City of Heroes Steams ahead! ~Discussion~




Interesting read, thanks. Apparently I am very very old.

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Apparently you really are...

I mean I'm 33ish...I thought Steam was a household word. Probably just to geek PC gamers like me...



Please use this thread to discuss the recent <a href="/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=13368502" target="_blank">announcement</a>.

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Does this mean that we can actually have an alternative to the Updater to get the new patch ? I normally don't like Steam but I have to admit their Patching technology would be very helpful for COH

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Steam will not replace the City of Heroes Updater for "regular" City of Heroes customers.

The current build being delivered by Steam has to be patched to our current build on our Live servers.



I don't like or use steam, but then I also already own CoX, so what difference does it make to me?

Glad to hear this awesome game's getting more and more out there in the public eye though, you guys totally deserve it. Keep up the awesome!

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is a natural manure. -Thomas Jefferson

Read the Patriot newsletter. It's right, it's free.



My question is how can I get my game that I've been using the regular updater for onto Steam, so it automatically patches as long as I have Steam running/online?

Or, more accurately, if it's not going to be obvious/easy to do in steam, how would I do it?

I assume this will be other peoples question as well. Since that's the user-end reason to use steam for CoH, is better patching, if you use steam properly (that is, always online). Steam friends is also admitably better than Global Friends on CoH



Please use this thread to discuss the recent <a href="/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=13368502" target="_blank">announcement</a>.

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Does this mean that we can actually have an alternative to the Updater to get the new patch ? I normally don't like Steam but I have to admit their Patching technology would be very helpful for COH

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Steam will not replace the City of Heroes Updater for "regular" City of Heroes customers.

The current build being delivered by Steam has to be patched to our current build on our Live servers.

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But can current players link their accounts to Steam without buying the game there as well?

If not, is this possibility being looked into at all? I love Steam, and having access to CoH through it would be perfect for me.

Animation major and old-school CoHer.

Art, Animation, and Stuff:
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My question is how can I get my game that I've been using the regular updater for onto Steam, so it automatically patches as long as I have Steam running/online?

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You don't, if I'm reading GF's reply correctly.



I love Steam, and having access to CoH through it would be perfect for me.

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Same here; I usually leave it running in the background even when playing non-Steam games, so I can still access the chat functions, and it would be nice to integrate the two.

And even though I'm sure this is just a pipe dream, it'd be awesome to be able to tie your global channels into Steam chat so you could access them even when not playing CoX.



Excellent, most of my other games are in steam already. will there be a way to use an existing account with Steam?



Please use this thread to discuss the recent <a href="/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=13368502" target="_blank">announcement</a>.

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Does this mean that we can actually have an alternative to the Updater to get the new patch ? I normally don't like Steam but I have to admit their Patching technology would be very helpful for COH

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Steam will not replace the City of Heroes Updater for "regular" City of Heroes customers.

The current build being delivered by Steam has to be patched to our current build on our Live servers.

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then is this something that could be looked at for the future release?

Not necessarily replace the updater, but allow for the patch to be downloaded automatically from Steam and applied once we start the updater ( like the pre-download we have for most of the new Issue)... Keep the file downloaded in the same folder and simply apply it later.

This would also help the Patching server by cutting down the amount of people trying to download the file at the same time. It would basicaly split the load between CoH And Steam servers.



Please use this thread to discuss the recent <a href="/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=13368502" target="_blank">announcement</a>.

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*looks at post time suspiciously and suspects tampering*

I would say 'neener...neener' since these weren't around when I posted in another forum.

*/em batreact* Not the face...not the face..

I think this is a good move, especially for those who don't want to get the physical item or don't have stores within a reasonable distance to purchase one.




Well, I guess it's not bad that CoX is now available on Steam. There is a large number of people that use Steam and I think this is a good way to reach out to an audience that may otherwise not be inclined to play, or may not know of, CoX.

Out of professional courtesy, I'll leave my personal opinions of Steam out of this.

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



Oh good, an official discussion.

Can someone please reassure me that this is not going to become the only way to play and update City of Heroes?

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This is the first I'd heard of it, just skimming the forum, but I have to say:

I DESPISE STEAM and VALVE! Valve has cheated me out of money time and again, Steam has abused my machine and stolen both my money and great scads of my time. If NCSoft must deal with Valve please, please, please!!! do not ever force Steam on existing customers!

