Side-Switching and Tanks




you guys are all missing the obvious bonus if JB's idiotic predictions come true.

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The real bonus is he will roll a hero brute.

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Then he'll be Johnny_Brutane, the oft maligned champion of all brutes everywhere because no one, including the developers, really knows the score except Johnny.

"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



I'd hope at least that it would be, because its an expantion, that you could select red side, blue side, and "purple side" at the character creation screen, so that in Praetoria one could have open options of archtypes and alignment. Then the PVP zones and Pocket D would be a merger of three worlds. Agree with you on content.

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



you guys are all missing the obvious bonus if JB's idiotic predictions come true.

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The real bonus is he will roll a hero brute.

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Then he'll be Johnny_Brutane, the oft maligned champion of all brutes everywhere because no one, including the developers, really knows the score except Johnny.

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He then will complain that Brutes don't have the survivability as a Tank.



I'd hope at least that it would be, because its an expantion, that you could select red side, blue side, and "purple side" at the character creation screen, so that in Praetoria one could have open options of archtypes and alignment.

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I like this set up. It allows more freedom with your character development. What would also be interesting is to set up kind of a moral barometer for the zone(s) based on choices made by players in the zone(s). Something along the lines of the sphere of control meter in Siren's Call.

This way becoming evil or good will also be subject to the socially accepted definitions as decided by the players. If the zone is particularly evil then heroes will have to work harder to continue their fight for justice. If the zone is a utopia of justice then things will be harder for those that choose the path of villainy.

"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



First off, I want to say to everyone "I told you so."

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And you wonder why people dislike you? How old are you 10?

Lastly, I view this as just the latest in the devs' abuse of Tankers.

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Sometimes you make no sense at all

I'm going to Champions.

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Dont let the door hit ya



you guys are all missing the obvious bonus if JB's idiotic predictions come true.

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The real bonus is he will roll a hero brute.

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The real bonus is he will be gone. But frankly, I'm not betting on it.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)




The current Pretora story arc is extremely loose (like most content from those days.) We visit certain zones, cities and the such, but we never really see anything outside of isolated outdoors. I never seen an arc that mentions what I said, I was guessing that based on the trailer where Tyrant's empire seems like a paradise. Being who he is, I would not be shocked of him going through any means necessary to achieve that perfection.

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Nothing in the past content presents Praetorian Earth as being, or seeming, a utopia.

In fact the CoH comics presented it as being a burnt out world, dark, war torn and dilapidated.

I consider the utopian angle very much a retcon, going against what we've seen before.

Now, here's where it gets interesting.

When they first showed the utpoian Praetoria in the trailer, I thought it looked a lot like Millenium City from the Champions Online concept artwork and videos.

Now, given that Tyrant "made" Praetoria, and Tyrant is the evil alternate version of Statesman, and Statesman is the alter ego of Jack Emmert, I think the devs maybe attemping a very meta kind of bash against Jack and CO.




He'll be there long enough to realize the devs won't let him make the tankmage he wants there, either.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict




it looks like Praetoria is just going to be yet another in a long line of 'co-op' zones, and the only 'side' switching that's going to be done is based on an 'alignment' rating. the more eviller you get, the darker your missions become, and you can finally make 'good and evil' choices in plotlines.

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Not to be pessimistic, but that's exactly what I think it will end up being, with some new emotes and costumes. Still new and cool nonetheless.

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The information we have says that hero characters can cross into villain zones and vice versa through the side-switching mechanism ("..enabling Heroes to cross over to the Rogue Isles and Villains to experience Paragon City"). Unless they are planning on making all new shared instances of those zones, it seems that side switching will affect the core parts of the game at least by allowing archetypes from both sides to show up on either side.

My suspicion and its purely that is that the fact that they are making a boxed expansion for this tells me at least one of a) new archetypes, b) radically new powersets, or c) new gameplay options will appear in the boxed expansion. If I had to guess, I would guess (a), new archetypes that are more "neutral" than the traditional ones.

In fact, the "Spy" archetype frequently rumored about may refer to just such an archetype. I think "Spy" might connotate less the abilities of the archetype, and more the mode (someone who infiltrates the opposite side, perhaps?) After all, stalkers don't generally "stalk" in any sense we might have guessed before actually seeing the archetype. Spies might not "spy" in any sense we might speculate about. Perhaps "Spy" is like "Kheldian" or "Soldier of Arachnos." It has more of a story-connection than an obvious capability connection, and may not even refer to anything specific.

