What can we do to survive Reichsman ?




My apologies. Let me restate. Yay! Another TF that players will think needs a cookie cutter makeup. I can't wait to hear more "Need a Stone Tank" and "Need a Rad" broadcasts.

[/ QUOTE ]

You will have this problem with any TF that provides a modicum of challenge. People will look for survivability and damage to overcome it, and certain powersets are considered to be one-stop-shopping solutions for that.

And no, making fights more tactically intricate doesn't necessarily change that and can even make it worse; for example, if you take very little damage, that means you can ignore all the tactical intricacies that increase your survivability and brute-force it, making a stone tanker etc. even more attractive.




Just ran it on Live. The version I tested last week is the one that went live. The story has gaping holes, nothing has any rhyme or reason, and the whole thing is easy with any regular PuG. Only two of us had tried it on Test, everyone else was rookie. Run on Test was 1:47. Run tonight on Live was 0:58. As long as you can deal with the AVs, Reichsman is just a bag of hitpoints.

We had a couple rads, so we actually kept pounding Reichs while the AVs came after us, and they just fell over time. We had him and 3 of the AVs at once, and no big problems. The thunder aoe with the mag 100 stun only hit us a few times. We had a cold for def, which definitely made a difference.

People should be able to run it easy just at 30 minutes after running it once and getting the lay of the land.

The messed up story annoys me so much that I'll probably never run it again. From what I hear the villains story is much more well developed, but the run is hard. As it should be.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was on Kid Kinetics for this run, and yeah it was my first. Live/Test or otherwise. We had a pretty nice set up. Dark, Rad, Cold, Kin for support.

We didn't really speed it, we certainly didn't clear all the mobs. (Wow there are a pile of them, too bad this isn't a 35-50 TF!) But being an addict, did 3 more runs. The next one we came in at 40 minutes. Then tried to speed it hitting 27 and 28 minutes on the next two.

Through it all... I'm really missing the part where this is anywhere near hard for tanks? The nasty attack didn't stun for long when it did hit. It killed a few people here and there but was never enough to really slow the team down.

Then again the teams I ran it with had usually 4 buffers/debuffers and 4 DPS chars.



Worse than his mag 100 stun, is his mag 1000 carpal tunnel, HAR! *buh dum bum*

He isnt as hard as I thought he would be based on the hype, the fact that he phases to out of synch and your temp powers are demetional rooting lasers (or something) is pretty self explanitory. The scrappers (me and one other with some help from a blaster) on the team took out the other AV's as needed while the tanks and trollers and defenders concentrated on keeping him from getting too much back. The 4 av's didnt seem as strong as a typical AV.

My questions is do the debuffs that rad and kin usually bring really have any effect on him? His regen was rather low any way, and when I saw him regen up one tic from around 5000hp to 18000: about 5.75% (13000/226000). We didnt stop attacking and make any measurements with and with out debuffs over time- just throwing those numbers out there on individual experience.

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



I don't know Heraclea, I think that something that requires more than simply running in and beating the tar out of the bad guy is kind of refreshing.

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Actually, based on my experience from running this twice, it really is as simple as "run in and bash" for Reichsman, at least heroside. No real strategy is required, the encounter is not particularly hard, just tedious to chip away at those 226 HP.



The Toxic Tarrantulas in the first mission hurt more than Reichman. As for cookie cutter = lol

we had

50 Fire tank
45 fire scrapper
50 Ill/kin
50 ill/storm
50 fire/fire blaster
50 MA/SR scrapper
47 grav/storm

very little debuffs , very little buffs.



The Toxic Tarrantulas in the first mission hurt more than Reichman. As for cookie cutter = lol

we had

50 Fire tank
45 fire scrapper
50 Ill/kin
50 ill/storm
50 fire/fire blaster
50 MA/SR scrapper
47 grav/storm

very little debuffs , very little buffs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Same here.. Grabbed the first 7 players I could when the servers went back and ran the TF.

