I'll review and rate

Aliana Blue



Arc 113956 The Devs must die!

Humor, custom group, elite boss at the end but can be soloed.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Submitting my arc for review:

Arc Name: Light of the Sun
Arc ID: 89545
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Skydance/Skydance
Difficulty Level: lv46+ recommended, slightly above standard CoH mission difficulty. Adds can be dangerous, final Boss is somewhat dangerous
Synopsis: Crey is up to something in Crey's Folly, and a young hero was already severly hurt. Janet Kellum is looking for an experienced hero to help her out.
Estimated Time To Play: 5 missions - 30 to 60 minutes, small maps, no defeat all, stealthing possible of some missions
Enemy Groups: Freakshow, Arachnos (very few), Crey + Crey Custom group.

Further Comments:
It is very helpful if the player is familiar with Gordon Stacys 'Revenant Hero Project' storyarc, and Crey in general. A plus if your hero has worked with Janet Kellum before (lv40-45 Crey contact).

The custom group is not overly difficult, especially solo they are not noticeably harder then standard groups. In bigger teams (or solo if more then one spawn is aggroed), some of the debuffs/buffs can stack quickly making them a more serious threat. Problem mobs will need to be identified and given priority.

The final boss is no pushover, but should not be impossible, inspirations may be needed depending on build/AT. She will scale down from Elite Boss to Boss on heroic.

[/ QUOTE ]

Playing this with Lvl 50 Ill/Rad Controller

Mission 1: Crey is up to something - a guy is burned and unconscious - Freakshow moved into the former Crey base. We go in and beat up some Freaks and get some information indicating that Crey might have moved their warehouse to Warburg. Standard warehouse mission with freaks and a boss to beat. No issues with any of this so far.

Mission 2: This seemed like a filler mission and not entirely needed. The glowie was right up front. I never had to engage with the enemy. You could have addressed the need for the flier in the story and skipped this, but it is not a big deal.

Mission 3: Thanks for adding the note on where the door is on this map. First time I played it I had no idea. I am sure this will help a lot of players. This is a fun map to play on once you get inside and you did a great job adding to the Crey group with your customs there. Another fun mission, and the clue moves the 'mystery' along.

Mission 4: Excellent story progression with the clues and a real fun mission fighting Crey and your Crey specialty group. that last room was great with the ambush - just lots of chaos.

Mission 5: Great final mission with a variety of objectives that each wrap up a little bit of the story.

Overall this is one of the top 2 or 3 arcs I have reviewed so far. An easy 5 star rating. the only negative was that one mission that did not seem necessary. I would recommend everyone give this a try. It is Dev's Choice quality good and it also fits right in with the game's canon material. Excellent work and thank you for posting this arc.



Thank you for taking the time to play and review, appreciate it


Mission 2: This seemed like a filler mission and not entirely needed. The glowie was right up front. I never had to engage with the enemy. You could have addressed the need for the flier in the story and skipped this, but it is not a big deal.

[/ QUOTE ]
It is a filler, somewhat at least. It wasn't there originally, but then I noticed you spawn in the Warburg map in mission 3 right next to the Flier (the map is used in the Reclsuse SF). So then I had the option to either write around that, or, as I did, get the player to kidnap a Flier. I opted for the later, the mission is done fast, small, but unique map, and makes for a good comment in the Souvenir at the end, so I kept it


Mission 3: Thanks for adding the note on where the door is on this map. First time I played it I had no idea. I am sure this will help a lot of players.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, since this map is only used in the Recluse SF, and no where else, I figured adding an OOC comment would help to prevent some frustration.


Overall this is one of the top 2 or 3 arcs I have reviewed so far. An easy 5 star rating. the only negative was that one mission that did not seem necessary. I would recommend everyone give this a try. It is Dev's Choice quality good and it also fits right in with the game's canon material. Excellent work and thank you for posting this arc.

[/ QUOTE ]
Thank you very much again for playing it, and the review of course I am glad you enjoyed it and had a good time, regardless of rating



Animal Farm

Single Map. Recommend the rad or the brute if you are soloing (and diff setting) as the AV can be tough on some builds solo.

[/ QUOTE ]

I already reviewed this just a little bit above.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry about that bud...no more Community chat after a few beers!

Lowered AVs/EBs to hard. Some builds are having a rough go at them and NEEDING the escorts to play them wasn't as fun as it could be.

