Side-Switching and Tanks




Post deleted by Moderator 08



I don't see much effect on Tankers. Some other ATs may get some tweaking to further Hero/Villain balance, but I don't think Tanks as a whole need any.

I've suggested before giving Tankers better debuff/control numbers than Scrappers and Brutes using the same set, just to help keep their unique feel in a world of powerset/archetype proliferation. Not really needed but I think it's a nice idea.



I think it's pretty much irrelevant anyway.

it looks like Praetoria is just going to be yet another in a long line of 'co-op' zones, and the only 'side' switching that's going to be done is based on an 'alignment' rating. the more eviller you get, the darker your missions become, and you can finally make 'good and evil' choices in plotlines.

About darned time you can have branching arcs, but I think that's what's being introduced, branching storylines, not 'true' side-switching.

(Side-switching at level 50 is pretty much pointless)



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

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I'm well versed in this 'world', I just avoid it and it's imitators exclusively, if possible. At least my dog learns new tricks, y'know. ;]




it looks like Praetoria is just going to be yet another in a long line of 'co-op' zones, and the only 'side' switching that's going to be done is based on an 'alignment' rating. the more eviller you get, the darker your missions become, and you can finally make 'good and evil' choices in plotlines.

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Not to be pessimistic, but that's exactly what I think it will end up being, with some new emotes and costumes. Still new and cool nonetheless.



About darned time you can have branching arcs, but I think that's what's being introduced, branching storylines, not 'true' side-switching.

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Since the press release claims that heroes can experience the Rogue Isles and villains can experience Paragon City, I think it's a bit more than branching storylines.



yes, but based on the amount of 'bait and switch' that has been going on lately, I think it's going to be considerably LESS than "Should I start my mastermind in atlas park or galaxy city?"



Well, starting your MM in Atlas or Galaxy wouldn't be side switching either -- it would just mean all the ATs are available as heroes or villains. Can't bait and switch from something nobody's offering.

I agree, though, that it would be lame to make it wait until level 50 -- although if it all centers on the Praetorians, those aren't exactly designed for a sewer team to deal with.

I think that right around the time the first respec and ouro open up, Praetoria should open up.



I don't think we are talking of just a coop. I think this will open up a third faction. The trailer makes quite a focus on "shades of grey". They note how Tyrant's world looks like a paradise. I think Pretora is just going to be a new "neutral" or "gray" faction.

You very likely will require the expansion to either switch sides or start in a non-native faction.
You will be able to be hero, villain, or rogue.

Just guessing Pretora will be a "paradise" that became such via rather immoral choices, Tyrant rules the world after all. The kind of world that is free of genetic defects due to all people that carry these deffects are either killed or forced to never have children.

I expect players to be able to switch sides at any level, but also would expect a revamped new player experience, one where you may go from level 1 to 20 inside the "tutorial" that will not only guide you through the beginning steps, but all the way through your pick of faction.

As for reasons to switch at lvl 50, i can think of several.

I have high level villains in Triumph I regret making because I know no one villain side, the character was mainly solo and during the initial CoV launch when people were trying the new faction. I would be happy to change those to heroes so I can do stuff with my heroic friends.

Badge hunters would love this, they would get to earn every single badge in both sides of the game (provided the badge is not a good/bad badge earned by the same requirements on both sides) like TF badges or a villain that wants the MSTF badge or a hero that wants the LRSF master badge. You can bet your toes that badge hounds will be all over this.

There is also plain and simple content, even at 50 you can do all content via Ouroboros. I love the villain side content and would be happy to rerun it all with my tanker.

Finally there is min/maxing, people that will find having a Tanker in CoV teams or a Stalker in a CoH team extremely interesting and useful.

If I sat down to look for more reasons I bet I would find them, all that would encourage a lvl 50 to switch sides.

All that said I would expect certain ATs to at least undergo renaming once they switch sides. A hero mastermind does not sound very heroic, perhaps a Hero Mastermind would be renamed Commander, and a villain defender an Offender.




if your team had a choice between an empathy or kin controller vs. yoru choice of ANY dom combination....yeah. even if you already had a healer you'd take the auras and another forge. even if you already had one kin you'd take a second fulcrum. you know you would.

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At the risk of enabling another tanks are crap thread, having a 50 fire/psi dom myself, teams always prefer it when I give them a choice among my other 50's (which includes a kin, fire/rad, 1 corr, 1 mm, s/s & ss/el brutes & of course tanks & scraprs).

Because you don't need capped Def & buff auras if everything is choking, burning and disappearing in two clicks.

But Tanks play differently, really more superhero-like imo. When I get on one of my tanks it feels like you're playing Superman, more so then the other AT's, especially minus exterior buffs, and that's why (according to dev data mining) they're more popular then you may expect, as is.

Tanker Fun

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um..i wasnt talking about taking a controller OVER a tank. the assumption there was a tanker or three. wehre would a dom fit? honestly, probably nowhere. they still wont do blaster dmg. they dont ahve the blaster bonus. they dont control any better than a conttroller does and in fact - with their being less of an inclination to build for perma dom - makes it hard to justify them a spot in a co-op team under normal conditions.



"Why would you have X AT on your team when you can have Y AT?" is mostly a forum game.

In the actual game, 95% of teams just go with the first eight characters that join. The other 5% leave a spot for a "Healer" until the leader is finally convinced they're not needed.



And really, anyone that requires a certain setup of ATs in their team is kind of being the MMO equivalent of a snob (unless you're trying for an all Kheld ITF or something like that). Obviously you have to think about selection some (I'd rather not only have Scrappers on a Katie Hannon TF, for instance, though it probably would be doable), but it's not that big a deal.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



"Why would you have X AT on your team when you can have Y AT?" is mostly a forum game.