We haven't stolen from you. Far from it! We happily pay a monthly rate to play this game that is higher than most of your competitors; clearly we all want to support your continued success. But some of us have issues with Steam, and forcing it on us as a condition of continued service would be a backhanded way of rewarding our loyalty.

Apologies if this matter has already been addressed, but I'm downright neurotic after the rapings received from Valve already.



Everyone can add CoX to Steam as a "non-Steam game". This allows you to integrate Steam's chat functions and overlay on top of CoX, as well as let friends know you're playing a game.

Go to the My Games tab, click Games on the menu, and then select "Add a non-Steam game to My Games list". Once you finish installing it into Steam it shows up as a game in My Games.

If you run CoX thru Steam you'll get the overlay. If you run it from outside Steam you don't get the overlay. So you have a choice.



You know who else is fond of steam power?

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Peter Gabriel?

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



Please use this thread to discuss the recent <a href="/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=13368502" target="_blank">announcement</a>.

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Does this mean that we can actually have an alternative to the Updater to get the new patch ? I normally don't like Steam but I have to admit their Patching technology would be very helpful for COH

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Steam will not replace the City of Heroes Updater for "regular" City of Heroes customers.

The current build being delivered by Steam has to be patched to our current build on our Live servers.

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But can current players link their accounts to Steam without buying the game there as well?

If not, is this possibility being looked into at all? I love Steam, and having access to CoH through it would be perfect for me.

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Just to clarify stuff here. Steam is just acting as a point of sale for City of Heroes. The package distributed by steam is the retail package, that you still gotta update using the CoHUpdater.

Let's Dance!



Please use this thread to discuss the recent <a href="/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=13368502" target="_blank">announcement</a>.

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Does this mean that we can actually have an alternative to the Updater to get the new patch ? I normally don't like Steam but I have to admit their Patching technology would be very helpful for COH

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Steam will not replace the City of Heroes Updater for "regular" City of Heroes customers.

The current build being delivered by Steam has to be patched to our current build on our Live servers.

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I like steam. Alas, CoH isn't currently available in "my region." And even if it was... would I be stuck with the EU version? That wouldn't help me very much. Any way to tell them apart?

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




The package distributed by steam is the retail package, that you still gotta update using the CoHUpdater.

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That's really disappointing. The ability for CoX to update itself while I'm asleep, or not home, or playing some other game would have been useful.



Oh good, an official discussion.

Can someone please reassure me that this is not going to become the only way to play and update City of Heroes?

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This is the first I'd heard of it, just skimming the forum, but I have to say:

I DESPISE STEAM and VALVE! Valve has cheated me out of money time and again, Steam has abused my machine and stolen both my money and great scads of my time. If NCSoft must deal with Valve please, please, please!!! do not ever force Steam on existing customers!

We haven't stolen from you. Far from it! We happily pay a monthly rate to play this game that is higher than most of your competitors; clearly we all want to support your continued success. But some of us have issues with Steam, and forcing it on us as a condition of continued service would be a backhanded way of rewarding our loyalty.

Apologies if this matter has already been addressed, but I'm downright neurotic after the rapings received from Valve already.

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Just to play counter-balance to this post, Steam is the greatest thing since electronically sliced bread. For the past 2 years virtually every game I've bought has been through Steam, often at very, very good deals. I've been saying for at least a year now that CoX needs to sell on Steam and am very excited to see it's finally happened. Due to this I'll be buying the i14 pack tonight rather than a month from now when my current time ends. I used to dislike the concept of Steam before I actually used it, but ever since I've been hooked I've considered it the future of PC gaming.

And to address the other point, Steam isn't going to be required because of this.



The package distributed by steam is the retail package, that you still gotta update using the CoHUpdater.

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That's really disappointing. The ability for CoX to update itself while I'm asleep, or not home, or playing some other game would have been useful.

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Ya, can understand that. It happens with other titles too that end up on Steam simply as just a digital delivery method [certain EA titles come to mind here]. Often with the same confusion too.

Let's Dance!



Pretty damn awesome, this..





....I'm scared, hold me o_o


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)




The exposure Valve can offer via Steam is epic.

More exposure = More subs
More subs = More Paragon Studios money
More Paragon Studios money = More goodies
More goodies = More Pie

Pie FTW.