That is 100% pure speculation, however. I must point out I have no information related to Going Rogue that everyone else doesn't have access to.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)




The current Pretora story arc is extremely loose (like most content from those days.) We visit certain zones, cities and the such, but we never really see anything outside of isolated outdoors. I never seen an arc that mentions what I said, I was guessing that based on the trailer where Tyrant's empire seems like a paradise. Being who he is, I would not be shocked of him going through any means necessary to achieve that perfection.

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Nothing in the past content presents Praetorian Earth as being, or seeming, a utopia.

In fact the CoH comics presented it as being a burnt out world, dark, war torn and dilapidated.

I consider the utopian angle very much a retcon, geing against what we've seen before.

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Actually most alternate reality totalitarian worlds have one shining city amidst the wreckage. I direct your attention to Apocalypse's citadel standing amid the ruins of Manhattan Island in the Age of Apocolypse crossover, the city-state of Libria in Equilibrium, Bregna in Aeon Flux. All are examples of the promise that is made to those who willingly live under their respective tyrant's thumb.


Now, here's where it gets interesting.

When they first showed the utpoian Praetoria in the trailer, I thought it looked a lot like Millenium City from the Champions Online concept artwork and videos.

Now, given that Tyrant "made" Praetoria, and Tyrant is the evil alternate version of Statesman, and Statesman is the alter ego of Jack Emmert, I think the devs maybe attemping a very meta kind of bash against Jack and CO.


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Nothing to see here, just more conspiracy theories.

"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



If I had to guess, I would guess (a), new archetypes that are more "neutral" than the traditional ones.

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If by that you mean "bridge" archetypes that are roughly the middle between existing ATs on opposing sides, then that may be the only thing in this explansion that keeps me around.

But as you say, the's pure speculation, and the devs have a whole two months to further disappoint me with the expansion before there's an alternative, and likely several more months after that before the expansion hits.




you guys are all missing the obvious bonus if JB's idiotic predictions come true.

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The real bonus is he will roll a hero brute.

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The real bonus is he will be gone. But frankly, I'm not betting on it.

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That's a 180.

It was only a couple months ago you said I'd tire of my pursuit like "others of my ilk" and split.




So, what are the chances of you staying sub'd here once CO comes out? If so, do you plan on posting on both forums? Cause that would just be super.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



So, what are the chances of you staying sub'd here once CO comes out? If so, do you plan on posting on both forums? Cause that would just be super.

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Like I said bucky, I've got two months until CO launches, and likely more than a couple after than until the expansion comes out.

I can easily pay subs for two games. The question is, do I move my other accounts from CoX to CO at that time and keep this one around just for giggles or just have the one here and one there.




So, what are the chances of you staying sub'd here once CO comes out? If so, do you plan on posting on both forums? Cause that would just be super.

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Like I said bucky, I've got two months until CO launches, and likely more than a couple after than until the expansion comes out.

I can easily pay subs for two games. The question is, do I move my other accounts from CoX to CO at that time and keep this one around just for giggles or just have the one here and one there.


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The question is, who cares?

�Life's hard. It's even harder when you're stupid.� ― John Wayne

�Just think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are even stupider!� - George Carlin



Obviously Reiraku.





Lastly, I view this as just the latest in the devs' abuse of Tankers. This is NOT a good thing to happen to Tankers. I've seen what's around the corner, I've seen what's over the horizon, and I promise you, you fools won't have nothing to celebrate. And no, I won't get there with you. I'm going to Champions.

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This is like 'I hate sinners, so I'm joining satan'...
Dev abuse of tankers? Like I5, I6, players reporting the doubling of invincibility after statesboy said 'it feels correct' and having it 'fixed' with no corresponding increase?
And the man who led this abuse, you want HIS new game???

wow, sign me up for coh fandom. I may try DCU, and switch if better, but I dont trust 'marv... oooops, recycle, name change, remarket, er chumpians!'. the pen and paper is a great game. This is not the pen and paper game.

As for praetoria being a 'paradise' or 'wrecked world', who said they are the SAME praetoria? Infinite dimensions, not too hard to imagine it being a different praetoria ... Unless the devs screwed up that history

50 Tanks: Invul/ss, Fire/ice/fire, Ice/em, Stone/fire
WP/Stone, dark/dark, shld/mace

50 Other: WS, SS/dark/sc brute, BS/Regen/WM scrpr, fire/fire/force blaster, rad/kin corr, mind/rad ctrl, ill/storm cntrl



you guys are all missing the obvious bonus if JB's idiotic predictions come true.

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The real bonus is he will roll a hero brute.

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The real bonus is he will be gone. But frankly, I'm not betting on it.

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That's a 180.

It was only a couple months ago you said I'd tire of my pursuit like "others of my ilk" and split.

