



My point was going to be you probably won't see a change to Elec Armor since the same change would have to be across all the other ATs that utilize it.

I hope I'm pleasantly surprised and they sub in Healing Flames *just_for_tankers* which would make it a really REALLY attractive set, but somehow I doubt it.



Has a powerset ever changed (as in powers swapped out) when it was ported to another AT?

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Yes: Fire Melee.

Combustion (aoe) [Tank] -> Cremate (st) [Brute, Scrapper]
Taunt (aoe taunt) [Brute, Tank] -> Confront (st taunt) [Scrapper]
GFS (2.44 scale dmg) [Brute, Tank] -> GFS (2.28 scale dmg) [Scrapper]



Has a powerset ever changed (as in powers swapped out) when it was ported to another AT?

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That I can think of, besides the Stalker changes, Fire Melee for Scrappers and Brutes.
Anyhow if Elec Armor for Tankers/Scrappers get something actually useful instead of CP there will be hordes of Brutes and Stalkers screaming...



Has a powerset ever changed (as in powers swapped out) when it was ported to another AT?

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Yes. Fiery Melee (Tanker vs. Brute/Scrapper version) and Psychic Blast (Defenders vs. Blasters) come to mind.

That's not counting stalkers, where a power in both the primary and secondary always gets removed for Assassin's Strike and Hide, respectively.



yeah last i knew fire tanks dont have cremate :P



Anyhow if Elec Armor for Tankers/Scrappers get something actually useful instead of CP there will be hordes of Brutes and Stalkers screaming...

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It strikes me that the ability to pick up Conserve Power at level 18 on a tanker would be one of the main attractions of the set. This is when you'd get it if it were ported over without changes. With auxiliary powers, you could have it twice, and any Electric Armor tanker I probably would make likely would have it twice.

Not sure why I am seeing the hate for what looks to me to be the most fun and useful power in the set.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Why would you have 2 CPs on an Electric Tanker when Power Sink is just around the corner (lvl 26 for Tankers probably)? Even Brutes who usually spend more endurance than Tankers since they never stop attacking find CP useless with El. Armor. Same for Energy Aura Brutes.

If you need 2 CPs (or even one) with Power Sink recharging in 30 seconds (slotted up) you're doing something wrong. My Stone/Elec Brute is an end pig and she's still 35 so I have P. Sink slotted with 1 recharge and have no more end problems whatsoever.



Basically, it might mean, between 2 CPs and PS, never having to go anywhere near Stamina, or even worry about collecting IOs for end recovery. That helps free up room for things like what looks to be the very necessary two picks for Aid Self and two picks for Tough (if not extra for Weave).

EDIT: Though I'm not really a fan of all-Res sets in the first place (I'd rather not get hit at all), so ElA is low on my wants list. I am very excited for Tankers getting ElM though!



Has a powerset ever changed (as in powers swapped out) when it was ported to another AT?

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That I can think of, besides the Stalker changes, Fire Melee for Scrappers and Brutes.
Anyhow if Elec Armor for Tankers/Scrappers get something actually useful instead of CP there will be hordes of Brutes and Stalkers screaming...

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oh well....were stuck with scorch and fire brutes arent...call it even..be happy to trade of scorch anyday for creamate..let alone fury to gaunlet

tell the brutes im rdy to deal anyday



Has a powerset ever changed (as in powers swapped out) when it was ported to another AT?

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Yes: Fire Melee.

Combustion (aoe) [Tank] -&gt; Cremate (st) [Brute, Scrapper]
Taunt (aoe taunt) [Brute, Tank] -&gt; Confront (st taunt) [Scrapper]
GFS (2.44 scale dmg) [Brute, Tank] -&gt; GFS (2.28 scale dmg) [Scrapper]

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Well maybe we will see a CP swap then.

Heraclea: You don't make a bad point about doubling up CP (basically making it perma between the 2 versions with the right build) and that would effectively kill the need for Stamina as someone else points out (between that and PS).

Using Aid Self with EA would seem a bit problematic to me, being an all resist set ... would 30% positional be enough to use it reliably?



Coldmed, are you clueless? The 1st choice for brutes and scrappers is between scorch and fire sword, not cremate. Cremate is a level 2 pick, when you Tankers get Combustion, which many scrappers and Brutes would trade for Cremate as it was said several times.



There is also corrupter traps vs mastermind traps, and stalker willpower without RttC and with a self heal.



Using Aid Self with EA would seem a bit problematic to me, being an all resist set ... would 30% positional be enough to use it reliably?

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We refer to Electric Armor as ElA and Electric Melee as ElM to avoid confusions with Brutes and Stalkers. EA is Energy Aura.

Yes, 30% positional + 2 interrupt redux in Aid Self will be enough to use it reliably. Or, depending on your primary, you can use it after a mitigation power. My Stone/ElA has no defense and uses Aid Self after Fault reliably.



Anyhow if Elec Armor for Tankers/Scrappers get something actually useful instead of CP there will be hordes of Brutes and Stalkers screaming...

