Side-Switching and Tanks




Johnny, you don't have a "zealousness for Tankers", you have a grossly misconceived notion of what Tankers should be based on a description that doesn't actually fit the comic book characters on which they are supposed to be based.

On the very first day I started playing, I could read the pretty, happy words next to the Tanker description in the character creator that said "Damage: Medium". You've been playing longer than me, how have you not noticed that before?

You have a zealousness for having a Tankmage.



You've been playing longer than me,

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Your reg date is older?





And the man who led this abuse, you want HIS new game???

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You mean the guy who said in serveral interviews between the time Positron took over and the time CO was announced that he regretted Tankers didn't turn out like their heavy hitting comic counterparts and always wanted to fix it, but never could find the time or solution?

I don't care about your boogyman. All I care about is someone is offering me a game with a more open power system where hopefully I can pick my role independant of my powersets and build characters closer to what I want. Not just super strong, tough heroes. Things like a gun wielding martial artist. Or a power armored psychic. Or whatever the hell not being as strongly bound to a class will let me. I'm excited to find out what the new system can and can't do. I already know what CoH can't, and I'm sick of it.

As opposed to these devs, who I think really don't give a damn about Tanker concept, have done more to damage it than better it, and have done very little to deliver the things I'm interested in a super hero MMO being.

Things like a more open character creation/ power system system.
Not to mention environmental interaction, power customization, a decreased focus on instanced missions, new travel powers, improved travel powers(sonic boom yay!) brand new graphics(with the exception of cel shading which I'll turn off), new enemies, new zones and a dozen other things that interest me that CoX doesn't have, won't have in the expansion, and likely will never have until they get off their butts and make a CoH 2.

And frankly, its something new. CoX is five years of fluff tacked on a rotting, slanting foundation. If you'll excuse my zealousness for Tankers, is anything else that I've said I'm looking forward to in CO something that's unreasonable to want? I don't think so. And if Positron isn't offering those things, I'm going to at least entertain someone who will.

Six months from now I'm going to be playing a super hero MMO that lets me pick up and throw a friggin' car. I don't care who's game that is, but from the looks of things, it wont be CoX.

And whatever Emmert did, or what you THINK he did, he's the only dev here who ever respected me enough to engage me in a conversation, didn't dismiss my criticism of the game and copped to the situation with Tankers.

Also he NEVER posted OT comments to one of my threads, derailed it, got it nuked by a Mod and then laughed about it later, unlike some devs here.


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JB, do you read any of the stuff that you actually type?



is anything else that I've said I'm looking forward to in CO something that's unreasonable to want? I don't think so.

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Perhaps not, but nearly all of it comes with unavoidable strings which you'll have to experience for yourself.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



is anything else that I've said I'm looking forward to in CO something that's unreasonable to want? I don't think so.

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Perhaps not, but nearly all of it comes with unavoidable strings which you'll have to experience for yourself.

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Strings or not, at least the features I want look like they're being offered and the problem areas are being changed at the very least. That's more than I can say for CoX and the expansion. I'll take the bad with the good if I'm happy with the test drive, thank you.




You mean the guy who said in serveral interviews between the time Positron took over and the time CO was announced that he regretted Tankers didn't turn out like their heavy hitting comic counterparts and always wanted to fix it, but never could find the time or solution?

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WTH! Statesman did more AT borking including tanks then Posi ever thought of. I wouldn't believe Statesman if he told me the sky was blue.

Example when Global Defense Nerf was released in line with the "Balance Vision" Statesman promised that this was the end of the nerfing. Next issue Enhancement Diversification. When Statesman was confronted about this nerf his reply was that it was not a nerf from a programming point of view. So either the guy is a liar or an idiot. You want to have a tanker Hero Dev go for it, but don't think Jack always says what he means.

I don't care about your boogyman. All I care about is someone is offering me a game with a more open power system where hopefully I can pick my role independant of my powersets and build characters closer to what I want. Not just super strong, tough heroes. Things like a gun wielding martial artist. Or a power armored psychic. Or whatever the hell not being as strongly bound to a class will let me. I'm excited to find out what the new system can and can't do. I already know what CoH can't, and I'm sick of it.