3 blasters
3 scrappers
1 Inv/SS tank
1 Earth/Thermal controller

Not what you'd call a super-optimized team. No one had played the TF before on Test. Had no idea what to expect from the final battle. Just ran in and beat on Reichsman until he fell down, while randomly firing off temp powers that we had no actual idea what they did.



high def seems a good option with the dark masia toons on a team he never got a chanct to 2 hit us and if some 1 did die we vegenced him and rais and kept going...still dont effect the fact that on red side u cant kill him with out a billion dmg per second till they de bug the phase out



As for cookie cutter = lol

we had

50 Fire tank
45 fire scrapper
50 Ill/kin
50 ill/storm
50 fire/fire blaster
50 MA/SR scrapper
47 grav/storm

very little debuffs , very little buffs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Storm is massive debuffs. Assuming the stormies were doing their job, your Tanker may as well have been running with their defensive toggles off the entire fight because the AV was buried in -ToHit. Not to mention likely two applications of Freezing Rain were decreasing the AV's Resistance and Defense.

Then there's Kinetics, which is one of the best sets in the game for tipping the balance in a largely ST encounter. Not only was it decreasing the AV's damage, it was slowing the AV and how fast he could attack, while at the same time speeding up the attacks of the entire team, buffing their damage and improving their recovery.

And that team AT makeup is pretty much my definition of a cookie cutter team run.

One Tanker, two or three damage dealers, the rest filled out with force multipliers (ie, Controllers and Defenders).




I'm gonna do a run on my fire and wp tanks to see how they do. I'm expecting to find they lowered Riechsman's damage, but we'll see.

I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.



from what I could tell on my invul from test server - Reichsman is basically going to pwn tankers in 2-3 hits and there isn't alot we can do about it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hm...I ran thru the new TF on Goldbrick last night with a PUG and we had no troubles. Reichsman didn't so much as nick me, I thought maybe there was a bug, but then I saw he was inv/ss, so no worries.

We had a second tank and she off-tanked the other AVs as they were released, the team beat them down, and then they all came back to where Reichsman and I were doing the fish-slap dance.

Reichsman had ~226,000 hps, but they dropped fast whenever his unstoppable power wasn't working.

Goldbrick is fully IOed, with 40% typed defense against a single foe and the usual 90% s/l resistance. Perhaps Reichsman's to-hit % is fairly standard. I guess the big stun never landed.

Goldbrick 50 inv/ss tank
Other 50s: Power Beam, Rocky Mantle, STORMIE Agent, Matchless, Major Will, Knightmayor, Femstone, Space Maureen, Crimebuster Ako, Dr. Twilight, Doc Champion, American Gold Eagle



As for cookie cutter = lol

we had

50 Fire tank
45 fire scrapper
50 Ill/kin
50 ill/storm
50 fire/fire blaster
50 MA/SR scrapper
47 grav/storm

very little debuffs , very little buffs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Storm is massive debuffs. Assuming the stormies were doing their job, your Tanker may as well have been running with their defensive toggles off the entire fight because the AV was buried in -ToHit. Not to mention likely two applications of Freezing Rain were decreasing the AV's Resistance and Defense.

Then there's Kinetics, which is one of the best sets in the game for tipping the balance in a largely ST encounter. Not only was it decreasing the AV's damage, it was slowing the AV and how fast he could attack, while at the same time speeding up the attacks of the entire team, buffing their damage and improving their recovery.

And that team AT makeup is pretty much my definition of a cookie cutter team run.

One Tanker, two or three damage dealers, the rest filled out with force multipliers (ie, Controllers and Defenders).


[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous. I run a storm controller, and while extremely powerful against AV's, the massive -to hit isn't as useful as the -res and -def that it offers - in my experience. The idea that a scrapper or a tanker could run with their defensive toggles off is rather stupid and buried in hyperbole. The storm helps, but it doesn't win the game. I've run my stormer on an ITF stacked with 2 others, and when Rom finally did end up hitting me, he hit like a truck, and I went down. So please Johnny, please understand that hyperbole doesn't help your argument.

In fact, to the very people you are trying to convince, it makes you look like a fool who's never actually tanked hard content.

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



Again, you really don't need to worry about the mega stun/damage if you know what to do with your temp power guns....

Blue-side, this TF is cake. Red-side...people are still figuring that one out (may really be down to it being bugged though).



The idea that a scrapper or a tanker could run with their defensive toggles off is rather stupid and buried in hyperbole.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well I just did for upwards of four minutes with two stormies on my Invul. No defensive toggles. Hit DP once and a little bit of Sands of Mu in for good measure. Could have gone forever if it wasn't boring.




Yeah, I ran this twice yesterday w/more or less PUGs (w/1 or 2 friends who were very good players). Total cake on blue side.

