Sum up your characters with a trope or two

Adeon Hawkwood



Hey, I'm back, just like I said I'd be back. Here's the rest of my characters on Freedom!

Samael Diener: He was created by Nazis, so his status as a hero constitutes a Heel Face Turn, he's Lawful Neutral, since all he understands is absolute loyalty to Bitt Player, his body is composed of Magitek, his aforementioned loyalty to Bitt Player borders on Happiness in Slavery, which frequently prompts Bitt to Contemplate his Navel regarding free will.

Takomo Yocmer: A Humanoid Alien Genki Cat Girl who demonstrates that Dark is Not Evil, and fights with Arm Blades. She was exiled from her home planet just for having powers, but she doesn't talk about that much.

Raoul Kasima: He came looking for Takomo after her exile, because he missed her so much. He shows signs of Double Conciousness, in that his personality is almost completely different when he's wearing his Powered Armor. Being from the same planet as Takomo makes him a Petting Zoo Person. While normally a nice guy, he can suddenly switch to being a Knight in Sour (powered) Armor, when his enemies irritate him or someone asks him about his home planet.

Android Rho: He comes from Another Dimension, but faulty technology resulted in Laser-Guided Amnesia, which, since he was evil before, but recruited by the good guys, means he's pulled a Heel Face Turn. Like General Phi, Rho is not Three Laws Compliant.

Rehnac Naturai: From the same planet as Takomo and Raoul, she's a Social Darwinist Dark Action Girl, with serious Psycho Electro tendencies, and a hint of For the Evil. Also the only villain in this post.

That's my characters on Freedom, next is Truimph!

BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.



Having dozens of characters who are "developed" enough in my head to do this with, figured I'd start with my 50s.

Bloodspeaker - The Unfettered, Time Abyss - An immortal avatar of cosmic entropy, trying to cause the end of the Universe.

Banestar - Magnificent Bast***, Utopia Justifies The Means - Just trying to improve humanity as a whole... by getting the species to weed out it's own weak...

Agent Sharpe - First Person Smart***, The Unchosen One - The quintessential flirt and bon vivant whose been driven into the ground enough times now to know that it's really NOT all fun and games.

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



I'll toss out a few.

Pain Machine : Turned Against Their Masters,Morality Chip,Crush Kill Destroy, Killer Robot, James Earl Jones. A robot that tortured his creators to death, possessing "the voice of James Earl Jones and a morality chip permanently set to Hannibal Lector mode."

Uj-Sothath : Eldritch Abomination "Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn."

Felice the Ripper : Heroic Sociopath, Cat Girl. She eats what she kills.

Mister Fist : Badass, Charles Atlas Superpower, Made of Iron. "Stronger than a gorilla, tougher than granite, he feels no fear and knows no mercy."

Nerys : Our Elves Are Better, Elemental Powers. A Sidhe.

Avenged By Fire : Kill It With Fire, Roaring Rampage of Revenge. Out to find the villains who killed his family, and make them BURN.

Judy Julienne : Cloud Cuckoolander, Action Girl. "Meet Judy, a young lady with a disturbing fondness for sharp objects. Don't worry, she's safe as long as she takes her meds. Usually. When she remembers."

Doctor Tempest : Mad Scientist, Mecha-Mooks; crazed scientist, army of robots, weather control machines. Heard about Arachnos's Mad Scientist Gap and knew he'd fit right in! Mwahahaha!

Smashy the Clown : Cloud Cuckoolander, Power Born of Madness,Monster Clown. Captured while crushing clowns flat so as to be able to fit as many as possible in a car at once.

Killing Shock : Break the Cutie, Roaring Rampage of Revenge. "Abandoned and tormented as a small child for her inhuman appearance, when her powers manifested at puberty she suddenly had the power to avenge her pain and humiliation and suffering. And she did; oh, how she did."

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



I think "Author Avatar" would be closest - I don't really RP, so what you get is me in digital form - with super powers, of course - even if there isn't an in-game hair style that matches my RL one

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think "Author Avatar" would be closest - I don't really RP, so what you get is me in digital form - with super powers, of course - even if there isn't an in-game hair style that matches my RL one
Sooo... how would you describe yourSELF, as a superhero, in tv tropes terms?

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
Sooo... how would you describe yourSELF, as a superhero, in tv tropes terms?

Probably "Action Girl"

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Probably "Action Girl"
See? That wasn't so hard!

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
M I Abrahms: However, the trope I was really looking for was that the Boisterous Bruiser was really just an act, and the character actually has a good grasp of tactics, and a solid intellect, and is plying teh Big is Dumb mentality to catch his foes off guard.
Sounds like Crouching Moron Hidden BadAss to me.

Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
Professor Nutronious: Another easy one; Mad Scientist. He was a relatively mild scientist who specialized in artificial intelligence, who became a bit to attached to his creation, and viewed them as his children. He had two prototypes which he brought to a Science Expo, which was assaulted by Paragon Heroes. The Prototypes were smashed, and the Professor arrested. During Break Out he was promised the chance to build new robots, a chance he lept at. He is now a Zealot servant of Recluse, serving him loyally for the chance to eradicate the Heroes that took his first children from him.
Add a bit of FaceHeelTurn, a splash of Roaring Rampage of Revenge and a pinch of Pygmalion Plot.

Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
Operative McGavin: I have to say this first, just for clarification: This character was created when the extra damage was added to Sniper Rifle when Targeting Drone was running. I laughed my hind end off when the Villain Epics were announced, and again for Going Rogue. He is an ex-Arachnos Wolf Spider, who decided that Arachnos' principles were sound, but it's current leadership (Recluse) was sorely lacking. Unfortunately, all who find out what he has learned are usually so compromised that they are now willfully following Recluse instead. As such, McGavin has decided that the entire structure needs to be torn down and rebuilt, without the Spider Lord's corrupting influence. In order to attempt this, he has crossed over and now a card carrying Hero, that fights crime in his old uniform.
HeelFaceTurn + Even Evil Has Standards + Enemy Mine

Thin Line: Again, a few easy ones; Axe Crazy, Chaotic Evil, The Unfettered Honestly, I'm just taking the opportunity to explain this one because I like him. You could easily use any of the crazy/evil tropes to describe him. When I first created him, I realized he was a thematic clone to another player's character from my home server. The character had become known as a fairly popular anti-villain, and was very close to crossing over into Anti-Hero territory, even though said character was a Stalker. So, Thin Line became the Villain For a Villain. Like Bullseye for Deadpool, he exists to show the anti-villain everything that character wants to deny about himself. Along the way the character developed into an amalgam of the Joker, Carnage, Bullseye, and Deadpool himself at least unconsciously. (he can see the fourth wall, but he doesn't realize he can)[/QUOTE]

Looks you don't need me for this one :P


As for my primary characters, on the Hero side:

Ebon Angel: Dark Action Girl (yes, she's a Hero. For now). Determinator. Break the Cutie in the back story.

Harlequinne: Trickster Archetype (bet you didn't see that coming, huh?)


Abeyance: Insufferable Genius, Mind Over Matter, Mind ****

Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
" I headbutted the blind chick."
I used to have superhuman powers, but my therapist took them away...

[ cruise / / / / / quantam sufficit ]



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
I'm pretty sure most of this forum is familiar with TVtropes. If not, say goodbye to your free time.

oh goodness - goodbye free time! lol

Listen to Survival Guide. Because you should!
"You have a mom? I thought you were conceived through pure win?" ~Spinestradamus
"reading ur posts is like reading a stop sign, its red oddly shaped and makes me come to a complete stop...then i go" ~anon rep; thank you



Originally Posted by Ebon_Angel View Post
Looks you don't need me for this one :P
Heh, but thanks for the others. I did actually see the Crouching Moron one for Abrahms, but I didn't like it because it only talked about characters that really were dumb, just not all the time, rather than just being one elaborate act.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
M I Abrahms: I found Boisterous Bruiser which overs his outward behavior, and I just saw the Stephen Ulysses Perhero one a few minutes ago. That one would be a subversion, though since his SuperHero name (Michael Ian Abrahms) was chosen because he's too damn BIG to have a plausible secret identity. However, the trope I was really looking for was that the Boisterous Bruiser was really just an act, and the character actually has a good grasp of tactics, and a solid intellect, and is plying teh Big is Dumb mentality to catch his foes off guard.
Sounds like Obfuscating Stupidity to me.

Tech support IRL, CLR/DRU/MED/WHM/PRI/DEF. Hmm, I sense a pattern...
S 80% E 80% A 40% K 0%
A few of my alts



Originally Posted by Balorn View Post
Sounds like Obfuscating Stupidity to me.

Whoops, my bad. Looks like the tropes are blending together in my head. That's what I thought CMHBA was.

I know I should have read it to check...but just finding the ones I did lost me about an hour of work. It's like shiney delicious mental candy made from crack, and if I got too deep, I may never emerge.

Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
" I headbutted the blind chick."
I used to have superhuman powers, but my therapist took them away...

