City of Heroes Steams ahead! ~Discussion~




Honestly I'm befuddled by the utter lack of publicity about the amazing milestone that this MMO has achieved - player generated content!!! What other MMO has this even on the horizon?!

Whoever is doing marketing for y'all need a shot of adrenalin.

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Ryzom (Ryzom Ring) and Star Wars Galaxies (Storyteller Functionality) both already have this feature too, not to take anything away from Paragon Studios' accomplishment ( ' ;




Honestly I'm befuddled by the utter lack of publicity about the amazing milestone that this MMO has achieved...

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The press tends to ignore anything that's a free update. If NCSoft had called it an expansion and charged us even $10 for it, I think you would have heard a lot more about it.



The Steam community forums have among the most unreadable image captchas I've ever encountered.

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You must be a robot then! Robot!!!



I've got no [censored] clue who anyone is.



Speaking of impulses, I would *love* to see NCSoft games made available on Stardock's Impulse service. Would seriously love it.



Speaking of impulses, I would *love* to see NCSoft games made available on Stardock's Impulse service. Would seriously love it.

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I've picked stuff up from Stardock since Brad was just a small OS/2 developer. (Object Desktop - the original - was freaking amazing. Ran that from OS/2 2.1 through Warp 4.) While I'd love to see it there, as well, Steam's better known, so it makes sense to be on there initially.

That said... *looks at Windowblinds, Sins of a Solar Empire, etc.* I wouldn't object.



I'm very pleased that all of the NCS franchises are on steam. Hoping to pre-order GW2 on there someday soon

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Because I don't see this answered anywhere, I gotta wonder again: Is it possible for a European player to buy the US version of the game through steam? Or will we be stuck with the EU version?

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Because I don't see this answered anywhere, I gotta wonder again: Is it possible for a European player to buy the US version of the game through steam? Or will we be stuck with the EU version?

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Dunno about Steam selling US version, but I do know it's possible
for European players to play on US servers. I've played with many
people from Europe, South America, and Australia.

I would check with first for that version. Just make
sure you're getting the correct version, though.

Home server: Guardian
My 50s: 3 scrappers, 2 tankers, 1 blaster, 1 defender, 1 controller, 1 warshade, 1 stalker, 1 brute, 1 corruptor, 1 widow, 1 dominator, 1 mastermind (on Liberty)

Current project



I'm guessing only people who *live* in the USA can buy through Steam, there was at least one thread titled "this item is not available in your area".

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Because I don't see this answered anywhere, I gotta wonder again: Is it possible for a European player to buy the US version of the game through steam? Or will we be stuck with the EU version?

[/ QUOTE ]

Dunno about Steam selling US version, but I do know it's possible
for European players to play on US servers. I've played with many
people from Europe, South America, and Australia.

I would check with first for that version. Just make
sure you're getting the correct version, though.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well yes. But I was wondering about Steam specifically.

As for the not available bit, that seems to be fixed over here. Just no way to know what version they are offering... though I guess EU. But that's pretty useless for me, alas.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Yeah they tend to be highly region-sensitive, there are plenty of people who are angry because "why is my copy of Half Life censored!!" when they live in a country where it's censored...

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I'm sure this is great and all. One more way for people to acquire the game.

Personally this has zero impact on me. As I refuse to load Steam onto any system I own.


Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



You know who else is fond of steam power?

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Me. But I don't care for this Steam thingy.



Speaking of impulses, I would *love* to see NCSoft games made available on Stardock's Impulse service. Would seriously love it.

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I've picked stuff up from Stardock since Brad was just a small OS/2 developer. (Object Desktop - the original - was freaking amazing. Ran that from OS/2 2.1 through Warp 4.) While I'd love to see it there, as well, Steam's better known, so it makes sense to be on there initially.

That said... *looks at Windowblinds, Sins of a Solar Empire, etc.* I wouldn't object.

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Of course. By the way, I'm enjoying their newest game :P

I'm just wanting it to be easy to get COH through ANY online distributor



What about EU based players with US accounts, given that Steam is region locked? Will it be tweaked to support us?

#2409 - The Mystery of the MAGI vaults. Azuria has contacted you to help her stop the thefts from the MAGI vaults.
#68054 - Out of the gutters. Left for dead, you swore that you were through with being a victim (alt villain beginning story)



What about EU based players with US accounts, given that Steam is region locked? Will it be tweaked to support us?

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Hopefully! But I'm not holding my breath.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Oh good, an official discussion.

Can someone please reassure me that this is not going to become the only way to play and update City of Heroes?

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Hate to admit this is the first time I've even heard of Steam.

Est sularis oth Mithas



Wooot, great idea getting this out on Steam. More exposure is always better. If you guys are not going to merge servers then we need to get more players back into this game. Most servers are pretty much dead or filled with farmers 24/7

The only REAL problem that i have with Steam is that if you buy a single player/non internet based game you cannot play that game unless you have an active internet connection. Internet goes out and i cant play Far Cry single player cause i got it through steam. but tahts a minor gripe really.



We happily pay a monthly rate to play this game that is higher than most of your competitors

[/ QUOTE ]Wut?

WoW: $14.99/mo
WAR: $14.99/mo
EQ: $14.99/mo
EQII: $14.95/mo
SWG: $14.99/mo
DAoC: $14.95/mo
D&DO: $14.95/mo
EVE: $14.95/mo
LOTRO: $15/mo
WWIIO: $14.99/mo

Ragnarok Online: $12/mo
FFXI: $12.95/mo+$1/extra character
Asheron's Call: $12.95/mo
A Tale in the Desert: $13.95/mo
Rise: The Vieneo Province: $5.95/mo
Toontown Online: £6.99/mo (approx. $10.25)

Lineage II is also $14.99/mo. Auto Assault and Tabula Rasa were similarly priced before shutting down.



Most servers are pretty much dead or filled with farmers 24/7.

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No they aren't, and no, they aren't.



Most servers are pretty much dead or filled with farmers 24/7.

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No they aren't, and no, they aren't.

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Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



hey wow steam! Great! Awesome! Now how about letting us buy some stuff? Fix them dang servers!!!!!



Shouldn't we be able to add it as a Steam game even if we did not purchase directly from Valve? I tried the code from my Architect Edition but it didn't recognize it.