Electric Melee and Electric Armor





Tanks are the hope I have that conserve power gets dropped from ElA and thrown in Scirocco's patron pool while they get something actually useful. Powersink makes conserve power useless - even on builds that don't slot for endurance reduction. I run a SS/Elec and Elec/Elec at 50, and both are endurance hogs, and still I have enough endurance with power sink up every 20 seconds (IOs and Lighting Reflexes). It is very hard to burn through all your endurance in 20 seconds, especially with set IOs.

The only advice I have for anyone a rolling ElM secondary is do NOT proc chain induction. The power then adopts the proc's chance to fire as the chance to jump, meaning you'll rarely see a jump.

I recommend heading over to the brute boards to see the Fix Elec discussions, and also I will be more than happy talk about electric melee and armor. The short answer for both is that I enjoy the sets for the fun factor but wish I could perform as well as others.

The only other piece of advice I have is endurance drain is decent mitigation at even-con levels, but doesn't shine against higher cons. With that said, I took my elec/elec/mu brute out against AV Radio just to see if I could drain it solo. Oh, it was hilarious. Don't slot Lightning Field with end drain first. Slot if for dam/end redux. Power Sink is your main endurance drain tool. Lighting Field just maintains it. On my brute, a large amount of AoE damage comes from Lighting Field - it's actually stunning.



i dont care what anyone says...im looking forward to my spanky new elec/elec tank.

already got 3 sets of glad armor and pancea waiting for him. plus the 3% resist unqiue and the 2 3% defense i.o's....ooooooh what good times ..

now i just need a outfit for him

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Didnt you say the same thing about dark/dark? And we all know your feelings on that one.

50 Tanks: Invul/ss, Fire/ice/fire, Ice/em, Stone/fire
WP/Stone, dark/dark, shld/mace

50 Other: WS, SS/dark/sc brute, BS/Regen/WM scrpr, fire/fire/force blaster, rad/kin corr, mind/rad ctrl, ill/storm cntrl



I think the most likely replacement (and good for Brutes as well) would be a Stamina clone.

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I'm going to reply to this without being snarky.

Power Sink makes every other endurance tool nearly pointless. Stamina, End Reductions in armor and attacks, and especially Conserve Power. Replacing one endurance tool with another is a waste of time, as Power Sink is the backbone of the set.

Phew. No snark, I think...



i dont care what anyone says...im looking forward to my spanky new elec/elec tank.

already got 3 sets of glad armor and pancea waiting for him. plus the 3% resist unqiue and the 2 3% defense i.o's....ooooooh what good times ..

now i just need a outfit for him

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Didnt you say the same thing about dark/dark? And we all know your feelings on that one.

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actually no i didnt..i wasnt happy to get dark to begin with cause i wanted elec..

i only did it cause i have all the primaries...he doesnt have any purples or unqiues or anything like that

been waiting along time now for my elec tank

i did however start saving for sheilds ..that was a must have as well. hes all purples out and soft capped ti high heaven



I still think on blue side Elec Armor will be amazing. Red side has some nasty end game baddies and the end game baddies on blue side imho are not as dangerous for elec armor compared to the end game red side baddies.

Longbow, Renegade and anything Toxic was my biggest pet peeve with Elec.

Ritki and any other elemental/energy based baddie just tickled.

I think this will be my first tanker! woot!



Rikti tickle until the swords come out ;_;



I have a Energy Melee/elec Armor brute at 50 and loved every minute of leveling him until the EM nerfs got him stripped of enhancmenets and shelved.

Many of you seem to be underestimating the survivability of a character that can take a hit beter then Ice Armor/ but play wiht the same lead off with the end drain style and go from there.

If anything with ELA geting ported ot tankers I'd want CP replaced with a foe debuff toggle similiar to darkest night.



Many of you seem to be underestimating the survivability of a character that can take a hit beter then Ice Armor/ but play wiht the same lead off with the end drain style and go from there.

If anything with ELA geting ported ot tankers I'd want CP replaced with a foe debuff toggle similiar to darkest night.

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A typed defensive set is similar in what way to a typed resistance set? That it has toggles?!

In what way does darkest night, a to-hit debuff and -dmg have anything to do thematically with electric armor?

I have a feeling you are thinking of Energy Aura.



I STILL say Power Boost replacing Conserve Power in both EA and ElA. EA would have a ghetto t9 at level 28 to help pave the way forward, and ElA would be able to drain more effectively, and couple PBoost with melee set secondary effects.

At least, "I" think it's a good idea...



Many of you seem to be underestimating the survivability of a character that can take a hit beter then Ice Armor/ but play wiht the same lead off with the end drain style and go from there.

If anything with ELA geting ported ot tankers I'd want CP replaced with a foe debuff toggle similiar to darkest night.

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A typed defensive set is similar in what way to a typed resistance set? That it has toggles?!

In what way does darkest night, a to-hit debuff and -dmg have anything to do thematically with electric armor?

I have a feeling you are thinking of Energy Aura.

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You read my post obviously and missed what it was saying completely. i was saying in the comparaison to ice armor that the playstyle is similiar. Jump in and lead off with a end drain because as has been said and i know from experience once power sink hits lightning field can easily strip whats left of a foes end (exceptions being eb's, av's and gm's)

when i suggested a debuff toggle I also said similiar to darkest night not a exact port. What i was thinking instead was to possibly take the dmg debuff darkest night along with maybe either a -end recovery or -regen effect on it and create a entirely new tool to replace conserve power.

No i wasn't confused with energy aura i just should have been more speific about what i was trying to say in my first post. sorry for any confusion.

as far as this new power i'm sugestion goes conceptually. What foe in thier right mind would want to smack someone crackling with electricity and if they did you really think they wouldn't get some sort of feedback shock from doing so??...

Ok i just gave myself another idea if the first doesn't work.
What about a click aoe power that can't be recharge redued but has a scaling dmg debuff to it based on how many enemies are agroed and cna also have a heal attached to it.
Concept would be a strengthing of the players electrical field via absorption of pieces of the electricla field of others that hit him.

Ok i'm done hope that made sense.



Rikti tickle until the swords come out ;_;

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SO true! Get rid of powersink if you must but one reason why i loved my elec brute b/c due to powersink and CP I could easily run around w/o Stamina.