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It strikes me that the ability to pick up Conserve Power at level 18 on a tanker would be one of the main attractions of the set. This is when you'd get it if it were ported over without changes. With auxiliary powers, you could have it twice, and any Electric Armor tanker I probably would make likely would have it twice.

Not sure why I am seeing the hate for what looks to me to be the most fun and useful power in the set.

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The power has a duration of 90 seconds and a recharge of 600 seconds, thats an uptime of 15% without enhancements and 29% if fully slotted. Thats not going to help anyone skip Stamina.

Making Power Sink tier 7, though, would.

Power Sink has a 60 second cool-down and it can literally refill your full endurance bar with enough foes around. That's every 31ish seconds with 3 recharge SOs. Conserve Power is entirely redundant in the set, not to mention horribly weak compared to the alternative.



Coldmed, are you clueless? The 1st choice for brutes and scrappers is between scorch and fire sword, not cremate. Cremate is a level 2 pick, when you Tankers get Combustion, which many scrappers and Brutes would trade for Cremate as it was said several times.

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scorch is minor damage..fire sword is mod damage =tanks first 2 picks

brutes first 2 picks.. fire sword and cremate a mod and high damage power..yeah i feel for brutes :/

like i said..no brute should EVER complain about tanks. soo many reasons why tanks have gotten the shaft for brutes time and again.

more options then tanks have..took over 4 years to get one new powerset for tanks and they had to share it with everyone

i can go from fury taken from tanks and given to brutes.

not having to live with scorch for 5 years

hell even burn on fire brutes had a better recharge then tanks at one point. so even when they shared powers brutes had better recharge for years.

poor things and here maybe ..just maybe we wont have 2 conserve powers and get a self heal?..gimmie a break.



Coldmed, are you clueless? The 1st choice for brutes and scrappers is between scorch and fire sword, not cremate. Cremate is a level 2 pick, when you Tankers get Combustion, which many scrappers and Brutes would trade for Cremate as it was said several times.

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scorch is minor damage..fire sword is mod damage =tanks first 2 picks

brutes first 2 picks.. fire sword and cremate a mod and high damage power..yeah i feel for brutes :/

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So? A lot of ATs have to pick undesirable powers (Gale for example for trollers, corrs and MMs). And Scorch is in no way a weak pick, one of the highest DPS chains for Fire include Scorch, just ask in the scrapper forums.

Plus, as I said, you got Combustion instead of Cremate, it's more than a fair tradeoff. Hell if Scrappers got Combustion, fire scrappers would be great farmers.



Indeed. If my Fire/SR Brute had Combustion he would be an amazing farming machine.



And Scorch is in no way a weak pick, one of the highest DPS chains for Fire include Scorch, just ask in the scrapper forums.

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Incin &gt; Scorch &gt; Cremate &gt; Scorch is an excellent, cheap chain. You need some decent recharge bonuses to get above that, though you can. I would not give up Scorch or Cremate for my scrapper, though I'd trade GFS for Combustion (w/the above combo, FS &amp; GFS are wasted, though both are useful for the higher DPS chains). I'd sure as hell give up Breath for Combustion.

Re: CP - considering you pick it up at 18, it's not even going to be slotted w/SOs (or equivalent IOs) til 22 which means your downtime is far too high for it to matter much before you pick up PS anyway, and thus make it superflous. Even if you were planning a respec build, I'd just take Stamina and spec out of that, not CP, after PS. Considering how much I like Hurdle &amp; Health, I'll likely take Stamina anyway, though I may push it later into the build on a respec.

As for fitting in Med pool, you can sorta skate by w/o Hasten, since you get Lightning Reflexes. My plan would be for Fitness, Leaping, Med &amp; Fighting, though I'll have to see if I need Maneuvers to hit any def caps (in which case I'd prolly drop... Fitness ).

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Anyhow if Elec Armor for Tankers/Scrappers get something actually useful instead of CP there will be hordes of Brutes and Stalkers screaming...

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It strikes me that the ability to pick up Conserve Power at level 18 on a tanker would be one of the main attractions of the set. This is when you'd get it if it were ported over without changes. With auxiliary powers, you could have it twice, and any Electric Armor tanker I probably would make likely would have it twice.

Not sure why I am seeing the hate for what looks to me to be the most fun and useful power in the set.

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The power has a duration of 90 seconds and a recharge of 600 seconds, thats an uptime of 15% without enhancements and 29% if fully slotted. Thats not going to help anyone skip Stamina.

Making Power Sink tier 7, though, would.

Power Sink has a 60 second cool-down and it can literally refill your full endurance bar with enough foes around. That's every 31ish seconds with 3 recharge SOs. Conserve Power is entirely redundant in the set, not to mention horribly weak compared to the alternative.

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Well with a fully slotted CP, Hasten and fairly pedestrian global recharge, you can get CP down to 150s recharge. Add in a second CP with the same stats (what would happen here if nothing changes in ElA (that's for Kioshi ) and that would make CP effectively perma, no?