"Oh NO! I'm so sorry baba! you and your wife will be sorely missed...s#@!, i did it again, didn't I?" - mintmiki
Animal Farm ID:71800
When Alts Collide: 134432



ok, I've updated my arc a bit. Might not be enough to get the cherrished 5th star, but every bit helps. Thanks again for the review.

FireBrandi - Champions lvl 50 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster - Tier 4 Alpha
Kim Paler - lvl 50 Crab Spider - Tier 3 Alpha

My DA page



Seek out my arc, called:

The Misfits of Vengeance, currently ARC ID 114085 (but keeps changing as I update). It's a 5-mish arc intended as a task force proposal for the Rikti War Zone (co-op) about a few misfits of NPC groups who band together and pull other dissenters from their groups together to get revenge and take over the world. So, in theory, something from every NPC group would be represented (though it would be easier to do that if all NPCs were capable of being seen at level 50). It features 7 custom arch-villains, so I'd suggest taking a full team for full effect. Great story (in my possibly-biased opinion). I'd dearly like to know what you think.

The Misfits of Vengeance -- Neutral
A co-op RWZ TF proposal.



You dont have to unpublish to edit GuG. So your arc ID and ratings wont be flushed



I've got a arc that could use a review:

Arc ID: 111486
Arc Name: To Slay Sleeping Dragons
Contact: Malaketh
Missions: 3 short ones
Enemies: Longbow, custom group
Alignment Villainous!
Level range: 1-50
Description: Spring the meddlesome hero Azure Song from this mortal coil.

Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"



Story Title: Spectre of the Gun's Search
Length: Short
Levels: 1-54
Alignment: Heroic
Map: outdoor map
Faction: Custom
Genre: Western
Length: 1 mission at this time
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Leaf Cutter Ant/smyte

Difficulty: Set on Heroic boss should be soloable. Set at higher difficulty the boss will be more difficult. No EB/AV. All enemies are 1 primary 1 secondary.

Contains: 1 boss, 1 release captive, 1 ambush, collection and patrols

Arc Description: Spectre of the Gun is looking for one of the bullets that killed him in 1867. He has the guns and 1 of the bullets. The second bullet has escaped his grasp, when he finally has it in his ghostly hands, what powers will he be able to tap into then?

Working on the next missions for this arc.

[/ QUOTE ]

Playing this with Lvl 50 Ill/Rad Controller.

Mission 1: I like the western theme here, but we are going after a criminal and saving somebody we have zero knowledge about. Lots of issues here. There is a spawn right on the entrance, so as soon as I am in there I am already stunned, then I am able to barely drop my phantom army and i get drop kicked right out of the mission. Also, there are what, 50? 100? chests, only 1 of which is the one you have to click on to complete the mission. The boss was overpowered for a boss. There was kickbacks, stuns, and terrorizing all in that one group, not to mention gang war and all his other minions. I got through him without a defeat, but it was a huge challenge.

I have to give it 2 stars, not because of the boss or the roaming patrols that were at the entrance, up in the trees, etc... but just for the glowie scavenger hunt. Get rid of all the fake ones. It is so annoying. If I wasn't reviewing this, I would have quit as soon as I saw dozens and dozens and dozens of chests with the mission objective of finding just the 1 you need.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the review.
While working on the next missions I have already changed the number of chests and cut it down to 1 patrol. As well as changing one of the Lts.
As for the Boss If I could pick and choose which powers he has out of the Dark set for a Mastermind he would not have terrorize (because in my actual build he doesn't have it). I'm not sure but I will have to check and see what I have Gun set at, if he is on Extreme I will set him down to hard.

Tha spawn at the entrence would have been random. Not something I have any control over, must have been a patrol, but like I said I have cut that down to 1.

Basically this mission is just a intro for the arc, I'm working on the rest. Time is a factor on my part. There will be more story to it all as well. So I do hope people don't mind long contact intros

But changes have been and will be made, I have not uploaded the changed version yet.

Pinnacle-Pale Spectre 50 Kat/Regen/Dark Scrapper
Spectre of the Gun 50 Thugs/Dark/Soul Mastery MM
MA Story Spectre of the Gun's Search" ID #352424
Spectral Darque 50 Dark/Dark Scrapper



5 stars and can't wait for the next installment. I hope you will PM me when it is up so I don't miss it.

[/ QUOTE ]

You wanted to know, so here it is!

