Defeating Romulous on the ITF, let me count the...




...ways! goal here is to see how many different ways people have defeated Rommie on the lat mission of the ITF.

I will start with the ways I have personally done it.

1. Bum rush him! Just over damage the Nictus' ability to heal.

2. Confuse Rommie, who then ganks his fluffy buddies...then curb stomb Rommie since he has no support now.

3. Snipe the fluffies w/o aggro'ing Rommie. Then beat Rommie down since he has no support.

4. Pull and seperate the healing Nictus from Rommie, beat him the required number of times with squishies diving for cover when he drops.

5. TP in to make two Rommies...OK...not reaaaaallly a tactic, just fun.

Anyone else?



On one particular ITF, the leader had the idea of all of us landing on the roof on the building behind Rommie, without touching any of the Cimororan traitors or 5th Column beforehand. Rommie and his fluffy bunnies were pulled up to the roof with us and we managed to defeat him from there. The ambushes were a little less coherent for having to jump up onto that roof, so that made them easier to deal with.

The leader said he always did it that way. Since it seemed to work, I was not about to complain!



On my first run we ended up killing the kooshballs one by one while someone tanked Romulus.



Heh, depending on the team all those will work.

Make a team with Half control/buff/debuff. Add maybe a tank, and a blaster/corruptor or two with a scrapper/Brute or two and you have an easy ITF.

@Radmind - Justice Server
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I think I was on a team which immobilized Rommie, and used a repel effect to keep the healing Nictus just far enough away. Can't say 100% that was what was going on. is a great source of information for this game.

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5. TP in to make two Rommies...OK...not reaaaaallly a tactic, just fun.

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Can you explain this one a little bit please?

"I think I'm cute. I've got gold medals.
I've got the moves that make them all tap out.
The Angle Slam, the Ankle Lock.
Marty Jannetty...still can't walk.
I'm just the sexy Kurt.
I'll make your ankle hurt.
I'm just the sexy Kurt.
I'll make your ankle hurt."
Kurt Angle



On one particular ITF, the leader had the idea of all of us landing on the roof on the building behind Rommie, without touching any of the Cimororan traitors or 5th Column beforehand. Rommie and his fluffy bunnies were pulled up to the roof with us and we managed to defeat him from there. The ambushes were a little less coherent for having to jump up onto that roof, so that made them easier to deal with.

The leader said he always did it that way. Since it seemed to work, I was not about to complain!

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That's the standard strategy on Justice.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



5. TP in to make two Rommies...OK...not reaaaaallly a tactic, just fun.

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Can you explain this one a little bit please?

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If you can port into range of Rommie before he turns into NICTUS ROMMIE!, then you get bugged version of regular rommie who you can slap silly as he has no support and IIRC no attacks.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Aggro the platform and bumrush Rommie. The traitors get wiped out by all the AoE's.



On my first run we ended up killing the kooshballs one by one while someone tanked Romulus.

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Last run I was on there were two tanks. I pulled the healing fluffy away from Rommie and kept it taunted. You can't pull the fluffies too far or they ignore you and head back to Rom, but you can get it out of heal-the-AV range.

I'm just a holy fool, oh baby it's so cruel

Thessalia, by Darkchildx2k



On my first run we ended up killing the kooshballs one by one while someone tanked Romulus.

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Last run I was on there were two tanks. I pulled the healing fluffy away from Rommie and kept it taunted. You can't pull the fluffies too far or they ignore you and head back to Rom, but you can get it out of heal-the-AV range.

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You have to be careful, though, as you can also pull it out of 'available to be sucked dry when Rommie goes down' range, which leaves you with the healing Nictus to deal with; when we accidentally did this, we had to put our Stalker up front to 'tank' the Nictus while everyone else whacked it from outside of its healing range, a long, slow grind.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



On one particular ITF, the leader had the idea of all of us landing on the roof on the building behind Rommie, without touching any of the Cimororan traitors or 5th Column beforehand. Rommie and his fluffy bunnies were pulled up to the roof with us and we managed to defeat him from there. The ambushes were a little less coherent for having to jump up onto that roof, so that made them easier to deal with.