[ cruise / / / / / quantam sufficit ]




-Knuckles (SS/Inv Natural Tanker with no relation to any Sega characters at all): The Mafia (but not The Family), Boisterous Bruiser, Heel Face Turn (of course, not much of one when you consider he was formerly part of The Mafia that don't do Nothin'), Determinator

-Briar (Energy/Energy Magic Blaster): Heel Face Turn (from the CoT), The Atoner, Energy Ball, Teleporters and Transporters, Squishy Wizard

-The Contaminant (Rad/Rad Science Defender): Omnidisciplinary Scientist, Science Hero (hence his manly square jaw), I love Nuclear Power, Power Incontinence (his suit holds it in and makes it safely usable), Phlebotinum Overdose (attempted and failed, it's what gave him his powers), Corrupt Corporate Executive (our very own Countess Crey ordered the previous trope invoked), Dying Like a Bat (he was not only working for Crey, but also developed the item that he was almost killed with), Conspiracy Theorist (to the point where people start to wonder if his powers might have affected his mind)

-The Detective (Grav/FF Mutant Controller): The Virus (got his powers from a mild dose of the same goop that turns ordinary people into The Lost), Private Investigator, Born in the Wrong Century (well, decade, he'd be more at home in the '20s and '30s, mainly because that's the decade he seems to think it is), Jive Turkey (he speaks only in slang from the aforementioned time period, and doesn't seem to realize how strange it is), Mind Over Matter

-Haywire (Claws/Regen Tech Scrapper): Artificial Limbs (unwilling, he got trapped under a defeated Clockwork Prince courtesy of a careless hero, and it went from there), Body Horror (the immediate result of the previous, but apparently The Clockwork King Thought of Everything, so it worked out okay), Split Personality (apparently, the Prince's CPU survived the unwilling merger, and didn't take well to interfacing with a human mind), Heroic Sociopath (the Clockwork persona, known as Haywire), Cursed with Awesome (the human side would rather not deal with all this), Nanomachines (non-grey goo variety collects loose scrap metal to repair the metal that covers his body, thus being a form of regen)

I'll do my villains later. Geez, that took a long time.

[B]The Once and Future Official Minister of Awesome[/B]
[I]And don't you forget it.[/I]



A few of mine:

PainJunkie, SS/WP brute: The Determinator and Omnicidal Maniac
Suzie Uzi, Thugs/Traps MM: Slasher Smile, Ax Crazy and Corrupt Corporate Executive (she has her own record label, specializing in boy bands)
WitchHunt, DM/fire scrapper: Heel Face Turn and Redemption Earns Life with a healthy dash of The Atoner
Rajani of the Blades DB/SR scrapper: Powers via Possesion and Physical God
Space Ranger Lita arch/em blaster: Blue Skinned Space Babe and By the Book Cop
Alexia Invicta, shield/WM tank: Knight in Shining Armor and Ridiculously Human Robot



<3 TvTropes.

Aliana Blue: My namesake, Inv/EM tank. Started her hero career with a What Have I Done?, and now goes around as The Atoner.
White Flare: Storm/Elec defender, Hot Scientist (of course!) who doubles as a Badass Labcoat. She's not a very deep character, she got powers as an accident, so the only thing to do is to use them of course!
Walkiry and Waldrada: Two Broadsword scrappers, one is /Regen, the other is /Shield. They make a Sibling Team, who just like to fight with Cool Swords. Actually, Walkiry is kinda magically bound to be a guardian for a little girl called Millie and Waldrada started crimefighting just to do it with her sister (but ended in a different Nakama because I can't play both characters at the same time! ).
Spikey Star: Ice/Fire Blapper. I have spent untold amounts of time tweaking and re-tweaking this character so that she is nearly defense-softcapped against everything (really!), but at the expense of running out of juice very quick. I personally find her Crazy Awesome, and her abilities come from stealing a super-powered suit from the Freedom Corps office in London, making it an Upgrade Artifact.
Actin: Dark Melee/Invulnerability Scrapper. She was originally a Valley Girl until she was kidnapped and experimented on by the Council (and, although originally she broke out with another prisoner all by themselves, I changed her origin to be rescued by heroes in one of my arcs) and, since gaining powers due to those experiments, has taken so many Levels in Badass that she's effectively a One (Wo)Man Army. She dislikes Rikti.
Walnut Pie: Dark/Psi defender. She got her powers from eating a magical pie (hence the name), and is by all accounts a Genki Girl, probably fitting the Cute Witch trope nicely. Being a cheery, sunny girl, she doesn't like hurting people too much (even those scary types), but if things go south, you can expect a Let's Get Dangerous reaction from her.
Moon Eclipse: Two twin sisters born during a Moon eclipse that were merged into one body by Selene to prevent their death due to birth complications - thanks to a very heartfelt prayer from their biological mom. A case of Biological Mashup, but without the personality clash problems (they switch places often, and they can be both out at the same time - if only we could customize the looks of the phantasm!). They tend to act as the Cool Big Sis, and I always speak in plural in team chat when playing her, but no one has ever commented on that...
Marionette: Elec/Elec brute. A simple toy built by an old scientist and then upgraded to protect his little granddaughter during the Rikti invasion (which explains why she's so damn good at fighting Rikti, I specifically built her that way), but after a good amount of Break the Cutie she snapped, went on a rampage of Unstoppable Rage, and now is a Woobie Destroyer of Worlds. She really needs a hug.

I better stop, TvTropes is sucking me in... again...

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