Electric Melee and Electric Armor




Wait till you play it. Brutes don't shun it for no reason



Yes, assuming those numbers are correct, it does seem like it's going to be yet another set that is going to require you to run Tough on top of it before its performance becomes equal to the task. I remember when Resistance used to be what you want and Defense the less desirable of the two.

There are a fair number of Sonic damaging Council and Freakshow blueside, although the Freakshow seem to be confined to specific TFs and story arcs. The Council are fairly common, though.

I do hope that Conserve Power is kept. That would be one of the chief attractions of the set, IMO, especially if it became available at the same tier.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Personally,i see Fire Armor as a armor set for tankers that will still outshine Elec/,mainly becuase it offers 2 major advances vs the 2 sets.

Fiery Embrace,more damage,and secondly,yeah,itll have some resistance diffrences,where fire will still be just under elec armor,but wheres the 3/4 HP heal for the Elec/ Tanker?

Fire/ wins,again.




That isn't an incorrect statement to make ... but I think the biggest telling factor will be the lack of heal. Using a totally resist based set (even with IO help to defense) will make it very difficult to pull off Aid Self when you really need it.

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Actually, I use Aid Self all the time on my EM/Elec Brute. Well, not literally all the time; just when I need to heal, which is probably no more often than any other Brute. And I even do it during combat thanks to 2 Interrupt reducers slotted into AS. Usually, the only times when I'm interrupted are during DoT attacks, but that's a universal problem.

Small group and solo stuff shouldn't be a worry, but I can only imagine an Elec/* Tanker trying to do an ITF speed run or STF (or Reichsmann for that matter). Frustration comes to mind.

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In situations where you need a well-slotted Invuln or a Granite, no -- Electric Armor won't fare well in those. As I said elsewhere, this - like Fire Armor - is an offensive-minded defense set, and will likely work out better for Scrappers than for Tankers. That's not to say it's rubbish, though. We just don't yet know the set's limits in a pure "tanking" sense.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Wait till you play it. Brutes don't shun it for no reason

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Actually, I sorta liked my Elec brute, but never got too high w/him. Scrappers are dissing its prospects too, but their resists cap lower than Tanks, and again, I fully intend to also cap my defenses.

I'm thinking an SO-only Elec tank will prolly be about as useful as an SO-only Fire tank, maybe a little more. My Fire tank w/capped S/L def still gets his butt kicked by psi, but is pretty awesome elsewhere. Just getting rid of that hole (have I also mentioned the end drain resistance?) is enough for me to try out Elec on tanks.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



im totally friggin excited cause i wanted elec tanks when they gave us dark/dark's

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Same here, I was disappointed that we got Dark instead of Electric, but at least now not only are we getting those sets, we'll be able to alter their colour!



Electric is a worthless armor set without a heal or something capable of making you not faceplant.

On a team you may survive, but not every team has some kind of heals or buffs that get applied to the tank. Because of this I feel all tank sets should be able to stand on their own two feet as far as survival goes and electric armor fails at that.

My only hope for the set is that it gets some kind of heal/utility power in place of Conserve Power. CP is unneeded in a primary when you have Power Sink plus potential to get CP in epic pools. Actually If they removed CP and PS and replaced them with a Drain Psyche variant plus some kind of cool utility power the set could be awesomesauce.

I'm going to have to reserve final judgment til I see what they do, but I am skeptical.

I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.



After playing an Electric/Electric blaptroller I was kind of disappointed of the feel of Electric Melee for brutes. Not based on damage numbers but on the lack of oomph the power effects had for brutes as compared to blasters. The blaster melee attacks are more like a localized explosion whereas the comparable brute attacks seem like an intense electrical shock. All just my opinion so take it for what it's worth to you.

"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



Personally,i see Fire Armor as a armor set for tankers that will still outshine Elec/,mainly becuase it offers 2 major advances vs the 2 sets.

Fiery Embrace,more damage,and secondly,yeah,itll have some resistance diffrences,where fire will still be just under elec armor,but wheres the 3/4 HP heal for the Elec/ Tanker?

Fire/ wins,again.

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you can count HF as a bonus over fire, but FE at 90 sec recharge is not in my opinion.

The never ending endurance is nice. I have a dark/elec brute and siphon life helps quite a bit.