The leader said he always did it that way. Since it seemed to work, I was not about to complain!

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That's the standard strategy on Justice.

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On Victory, this one group we had going would pull Rommie and the fuzzballs up the hill away from the traitors and 5th. Same concept, different pull place. One advantage, there were lots of terrain to break LOS to the big stun.

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HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



VEATs or Couple To-Hit Debuffs on Heal Nictus. Then pound rommie & not care.

THOUGH I dislike how now all the ambushes come out at once, instead of staggered(meaning, you had to kill ambush 1, to make ambush 2 come out, when Rommie's HP was a certain spot)

That's just downright annoying as all hell


I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.



You have to be careful, though, as you can also pull it out of 'available to be sucked dry when Rommie goes down' range, which leaves you with the healing Nictus to deal with; when we accidentally did this, we had to put our Stalker up front to 'tank' the Nictus while everyone else whacked it from outside of its healing range, a long, slow grind.

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True, I think the Nictus has to stay in Rommie's LOS.

I'm just a holy fool, oh baby it's so cruel

Thessalia, by Darkchildx2k




2. Confuse Rommie, who then ganks his fluffy buddies...then curb stomb Rommie since he has no support now.

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I've been on a team that went for this approach, but it was hellishly slow. It was particularly frustrating because we *should* have been able to bum-rush Rommie but the guy doing the confusing was a /Kin who had, but never used Speed Boost, Fulcrum, or Siphon Power during the whole TF (I tell a lie, he used Siphon Power once when I suggested we might have more success if he used his secondary a bit more for that particular fight). I think he used Transfusion a couple times, but not for the AV fights. Seems he just really really liked confuse and resented using anything else.

Sorry, don't mean to de-rail into a bad-player rant. Well, I do, but maybe if I say sorry it'll all be ok.



Pull Rommy down onto the grass - no ambushes

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On Freedom, all the ITFs I have been on we just just bumrushed him.



On one particular ITF, the leader had the idea of all of us landing on the roof on the building behind Rommie, without touching any of the Cimororan traitors or 5th Column beforehand. Rommie and his fluffy bunnies were pulled up to the roof with us and we managed to defeat him from there. The ambushes were a little less coherent for having to jump up onto that roof, so that made them easier to deal with.

The leader said he always did it that way. Since it seemed to work, I was not about to complain!

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I experienced that once.

It was the stupidest thing I've ever seen.

From now on, I'll be asking leaders if they plan on doing that and if they say, 'yes,' I'll pass.

Firstly, the problem with the roof:

  1. It doesn't stop ambushes.
  2. It doesn't separate Rommie far enough from the Healing Essence to stop him from getting healed.
  3. He starts sliding down the pitch of the roof because... THE ROOF IS PITCHED! Then he falls off and we get all sorts of agro.. you know, from three EBs that are now also getting healed by the Healing Essence.
  4. Because of the A frame roof, guess who gets separated in the Line of Sight from Rommie? Yep, the Healing Essence. Which is often harder to kill than Rommie.

Secondly, the problem with jumping to Rommie as soon as you enter the mission:
  1. You are now going to get not only the ambushes that come from attacking Rommie, but as you kill off the Cimeroran ambushes, you trigger the mission ambushes that you would have gotten if you fought your way to Rommie. The supposed 'tank' who's leading the team in this butt backwards tactic keeps screaming "focus your DPS on Rommie!" And I, the squishie, scream back, "When you first learn to hold the aggro of 30 foes!"
  2. Any mistake made, such as Rommie, a teammate, or a pet agroing the nearby spawns that weren't cleared (see above) just makes things so much more harder than they need to be.
  3. After you kill Rommie and the fuzzies, you STILL HAVE TO KILL OVER 200 CIMERORANS! So, what do groups do? They start traveling back down the path to the mission door and almost make it to the door. In other words, they save almost no time doing it backwards. Or, they go to the towers for the 'tank' to show off their lack of ability to herd a group in a wide open space that all have ranged attacks and don't gather since there's no corner for the tank to hide behind. Meanwhile, there are large spawns already gathered in tight groups along the path for easier killing. That speeds things up... how?

