What can we do to survive Reichsman ?




Ran the TF tonight on a PuG with my Stone/Fire tanker. First impressions:

First, it was just a bunch of aimless stuff happening with no rhyme or reason. No storyline that I was able to discern and up to the last mission pretty much a below average council arc. The "Invincible Reichsman" in the second? mission... really, REALLY lame.

Ok, we're into the last mission now... what the heck are Countess Crey & especially Nemesis doing here? NO WAY is Nemesis going to be anyone's lackey; his ego is way too big.

Ah, we find the nuisance himself, Reichsman... do these limited charge temp powers actually do anything? From what I could tell, they didn't. Ah well, tank the idjit while the team pounds on him... and pounds on him... and pounds on him some more... yawn. Hey, we've dropped him a bit on HP and here comes Countess Crey... taunt her, then team drops her and back to pounding our heads on a brick wall, er, I mean attacking Reichsman. Hey, we've triggered another AV, hello Malta Gunslinger, get over here where we can pound you... ok now back to Reichsman. Taunt on auto for a moment to get another drink... ok, back to pounding on the idiot. Hey, another AV comes to play, well come join the party... ok, back to pounding on the idiot... and pounding on the idiot... and pounding some more. Ah, here comes Nemesis... come over here and say goodnight Gracie... back to pounding on the idiot. Hey, he has the broken Unstoppable power... ok, it's finally dropped so pound on the idiot some more... taunt on auto while I get another drink... ok, back to pounding on the idiot... and the idiot finally drops. Only 20 merits for that .....? For something that was hyped to be an STF, ITF or LGTF this thing is severely lacking.

If Reichsman has a MAG-100 stun I never noticed it, and we were fighting him for a small slice of forever. First run thru that TF... and for all the "fun" it was I think it's probably the last as well. The "epic" final battle was one of the most boring, drawn out battles I've seen in nearly 5 years of playing. This TF SERIOUSLY needs a page one rewrite, it makes Posi actually look good by comparison. There wasn't anything in the entire TF that had an "epic" feel to it, just a boring, garden variety collection of missions leading to one of the worst final battles I've seen.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes



As for cookie cutter = lol

we had

50 Fire tank
45 fire scrapper
50 Ill/kin
50 ill/storm
50 fire/fire blaster
50 MA/SR scrapper
47 grav/storm

very little debuffs , very little buffs.

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Storm is massive debuffs. Assuming the stormies were doing their job, your Tanker may as well have been running with their defensive toggles off the entire fight because the AV was buried in -ToHit. Not to mention likely two applications of Freezing Rain were decreasing the AV's Resistance and Defense.

Then there's Kinetics, which is one of the best sets in the game for tipping the balance in a largely ST encounter. Not only was it decreasing the AV's damage, it was slowing the AV and how fast he could attack, while at the same time speeding up the attacks of the entire team, buffing their damage and improving their recovery.

And that team AT makeup is pretty much my definition of a cookie cutter team run.

One Tanker, two or three damage dealers, the rest filled out with force multipliers (ie, Controllers and Defenders).


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Thank god someone else noticed this.

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AVs resist tohit debuffs about 85%.

They don't much resist Resistance debuffs tho.

That team has plenty of debuffs, not too much in the way of buffs.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



As for cookie cutter = lol

we had

50 Fire tank
45 fire scrapper
50 Ill/kin
50 ill/storm
50 fire/fire blaster
50 MA/SR scrapper
47 grav/storm

very little debuffs , very little buffs.

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Storm is massive debuffs. Assuming the stormies were doing their job, your Tanker may as well have been running with their defensive toggles off the entire fight because the AV was buried in -ToHit. Not to mention likely two applications of Freezing Rain were decreasing the AV's Resistance and Defense.

Then there's Kinetics, which is one of the best sets in the game for tipping the balance in a largely ST encounter. Not only was it decreasing the AV's damage, it was slowing the AV and how fast he could attack, while at the same time speeding up the attacks of the entire team, buffing their damage and improving their recovery.

And that team AT makeup is pretty much my definition of a cookie cutter team run.

One Tanker, two or three damage dealers, the rest filled out with force multipliers (ie, Controllers and Defenders).


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I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous. I run a storm controller, and while extremely powerful against AV's, the massive -to hit isn't as useful as the -res and -def that it offers - in my experience. The idea that a scrapper or a tanker could run with their defensive toggles off is rather stupid and buried in hyperbole. The storm helps, but it doesn't win the game. I've run my stormer on an ITF stacked with 2 others, and when Rom finally did end up hitting me, he hit like a truck, and I went down. So please Johnny, please understand that hyperbole doesn't help your argument.

