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  1. Pretty sure I still won't take it. Snipes have never been my style. I didn't like them even when Blasters could 6 slot 50% HOs in them. I just thought instant Dom would be a nice perk, but apparently, based on the end cost it wouldn't be instant in the first place.

    The build I have planned already has enough +Recharge for perma Dom in addition to soft capped ranged defense, so IO muling wasn't really an issue either.
  2. I see, thanks. I'll probably ditch the Snipe then, especially since Domination isn't as important anymore.
  3. So I was planning on starting up a Dom once the new changes hit live, and looking ahead, I was planning on taking the Snipe power to use/cancel/repeat to build up Domination quickly.

    My question to those Dominators who use this technique:

    1) How many canceled Snipes are needed to fill the Dom bar?

    I know Snipes are getting End costs boosted so I just wanted to make sure I wouldn't run out of End before I am able to activate Domination.
  4. Toshin

    /em throwmoney

    They should have a temp power moneybags like the snowball temp. If you target someone and activate it, you toss a bag of money at another player which then explodes into a shower of coins and dollar bills on impact. Each use costs 100k inf.
  5. <QR>

    Got mine for about 200 mill as well in the early days. I saw heroes priced the same IO at 400 mill and knew it was a great deal.
  6. Just FYI, I'm temporarily taking up HeyTiny's offer to let me use a workshop room for myself, but I'm still looking for a base for my exclusive use. My heroside marketeer is only 22 so he can only store 60 pieces of salvage. I'm having to use my market slots to store some of the rares I've stocked up on, so I'm missing out on several million everytime I log on.

    Lavitae, if you get the SG to about 310k prestige, that's really all I'll need for a workshop room with a bunch of salvage racks, an enhancement bin, and a crafting table.
  7. Just started a hero on Freedom, and I could use a base.

    If anyone has an SG with a decent amount of prestige(only about 310k is needed for my purposes), I'm willing to buy the SG in exchange for infamy/influence(whatever combo you want). PM me or reply here, if you're interested.
  8. Bah, seriously I want a base.

    My usual solution of "throw inf at it til I buy it" is supposed to work.
  9. I posted this in the base builder forum as well, but I'm buying stuff so I suppose it fits for The Market forum, too.

    Anyway, I started marketeering on heroside and need space to store salvage and enhancements. If you have a small SG base or an SG with enough prestige to craft a workshop room for several salvage racks I'm interested in buying it.

    In exchange, I have plenty of infamy and some influence, so I'm willing to pay one or the other or a combination of the two. PM me or reply if you're interested.
  10. I've made a new hero on Freedom, blueside, and was looking for an SG base to buy. I'm not looking for anything huge, just a space for storing salvage and enhancements.

    I have plenty of infamy, but I can also pay with influence or a combination of the two in exchange for your SG base. PM me or reply if you're interested.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    But someone on the forums said that SD's defense debuff resistance was enhanceable and it's actually possible for an SD toon to cap defense debuff resistance. I don't know if that statement is true, but the whole thing has me thoroughly confused.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    SD Brutes can cap defense debuff resistance. Forts/Widows can not.
  12. I was thinking about making a Kin/Arch, but I was curious about any Archery redraw issues with Kin powers. Anyone have a rundown on what Kin powers make you redraw the bow?
  13. <QR>

    Brute SS > Tanker SS/Scrapper Anything

    Brutes win.
  14. <QR>

    You want Membranes in Active Defense not Cytos. Otherwise, for every place you have a Cyto, an Enzyme will do the same but better.

    As for the percent chance for +Recharge from the FF proc, from 1 target to 10 targets, the probabilities for +Recharge should be 10%, 19%, 27%, 34%, 41%, 47%, 52%, 57%, 61%, and max 65%.
  15. Thanks, I just edited them from inside the arc instead of from the "My Enemies" tab.

    I had a lot of toning down to do. My custom enemies seemed just fine until I ran them on my SOed Blaster and not my IOed Brute @_@
  16. Whenever I update my custom enemies, their changes are not reflected in the story arcs they're in.

    I looked over the .storyarc file, and noticed that it stores all the old attributes, independent from the character editor so they aren't updated when I test an arc.

    So... is there a quick way to fix this?
  17. Lots of thanks for this index.

    I just recently acquired 200 merits(I know I know, I just can't TF that much these days) on my villain, and I was going to flat out buy a LoTG: +Recharge since I've had bad luck with random recipes in the quick Katie days. Then, I saw that your numbers placed the highest value in the 35-39 TF random rolls and decided what the heck, let's go with the numbers.

    Ended up rolling 10 times and getting a Miracle unique, LoTG: +Recharge, and a few other recipes that should sell for 10-30 mil a piece.

    I love it when the numbers work out.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    *Note* One girl has probably quit the game because of this. They were pretty rude taunting her telling her very graphically what they were going to do to her warm body as they repeatedly killed her after pinning her in the room with hurricane:

    Names in the pics are Aeolus, Storm Angel, Johnny Priest, Mind Eraser, Omega Boost, St Jimmy, and a few others.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Those are some names I'll remember. While it is fun to successfully defeat an opponent in PvP, the type of harassment they supposedly did is just obnoxious. I can live with someone saying "lol omg owned!" and going off on his merry way after he defeats me, but constantly badgering someone just because you're defeating them is immature and crosses the line to bullying. Some people really need to grow up.