So, Demons?
There's no telling. I can't picture any. The only way i can see a mix would be diff tiers of pets. Don't know if i'd be interested in demons, myself.
I'd like to see Oni (ninja pet) changed to look like a samurai and not a demon himself.
I'd like to see Oni (ninja pet) changed to look like a samurai and not a demon himself.
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Not me. I like the look he has now. If you want to change him to look like a Samurai, then change his name too. Or make him look like a Demonic warrior, as I've seen some Oni depicted.
Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan
I would like to see this as a sort of Circle of Thorns themed primary. Give it attacks that are fire and ice blasts. Then it could be paired with Thermal and Cold Domination. Then the demons themselves could be fire and ice themed.
Either that or just make it a pure Fire set, and pair Ice with something else.
Posi strongly suggested that a new MM powerset is in the works . Probably not for i15, but i16 is a likely suspect.
The theme? Demon Summoning.
[/ QUOTE ]
"suggested" or confirmed? He is suggesting demon?hope no
This game already enough dark/demon content to supply all the gothic emo player they have.Why not something fresh a variable for the rest.Dev need to dare to do something New and unexpected to keep us playing.
I was hoping for a element base pet like Fire/ice/wind/earth or the dream of many players Beast Training (tiges,Lion,wolf).
My only hope now is to add female pets for ninjas,thug and merc. (Yes, I know dev are single minded on this topic...)
I want /Fire stalker. Because nothing says stealth like dumping a can of gasoline on yourself and lighting a match. -Morac
I was hoping for a element base pet like Fire/ice/wind/earth
[/ QUOTE ]
Isn't that kind of what I suggested? Elementals, Demons, it's really just a matter of kind of things you're summoning. The main thing is, you're a spell caster, and you're summoning things.
And as I've said about female henchmen before, I would only be interested in that if I could choose which henchman model went with which name. I don't want my henchman "Fred" to be a girl half the time.
Just have to pick gender-neutral names. Alex, Ashley, Hortense, etc...
Also, I think demon-summoning is kind of the obvious missing MM set. Which doesn't make it imaginative and compelling, but I can see why they would want to plug that obvious gap.
I would have preferred something cheeky and weird, but cheeky and weird and 500 MM's running around with that powerset... ruins the effect.
I'm curious, on an abstract level, what the Demon set specialty would be.
I'm curious, on an abstract level, what the Demon set specialty would be.
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Maybe a portal that starts pouring out little Imps? Kind of a stationary version of Gang War...
Nah, too much like an existing power. Maybe you could Banish a foe back to wherever you summon your henchmen from. So it would be a form of Black Hole or Detention Shield. (Although both of those are available in MM Secondaries. Eh, I'm out of ideas)
I feel demons should be Fire, Dark, and some Mind powers, including Placate and Confuse.
Also. Posi said today that Beta for I15 will be open to everyone.
Also, 35M download on test. Dunno what's in it yet.
nm. no demons on test.
Also, 35M download on test. Dunno what's in it yet.
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Niv has patchnotes up in the Training Room forum. It has some nice stuff, but no i15.
I'm curious, on an abstract level, what the Demon set specialty would be.
[/ QUOTE ]
Perhaps a "Summon Demon Lord" power, that summons an extra-powerful pet for a short period ? Or a "Devour Soul" power, that lets you "suck out the soul" of a target, and boosts your pet's damage temporarily. Lots of possible thematic possibilities actually.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
Positron did indeed state a new Primary was in the works. I don't recall him stating it was Demons. But TBH this means MMs might get /Thermal. So I don't care, FLAMING ZOMBIES NAO PLZ!!
Primary - Demonology:
1 - Flares
1 - Gremlins - Brawl
2 - Fire Blast
6 - Blood Pact - Gremlins: Shadow Punch, Succubi: Shadow Claw (Follow Up, Negative), Enthrall (Mind Probe), Behemoth: Combustion, Fire Breath
8 - Fire Ball
12 - Succubi - Swipe, Entrance (Dominate)
18 - Demon Gate - Demonic Tentacle (Pet, Stationary): Swing (Knockdown, Smashing), Slam (Disorient, Smashing), Dark Grasp (Hold, Negative)
26 - Behemoth - Fire Blast, Jab
32 - Frenzied Ritual - Gremlins: Siphon Life, Touch of Fear, Succubi: Spin, Kiss of Death (Siphon Life, Psionic), Behemoth: Cremate, Healing Flames, Blaze
Secondary - Thermal Radiation
Just my idea
Yay for flaming zombies /thermal.
[/ QUOTE ]
Quoted for SQUEEEE!
I've been wanting Flaming zombies since like ... forever! Only way to do it is to make a Necro and then goad your buddies into buffing all your zombies, or else two-box and do it yourself.
Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan
Succubi - Swipe, Entrance (Dominate)
[/ QUOTE ]
Replace the Succubi with flying monkies that wield scimitars, and you've got yourself a winner!
Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan
Illusion for heroes: Sometimes give woman like pets
Villains: None
Obvious choice for one of the tiers ^.~
Yw for the spoiler!
My guess is monsters:
Werewolves, Swamp-thing, Reptile beast, Vampire, maybe Mad Scientist
Secondary might be Radiation Emission.
Succubi - Swipe, Entrance (Dominate)
[/ QUOTE ]
Replace the Succubi with flying monkies that throw flamming poo, and you've got yourself a winner!
[/ QUOTE ]

Well, that could be the level 32 upgrade.
Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan
I still want Cold Domination.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess an animal forms summoner like a Druid. I think he dreams big.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
So, they're doing demons, eh?
Infernal ripoffs anyone?
Anyways, this means that soon enough we could see Pirates as a primary. I have always wanted to try a Pirtaes/Storm Summoning MM.
Whatever it is I just hope we finally get some female pets. How sexist it is to have it so only men can be minions.
Posi strongly suggested (Read: Came right out and admitted it) that a new MM powerset is in the works. Probably not for i15, but i16 is a likely suspect.
The theme? Demon Summoning.
So, what do you picture in this set? Ice demons, fire demons, dark demons? A mix? Keep in mind that they probably won't be re-using existing critters (ie Succubi and Hellfrosts).