What's the coolest character name you have?




My Stone/Stone tank, Ethergreen.

Actions speak louder than Vets.



BATTLE BASH is my new fav his a LvL 48 Tank with Invulnerability/War Mace!

Power is unless without the will to use it,
But will in nothing unless you believe in yourself.
And that is ture power!
Written by-Mr Amazing



I dunno... I have a few

Dusk - My main

Eternity - who I can;t ever seen to get a good concept for...

Hero 2 -With Hero 1's blessing to play

Weaver-1/Weaver One - Again, I asked...

Trina the Seamstress-for when I need to do Abriter Fabulous stuff in CoH

Reichsmaiden -For going rogue..

Equation -My namesake.

Blackball - my insane jester who terrorizes the D.

all on virtue.

COMING SOON: A new Epic that will change the way you see Arachnos...
Brought to you by @Equation



My best name is either Blargenwargen, my Blaster, or Petey Pencil, my MA/Regen Scrapper whsoe costume looks like a pencil.

really couldn't choose between the two.

Oh, I also have Napoleon Washington, which is catchy.



Sonik Wang my pvp dom



My favorite is very basic, but sometimes a simple name is the best: Shadowblaze, my dark/thermal corruptor and also my namesake/Global. Other favorite names of mine include Lady Heartless, Star Crasher, Counter Balance, and Flare Charger. I spend waaay too long thinking of a decent name to go with the image I've created for my character.

Shadowblaze - Lvl 50 Dark/Thermal Cor, Alexander Kalsoa - Lvl 50 BS/Regen Scrapper, and a whole bunch of other Alts. Global is @Shadowblaze.



I would have to say my Tanker Mountainheart. It embodies everything about him. His powers (WP/SM), his size, his temperment, birthplace. I spent nearly a month picking out the name. Once I decided on Mountainheart everything about the character just clicked into place. He's level 49 and he still only has the once costume.



I have a few to choose from but I think my favorite name belongs to Project Terminated one of my rad/rad corrs.
She's the sole survivor of a UN sponsored Super Soldier project ... and she's not too happy about it.

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/~jwbullfrog until I come up with a better solution.




Decided to hit the randomzied button in the costume creator and it gave me a trenchcoat wearing commando smoke a cigar with bunny ears and boots.

Had to do it.


It gave him the metallic skull head to boot.



1) Omega Protocol: Dark/Dark defender on Freedom
2) Rikti Punk Monkey: Rad/Rad corrupter on Champion
3) Wart Remover: Ice/Fire blaster on Justice

Global: @FuzzyOne
Find me playing these servers: Champion, Justice, Freedom, Virtue and Pinnacle



Great White Hope, my level 50 Virtue SS brute, is my favorite name.



I guess I'd still go with The Mouse Police. I *did* reserve it on virtually ever server after all. ^_^

Here's a Superhero Miss Manners side question: you join a team. Teammate B says to Teammate C, "Oh, great job on nabbing the fabulous name!" Teammate C responds, "Yeah, I was really surprised it was available!"

Question: Is it bad manners to say, "It might have been more difficult if you'd spelled it correctly"?

Because I was in that situation last night, but I decided to just keep my mouth shut. ^_^

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Compass Call, Kashtan, Neutron Charge, Tacit Blue, Stilletto Black, Strike Raven.



If I had to choose just one, it would have to be Saint Nictus , who is my lvl 50 Warshade on Virtue. Unfortunately, I only pull him out of storage during the winter events now.

Other names I'm quite fond of are...

- Arson Al : Fire/Fire Blaster
- AstroBlade : SD/BS Scrapper
- Dupe Nukem : Ill/Rad Controller
- hell2pay : Fire/Psy Dominator
- Mister Mudd : Earth/Storm Controller
- NIL8R : Elec/NRG Blaster

IMHO, choosing a good name is half the fun for a new toon.



SmallPox emp/rad Def with awesome rhyming bio influenced
by Dr. Seuss' Fox in Socks book
Doc Heal'm Quik emp/psy Def
Doc Kill'm Quik Thugs/Pain MM
Wunorse Opunslay Sonic/Ice Corruptor A Santa elf gone bad
Hot Lyric Sonic/Fire Corruptor
Touche' Dual Blade Scrapper
Kinetic Kenny Kinetic/Elec Def
Pumpkinator Fire/Device Blaster
Pencil Claws Scrapper He's a No. 2

My Arc - #51736 Here Wolf... There Wolf... Werewolf!!!

Don't worry about the mule going blind, just load the wagon.

>")))>< ~~~~



Let's see.. my fave-of-faves...

AbsoluteAcceleration - Martial Arts/Super Reflexes Scrapper (cheetah in appearance)

Sphere Factor - Force Field/Energy Blast Defender

Shackled Eternity - Dark/Dark Stalker

La Bella Mafia - Thugs/Pain Dom Mastermind

Assisted Afterlife - Dual Blades/Willpower Brute

Passive Aggression - Empathy/Psy Defender

Thorn of the Fire Rose - Spines/Fire Scrapper

Sid and the Deep Six - Punk Rock Mastermind with Undead bandmates named Lead Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drummer and 3 Roadies.

Flexible Physics - Grav/Kinetics Controller

Hell's Harvest - Plant/Thorns Dominator

Emcee Boombox - Sonic/Sonic Defender

Poisoned Lotus - Ninja Blade/Ninjutsu Stalker

Yeah, I have alt-itis...

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



On Virtue I have Onierocritic

On my second account on Liberty I have Screaming Meatsack

Somehow on Freedom on another account (... yeah I have several but sadly only one active) I got Little Booger.

Most of my toons names are "name" names, or odder combinations - Winter's True Spirit, Trickster's Jackalope, Icy Grip of the Bear, Spiney Surprise, Fire's Bold Burn, Pie Ratt Chick... etc.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



It really is a tough call for me. I have some really good name grabs that I was all O.O when I got them.

There's my namesake...but I think the title right now goes to my namesake when she patrol red side...

Dark God

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I am pretty happy with Smurch (being a forceable fusion of Smoke and Scorch that somehow grew a U) for my fire/fire dom imp. It just sounded... impy.

My wife says I'm very "Smurchy" (which I guess means impish) so thats why I use that here.

Others I'm happy with are:

Doctor Fear (mind/ice dom)
The Flesh Sculptor (claws/regen stalker)
Invincible Dragon (dual-blade/WP brute and brash wuxia style character)

We also occasionally run around Hero side on (some server I forget which) in a SG called "Defenders Of Outstanding Freedom" or DOOF for short. It takes a special person to be a DOOF! It's our goofball heroes inspired by The Tick characters we play when we feel like expousing platitudes and being, well, a bunch of DOOFs.

My favorite DOOFs are

Commander Conduct (SS/invuln Tank and my wife plays his companion Miss Morality).
Fair-Weather Friend (Storm defender)

Although the best DOOF name went to a friend who doesn't play anymore.

He had "Mister Superpants"

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Great White Hope, my level 50 Virtue SS brute, is my favorite name.

[/ QUOTE ]I always find that name wonderfully ironic when people wear it as a badge of pride.



Great White Hope, my level 50 Virtue SS brute, is my favorite name.

[/ QUOTE ]I always find that name wonderfully ironic when people wear it as a badge of pride.

[/ QUOTE ]

It is wonderfully ironic. It's why it made for a great Villain name, who was a washed up boxer who turned to crime.



Hmmm, probably Archaeokinetic, my earth/kin troller.



My favorite is Hurticulture, my Plant/Thorn Dom.

"They've got us surrounded again, the poor bastards." - General Creighton W. Abrams