Arc Name: The Galactic Protectorate - 02
Arc ID#: 117281
Technnical Details: A little different this time around, there are still no "Defeat All" missions, but there are EBs and an AV at the end. However, I've added allies for each map with an EB or an AV, and I've been able to finish it in my tests solo, so there's shouldn't be a problem. However, I know I could improve it with some outside feedback, so whenever you're ready, I'd appreciate any advice on my Arc you can give!

Supplemental Galactic Protectorate Fanfic



Name: The Roots of Domestic Terror
Arc#: 103955
Morality: definitely Villainous
Difficulty: easy-medium
Levels: 1-54
Enemies: Custom Group called Gregg's Guerillas, and all-natural powers military unit
Plot: You meet a being who hates humans and wants your help in creating as much terror and chaos as possible. In order to inflict the most damage, you'll need to get some serious weaponry. Fortunately, a suspected terrorist is currently in FBI custody awaiting trial. If only you could gain access to him....

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



Arc Name: A Hero is Made, Not Born
Arc ID: 20863
Faction: Hero
Creator Global/Forum Name: @OverlordIndigo
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis: Updated 4/22/09] Traveling back in time you aid the enigmatic Commander Chronus to inspire the career of a would be hero. (( This is a lower level mission by design and should be soloable for most characters.)) [TAGS: SFMA/LBMA]
Estimated Time to Play: 15 minute timer. 1 mission
Link to More Details or Feedback: Feedback Thread

Link to Movie Poster

All feedback is appreciated.

[/ QUOTE ]

Playing this with a Level 11 BS/WP Scrapper.

Nice touch with the introductory poster.

Mission 1: 15 minutes timed. The blue text is very difficult to read. The mission was really fun though. We need more low level missions and a search function to find them, IMO. Custom Boss looked very cool and matched his name perfectly. Your ally is perfectly balanced. Quick, but fun mission worth 5 stars.




3369: Matchstick Women - 3 missions, one AV/EB (standard diff w/no defense sets) Story is about a strange group of women arsonists and their leader. As told by a mysterious flame. A variety of mission objectives with hopefully nothing too annoying.

[/ QUOTE ]

Mission 1: I haven't seen a story arc start quite like that before. Interesting. As for the mission, bizarre, yet pretty cool. First of all, I don't ever remember seeing that map before, it is very cool. It sets the atmosphere for the mission.

Mission 2: OK, You did one thing great and then another not so great. First, you did an EXCELLENT job of making the hostages easy to spot on the outdoor map. Everybody who creates missions should run this, just to see how it should be done. However, after rescuing the hostages, THEN you get another objective, to kill the boss. I found him right away but I could see issues where once you feel you finished the mission, then you have to go back to places you already were to find the boss. Not a huge issue, but I would rather see the hostages being held captive by 4 different recruiter bosses. That is just my opinion.

Mission 3: Wow. That was a great 'twist' to the story. This story was like no other I have tried in MA.

The arc started out a little bizarre, but it has a very cool custom vilaain group, a unique contact, and the story evolves nicely in the 3rd and final mission. Terrific job.

5+ stars!

[/ QUOTE ]

Just wanted to mention it since you enjoyed the arc so much that I updated it somewhat recently with some enhancements to the story based on other feedback I've gotten that wasn't quite so glowing. There's still a bit of a twist at the end, but it's not quite the same as it was before. And no rush, I've got a review thread of my own and I know what it's like to have a long queue to run.



Arc Name: A Hero is Made, Not Born
Arc ID: 20863
Faction: Hero
Creator Global/Forum Name: @OverlordIndigo
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis: Updated 4/22/09] Traveling back in time you aid the enigmatic Commander Chronus to inspire the career of a would be hero. (( This is a lower level mission by design and should be soloable for most characters.)) [TAGS: SFMA/LBMA]
Estimated Time to Play: 15 minute timer. 1 mission
Link to More Details or Feedback: Feedback Thread

Link to Movie Poster

All feedback is appreciated.

[/ QUOTE ]

Playing this with a Level 11 BS/WP Scrapper.

Nice touch with the introductory poster.

Mission 1: 15 minutes timed. The blue text is very difficult to read. The mission was really fun though. We need more low level missions and a search function to find them, IMO. Custom Boss looked very cool and matched his name perfectly. Your ally is perfectly balanced. Quick, but fun mission worth 5 stars.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the feedback and I changed the blue text to a lighter shade, much easier to read now.



