Sum up your characters with a trope or two

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Balorn View Post
Sounds like Obfuscating Stupidity to me.
Originally Posted by Ebon_Angel View Post

Whoops, my bad. Looks like the tropes are blending together in my head. That's what I thought CMHBA was.

I know I should have read it to check...but just finding the ones I did lost me about an hour of work. It's like shiney delicious mental candy made from crack, and if I got too deep, I may never emerge.
It's all right, heck if I had any ability to resist TV Tropes I'd have found 'em myself wouldn't I? Thanks to both of you.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



The current iteration of Graviton Lass ended up being an Action Girl and a Gadgeteer Genius sort of on accident. I'm not sure those are the exact tropes (she got a set of 'used' power armor parts from a police auction, and refurbished them into hero-ing gear to fulfill extra-curricular requirements at her university [I defy you to find a better thing on a job application then 'personally saved the city/world']). Those two were about the closest I could come up with, and they seem to fit for her overall core concept (except she's not t3h gr33t3zt gadget-type ever.. she's just good enough to get crap working).

And now, I go get myself good and lost for the next four hours.



Okay, villain time!:

-Mind Master (Mind/Psi Mutant Dominator): Complete Monster, Karma Houdini, For the Evulz, Moral Event Horizon (he has a summer home there), High Octane Nightmare Fuel, Mind... Violation (and he doesn't limit himself to minds), More than Mind Control (after creating this guy, I started to worry about my own mental wellbeing), Card-Carrying Villain (to the point where, in an RP thread in the CoV beta, I was able to write stuff for him that would have resulted in severe Internet Backdraft for anyone else)

-The Bonecruncher (now known as The Pulverizing Pugilist for very tropey reasons, SS/Inv Natural Brute): Feigning Intelligence (hence the name change, but he doesn't devolve into Shlubb and Klump English), Blood Knight (he was initially sent to the Zig for picking a fight with Back Alley Brawler for the fun of it), Boisterous Bruiser, Friendly Enemy (you just need to survive a fight with him first), Villain Ball Magnet (he just likes punching tough-looking people, is that so wrong?)

-Ninja Jim (Ninja/Energy Tech Stalker): Contrived Stupidity Tropes (just pick one and it probably applies, he was a small-time thief who tried robbing a government compound, and through an accident wound up trapped inside a robot suit with ninja themeing, but he'd gotten disoriented, so he thought his mind had been transferred into a robot, and was stuck inside it for nearly six months), You Fail Biology Forever (he never questioned the fact that his new robot body needed to eat, sleep, breathe, and use the restroom, or how any of it was accomplished), Punch Clock Villain (he's uncomfortable with anything bigger than robbery), Harmless Villain, Not so Harmless (whenever his suit goes on auto-pilot and starts slaughtering folks), Villainous BSOD (how he usually feels after the previous trope is invoked), Powered Armor, Instant Awesome Just Add Ninja (averted big time, this guy is about as far from awesome as possible)

-Dr. Thermite (Fire/Thermal Sci Corruptor): Mad Scientist, They Called me Mad (his whole motivation, although he deserved it), You Fail Biology Forever (he gave himself his powers by infusing his blood with mercury and then getting struck by lightning, hence the "They Called Me Mad" bit), Magikarp Power (his actual abilities just allow him to raise the temperature a whole lot, but he invented the Thermite Gloves in order to harness that heat as flames)

I'll do my masterminds later, since I have one for each primary.

[B]The Once and Future Official Minister of Awesome[/B]
[I]And don't you forget it.[/I]



Dang, I forgot all about this thread. Well, here's the Alteridem family:

Theo Alteridem -Leader of the Alteridem Foundation, usually seen wearing a longcoat. He's a clear-cut determinator who employs supernatural martial arts. From that point, opinion is divided. His friends and family will say he's a doting father and all-round hero who operates as a big brother mentor for a number of heroes, including his own son and daughters.
Theo's critics, on the other hand, say he's not at all nice, making specific note of his willingness to kill evildoers. They also claim that he raised his kids as child soldiers or even tykebombs, and occasionally mention the way his glasses reflect light half the time.

Keiko Alteridem -She's a lady of war who plays with fire while dual wielding katana. Her prominence as a hero has drawn attention to her housewife status, which critics of the Foundation sometimes hold against her. Has been mistaken for her childrens' sister.

Beckett Alteridem -He's either crazy awesome or a straight-up Wonka, depending on who you ask. Either way, he's a determinator who dual wields scimitars, teleports, and has a talent for Indy ploys. Has a slight big brother complex towards his sisters. Beck is adopted, having been found in a dumpster by Theo and Keiko.

Cyril Alteridem -She's a meganekko who really likes hats and tends to act emotionless. That said, she can and will remind villains to beware the nice ones, since she's an ice person who likes to shout. She also reads a lot.

Megan Alteridem -She's either a cute bruiser or someone with boobs of steel, opinion being divided on whether or not she's... endowed enough to qualify as having the most common superpower (Megan herself insists that she isn't). Either way, she's another determinator, and likes to drop the hammer. Do not mistake her for dumb muscle, because that makes her very, very angry.

BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.



no need for links.. its simple all my toons r this: POwer MAd.
which basically goes for all villain type folks