As always, I am happy for more power proliferation though. I will make an electric melee tank I think.

Ice Ember




I'm betting Electric Armor will make an excellent Scrapper set for one reason; Tanks. Tanks on teams with scrappers take most of the aggro leaving scrappers less likely to take one a full alpha. Brutes are pigeon-holed into the Tank role on CoV so electric armor is right up front for the alpha. Sure the set is great with the Fighting Pool and Aid Self, but so would a blaster with an epic armor.



Sweet Zombie Jesus!!!

First shiny tights for boots and gloves, now Electric Melee for tanks!? There is officially nothing left on my 'want' list for this game. I've wanted an Inv/Elec tank forever.

I'm going out of my freaking mind.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Personally,i see Fire Armor as a armor set for tankers that will still outshine Elec/,mainly becuase it offers 2 major advances vs the 2 sets.

Fiery Embrace,more damage,and secondly,yeah,itll have some resistance diffrences,where fire will still be just under elec armor,but wheres the 3/4 HP heal for the Elec/ Tanker?

Fire/ wins,again.

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you can count HF as a bonus over fire, but FE at 90 sec recharge is not in my opinion.

The never ending endurance is nice. I have a dark/elec brute and siphon life helps quite a bit.

As always, I am happy for more power proliferation though. I will make an electric melee tank I think.

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Ahhhh now you're talking ... Elec/DM Tanker does sound appealing.



I do hope that Conserve Power is kept. That would be one of the chief attractions of the set, IMO, especially if it became available at the same tier.

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Actually to be honest I hope CP is the one power they LOSE in favour of a self heal or something. Power Sink recharges so fast that endurance loss is not an issue with Electric Armor. The biggest problem ELA has is the lack of a heal and since it's a resistance based set it means you'll be hit a lot and the odds of even getting off a Aid Self heal is highly unlikely.

If they took out CP which is in my opinion redundant for the set and put in a heal (even making it a to hit heal off an enemy like Dark Regen) it would improve the set 100X. If not I would avoid this set like the plague because against energy blasting foes like Rikti you'll feel like God. But the second you are up against S/L or Fire attacking foes you'll quite literally feel the burn

It was for this reason alone that when I made my Brute long ago I made him Stone Melee/Electric because I had to spam Fault and Tremor over and over to keep the baddies either knocked down or disoriented so that they weren't chipping chunks out of my health.

The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]



I'm rather tempted to drop an Elec/Elec Tanker and run with a Brute for Going Rogue, then have him sideswitch. Elec is a little weaker for ST damage for Brutes, so it will be for Tanks as well, I would think. I'm thinking having Fury will help get around that more. Plus, then I don't have to worry about main tanking much with him, hehe.

But yeah, I wish they would take out Conserve Power. I put together a Brute build, and it is obviously not necessary with Power Sink and your End Drain resists. Pretty much everyone on the Brute forums recommends not taking it, and it's quite clearly not needed.

Heraclea, I know you love your endurance, but Power Sink comes back every 30 seconds when slotted. That's almost every mob or every other, depending on how fast you're running. It really does feel superfluous to the set, especially without any heal or regen.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



a fire tank w/ capped energy and end drain resists and w/ gimmicky kb protection but no self heal

that better?

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I think that people are forgetting something...... Electric armor will most likely have a change before tanks/scraps get it.. because...

CP is in the epic powers. AND in Electric Armor. I doubt that the devs will let this be and expect CP in electric armor to be a heal click instead of conserve power since its available in the epic pools. So this pretty much tells me logically that a change is coming. I would hope brutes get a heal type power if tanks/scraps get it too.

Post Comic book Fan Films that ROCK!
Fight my brute



I'm on the fence about ELA

What I would do:

1. Give PS the Energy Drain treatment that EA got for brutes, and put in a decent heal along with the end recovery.

2. Drop CP, and in place of that, put in another auto that adds resistance to all. This would be a low amount, naturally. But enough to help the fact there there are no -res debuff resists in the set.

Obviously, the devs have already done something to port it over, I'm sure what they've done at least tries to balance out these issues.

If any of you get a beta invite, then please, please, PLEASE play this set into the ground. Mention anything that feels off or broken, and for heaven's sake, use numbers when you talk about it!!