Arc Name: The End of All things
Arc ID: 85556
Faction: Several Custom
Creator Global/Forum Name: @The Combat
Difficulty Level: Medium-Hard (contains some EBs, and 1 AV that should be easy because of allies and a final AV that doesn't need to be fought.)
Synopsis: You are recruited to destroy a universe where all things are personified by a spell. You fight Time, Earth, and save Life.
Estimated Time to Play: around 30-45 min

[/ QUOTE ]

Running this with a lvl 50 ill/rad controller.

Mission 1: You should break up the introductory text into paragraphs to make this easier to read. What we are about to do and why is not explained very well, other than there are rewards in it for me. The mission itself was just OK. I am not a big fan of defeat alls on outdoor maps. the EB was nice enough, but the rest of the custom group just didn't do much for me.

Mission 2: The contact said he lied to me, and the story is pretty hard to follow. I still have no idea what the contact is trying to accomplish. Destroy the universe? If that is it, why would I want to help since I am part of the universe. I think an abundance of typos might be leading to the hard to understand story. The mission was just a scavenger hunt for 2 allies and the EB on a very rocky terrain outdoor map. Not very fun for me.

Mission 3: More of the same nonsensical dialogue from the contact. Another random outdoor map with a hostage to save and then the mission is over, but you can stick around for an EB boss. I didn't.

Overall this was not a very good arc. To get a 4 star rating it has to be either fun to play or have an interesting story. This had neither. I'll give it a 2 star rating, but honestly it is probably closer to just 1 star, but there was some effort put into the custom groups, etc... so I'll just go 2 star. Sorry.



Please try my arc.

I Will Dance On Your Grave
author: @dugfromthearth
arc# I don't know

5 mission arc. Custom version of the Skulls so it is levels 1-50. Dark magic, voodoo, and necromancy. No EBs or AVs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Mission 1: Well, I get that she is a voodoo woman and would talk like that, but it is very distracting and takes away from the story you are trying to tell. Not a bad first mission. It was an outdoor scavenger hunt for 8 hostages, one of whom was possessed. Nice job on a custom group modeled after the skulls and that other group was very nice as well.

Mission 2: The story creeps forward a bit here as now we are going after the Boss of the guys in the first mission. We are once again going to rescue 5 more hostages as well. The mission was pretty fun. Once again the custom group of skulls is fun to fight against. They feel like a higher level version of the real skulls. Nice job on the custom boss.

Mission 3: The story seems stuck in the mud at this point. Each mission is basically: The Skulls have taken people, go get them. I did get the tip during the loading screen of Go. Hunt. Kill Skulls. Nice! The custom zombie group here look real good, but feel a little overpowered, particularly when I had 2 or 3 Lt.s aggrod at once. With the 3rd mission in a row of saving people I decided to stealth most of it. Bonus points for making the hostages easy to find with the green glow.

Mission 4: The story sidetracks to a shaman that we have to go rescue. The mission was a real disaster. It is the burning forest map and for as far as the eye can see there are hostages in a the green glow, but no enemies guarding them and they are not part of the mission objective. There are destructible objects everywhere but they are not the objective either. I finally find the ally and rescue him, and a new mission goal pops up, but I have absolutely no idea what it means. I wait for an ambush or something and get nothing. I look all around the map in stealth mode and still nothing. I have to quot the arc at this point because I just don't know what to do.

I didn't rate, but up to this point I think it was a 3 or 4 star arc depending on how it ended.



Please try my arc.

I Will Dance On Your Grave
author: @dugfromthearth
arc# I don't know

5 mission arc. Custom version of the Skulls so it is levels 1-50. Dark magic, voodoo, and necromancy. No EBs or AVs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Mission 1: Well, I get that she is a voodoo woman and would talk like that, but it is very distracting and takes away from the story you are trying to tell. Not a bad first mission. It was an outdoor scavenger hunt for 8 hostages, one of whom was possessed. Nice job on a custom group modeled after the skulls and that other group was very nice as well.

Mission 2: The story creeps forward a bit here as now we are going after the Boss of the guys in the first mission. We are once again going to rescue 5 more hostages as well. The mission was pretty fun. Once again the custom group of skulls is fun to fight against. They feel like a higher level version of the real skulls. Nice job on the custom boss.

