World of heroes=CoX 2?




So I was reading around, hoping to see if I could find out if there would be a CoX 2. Can't say I found much other than a couple articles explaining how NCsoft usually follows up on popular games, and since CO as well DCUO is coming up very quickly it'd be the logical move to jump onto a more advanced engine. Of course taking all that has been learned from this game...

I'm not saying jump the gun and assume it's coming out but hey I'm sure reading up on it yourself would get you going as well . Anywho I did stumble across some information that may or not be true. NCsoft supposedly owns the rights to this could have been just to secure people don't copy the CoH domain name, but it does scream out sequel. Now I'm not actually sure if this is true or not, but I'm hoping someone on here can clue me in on something.

I'd LOVE to see a new CoX, I started drooling at all the new possiblities I could imagine on my own. So i could only imagine a few months of focus groups might accomplish. I've been playing this game since the pre-order beta, took a 6month break and a few other small ones but ended up falling back into the old CoX trap...but lately it seems that trap is loosening up ever so slowly. I don't want to quit this game considering it's the only MMO I've ever played other than earth&beyond, which got shut down within a month of me starting, and WoW which just gives me the hebbie jebbies everytime I think about it.

Plzplzplz can we haz a new CoX for christmas!?!?!? Or...the christmas after that!?!?!



I think we've had this conversation tons of times, and I think the general consensus on the boards is, yeah, there'd be +'s, but for the most part, we all know it'll never happen.



All I have to say, is that I hope there is not a new CoH/V game coming out in the near future. I love this game, and would be loathe to have to upgrade my computer and buy a whole new product and start as a newb all over again just to stay with the IP.

On the bright side, World of Heroes is not a bad name at all. It would make sense to expand out of Paragon and do a bit more globally. However, with GR on the horizon and continuous work on Issues by the Dev team, I just don't see them "abandoning" CoH/V in the near future.

Also, releasing a new game in the wake of other new games wouldn't be a good move IMO. Why would people be inclined to pick up a brand new CoH when other tottally new games are being released at around the same time? It would make more sense, to me, if they would try to keep the ones who are already here subscribing.... by releasing more content for a game that already has a good following. Which is pretty much exactly what appears to be happenning.



What with a new Box coming out, I wouldn't expect there to be a sequel any time soon.



sequels to mmos tend to have the effect of splitting the playerbase. some move on, and some stay behind because that is where their characters they have grown attached to are, and both appear diminished. lineage 2 has been reported as having disappointing numbers vurses lineage 2, eq2 never got a large fanbase(shame because it was a good game) and ascarons call 2 died while the original still lives on. so honestly if they could get by with expansions and incremental engine upgrades, thats probably smarter than the path these 3 games indicate.



Upgrading CoX? Yeah, I'm all for that.

Making a new game? Hell no.

I like being right where I am. Being forced to leave just to get all the new stuff would be horrible. The good thing about MMOs is you don't need sequels, you can just build on the origional indefinitely.

No sequels, plz.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



I like being right where I am. Being forced to leave just to get all the new stuff would be horrible. The good thing about MMOs is you don't need sequels, you can just build on the origional indefinitely.

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Eventually, you end up with an archaic game engine, which can't necessarily support the changes you want to make to it.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



I was sort of more surprised Going Rogue was going to be a new expansion pack since CoH has turned 5 years old already. I had always figured NCSoft hired the whole lot (except Jack) from Cryptic and Posi secretly set them new employees to work on CoH2, now with Statesman having completely disappeared from the world (going to Krypton brb!) and Positron becomes the leader of the Phalanx against the new challenges that rise up...or who knows, making them make an Americanized Lineage 3 as NCNC [Elf boobies are the best part of that game]



If they designed CoH 2 so that existing CoH toons could be ported over to it somehow, I think they might have a better time of it with a sequel.

What I'd like to see from any Coh2 is essentially paragon and the RI from CoH1, but with shinier gfx etc, and another 3or4 times as much geography and content.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



If they designed CoH 2 so that existing CoH toons could be ported over to it somehow, I think they might have a better time of it with a sequel.

What I'd like to see from any Coh2 is essentially paragon and the RI from CoH1, but with shinier gfx etc, and another 3or4 times as much geography and content.


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This would be the smart thing to do. Create the new game engine and port over the customers characters. That way the playerbase doen't get split up between to versions of the game.



If they designed CoH 2 so that existing CoH toons could be ported over to it somehow, I think they might have a better time of it with a sequel.

What I'd like to see from any Coh2 is essentially paragon and the RI from CoH1, but with shinier gfx etc, and another 3or4 times as much geography and content.