In fact, to the very people you are trying to convince, it makes you look like a fool who's never actually tanked hard content.

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Didn't seem like hyperbole, seemed spot on to me.

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As someone just said, AV's resist the -to hit quite a bit, meaning it doesn't become all that useful until you stack it with defense or more -to hit. Storm is a great...actually, no, fantastic....AV battling set, but not because of hurricane. And I just was on this TF again with an earth/storm controller and did have hurricane as often as I could at first.

Let me tell you what happened, becuase I was the equivalent of a tanker wtihout his toggles on at that point. Every time he did the massive stun, he stunned me. Every single damn time. If our team had had defense buffs maybe I wouldn't have. But every time he decided to use that power he stunned me with it.

So yeah. I stand by my words. Storm is a great anti-AV powerset. But not because of hurricane. Stacked storms might be a different story. But that's not what anyone's claiming.

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



We had a nice team, and absolutely blew through that TF.

I see no problem. Spend a little more time forming your team, it's (thankfully) slightly more difficult than the average mission.



On the plus side, the new mission maps are nice. Last mission is only slightly better than the typical AE mission where the creater throws his/her favorite AVs at you as a gauntlet.

One other side note, the ground punch that Reichsman does, I WANT IT!

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One other side note, the ground punch that Reichsman does, I WANT IT!

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Would make a nice alternate for Foot Stomp if the devs ever do power customization properly and allow changes to melee attacks.





One other side note, the ground punch that Reichsman does, I WANT IT!

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Would make a nice alternate for Foot Stomp if the devs ever do power customization properly and allow changes to melee attacks.


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I was thinking replace Hand Clap with that ground punch, remains no damage, replace the KB with KD or KU.

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They should use that animation for whirling hands.

But that stun Reichsman does, I think it's actually autohit. I haven't gotten to do the hero TF yet, but villainside it's autohit and AoE. Luckily it's not too long; my team survived cause we had stacked def buffs and ice slick up. It looks like defense buffs are the best way to handle that particular situation.

Active (Freedom): Setna (Ice/Psi Dom), Arram (WP/KM Tank), Tesmiel (Elec/SS Tank), Astredax (Robot/Dark Mastermind), Operative Vidali (melee fortunata)

Retired (Virtue): Gaav (Inv/EM Tank), Baqra (Fire/SS Tank)



Did it again with a more stacked team this time. Took a Rad, Kin and Cold, 4 Damage dealers and a Fire tank ( not me ). I was on my scrapper. The fire tank was retired for 3 years so no IO's but did have tough/weave. We finished in in 32 minutes with zero deaths, not sure whats suppose to be hard for a tank?




Stacked CM's(4 or more) or ID's (increased density). Also a Rad of any type should help with the -acc on his hold. Or one AM, 80% res to all holds, stuns, and Immobile's, more precisely 216.25% to all mez. Regardless I would still stack CM's or ID's on everyone. Get a good Emp or Kins. Not just a Heal other spammer and or a SB bot. You actually have to pay attention to player CM's.

I find having a rad or a dark emp very fun and easy. Kins come with ID so unless the player has no idea what ID does then your boned. Thermal's of course are always welcome, but they seem to be a dime a dozen these days.

"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything"

"You're like Giraffe's, the way you look down on me, with your vegetarian scorn."



They should use that animation for whirling hands.

But that stun Reichsman does, I think it's actually autohit. I haven't gotten to do the hero TF yet, but villainside it's autohit and AoE. Luckily it's not too long; my team survived cause we had stacked def buffs and ice slick up. It looks like defense buffs are the best way to handle that particular situation.

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I don't think it's auto-hit. At least not blue-side. Besides, it seems interruptible. It's really not all that threatening, to be quite honest. Once people get to know this TF a bit better, everybody will be able to finish it easily and quickly. Can't say the same for the red-side one though.



Yeah, it's definitely not auto-hit. To-hit debuffs or defense work quite nicely. I was never hit by it when our bubbler was bubbling, but since the fight was about 45-60 minutes, he got lazy sometimes. I sure noticed it when he forgot to put them back up, because suddenly that thing was landing and it was not good. Had to use RoTP nice when I got really unlucky and he managed to kill me while I was stunned.