Mission 3: The story seems stuck in the mud at this point. Each mission is basically: The Skulls have taken people, go get them. I did get the tip during the loading screen of Go. Hunt. Kill Skulls. Nice! The custom zombie group here look real good, but feel a little overpowered, particularly when I had 2 or 3 Lt.s aggrod at once. With the 3rd mission in a row of saving people I decided to stealth most of it. Bonus points for making the hostages easy to find with the green glow.

Mission 4: The story sidetracks to a shaman that we have to go rescue. The mission was a real disaster. It is the burning forest map and for as far as the eye can see there are hostages in a the green glow, but no enemies guarding them and they are not part of the mission objective. There are destructible objects everywhere but they are not the objective either. I finally find the ally and rescue him, and a new mission goal pops up, but I have absolutely no idea what it means. I wait for an ambush or something and get nothing. I look all around the map in stealth mode and still nothing. I have to quot the arc at this point because I just don't know what to do.

I didn't rate, but up to this point I think it was a 3 or 4 star arc depending on how it ended.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the review. I just added the possessed police officer in the first mission about 30 minutes ago.

I've now gotten a few comments that the first missions are repetitive with the rescue hostages. I like each mission, and each map is different - but I see that one after the other it does repeat the theme. I am torn about dropping the 2nd mission, but it does not advance the plot. I could move the custom boss to the first or third mission.

Plotwise the 3rd mission is different - you are rescuing kidnap victims - and encounter different villains. I'll check the difficulty on the summoner spawns and make sure they are easy or medium.

I just love the look of the 4th mission. The mission that came up was to find the spirit of the boss you defeated in mission 2. I'll check the text to make it more obvious. Unfortunately he is hard to find as he is dark armor - I need to switch him to a different, more obvious defense type I think. (Also you can't see his costume much because of the dark armor.)

I have to ponder this - my problem is that the arc is about trying to create zombies - with no other plot. I need a reason for the zombies being created so that there is more variety of things to do.

You gave me a lot to think about - and reinforced what others have said.




Hey there mate, been having some trouble getting some exposure to my arc. I'm really proud of it and definitely think it's worth a try. Any feedback you could give to improve it would be much appreciated. Here's the info for the first part, part two and part three to be released fairly soon:

Arc Name: Liars, Thugs, and Thieves: Part One
Arc ID: 119190
Faction: Custom
Creator Global Name: @Kinky
Difficulty Level: Medium
Mission Count: 2
Synopsis: A tale of deception and lies which sparks your toon on a crusade for revenge. Part Two to be released promptly depending on reception of Part One.

*Caution: Contains 1 EB



I don't have time to run any of these until after work.. but I'll run one or two then. Wanted to submit an arc of mine while I'm here also.

Arc Name: Fallen Angel: Crossing Over
Arc ID: 111352
Length: Very Long (5 missions)
Morality: Villainous
by @twiig
Description: Arachnos is seeking out potential Heroes to convert and join them. They're new target is an Angel, but not for long.

Anyone willing to rip it apart, feel free. It's the only way to improve it.



Just posted this last night, and hoping to get some feedback to do better next time. Thanks

Arc Name: The Magic of Longbow
ID: 128646
Faction: Villian
Creator: @SkitchNM
Length: 4 missions, short and mediums
Enemies: Custom (Longbow Mystics) and Circle of Thorns
Difficulty: The Longbow Mystics are elemental based so they can get a bit tricky, and you get a powerful ally for the last boss (ally help is optional). No elite bosses or archvillains.
Suggested Level: 40+
Estimated Playtime: About an hour

Description: A new branch of Longbows have emerged, all armed with magical powers. These Longbows will lead to massive death and destruction around the Islands unless someone stops them.



Arc Name: The End of All things
Arc ID: 85556
Faction: Several Custom
Creator Global/Forum Name: @The Combat
Difficulty Level: Medium-Hard (contains some EBs, and 1 AV that should be easy because of allies and a final AV that doesn't need to be fought.)
Synopsis: You are recruited to destroy a universe where all things are personified by a spell. You fight Time, Earth, and save Life.
Estimated Time to Play: around 30-45 min

[/ QUOTE ]

Running this with a lvl 50 ill/rad controller.

Mission 1: You should break up the introductory text into paragraphs to make this easier to read. What we are about to do and why is not explained very well, other than there are rewards in it for me. The mission itself was just OK. I am not a big fan of defeat alls on outdoor maps. the EB was nice enough, but the rest of the custom group just didn't do much for me.

