City of Heroes Steams ahead! ~Discussion~




Shouldn't we be able to add it as a Steam game even if we did not purchase directly from Valve? I tried the code from my Architect Edition but it didn't recognize it.

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Here the link to help you:

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No, those do not help. Those are instructions if you purchase from Steam and want to use the code to upgrade your account in order to get one of the booster packs.

I've purchased games from Steam before and know of no way to get them into the list as Ghost Falcon mentions without first purchasing them from Steam or entering some type of code which I already explained did not work(I've had previous success with a boxed version of Half-Life 2).

Apparently, if you already are a current subscriber the only option is to add it as a non-Steam game.



Shouldn't we be able to add it as a Steam game even if we did not purchase directly from Valve? I tried the code from my Architect Edition but it didn't recognize it.

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Here the link to help you:

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No, those do not help. Those are instructions if you purchase from Steam and want to use the code to upgrade your account in order to get one of the booster packs.

I've purchased games from Steam before and know of no way to get them into the list as Ghost Falcon mentions without first purchasing them from Steam or entering some type of code which I already explained did not work(I've had previous success with a boxed version of Half-Life 2).

Apparently, if you already are a current subscriber the only option is to add it as a non-Steam game.

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That all you can do. To add the code, you need to go your NcSoft account and add it from there.



You are continuing to misunderstand. I have no issues adding the code to the NCSoft website. That has worked the same as it always has. I have purchased the AE boxed edition. I want to add CoH as a Steam game NOT as a non-Steam game because I did NOT purchase through Steam. Either way, after reading Valves boards, it seems to be a moot point since people are having trouble launching CoH through Steam. It is only good for new subscribers and joining a community at this point.



I want to add CoH as a Steam game NOT as a non-Steam game

[/ QUOTE ]Why?

There's very, very little difference between a Steam Game and a Non-Steam Game.



Half Life 2 was a Valve game. It worked because it is in fact only available on Steam. There is actually no way to play HL2 off Steam. The only benefit of the box for HL2 is using the disc to install instead of waiting for the steam download. Most Valve/Source Engine games are like that.
Non Valve games available for purchace on Steam have 2 versions, the box and the Steam. They are unfortunately not interchangable.



I want to add CoH as a Steam game NOT as a non-Steam game

[/ QUOTE ]Why?

There's very, very little difference between a Steam Game and a Non-Steam Game.

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Why not? It is now a Steam game.



That Scrapper is a Spy!



I have Steam already. And, obviously, CoX. Any idea if there will be a way to link the two together, so my friends can see when I'm playing?

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You can already do that by adding a non-steam game via the games tab, games pull down menu in STEAM. I've been doing it since January with mine and it shows me as "In non-steam game: City of Villains"

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Because I don't see this answered anywhere, I gotta wonder again: Is it possible for a European player to buy the US version of the game through steam? Or will we be stuck with the EU version?

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Dunno about Steam selling US version, but I do know it's possible
for European players to play on US servers. I've played with many
people from Europe, South America, and Australia.

I would check with first for that version. Just make
sure you're getting the correct version, though.

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Well yes. But I was wondering about Steam specifically.

As for the not available bit, that seems to be fixed over here. Just no way to know what version they are offering... though I guess EU. But that's pretty useless for me, alas.

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I learned the hard way that you automatically get the EU version.

All that region crap is really a pain, since everything was in English and since the price was in US$ and since I don't live in the EU (i.e. Switzerland), I thought I would get the right version. They should really make clear on Steam what version you are actually ordering.

Well 15$ down the drain.



Can we purchase MA through steam and attach it to our current existing account?

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That's my question at well.

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1) Create a Steam Account
2) Purchase City of Heroes Architect Edition
3) When you see "City of Heroes" in your list of games, select Install (even if you have the product installed on your system), and you will get your "City of Heroes : Architect Edition" serial code.
4) Copy that serial code (i.e. Highlight it and copy with CTRL+C)
5) Cancel the download (the download is unnecessary if you already have City of Heroes installed on your PC)
6) Go to and select the "My Account" tab at the top of the page
7) Log into your NCsoft Master Account
8) Click on "Use a Serial Code"
9) Enter the Serial Code given to you by Steam (Paste it with CTRL+V)
10) Select the Account you want to upgrade
11) Select your "booster" (i.e. the Cyborg or Magic Booster Pack)

...and you should be done with "upgrading" your current City of Heroes account.

Please note that if you select a booster that you previously already had (i.e. you picked the Cyborg Pack and you already purchased the Cyborg Booster Pack, or you picked the Magic Booster Pack when you already purchased the Magic Booster Pack), you will need to file a Support Ticket for assistance.

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unless it is something just with the Vista version of steam, these instructions are not correct. selecting to install CoH arch edition does not reveal the serial. in order to see the serial key you need to do something a whole lot easier. right click on CoH in your steam game list and select "view cd key" viola there is your serial. (note, i am unsure if you have to fully install CoH inorder to see "veiw cd key" option as i did not figure this trick out until after i fully reinstalled CoH)



i actually heard about this on steam before this ^_^

i pretty much died on the spot when i saw CoH next to left 4 dead and team fortress 2

and then i fell out of my seat when it showed as a weeks topseller twice since it was put on steam, very good for cox, really i is happy as i can has.

WOOOOOOAH! it's like...i just....i can't.....WOW...



Im glad to see this advertising for CoH as well. This is a pretty great game and it sucks that "general public" has little or no knowledge of it. CoH doesn't have to go as extreme as WoW having special bottles of MT. DEW, or William Shattner, Ozzy Ozbourn, Mr. T, Leonard Nemoi(sp?), ect. do commercials for them, but some public air time would prob. help a lot. The regular non-gaming world knows about WoW. CoH...not so much. But this at least appears to be heading in the right direction.

Deeds not Words....