I'm not sure about it being interruptible... my 7-man team was hitting him constantly (and he had two tanks with auras on right next to him), but I don't recall it being interrupted.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory




Just ran it on Live. The version I tested last week is the one that went live. The story has gaping holes, nothing has any rhyme or reason, and the whole thing is easy with any regular PuG. Only two of us had tried it on Test, everyone else was rookie. Run on Test was 1:47. Run tonight on Live was 0:58. As long as you can deal with the AVs, Reichsman is just a bag of hitpoints.

We had a couple rads, so we actually kept pounding Reichs while the AVs came after us, and they just fell over time. We had him and 3 of the AVs at once, and no big problems. The thunder aoe with the mag 100 stun only hit us a few times. We had a cold for def, which definitely made a difference.

People should be able to run it easy just at 30 minutes after running it once and getting the lay of the land.

The messed up story annoys me so much that I'll probably never run it again. From what I hear the villains story is much more well developed, but the run is hard. As it should be.

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I was on Kid Kinetics for this run, and yeah it was my first. Live/Test or otherwise. We had a pretty nice set up. Dark, Rad, Cold, Kin for support.

We didn't really speed it, we certainly didn't clear all the mobs. (Wow there are a pile of them, too bad this isn't a 35-50 TF!) But being an addict, did 3 more runs. The next one we came in at 40 minutes. Then tried to speed it hitting 27 and 28 minutes on the next two.

Through it all... I'm really missing the part where this is anywhere near hard for tanks? The nasty attack didn't stun for long when it did hit. It killed a few people here and there but was never enough to really slow the team down.

Then again the teams I ran it with had usually 4 buffers/debuffers and 4 DPS chars.

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Sounds like a great team if dying didn't even slow them down.

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Hah! Not quite what I meant, though we did have things like power boosted vengeance and fallout floating around for some of the teams.

What I was trying to get at was, there was never any need to really fall back or regroup. If one or two people went down they were quickly rezzed and brought back into the fight in just a few seconds.



What can you do to survive Richie?

Bring Psi damage. Blasters, controllers... and let them kill while you taunt.



Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



What can you do to survive Richie?

Bring Psi damage. Blasters, controllers... and let them kill while you taunt.


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Soooooo you're saying be a taunt bot? That's pretty boring, and unfortunately correct.

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Yeah, it's definitely not auto-hit. To-hit debuffs or defense work quite nicely. I was never hit by it when our bubbler was bubbling, but since the fight was about 45-60 minutes, he got lazy sometimes. I sure noticed it when he forgot to put them back up, because suddenly that thing was landing and it was not good. Had to use RoTP nice when I got really unlucky and he managed to kill me while I was stunned.

I'm not sure about it being interruptible... my 7-man team was hitting him constantly (and he had two tanks with auras on right next to him), but I don't recall it being interrupted.

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We ended up using the anchor gun temp on him every time he started up his mega stun attack and it seemed to stop it from firing off. Considering there were 8 of us, that meant 80 charges, minus 1 use at the beginning of the fight to take away his phase. 79 charges of that gun is enough to stop him from ever firing that thing off. It seemed to work, but I'd love others to try it to corroborate data.

If it's true though, and I wasn't imagining things, then that makes this TF...really, really easy.

EDIT: BTW. the gun happens to be usable for Kheldians in all forms. Which is both useful and hilarious.




I had a team wail on him for over an hour. Got him to 50k several times, then he'd hit a resist toggle (I think) and go back up to 67k or so. We survived fine. We had enough damage to get him to 25%. What a [censored] waste of time. Putting minimum DPS barriers like that at the [censored] end of a TF just pisses me off.



According to a post from the new dev, Horatio, the gun is only needed at the start of the fight to make it so you can hurt Reichs, turn off some mean debuff he has, etc. If you hit him before using the gun, you'll get a bunch of ones for damage... after, he takes normal damage (except when he hits that lame Unstoppable of his). So I don't know that the gun does interrupt it... unless that Horatio is intending us to figure it out on our own. I hope not, though, since he was responding to all the confusion about what the gun does.


Dersk, if your team got him to 50k, then to 26k around his activations of US, your team should have been able to do it. It took my team a long time (we had one jerk go AFK the second mission and not come back, so we kicked him before the final mission when he wouldn't respond), but we did slowly get him down. Was annoying as heck, of course, but his HP did pendulums around US, but always with a downward trend.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory




I had a team wail on him for over an hour. Got him to 50k several times, then he'd hit a resist toggle (I think) and go back up to 67k or so. We survived fine. We had enough damage to get him to 25%. What a [censored] waste of time. Putting minimum DPS barriers like that at the [censored] end of a TF just pisses me off.