In the actual game, 95% of teams just go with the first eight characters that join. The other 5% leave a spot for a "Healer" until the leader is finally convinced they're not needed.

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this is true, since this is mostly a solo game. there are teams, but they are far and few between unless you have a dedicated crew.

but should this rogue thing end up being nothing more than getting rid of the boundaries and being able to take a ferry from mercy to atlas and back and forth at will - it will be interesting to see. should teaming start to become the norm again outside of MA, and should a time come when there are a ton of people looking for a group - it could become an issue

however, how far do you think an all dom team will go seeing as how you're talking about a totally buffless team? extreme case i know, but something to think about (especially if the dmg buff makes doms fotm for yet MORE farming)



I don't trust anything coming from these devs. Period.

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Only those things that support your paranoid view of the game.

"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



I don't trust anything coming from these devs. Period.

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Only those things that support your paranoid view of the game.

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Well, yeah, that's different.



In side-switching, a tank as the eigth role on a mixed red team (or any team) would be an outright carpet bombing. Red side has so much damage potential locked up in who's managing argo its not even funny. In this senario, it would be difficult to determine who's being marginalized. But this has been reviewed in the past with well balanced blue teams to no end (mostly by Arcanaville), and I'd only see mission "turn-over" being easier with tanks on red-side.

I'd like to see harder foes-- specific bonuses to the foes on their damage and to hit on maps that spawn to 6-8 toon missions to hold the role of a tank as the tank. I dont like the idea of having tank-ish toons doing damage as the "extra argo mitigator," when it should be the case that only the tank can handle the argo in the first place. If a tank is not present, a more concerted effort must be done to fill the gap and not just "well, send in the clowns or buff the brute."

This may not appeal to those who often solo tanks, but people usually solo tanks because their powers are CURRENTLY unique blue side.

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



Just guessing Pretora will be a "paradise" that became such via rather immoral choices, Tyrant rules the world after all. The kind of world that is free of genetic defects due to all people that carry these deffects are either killed or forced to never have children.

[/ QUOTE ] Is this really in the storyline? If so then maybe I need to pay attention to arcs alot more. Does anyone know who gives an arc that mentions this?

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Finally there is min/maxing, people that will find having a Tanker in CoV teams or a Stalker in a CoH team extremely interesting and useful.

[/ QUOTE ] This is the main reason I want to do it. I can see the hero side tfs just getting completely owned by the villains. Stuff like manticore's tf wouldnt be [censored] with a team of stalkers killing PP's before they even get a chance to mog. Or even a mind dom perma sleeping the avs in the STF at the end.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Just guessing Pretora will be a "paradise" that became such via rather immoral choices, Tyrant rules the world after all. The kind of world that is free of genetic defects due to all people that carry these deffects are either killed or forced to never have children.

[/ QUOTE ] Is this really in the storyline? If so then maybe I need to pay attention to arcs alot more. Does anyone know who gives an arc that mentions this?

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The current Pretora story arc is extremely loose (like most content from those days.) We visit certain zones, cities and the such, but we never really see anything outside of isolated outdoors. I never seen an arc that mentions what I said, I was guessing that based on the trailer where Tyrant's empire seems like a paradise. Being who he is, I would not be shocked of him going through any means necessary to achieve that perfection.

After all, Tyrant and Statesman are the same man, with different decisions made through life. Both are likely driven by the same motives: a better tomorrow, but made very different moral choices.

All i ponder is: where is Pretorian Recluse?



Just guessing Pretora will be a "paradise" that became such via rather immoral choices, Tyrant rules the world after all. The kind of world that is free of genetic defects due to all people that carry these deffects are either killed or forced to never have children.

[/ QUOTE ] Is this really in the storyline? If so then maybe I need to pay attention to arcs alot more. Does anyone know who gives an arc that mentions this?

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The current Pretora story arc is extremely loose (like most content from those days.) We visit certain zones, cities and the such, but we never really see anything outside of isolated outdoors. I never seen an arc that mentions what I said, I was guessing that based on the trailer where Tyrant's empire seems like a paradise. Being who he is, I would not be shocked of him going through any means necessary to achieve that perfection.

After all, Tyrant and Statesman are the same man, with different decisions made through life. Both are likely driven by the same motives: a better tomorrow, but made very different moral choices.

All i ponder is: where is Pretorian Recluse?

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he's the leader of the resistance, driven by a desire for freedom from the control of Tyrant, and saying 'No More' to the hypocracy of an artificial paradise built on the backs of those who should be leaders instead of slaves.

fits his personality also




it looks like Praetoria is just going to be yet another in a long line of 'co-op' zones, and the only 'side' switching that's going to be done is based on an 'alignment' rating. the more eviller you get, the darker your missions become, and you can finally make 'good and evil' choices in plotlines.

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Not to be pessimistic, but that's exactly what I think it will end up being, with some new emotes and costumes. Still new and cool nonetheless.

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I'll still invite Tanks over Brutes anyday of the week. I want to have an AT who can take a hit and not die.



you guys are all missing the obvious bonus if JB's idiotic predictions come true.
if no one else in the game NEEDS tanks, and all of us super duper tank fans keep making tanks........... wait for it......
PERMANENT TANKER TUESDAY!!!!eleventyone!!1!!
we could all just make our tanks, make tanker only SG's, do nothin' but tanker only events, then everyone will have to make one just because we will be so cool and exclusive

oh, and any word on when that dom buff is coming, i just came up with two concepts for DOM's, because i've only ever dabbled in them and would REALLY love to see this happen soon.

Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.

screw your joke, i want "FREEM"



you guys are all missing the obvious bonus if JB's idiotic predictions come true.

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The real bonus is he will roll a hero brute.