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Good luck with that. Sony tried it with the original SWG and it FAILED so bad that they switched to an AT system. Lets hope CO does better.

As opposed to these devs, who I think really don't give a damn about Tanker concept, have done more to damage it than better it, and have done very little to deliver the things I'm interested in a super hero MMO being.

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Yes they don't give a damn about tanks since they.
Buffed invulnerable
added dual blades
added will power
added shield defense
power proliferation
I think Mr. Butane that you see what you want to see. No I don't expect you to agree with me.

hings like a more open character creation/ power system system.
Not to mention environmental interaction, power customization, a decreased focus on instanced missions, new travel powers, improved travel powers(sonic boom yay!) brand new graphics(with the exception of cel shading which I'll turn off), new enemies, new zones and a dozen other things that interest me that CoX doesn't have, won't have in the expansion, and likely will never have until they get off their butts and make a CoH 2.

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We got it CO is new and therefore will be better. Right....

Good luck with dealing with the 3 years of ironing out bugs, glitches, and nerfs have fun with that.

And frankly, its something new. CoX is five years of fluff tacked on a rotting, slanting foundation. If you'll excuse my zealousness for Tankers, is anything else that I've said I'm looking forward to in CO something that's unreasonable to want? I don't think so. And if Positron isn't offering those things, I'm going to at least entertain someone who will.

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Your right. The Dev team instead of trying to play catch up to the new guy with CO are offering things that the whole player base has asked for, revolutionary tools like MA, Frankly the game keeps getting revolutionary better concepts added to it instead of the CoX wishlist from 3 years ago.

And whatever Emmert did, or what you THINK he did, he's the only dev here who ever respected me enough to engage me in a conversation, didn't dismiss my criticism of the game and copped to the situation with Tankers.

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What did he do that for like 5 minutes before he jumped ship. Did it ever occur to you Johnny that you bring this dismissal on yourself. I have and still do agree with you on some design issues but frankly acting rudely to Devs and calling them names is not the way to get your message heard.

Also he NEVER posted OT comments to one of my threads, derailed it, got it nuked by a Mod and then laughed about it later, unlike some devs here.

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Get over it already.

Johnny if you are leaving, leave, but leave the rest of us in peace. We are still concerned with making this game better.




Brute SS > Tanker SS/Scrapper Anything

Brutes win.



No I don't expect you to agree with me.

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I guess I don't because four out of the five things you listed I either argued against or hate outright they ever happened.


We got it CO is new and therefore will be better.

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No, CO is new and will have new things I like about it and new things I don't. But at least some of the things I don't aren't things I'm sick of dealing with for three years and have no hope of ever being fixed. CO gives me a little hope for something better. The "Goin' Commando" expansion really doesn't.


Your right. The Dev team instead of trying to play catch up to the new guy with CO are offering things that the whole player base has asked for

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I argued long and hard against side switching.


revolutionary tools like MA

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It's little more than radio/paper missions with user generated text. It's more limited than the already very limited mission tools and story telling techniques the dev generated game has. I would have rather the devs spent the development time and resources used on it to see improved AI and improved mission design by the people PAID to design missions.

Or better, spent the year and a half since they formed the new studio working on a CoH 2, which is something I could be hopeful for.


I have and still do agree with you on some design issues but frankly acting rudely to Devs and calling them names is not the way to get your message heard.

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No offense, but you don't really know half of what's gone down. There are a handfull of people on these forums I may have been too harsh with at times, but the devs aren't one of them. Leave it at that.


Get over it already.

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I've tried to present my case in a reasonable manner on many occasions and offer solutions to some of those design issues you said you agree with and it's thrown back in my face and derailed by one of the very people it was aimed at. And then it's joked about.




Example when Global Defense Nerf was released in line with the "Balance Vision" Statesman promised that this was the end of the nerfing. Next issue Enhancement Diversification. When Statesman was confronted about this nerf his reply was that it was not a nerf from a programming point of view.

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Actually, he stated that ED wasn't a change to powers so he felt that his statement that there was going to be no more powers changes was valid.