[/ QUOTE ]Gear checks at the end of a TF? Heh, if we're going to steal from Wow, shouldn't we steal the good ideas?



They should use that animation for whirling hands.

But that stun Reichsman does, I think it's actually autohit. I haven't gotten to do the hero TF yet, but villainside it's autohit and AoE. Luckily it's not too long; my team survived cause we had stacked def buffs and ice slick up. It looks like defense buffs are the best way to handle that particular situation.

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I don't think it's auto-hit. At least not blue-side. Besides, it seems interruptible. It's really not all that threatening, to be quite honest. Once people get to know this TF a bit better, everybody will be able to finish it easily and quickly. Can't say the same for the red-side one though.

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It isn't auto-hit or interruptible on either side. The stun itself isn't particularly long-lived either (and as far as I could tell, the damage applies before the stun, so unlike GW's hold, it won't necessarily kill you)--it is a 50' radius though, so that should be kept in mind for the rest of the team.

Somewhere around 1:04 for our first blue-side run. SG's indestructible Willpower Tank never even got hit by the stun.
We did a bit of slash&burn so it took longer than necessary but with the experience on our side, we could probably crop it down to be comparable to the ITF's run time. It's not as fun in my opinion, though. (And mobs that refuse to close to melee? Yeah, that can bite it. Never have been a big fan of the space nazis. I mean, sure, these ones are red and black rather than grey and black but they're not really anything interesting.)

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



According to a post from the new dev, Horatio, the gun is only needed at the start of the fight to make it so you can hurt Reichs, turn off some mean debuff he has, etc. If you hit him before using the gun, you'll get a bunch of ones for damage... after, he takes normal damage (except when he hits that lame Unstoppable of his). So I don't know that the gun does interrupt it... unless that Horatio is intending us to figure it out on our own. I hope not, though, since he was responding to all the confusion about what the gun does.


Dersk, if your team got him to 50k, then to 26k around his activations of US, your team should have been able to do it. It took my team a long time (we had one jerk go AFK the second mission and not come back, so we kicked him before the final mission when he wouldn't respond), but we did slowly get him down. Was annoying as heck, of course, but his HP did pendulums around US, but always with a downward trend.

[/ QUOTE ]The gun *seemed* to decrease his resistances when we were facing him on my first run. (Team was Dark/Regen/Darkness scrapper, Rad/Rad/Dark defender, Psi/MM/Force blaster, Grav/FF/Primal controller, Ill/Rad controller, Mind/FF controller, Earth/Kin/Stone controller, Mind/Emp controller, so debuffs were fairly constant except when we had to split on the AVs). I'd notice the damage on my Propel drop significantly, but after a few blasts from the temp power, it was back up. (In the range of 50 damage at bottom (post initial blast) up to about 300 at peak (both numbers pre-containment, because that sucker was immobed).

Amazingly, the real difficulty we had with it was Gyrfalcon, but that was also because he was unleashed around 4 minutes after the fight started, and we'd not noticed the bubbles dropping. ^_^

(This really was a "take what you want" TF, too, but the first four listed are the 4 mains of my SG's main players, including myself, so I guess a "take what you want" TF from my SG really isn't as much of one as most peoples' ^_^)

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



How many merits is the TF worth?



20. Both sides.

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



20. Both sides.

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Horatio (sp?) has mentioned that the Villain side is/was going to be bumped up to 30 merits. I assume they'll adjust its rewards from there through datamining.



What can you do to survive Richie?

Bring Psi damage. Blasters, controllers... and let them kill while you taunt.


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Soooooo you're saying be a taunt bot? That's pretty boring, and unfortunately correct.

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Well, it's not all THAT bad. Consider that Reich does high damage overall, and that his "companions" do good amounts of psi, energy, and s/l damage. Taken together, there will be a few interesting moments in the fight where the tank will have to make a strategic action... alternately, this TF pretty much encourages you to bring two tanks of different types for maximum survivability, especially if we're talking "average" players who don't use IOs. I'd say that's a step forward.

However, I also was on a team of all controllers and blasters and we mopped the floor with this TF, sooo, ymmv.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)