Mission 2: The contact said he lied to me, and the story is pretty hard to follow. I still have no idea what the contact is trying to accomplish. Destroy the universe? If that is it, why would I want to help since I am part of the universe. I think an abundance of typos might be leading to the hard to understand story. The mission was just a scavenger hunt for 2 allies and the EB on a very rocky terrain outdoor map. Not very fun for me.

Mission 3: More of the same nonsensical dialogue from the contact. Another random outdoor map with a hostage to save and then the mission is over, but you can stick around for an EB boss. I didn't.

Overall this was not a very good arc. To get a 4 star rating it has to be either fun to play or have an interesting story. This had neither. I'll give it a 2 star rating, but honestly it is probably closer to just 1 star, but there was some effort put into the custom groups, etc... so I'll just go 2 star. Sorry.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the good criticism. I obviously had a case of author-based understand: I thought I understood what I was writing, so I was sure anyone else would. I have now rewritten said arc, taking in mind the way I wrote the contact in the last arc. I focused on creating a contact that clearly showed what you needed to do, and more importantly, why you needed to do it. The plot has changed, as I can now see it was utter bull. The last mission has been completely been rewritten, placed on a different map, which a choice at the end to be persuaded by the final AV to save his dimension. I also changed the first mish to a defeat boss, because I thought that the large map seemed to be unfun for a kill-all. Overall, I am going to use the 5-year old method from the Evil Overlord list from now on: Let a five year old play the arc and if they have any suggestions, I will immediately be put them into play. I was writing to myself, so understood. Thanks for helping me.
Please continue giving such constructive criticism.

TW/Elec Optimization



As of last I checked, Cause of How Some Silly Stealed My Wings #1481 has only had a few playthroughs in live. I've just finished some additional revamps based on Live feedback, so I'm quite interested in more!

It's got wingless fairies, presumptuous red caps, mad Hellion cultists and Ice Caps - beautiful fae who will take your breath away, literally! It's campy, goofy and about a half-hour or less unless you want to spend more time. Based on comments, you won't want to miss the Ice Caps.

My other arc, #3586 Project: Perilous - Into the Chthonian Pit has been more popular and is longer. I've been told it's worth it just to see the arch villain at the end, but I don't want to spoil it... Just try to keep your allies alive to back you up against that one and it should be 'easy enough'! (I had no trouble with my Mastermind, but needed backup with my Dominator.)

[/ QUOTE ]

I just tried 1481. Pretty amusing arc, I enjoyed it.
A few quibbles/suggestions:
1) I didnt like the constant jumping up and down of levels.
2) Mission 1: She alternates between losing her marbles and losing just 1 marble.
3) I didnt understand why the Cabal in the cave were friendly.
4) Some of the text from the "rock": "....infant it infinity...". Looks like a typo, maybe.
5) The next to last mission - the contact started to convert to more "normal" speech patterns.
6) The ending didnt really explain why Japo originally stole the items. Some more background on the Icecaps would be nice. Also, outdoor maps just don't seem to lend themselves to final boss confrontations - I'd suggest a Cimerora Cave, or maybe even Orenbega. Carnival maps are cool, but still, they're too closely associated with Carnies - every time I see someone using them for some custom group - it just doesnt feel right.

I loved all the poetry in the mission, you must have spent quite a bit of time on that.

131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )



Here is a list of arcs I have to review. If yours is missing, please re-post. I won't run them in this exact order, but it is pretty close. I will bump shorter arcs up to the top if I don't feel like I can go through another long or very long one before I call it a night.

8121 (but not until I play a level 35-40ish character)
55202 (25-35 character)
66477 (30-40 character)

I should also give a brief summary of how I rate.
5 star - A very good story with fun missions. You can get here with just fun missions and an OK story. I don't read the other review arcs much, but those guys seem to really key in on all aspects of the story first and foremost. I don't. I like a good story, but as long as it is entertaining and the missions themselves are fun you can get 5 stars from me. If it is JABOSTH (a new term I learned!) that is fine by my, but it has to be an interesting JABOSTH.

4 star - You either have to have fun missions or a good story. I feel that arcs start with a 4 when I clcik play, then we go from there.

3 star - I have issues with the amount of fun a mission is, or in other words, some of the missions are frustrating/not fun. Story probably has some issues too.