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This would be the smart thing to do. Create the new game engine and port over the customers characters. That way the playerbase doen't get split up between to versions of the game.

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This. I'd see it as "The New City of Heroes" instead of "Something to play besides City of Heroes".

I remember the Devs (I think Statesman specifically, but don't quote me) talking about expanding to the World of Heroes concept, allowing players to go, well, all over the world. I think that it'd be a great concept and a ton of fun, but also a ton of work. Every "zone" (region on Earth) would need its own story, its own villains, and so on. It wouldn't make sense for the Circle of Thorns to be in China, since Orenbega is beneath Rhode Island. However, it would be cool to investigate the roots of Arachnos, the 5th, and the Council in Italy.



Based on the current methodology of creating expansion packs I would not expect a sequel but rather continued expansion while improving the graphics to the limit of the engine.

Can probably milk another 3-6 years out of it before the tech is just too old to build on.



Based on the current methodology of creating expansion packs I would not expect a sequel but rather continued expansion while improving the graphics to the limit of the engine.

Can probably milk another 3-6 years out of it before the tech is just too old to build on.

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Tell the guys who wrote everquest 1 that. Theyre still making expansions to it, and their engine is so archaic it makes CoH look modern..

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



Upgrading CoX? Yeah, I'm all for that.

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That's what SHE said.




Eventually, you end up with an archaic game engine, which can't necessarily support the changes you want to make to it.

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The point being that it's better to develop that new engine and incorporate it into the existing game than it is to launch a "sequel".

Game fans are attached to an IP as much as a genre and play style. If you split the IP, history has shown over and over that you split your player base without significantly drawing in new players. Guild wars may be the only game that actually succeeds at the "sequel" thing, primarily because Guild Wars itself is not really a MMORPG whereas "Guild War 2" will be.

In our case, the failure of City of Villains as a standalone property was a harsh enough lesson that the devs would be mad to create a separate stand-alone sequel game. City of Villains WAS "City of Heros 2". Just as there were not really thousands of people waiting to subscribe to City of Villains "because I'd rather play a villain", there are not thousands of people waiting to play World of Heroes "because I'd play if it had better graphics and a bigger world".

There is no "City of Heroes 2" and there should NOT be one. Everquest 2 was successful as far as it went, but its success came at the expense of Everquest. EQ's playerbase was cut in half in a short time, between the launch of EQ2 and the launch of WoW shortly afterwards. The only consolation for SOE was that EQ had some 400k subscribers to split on the one hand, and on the other hand a lot of EQ subscribers took the excuse to upgrade to a Station Access account (which at the time would let you play both games for less than the combined costs of the two subscriptions, along with Planetside and Star Wars Galaxies and EQ Online Adventures).



I would definitely buy "World of Heroes" if it ever came out. I already got a system that can handle 10 times the graphics CoH can dish out... I'm ready for an engine upgrade.

Don't get me wrong... I LOVE this game, and the gameplay mechanics... No other MMO has really appealed this much to me... But, CoH could definitely be improved on graphics-wise....

One can certainly dream of an Unreal 3 or 4 graphics engine-powered World of Heroes in 2011 that would have unbelievable graphics, while still able to do the job on just about any system in that day and time...

Unless, of course, you're still running your system from 1999 with Windows XP installed in 2011... :P

*sigh*.... It's a nice thought, anyway.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



I would definitely buy "World of Heroes" if it ever came out. I already got a system that can handle 10 times the graphics CoH can dish out... I'm ready for an engine upgrade.

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Would you subscribe to both games at the same time? If the answer is "no" then you've just illustrated why there won't be a "City of Heroes 2".



In 2011? Well, I couldn't be sure of what I would do 2 years or more from now... Heck, I may be dead then, and then I wouldn't be able to subscribe to anything at that point, would I? However, if we're going to continue on the hypothetical plane, I'd say... If CoH actually still existed alongside World of Heroes' release, then yes, I would subscribe to both... Hell, I already own 2 accounts in this game... Why not keep one, and use the money going towards the 2nd account for World of Heroes? NCSoft would still be getting the money either way.

Which, brings up another interesting point. If NCSoft was in charge of making World of Heroes... If the playerbase was split, wouldn't they still be making the same amount of money?

Actually, scratch that... I just realized the answer. They'd most likely be making MORE money, because the "splitting" part of the playerbase moving from CoH to World of Heroes would ALSO have to pay for the new game as well as switching their subscriptions from the old game to the new.

On top of that, are you saying that City of Heroes will "last forever", because they have a "solid" game?