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I said you'd tire of your pursuit and stop talking; as in disappear from the forums. That happens a lot. Some quit the game, others just quit the forums.

That's not inconsistent with believing its not a safe bet that you'll quit CoX for Champions Online specifically. I'd give that only a 60% chance of being true in the short term after CO release, and only a 40% chance of being true a year after CO launches. Not good enough odds.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Obviously Reiraku.


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I do

Seriously though, do both. That'd be fantastic.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict




The current Pretora story arc is extremely loose (like most content from those days.) We visit certain zones, cities and the such, but we never really see anything outside of isolated outdoors. I never seen an arc that mentions what I said, I was guessing that based on the trailer where Tyrant's empire seems like a paradise. Being who he is, I would not be shocked of him going through any means necessary to achieve that perfection.

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Nothing in the past content presents Praetorian Earth as being, or seeming, a utopia.

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I doubt Praetorian Earth consists of one single town, city or even country. I bet it's a round planet with loads of land. And that trailer they showed, makes Tyrant's empire look like an utopia.

It is very likely the "war thorn" areas we saw on that comic were the remnants of the loosing side.



I said you'd tire of your pursuit and stop talking; as in disappear from the forums. That happens a lot. Some quit the game, others just quit the forums.

That's not inconsistent with believing its not a safe bet that you'll quit CoX for Champions Online specifically. I'd give that only a 60% chance of being true in the short term after CO release, and only a 40% chance of being true a year after CO launches. Not good enough odds.

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Let's make a bet: he will go to CO, hate it and come back, thats what I think he will do.



Johnny will stick with whichever forum gives him more attention.





And the man who led this abuse, you want HIS new game???

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You mean the guy who said in serveral interviews between the time Positron took over and the time CO was announced that he regretted Tankers didn't turn out like their heavy hitting comic counterparts and always wanted to fix it, but never could find the time or solution?

I don't care about your boogyman. All I care about is someone is offering me a game with a more open power system where hopefully I can pick my role independant of my powersets and build characters closer to what I want. Not just super strong, tough heroes. Things like a gun wielding martial artist. Or a power armored psychic. Or whatever the hell not being as strongly bound to a class will let me. I'm excited to find out what the new system can and can't do. I already know what CoH can't, and I'm sick of it.

As opposed to these devs, who I think really don't give a damn about Tanker concept, have done more to damage it than better it, and have done very little to deliver the things I'm interested in a super hero MMO being.

Things like a more open character creation/ power system system.
Not to mention environmental interaction, power customization, a decreased focus on instanced missions, new travel powers, improved travel powers(sonic boom yay!) brand new graphics(with the exception of cel shading which I'll turn off), new enemies, new zones and a dozen other things that interest me that CoX doesn't have, won't have in the expansion, and likely will never have until they get off their butts and make a CoH 2.

And frankly, its something new. CoX is five years of fluff tacked on a rotting, slanting foundation. If you'll excuse my zealousness for Tankers, is anything else that I've said I'm looking forward to in CO something that's unreasonable to want? I don't think so. And if Positron isn't offering those things, I'm going to at least entertain someone who will.

Six months from now I'm going to be playing a super hero MMO that lets me pick up and throw a friggin' car. I don't care who's game that is, but from the looks of things, it wont be CoX.

And whatever Emmert did, or what you THINK he did, he's the only dev here who ever respected me enough to engage me in a conversation, didn't dismiss my criticism of the game and copped to the situation with Tankers.

Also he NEVER posted OT comments to one of my threads, derailed it, got it nuked by a Mod and then laughed about it later, unlike some devs here.




With side-switching actually on the way, how do you think this will impact tanks?

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Not very much. Tankers are still the one-stop-shopping AT for tanking purposes. I'm honestly more concerned about Corruptor/Defender or Scrapper/Stalker balance. I also expect to see a lot of Masterminds blueside for soloing purposes.

Technically, Scrappers and Brutes have a lot of overlap (very similar survivability and damage output), but the playstyle is so different that it will probably come down to preference.

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I'm not much concerned about any AT. Seriously folks, we have two extremely popular Co-op zones and TFs. Some ATs can fill in for others. The only real outliers will be the STF and LRSF.

And Tankers will be very welcome on both. I fully expect them to supplant all brutes who are not */stone in tanking those.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



First off, I want to say to everyone "I told you so."

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Must have missed that memo. But considering I stopped reading the Tank forums in early '07, it's understandable.

Occasionally I stumble in, start reading a thread, run into one of your posts, and remember why I left.

No hard feeling Johnny, just got better things to read these days. Hope you're having fun tobogganing down the slippery slopes. Try not to catch that big head on a branch on the way downhill