2 - Neither fun missions nor an interesting story, but it is obvious effort was put forth and perhaps there is something buried in the arc that can be polished up.

1 - Same as 2, but I didn't find much effort even put into making it a good arc.

0 - I don't think I would rate an arc a zero.



I'd like to offer my arc up for a review when you have a chance (and I'm sure you're now utterly swamped) as I'm looking for feedback (only had 3 plays so far as of yesterday; and two comments - one for a spelling error I had missed, now fixed; and another who said she liked it a lot and found it fun).

Title: Is it Live or is it Memory-X

Story Arc ID: 70210
Author’s Global Chat Handle: @Armsman
Length: Very Long (5 missions)
Alignment: Heroic

Story Description: The 5th Column is building a device to control the world. Can you save the world from TOTAL DOMINATION?! (Hey it worked to get my Villians and Vigilantes pen and paper RPG group interested back in the day.)

Designer Notes: The Arc can actually be soloed by most Scrapper, Tank and MasterMind builds. In testing, my Gravity/Force Field Controller made it through mission 3 solo with no issues, but starting getting defeats in mission 4; so if you’re a support class or a blaster, you probably need a team-mate. This arc is actually based on an adventure I ran players through in the “Villians & Vigilantes” pen and paper RPG a number of years back. I was surprised at how much of the original ‘flavor’ I was able to keep in adapting it to fit in the CoX universe. There was only really one element I couldn’t include due to MA limitations.

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Running this with a Level 50 Katana/Regen Scrapper.

Mission 1: Citadel tells us this is a 5th column mission and it is a 15 minute timed one, but that is fine since it is a bank map. Fairly straight-forward kill-all mission on a tiny map. We obtained a flash drive and Citadel will decode it.

Mission 2: We find out from Citadel what big plans the 5th have: creating some type of AI. Mission 2 sends us to a Crey lab to destroy some parts and get a decryption device so we can read everything on the flash drive from mission 1. The mission has 2 objectives: destroy an item and click an item. there is also a battle between Crey and the 5th. At level 50, Crey wins in a landslide. This mission wins the award for Most False Glowies used in a mission. I must have clicked on 30 computers that didn't have the information I needed. And of course, when I get to the end of the map (large Crey Tech) it turns out I missed one, so I have to retrace my steps all the way back. Perhaps I am nitpicking, but way too many fake computers.

Mission 3: We found out the 5th have completed the AI but have lost it apparently. We are sent to an old warehouse to find some clues. The mission was a little rough...it is a defeat all for no apparent reason. The clue says Citadel is held in this warehouse, but he doesn't spawn until you collect all 4 glowies. Luckily, he was easy to find after he spawned. He said he doesn't know me...could this be a Citadel clone?? He needs to be led out, not sure why he can't make it on his own. I don't know if all the patrols spawned after Citadel spawned or if I missed them going through the mission, but patrols on a defeat all are harsh, and beyond harsh if they spawn after you have already gone through the map.

We see your custom group in this mission and they look incredibly great!

Mission 4: Story is starting to get very convoluted. Citadel doesn't remember sending me on the other missions, but he knows enough about what is happening to know about this AI and that the 5th are going to replicate heroes and world leaders. He sends us off to find info on the custom group. I have mixed feelings on this mission. On one hand, the custom group is so great and very fun to fight. On the other hand, you have to rescue 2 hostages, Statesman and the POTUS and they need to be led back to the door (but the mission objectives don't actually tell you this). Also, after you rescue them a new objective spawns. The story is losing its strength at this point too.

On an amusing note, Statesman and The POTUS fight each after you lead them back to the door. Statesman also takes some shots at me too.

Mission 5: We are being sent to the moon to disassemble The AI. The whole story just started getting a little too far-fetched for me around the end of mission 3. In the mission you have to destroy parts of the AI and rescue hostages.

Overall this one started out strong, but started to fizzle with the not so friendly mission objectives and mission design as well as the story fizzling out. It wasn't bad by any means and I am torn between a 3 and a 4...I ended up giving it a 3 because I just didn't find enough of the missions to be fun. 5 stars on the custom group though. Their look and their abilities were perfect.



After re-reading my review on Memory-X I should clarify that the story itself didn't fizzle. The telling of the story is what I had a problem with. It got wrapped up in a lot of confusing details and dialogue. If you kept it simpler, it might have worked better for me.