Eventually, people will move on. You may be one of the more hardcore "I'll never leave this game until the day I die!" types, but not everyone is like that-ESPECIALLY gamer types... If there is a crowd with more ADD than you can shake a stick at, it'd be us. I stay with a game I really like for several years (CoH is the longest for me at nearly 4 years), but eventually, I don't play it anymore. I was "hardcore" into Unreal Tournament, but eventually I moved on to Unreal Tournament 2003, then 2004, then Unreal III....

Players move forward, as does technology and game developers. This is a competetive market. There's already 2 or 3 other MMO superhero games about to be released out there. I'm sure in 3, maybe 4 more years, NCSoft is going to either have to step up their game, or try and support an *eventually* dwindling playerbase.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



I would definitely want a "CoX 2" to be released sometime in the future. There is only so much you can expand on a game before players get bored.

So many things can be done that isn't possible or just isn't in this game. I for one would like if they got rid of archetypes so you can build your characters exactly how you want to. This would be a balancing nightmare, but it could be done.



It is actually very likely there will be some form of CoH 2 eventually. I would not, however, expect to see a sequel any time soon.

Edit: Spellchecker you've failed me again!

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



If anything, I suspect the days of sequelized MMO titles will be over, soon.
I mean, look at EVE and some of the other MMOs... they stay updated with occasional graphics updates, core engine updates, etc.

At a guess, that name was reserved to keep the option of expanding into that, in the long term.

Think about this: Cryptic is soon to have CO launched. NCSoft has CoX launched; both are likely to contribute to a new, fairly fertile ground.

This is likely to lend itself into thinking about how to expand. CO can simply expand, as the title of the game isn't limited to a single area. CoH is as is CoV; combined, right now, it's more of North American Continent of Superpowered than either City of.

Thus, likely expansions of the non-extradimensional kind will likely lead directly to a World of... scenario. After all, just because there is a nexus of superpowered right now in the story line, doesn't mean it will stay there.

Explorer: 93%. Achiever: 40%. Socializer: 40%. Killer 33%.
Current Heroes and Villains (altitis holding at 50 currents)
To all the devs, past, present, (and may there be) future: /salute
To NCSoft: Understand that you reap what you plant, and you cannot gain what you throw away.



sequels to mmos tend to have the effect of splitting the playerbase. some move on, and some stay behind because that is where their characters they have grown attached to are, and both appear diminished. lineage 2 has been reported as having disappointing numbers vurses lineage 2, eq2 never got a large fanbase(shame because it was a good game) and ascarons call 2 died while the original still lives on. so honestly if they could get by with expansions and incremental engine upgrades, thats probably smarter than the path these 3 games indicate.

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Emphatically this. I hope there's no sequel because it'd split the playerbase. I *do* very much want them to continually upgrade this game. I am hoping that Going Rogue will include a graphics engine upgrade.

What troubles me is the job posting that Paragon Studios has that is looking for a producer "for our next MMO". I don't want to see a Cryptic-style brain drain where 3/4 of the resources are shifted to a new MMO title with just a skeleton crew left on this one. We've been there, done that.

Finally, people seem to have odd ideas about how much time and effort it takes to create a new MMO. It's pretty normal to take 3 years to bring something to market.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



The point being that it's better to develop that new engine and incorporate it into the existing game than it is to launch a "sequel".

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I'm not sure that's how it works. Even assuming you can "incorporate" a new engine into an existing game, that won't make it look any better. Half-Life: Source doesn't look any better than the original Half-Life, despite being rendered in a next-gen (or what was a next-gen) engine for the simple fact that the textures remained low-res, the models low-poly and and the underlying game structure remained 10 years old. About the only thing Half-Life: Source has on the original Half-Life is that it came in a bundle with Half-Life 2. In fact, it was actually WORSE, because it lacked the "high definition" weapons and models from Blue Shift.

The point is, a new engine doesn't make a game look better. Remaking the game from scratch makes the game look better, with or without a better engine. Even if a new engine added new functionality, someone would have to edit the game to add situations where this functionality comes to play, which is the basic equivalent of making new content anyway. A new engine MIGHT make the game run faster, and for an inefficient engine like ours, that would be a BIG thing, but it won't make the game LOOK any less 7 years old than it is.

That said, I have to agree that making a sequel to the game would not be a smart move. City of Heroes has proven to be a franchise that doesn't attract too many new players, and I'm all but positive the OLD players aren't going to be subscribed to both. Unless they pull the plug on the original game, which they won't because it would be a huge mistake, they'll end up with two games to support for not twice playerbase.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.