1st run w/my Son/Son. Team wiped on Reichman, cuz we just let the AVs spawn. Had R down to like 5%, but couldn't quite overcome the other AVs w/poor coordiation. Came back, killed the other AVs 2 at a time, finished Reichman. Total run in 1:04.

2nd run w/my Fire/Rad. This time, 3 of the other 4 AVs were held off by my friend's Mind controller (sleeps ftw!) and me on Vanessa who can't be slept. I more or less soloed her while the other 6 took down R, then we finished the remaining 3 in no time. Total run: 44 min.

A tank could've done the same thing w/the multiple AVs--in fact, it'll be a lot easier finding a tank that can occupy multiple AVs than finding a pair of trollers that can do what we did (we're both IO'ed to the gills--the tanks wouldn't need to be). R himself takes a bit longer than most AVs, but isn't exactly difficult. I think our first run got hit by that mag 100 PBAoE stun & debuff too. I know I got hit by *something* through my Son Dispersion (and Clarity for everyone else). No one died at that point though--we just recovered and kept chugging along (until the other AVs woke, anyway).

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Not run this unfinished and poorly conceived TF?

[/ QUOTE ]

Do you ever actually just offer positive good advise? Bitter and angry much?

[/ QUOTE ]

That is the best advice I can give in this case.

Don't run poorly designed content and don't validate the developers crapping on Tankers.


[/ QUOTE ]

Cannot agree more. Every time I turn around there's another "end game" type event/raid/TF whatever that craps on defense. Like the totally forget we have a Defensive primary. We aren't just a bag of HP.

What the hell, they'll probably just provide a "special" inspiration that will enable a blaster to have a better chance at surviving than all our primary powers combined.

And yes, once again, I am disappointed in the devs, and bitter. This is stupid.

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Willpower or Dark is definitely your friend on this task force. Those two are the primaries of choice for facing down Countess Crey and Vanessa De Vore. I was wrong; two or even three tankers would not be out of place on this TF.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Not run this unfinished and poorly conceived TF?

[/ QUOTE ]

Do you ever actually just offer positive good advise? Bitter and angry much?

[/ QUOTE ]

That is the best advice I can give in this case.

Don't run poorly designed content and don't validate the developers crapping on Tankers.


[/ QUOTE ]

Cannot agree more. Every time I turn around there's another "end game" type event/raid/TF whatever that craps on defense. Like the totally forget we have a Defensive primary. We aren't just a bag of HP.

What the hell, they'll probably just provide a "special" inspiration that will enable a blaster to have a better chance at surviving than all our primary powers combined.

And yes, once again, I am disappointed in the devs, and bitter. This is stupid.

[/ QUOTE ]

Tankers are now in the unique position of being the only AT with a non-offensive primary and without force multipliers (buffs/debuffs).

Dominators were the other one, but in Castle's own words, they effectively have two primaries now.

So the question I have, is if it's not OK for Dominators because it affected their popularity, how they "felt" to play and how they held up against similar ATs, why is it OK for Tankers despite the same reasons existing?




Because perhaps those reasons don't exist in the eyes of the devs/other players?

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict




I'm sure they aren't going to integrate a TF that isn't possible to defeat (regardless of what J_B says) with the current balance, however I must say I'm glad if they really are ratcheting the difficulty curve up... particularly before GR for the villains used to more difficulty.

[/ QUOTE ]

That would be a nice change of pace and it seems their (devs) end content is starting to go the WoW route with scripted end bosses, which I think is a step in the right direction. Makes the end fights memorable and unique.

I'm still bend over the way they nerfed the Terra Volta Trial .... had a great end encounter originally which they turned into Sesame Street.

[/ QUOTE ]

Damn, that sucks, I quit playing WoW because I felt like playing CoX.



I tanked Reichsman for literally an hour on Test, but that was when I15 first went up. I assume there's been some big changes since then. I look forward to trying it out in a couple weeks when I'm back from vacation.

This is how new TFs usually go though:
Week 1 - "This is way too hard!"
Week 2 - "We did it in ten minutes!"
Week 3 - "I soloed it!"

[/ QUOTE ]

You are literally the 2nd person in the thread to claim a one hour tank time. What happens after 1 hour, he auto defeats or something?



Because perhaps those reasons don't exist in the eyes of the devs/other players?

[/ QUOTE ]

Tell that to the Domms.




Because perhaps those reasons don't exist in the eyes of the devs/other players?