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Wait till you play it. Brutes don't shun it for no reason

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They shun it because they have no clue. I love my WM/Elec brute. Then again, I love my Elec/EA brute as well. Maybe I'm just strange.

50 Tankers: Ice/EM, Stone/WM, Fire/Stone, Dark/Ice, Inv/SS, Inv/Dark, Elec/Elec
50 Brutes: ElecMelee/EA, WM/Elec



Electric is a worthless armor set without a heal or something capable of making you not faceplant.

On a team you may survive, but not every team has some kind of heals or buffs that get applied to the tank. Because of this I feel all tank sets should be able to stand on their own two feet as far as survival goes and electric armor fails at that.

My only hope for the set is that it gets some kind of heal/utility power in place of Conserve Power. CP is unneeded in a primary when you have Power Sink plus potential to get CP in epic pools. Actually If they removed CP and PS and replaced them with a Drain Psyche variant plus some kind of cool utility power the set could be awesomesauce.

I'm going to have to reserve final judgment til I see what they do, but I am skeptical.

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I don't like electric armor on a brute, as it's not as survivable as I would like, but with tank numbers, it rocks.

I'd put together a WM/elec brute build with 40%+ melee defence which would be soft capped on tanker numbers and throw in 80%+ resists to S/L/E, you're in pretty good shape.

I agree it would be a complete turkey on SOs.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Wait till you play it. Brutes don't shun it for no reason

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They shun it because they have no clue. I love my WM/Elec brute. Then again, I love my Elec/EA brute as well. Maybe I'm just strange.

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Oh please. If you felt that way you'd be posting in the 2 ELA threads. I'm guessing you solo alot.

Electric Armor is great for solo fighting. Unlimited endurance, medium resis to all, a strong Tier 9 for EBs and a nice damage aura that saps endurance from the baddies once PS does it's diligence of draining most of their end.

However, on teams ELA is not that great. It's easily overwhelmed especially with a damage aura attracting all the hate. As I stated before, Aid Self and Tough go a long way to round out the set but relying on a long animating, interruptable heal on a pure resistance set is a bad idea.

Lastly, KB protection is awesome...if you are not jumping or flying. This is a heads up to all you tankers that like to jump around in combat...don't unless you have Acrobatics or a -KB IO. Grounded loses it's immoblization and KB protection once you leave the safety of solid ground.

Clouded Story time.

I leveled up my EM/ELA Brute many moons ago, probably about 2 years. I didn't have much issue with being KBed while fighting since I didn't jump around much during combat. LR + Swift = nice movement. But when LGTF was first introduced I realized fighting Hamidon was impossible for my Brute. Everytime I jumped to attack a Mito...BAM...KBed. That was enough for me to drop Conserve Power (which rarely was used) for Acrobatics.

&lt;sips more coffee&gt;



Wait till you play it. Brutes don't shun it for no reason

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They shun it because they have no clue. I love my WM/Elec brute. Then again, I love my Elec/EA brute as well. Maybe I'm just strange.

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You can almost see the lightbulb flickering on while he's writing this post



I dont know to me Electric Armor looks like Fire Armor without Healing Flames.

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



I dont know to me Electric Armor looks like Fire Armor without Healing Flames.

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This is one of the big problems with Elec: it basically is Fiery Aura with no heal and more Energy resist than Fire resist. Its big advantage is the unlimited endurance, but most smart tanks can manage well enough without Power Sink, so that leaves it with... not a whole lot. You can softcap S/L on it, sure, but you have no Defense resist, so getting whacked by a sword or shot by a gun a few times is going to ruin all the hard work that you did IOing.



The higher Tank resists should help, but I think Elec Armor tanks are going to have to rely on Tough and End Drain as mitigation. Think of it as Fire Armor with a sapper power instead of a Heal. I'd love to see Elec Tanks replace CP with Short Circuit.

Is it gimmicky? Yes. Is it anbother set that requires Tough to be viable to most- yes. But It is different, and that is whaty makes it fun, for me at least.

As for Capping Defense? I was able to get 48%+ melee defense on my Elec/Elec Stalker, so this IS doable.. and looks like a very sick possibility (in a good way).

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



Depending on whether or not they replace CP, EA/DM looks promising.

Also, SD/EM looks like double port win. Wait a sec, that looks even better on scrappers!



*cough* Cheby *cough*