I genuinely believe that Jack was sincere in this belief (and I was the one that specifically made the "hallway" comment). However, that also means Jack was not the best qualified to be making either powers-related statements or powers-related decisions either, because that level of compartmentalization is not, in my opinion, consistent with being able to positively influence your game's design (at least with regard to the powers-related components of it).

And I don't think Jack really *is* all that involved in such details over at Cryptic for any of their games in development. Everything I've been told says otherwise. My guess is that Jack has about as much influence over game mechanics and powers design for any of Cryptic's games as the CEO of NCSoft has over the flight cap.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I've tried to present my case in a reasonable manner on many occasions and offer solutions to some of those design issues you said you agree with and it's thrown back in my face and derailed by one of the very people it was aimed at. And then it's joked about.

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And then its set on fire.

But then again, when you state publicly that one of the main problems with tankers is the players playing tankers immolation is a foregone conclusion.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Things like a more open character creation/ power system system.

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Which will eventually lead to a few extremely powerful character builds that will become overrepresented FotM characters... much like what we have now.

Not to mention environmental interaction,

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power customization,

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a decreased focus on instanced missions,

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Until server populations necessitate an increased focus (if it happens.)

new travel powers,

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Fluff (the only difference between running super fast to your destination and burrowing there is graphical.)

improved travel powers(sonic boom yay!)

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Auditory fluff.

brand new graphics(with the exception of cel shading which I'll turn off),

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Visual fluff.

new enemies, new zones

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Neither of which ever happen in CoH, right?

and a dozen other things that interest me that CoX doesn't have, won't have in the expansion, and likely will never have until they get off their butts and make a CoH 2.

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I hope you enjoy it as much as you claim you will. Actually, I hope you enjoy it more than you claim it will.

And whatever Emmert did, or what you THINK he did, he's the only dev here who ever respected me enough to engage me in a conversation, didn't dismiss my criticism of the game and copped to the situation with Tankers.

Also he NEVER posted OT comments to one of my threads, derailed it, got it nuked by a Mod and then laughed about it later, unlike some devs here.


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Seriously, you've gone beyond merely holding this particular grudge. You cuddle it now. You snuggle it. You hug it and pet it and take it out for walks. Do you call it George? George the Grudge is a good name, Lenny.

And I'd guess the reason Jack never posted OT topics in your threads is more because he left too shortly after your arrival to do so rather than for any long term respect you may believe he may have had for you. The guy's history of not respecting the player base is a widely known matter of record.



the players playing tankers

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Not all of them. Or even most of them, I'd guess.




Just the majority of the ones who reply to you, J_B.



I'd like to add that I have no idea why people are jumping on J_B for liking what he sees from CO. That's totally up to him, and if other people think that CO looks like trash (I'm of that opinion ATM), then so be it.

I'm no fan of J_B, but sometimes the trash thrown out at him is more of a waste of electrons than the oddly mangled "facts" that he presents.



the players playing tankers

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Not all of them. Or even most of them, I'd guess.

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No, just 95% of all the players that supported tankers in these forums before you came along, who you called "part of the problem."

But of course, I'm sure all of the rest of them are on your side. Are you going to leave them all behind when you depart, or are you planning on asking Positron to let your people go?

Now that I think about it, I think we could charge serious admission if J_B stood in front of Positron in Steel with a staff in his hand and just kept saying "Let My Tankers Go" over and over again.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)




Now that I think about it, I think we could charge serious admission if J_B stood in front of Positron in Steel with a staff in his hand and just kept saying "Let My Tankers Go" over and over again.

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Heck I'll pay for it so long as he has to leave this forum to do it.

Taking It On the Chin I-16 Tanker Guide
Repeat Offenders




A quick count shows more posts in this thread bashing J_B than answering the OP's question...

* applauds Way to derail a thread guys...

As for me, I'll retire my main Inv/SS and replace him with an SS/Inv brute. Since I mostly solo, playing a meatshield no longer appeals to me.

"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy



I'm going to Champions

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank god.

Proud member of the Cole-a-lition.
Fighting to make every reality, a better reality.




A quick count shows more posts in this thread bashing J_B than answering the OP's question...

* applauds Way to derail a thread guys...

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JB has become highly adept at this particular skill, so much so that he gets immensely jealous when anyone else, particularly a dev, does it in return.