[/ QUOTE ]

Tell that to the Domms.


[/ QUOTE ]

That the problems of one AT aren't necessarily shared by another AT? Sure. And I'm fairly certain they'll agree with me too.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict




Just ran it on Live. The version I tested last week is the one that went live. The story has gaping holes, nothing has any rhyme or reason, and the whole thing is easy with any regular PuG. Only two of us had tried it on Test, everyone else was rookie. Run on Test was 1:47. Run tonight on Live was 0:58. As long as you can deal with the AVs, Reichsman is just a bag of hitpoints.

We had a couple rads, so we actually kept pounding Reichs while the AVs came after us, and they just fell over time. We had him and 3 of the AVs at once, and no big problems. The thunder aoe with the mag 100 stun only hit us a few times. We had a cold for def, which definitely made a difference.

People should be able to run it easy just at 30 minutes after running it once and getting the lay of the land.

The messed up story annoys me so much that I'll probably never run it again. From what I hear the villains story is much more well developed, but the run is hard. As it should be.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was on Kid Kinetics for this run, and yeah it was my first. Live/Test or otherwise. We had a pretty nice set up. Dark, Rad, Cold, Kin for support.

We didn't really speed it, we certainly didn't clear all the mobs. (Wow there are a pile of them, too bad this isn't a 35-50 TF!) But being an addict, did 3 more runs. The next one we came in at 40 minutes. Then tried to speed it hitting 27 and 28 minutes on the next two.

Through it all... I'm really missing the part where this is anywhere near hard for tanks? The nasty attack didn't stun for long when it did hit. It killed a few people here and there but was never enough to really slow the team down.

Then again the teams I ran it with had usually 4 buffers/debuffers and 4 DPS chars.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sounds like a great team if dying didn't even slow them down.



As for cookie cutter = lol

we had

50 Fire tank
45 fire scrapper
50 Ill/kin
50 ill/storm
50 fire/fire blaster
50 MA/SR scrapper
47 grav/storm

very little debuffs , very little buffs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Storm is massive debuffs. Assuming the stormies were doing their job, your Tanker may as well have been running with their defensive toggles off the entire fight because the AV was buried in -ToHit. Not to mention likely two applications of Freezing Rain were decreasing the AV's Resistance and Defense.

Then there's Kinetics, which is one of the best sets in the game for tipping the balance in a largely ST encounter. Not only was it decreasing the AV's damage, it was slowing the AV and how fast he could attack, while at the same time speeding up the attacks of the entire team, buffing their damage and improving their recovery.

And that team AT makeup is pretty much my definition of a cookie cutter team run.

One Tanker, two or three damage dealers, the rest filled out with force multipliers (ie, Controllers and Defenders).


[/ QUOTE ]

Thank god someone else noticed this.



As for cookie cutter = lol

we had

50 Fire tank
45 fire scrapper
50 Ill/kin
50 ill/storm
50 fire/fire blaster
50 MA/SR scrapper
47 grav/storm

very little debuffs , very little buffs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Storm is massive debuffs. Assuming the stormies were doing their job, your Tanker may as well have been running with their defensive toggles off the entire fight because the AV was buried in -ToHit. Not to mention likely two applications of Freezing Rain were decreasing the AV's Resistance and Defense.

Then there's Kinetics, which is one of the best sets in the game for tipping the balance in a largely ST encounter. Not only was it decreasing the AV's damage, it was slowing the AV and how fast he could attack, while at the same time speeding up the attacks of the entire team, buffing their damage and improving their recovery.

And that team AT makeup is pretty much my definition of a cookie cutter team run.

One Tanker, two or three damage dealers, the rest filled out with force multipliers (ie, Controllers and Defenders).


[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous. I run a storm controller, and while extremely powerful against AV's, the massive -to hit isn't as useful as the -res and -def that it offers - in my experience. The idea that a scrapper or a tanker could run with their defensive toggles off is rather stupid and buried in hyperbole. The storm helps, but it doesn't win the game. I've run my stormer on an ITF stacked with 2 others, and when Rom finally did end up hitting me, he hit like a truck, and I went down. So please Johnny, please understand that hyperbole doesn't help your argument.

In fact, to the very people you are trying to convince, it makes you look like a fool who's never actually tanked hard content.

[/ QUOTE ]

Didn't seem like hyperbole, seemed spot on to me.