Listen, I know they are lots and lots of missions that can be sped up through jumping to the end. I've built my toons to do exactly that. But there are some missions where it doesn't make sense to do so. This is one of them.

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Once my team killed Rommie as he was out of the nictus LOS....he didn't rez and we had to kill each nictus to finish the TF. Very funny.

@Deadedge and @Dead Edge

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Listen, I know they are lots and lots of missions that can be sped up through jumping to the end. I've built my toons to do exactly that. But there are some missions where it doesn't make sense to do so. This is one of them.

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Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))



5. TP in to make two Rommies...OK...not reaaaaallly a tactic, just fun.

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Can you explain this one a little bit please?

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If you can port into range of Rommie before he turns into NICTUS ROMMIE!, then you get bugged version of regular rommie who you can slap silly as he has no support and IIRC no attacks.

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It's more than just being in range, you have to physically push him out of the way with your character model.



Firstly, the problem with the roof:

1. It doesn't stop ambushes.
2. It doesn't separate Rommie far enough from the Healing Essence to stop him from getting healed.
3. He starts sliding down the pitch of the roof because... THE ROOF IS PITCHED! Then he falls off and we get all sorts of agro.. you know, from three EBs that are now also getting healed by the Healing Essence.
4. Because of the A frame roof, guess who gets separated in the Line of Sight from Rommie? Yep, the Healing Essence. Which is often harder to kill than Rommie.

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1) So?

2) So?

3) Get a better tank/brute/scrapper

4) Only if you don't know what you're doing.

Listen, I know they are lots and lots of missions that can be sped up through jumping to the end. I've built my toons to do exactly that. But there are some missions where it doesn't make sense to do so. This is one of them.

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This gets done dozens of times a day on Justice. I've used this strategy over 100 times. It works. It works because, by going straight to Rommie and killing him on the roof, you can kill ANY 300 traitors you want (Primarily by flying/porting to the towers after clearing the courtyard) You have to fight many less EBs, and it's a hell of a lot faster.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.




Listen, I know they are lots and lots of missions that can be sped up through jumping to the end. I've built my toons to do exactly that. But there are some missions where it doesn't make sense to do so. This is one of them.

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What part of that opinion that contradicts the experiences of many gamers is true?

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



On my first run we ended up killing the kooshballs one by one while someone tanked Romulus.

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Last run I was on there were two tanks. I pulled the healing fluffy away from Rommie and kept it taunted. You can't pull the fluffies too far or they ignore you and head back to Rom, but you can get it out of heal-the-AV range.

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You have to be careful, though, as you can also pull it out of 'available to be sucked dry when Rommie goes down' range, which leaves you with the healing Nictus to deal with; when we accidentally did this, we had to put our Stalker up front to 'tank' the Nictus while everyone else whacked it from outside of its healing range, a long, slow grind.

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Yep had that happen on one a while ago. One of the team mates mentioned it had happned to her before and how they dealt with it. Everyone, scrappers and tanks included stayed out of aggro range and the controllers and blaster used their range atttacks. Even our Tank and scrappers only used black wands, Nemesis staffs. and any other temp powers with range to do damage. When it was suggested I didn't see any way it would actually work but the nictus all just hovered there taking damage until we managed to defeat all 3

Yeah it took a little while but we'd already had all but 2 team wipes trying to seperate and defeat or bum rush the trio. Not my ideal way to beat the ITF but it worked, we won, and all got our bright shiy badges LOL

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon