City of Heroes is Going Rogue!?!
Just got the email... HOLY [censored] [censored]!
Voo... this is how you trump Mental...
Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."

TELL MEEE! PM me if you must!
HOLY [censored]! Didn't expect that!!
I didn't get anything about this.
Something doesn't feel right about this. It'll be interesting if true but...
I'll get excited whe we get official confirmation. Until then, paranoia is in charge.
Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.
A bunch of people in General are reporting that they got it too. It seems too early for I15 announcements (plus, wasn't it supposed to be about the 5th?). I wonder what's up?
My guess is that Going Rogue will be I16.
This definitely looks official. It's from and here's a link to the pic:
It looks like newzyouwant does email PR work.
Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."

And confirmation from Castle. This is real as it gets, folks.
Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."

Holy [censored].
Actions speak louder than Vets.

Going to reserve full judgement till we get a ton more info, but for now, cautiously pessimistic; not all that thrilled about side-switching (however they'll integrate it into the game). Complain about lack of content redside? Well just side-switch to blue.. hmm. They've got to be very very cautious about this.
And the more I think about it, what about all the possible power adjustments for balancing issues? That alone sounds like a nasty headache. For example, we know that brute defenses are, iirc, 75% of tanker normals. Soo.. why wouldn't folks want to side-switch a tank to redside for the added shields for whatever reason?
Also, teaming; we've talked about it before, whether here or elsewhere, blue side ATs are more.. independent of others, as opposed to redside, which is more.. interconnected? If you side switch blue to red, what will that do to teaming dynamics, if anything?
(And yes, i'm thinking about the badges as well. There's got to be some catches to this, otherwise you've almost doubled the amount of badges to get in the game, inf could get kicked around like crazy, probably merge the markets, etc etc etc)
@Death Conqueror
-Goal for 2011: Survive, stay alive, and continue to thrive.
I bet they sent it out early by mistake. That would be why castle couldn't say more about it. Why would you announce it like this then not say anything about it? AND they always announce stuff at PAX and that's not till August.
Plus I never got the email while anachro did. I'm sensing a pink slip in someone's near future.
And the more I think about it, what about all the possible power adjustments for balancing issues? That alone sounds like a nasty headache. For example, we know that brute defenses are, iirc, 75% of tanker normals. Soo.. why wouldn't folks want to side-switch a tank to redside for the added shields for whatever reason?
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I think the Devs are willing to let this happen, DC. Tanks get better defenses at the cost of doing less damage. If people really want "real Tanks" red-side, then they are free to move them over from blue.
As far as PvP goes, my guess is the changes made in I13 mitigate the balance issues of allowing all 14 ATs go on either side.
Going Rogue is Paragon Studios' big play to remain relevant with CO and DCUO breathing down their neck. For good or ill, many people have been requesting side-switching for a long time, and now they're doing it. It will be funny to see the first all-Hero AT team demolish the LRSF.
Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."

It will be funny to see the first all-Hero AT team demolish the LRSF.
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Watch it be 6 trollers/defs, 1 stone tank, and 1 pity spot for a blaster/scrapper.
wait, why does that sound familiar?
@Death Conqueror
-Goal for 2011: Survive, stay alive, and continue to thrive.
From what I have read on the site about I15, it seems this e-mail announcement is for something different. I remember a lotta players asking to be able to switch sides for roleplaying purposes (antihero concepts, etc.) so this expansion has grabbed my interest.
From what they said in the e-mail tho', it looks like this will not be a free expansion. They were referring to it as the first major expansion since I expect there will be a purchase price for it as there was for CoV. More customization and story content is worth paying for in my opinion tho'.
Tanks and Brutes already overlap in the co-op TFs, so letting side switches happen won't change things that much, but will highlight disparities between any ATs... so Castle will have fun with balancing powers, that's for sure.
For me, there are some good things. I'm going to take a wild guess and say there may be a new AT in the works with this, the rumored Praetorians, since the e-mail mentions that prominently. Since they're trumping this as a new expansion, it should hopefully have oodles of content, which is good.
My pessimistic meter is ringing a bit, though. Guess NCSoft's investment in this game is to make a bunch of cool stuff and make us pay over and above our $15 a month for it. *sighs* Maybe I'm reading the e-mail wrong, but this sounds like a paid expansion, since they're comparing it to COV's release. Not so keen on that. I just wish they'd make up their minds as to if this game would be a pay per month or pay for expansions.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
And now... The Official CoH Going Rogue web page.
*In a Mr. Burns voice* ..... Interesting
Tanks and Brutes already overlap in the co-op TFs, so letting side switches happen won't change things that much, but will highlight disparities between any ATs... so Castle will have fun with balancing powers, that's for sure.
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What disparities? Every archetype finds homes in teams. Some players are simply ignorant of archetypes potentials and are prejudiced for various silly reasons. I see no reason to change anything.
For the first time, Hero characters can become Villains and vice versa, enabling Heroes to cross over to the Rogue Isles and Villains to experience Paragon City.
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Haha, I was just thinking about this last night. Cool. I'm not sure I'll actually move any characters, but we'll see.
Guess NCSoft's investment in this game is to make a bunch of cool stuff and make us pay over and above our $15 a month for it. *sighs*
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At least NCSoft isn't Blizzard, where new expansions cost about as much as the game and come far more frequently? We've had a ton of "free" (well, with a subscription fee, but you know what I'm saying) content and if the price point isn't absurd, I won't have any objections to buying an expansion. They've made a bunch of cool stuff and we haven't had to pay any more for it, so eh.
dear god why am I up
I'm just a holy fool, oh baby it's so cruel
Thessalia, by Darkchildx2k
I think it's a good idea for NCsoft to get a box on store shelves.
Hopefully Praetoria will have a lot of new content in the way of missions, mission art and possibly a TF.
Don't mess with Texas!
I'm excited...been waiting to switch sides for a long time now. But this is the sentance that has me really interested:
"This will be the first major expansion for the City of Heroes franchise since the launch of City of Villains® in 2005."
Since they're comparing it to COV hope fully it will have alot of new content like COV had, lots of new zones, story arcs, and SF's.
It is better to ask forgiveness than permission.
Wow, nice! Can't wait to see more.
Just got the email... HOLY [censored] [censored]!
Voo... this is how you trump Mental...
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Mine didn't have a supposed email to go with it. I haven't gotten an email for game stuff in months now, but support stuff still goes through *shrug*
But whatever keeps Mental giddy is entertaining to me.
I've already forgotten about most of you

Check your e-mails.
Watching for the official announcement to come up. This could be interesting.
From email:
Paragon Studios is proud to officially announce the next City of Heroes® expansion, City of Heroes Going Rogue! This will be the first major expansion for the City of Heroes franchise since the launch of City of Villains® in 2005.
Praetoria, a utopian mirror to our own world, hides a dark secret. Exploring this mysterious alternate earth, the heroes and villains of this world feel an uneasiness of doubt creep over them. Loyalties are questioned. Choices are made. Lines are drawn. As they search for the truth behind Emperor Cole and his Praetorian guard, brutal foes and fierce allies emerge, turning this once blissful paradise into a battle ground.
City of Heroes Going Rogue officially opens the "mirror universe" of Praetoria and an all-new alignment system that explores the shades of gray that lie between Heroes and Villains. For the first time, Hero characters can become Villains and vice versa, enabling Heroes to cross over to the Rogue Isles and Villains to experience Paragon City.
For more information, read the official press release and check out our new Going Rogue website to view the announcement trailer and register for the latest news and updates for City of Heroes Going Rogue.
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