As for me, I'll retire my main Inv/SS and replace him with an SS/Inv brute. Since I mostly solo, playing a meatshield no longer appeals to me.

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Side-switching will not tempt me even slightly to play a Brute, nor any other villain AT. Personally, I'm painfully grinding my way through a Mastermind just to try out a SoA.



*** You are ignoring this user ***

Really people. Do this and he goes away.



Tanks will make Brutes look silly, redside. I've noticed that your non-Brute player must take caution in using their attacks, as you can never rely on Brutes to completely hold aggro. And if they are, there's a chance they're getting themselves in deep... stuff. HOWEVER, Brutes blueside will attract your Scrapperish types.
Here's my main point:
Brutes and Scrappers are NOT team players when compared to the Tanker. Right now, they're all redside has to offer in terms of tanking (well, Tankerminds... but yeah...). I think side-switching will put Brutes (as a tanking force) in their place -- right behind Tankers.



i'm not too keen on the other games departure from instancing.

instancing is still relatively new. city of heroes was a pioneer in many ways.

how many of us remember waiting 'in line' to kill that one gnoll? or that one mob with a 4 hour respawn rate for his drop and hoping you could 'tag' or outdmg everyone else in the area enough to get said drop this time..

this is what happens when you dont have instancing. how many of you played lotro at launch and remember waiting for a certain auroch to respawn in thorins hall? or hogger in wow? or hell nearly any quest in wow outside of the 5 man instances especiall at launch when the overwhelming majority of the entire playerbase was in a couple of newbie zones.

departure from istancing is bad and just shows that perhaps these devs have short memories. i for one - after almost two decades of muds and mmorpgs - do not.




A quick count shows more posts in this thread bashing J_B than answering the OP's question...

* applauds Way to derail a thread guys...

As for me, I'll retire my main Inv/SS and replace him with an SS/Inv brute. Since I mostly solo, playing a meatshield no longer appeals to me.

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Tanks, all the way.

I made my ss/dark brute only because dark wasnt available to tanks back then.
Now, Im waiting for Energy/Electrical/SR/ninjitsu to come to tanks.

Knowing power proliferation is coming made me play controllers and mastermind more, until it shows up on tanks.

50 Tanks: Invul/ss, Fire/ice/fire, Ice/em, Stone/fire
WP/Stone, dark/dark, shld/mace

50 Other: WS, SS/dark/sc brute, BS/Regen/WM scrpr, fire/fire/force blaster, rad/kin corr, mind/rad ctrl, ill/storm cntrl



instancing is still relatively new. city of heroes was a pioneer in many ways.

how many of us remember waiting 'in line' to kill that one gnoll? or that one mob with a 4 hour respawn rate for his drop and hoping you could 'tag' or outdmg everyone else in the area enough to get said drop this time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Problems with non-instanced content really only occur when people have to compete for a scarce resource, especially if you need it to attain an important goal. For an example of where non-instanced content works, Rikti invasions aren't instanced, yet there isn't a problem, because they allow players to collaborate rather than compete. Warhammer zone quests (or whatever they are called) are another example of where non-instanced content works perfectly fine, because it allows everybody to work together towards a common goal.

The benefit of good non-instanced content is that it facilitates immersion in the world and gets you to meet other players along the way. Poor non-instanced content hurts immersion (I just defeated that named mob and it's already back?) and creates hostility between players (well, in a PvP game, the latter may actually be a feature, not a bug).



Poor non-instanced content hurts immersion (I just defeated that named mob and it's already back?)

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And exiting a mission door from an office I just cleared of CoT, and then immediately getting another mission at that same door, but now it leads to a cave full of Devouring Earth, isn't immersion breaking?

I think that's a limitation of it being a game, period. Instanced or non instanced, something is going to snap you back that this is a virtual world, and not even a simulation.

The difference is, non-instanced can be more social in my opinion. I meet more people in Rikti Raids and zombie invasions that go on my friends list than from the people asking me randomly to farm at the MA. Feels more super hero-like too. Heroes randomly teaming up to fight a threat.

I wouldn't execute that as an instanced mission. That would be a GM encouter where Spidey calles his SG buddy and the they pick up a pubber who stumbles by.
