I'll review and rate

Aliana Blue



Submitting my arc for review:

Arc Name: Light of the Sun
Arc ID: 89545
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Skydance/Skydance
Difficulty Level: lv46+ recommended, slightly above standard CoH mission difficulty. Adds can be dangerous, final Boss is somewhat dangerous
Synopsis: Crey is up to something in Crey's Folly, and a young hero was already severly hurt. Janet Kellum is looking for an experienced hero to help her out.
Estimated Time To Play: 5 missions - 30 to 60 minutes, small maps, no defeat all, stealthing possible of some missions
Enemy Groups: Freakshow, Arachnos (very few), Crey + Crey Custom group.

Further Comments:
It is very helpful if the player is familiar with Gordon Stacys 'Revenant Hero Project' storyarc, and Crey in general. A plus if your hero has worked with Janet Kellum before (lv40-45 Crey contact).

The custom group is not overly difficult, especially solo they are not noticeably harder then standard groups. In bigger teams (or solo if more then one spawn is aggroed), some of the debuffs/buffs can stack quickly making them a more serious threat. Problem mobs will need to be identified and given priority.

The final boss is no pushover, but should not be impossible, inspirations may be needed depending on build/AT. She will scale down from Elite Boss to Boss on heroic.



Here's mine: I Dream of Fussionette

Arc# 86187
Level 35-50
3 missions, all small maps, 1 EB

Tagline: You just can't seem to get Fussionette out of your head, it's like she's everywhere...

I been able to solo it with my BS/SR. Shouldn't be too difficult, at least I think so

[/ QUOTE ]

Mission 1: Crey is one of my favorite groups to fight and this was a good mission. A couple different mission objectives that all fit well together. There were some grammer and spelling errors (which I did not note down) that needs to be cleaned up.

Mission 2: OK, that was a bizarre turn of events, but I liked it! This was a fun mission. My only suggestion is to make the captives easier to find on outdoor maps with some kind of aura.

Mission 3: Great final mission, had a real lot of fun playing it. Couple of problems though. Your 2 allies are way overpowered. Made every fight too easy, including the final EB fight. And in regards to the EB, it is not a requirement to beat her to finish the mission. I left her for last and when I destroyed the last capsule, the mission ended. I went and fought her anyways. I think this is just a button you need to click to make it a mandatory objective.

Overall this was really fun, easy 5 stars.



I would really appreciate a review of my latest mission. Thanks.

Arc Name: The Endless Battle
Arc ID: 87248
Faction: Neutral
Name: Rock_Crag
Difficulty Level: Hard (or at least I think so, in certain parts)
Synopsis: Pirates VS Ninjas! What more can you ask for?

[/ QUOTE ]

This was a bizarre mission. The map was just arachnos until you click the glowie, then it is a huge lag fest (could be my computer) for a few minutes while the map populates with ninjas and pirates. These factions go on to pretty much kill each other and then the arachnos wipe out most of the rest. You have to beat the 2 bosses that remain.

Way too big of a map and the execution of what happens is not smooth. 3 stars.



I would love some feedback. Here ya go:

Arc Name: Eclipse Over Paragon
Arc ID: 64609
Faction: Council, Custom
Length: 5 missions
Morality: Heroic
Creator: @jjac
Difficulty Level: Medium
The Council threaten to turn Paragon into their own Warwolf Factory! Stop their plans and crush their furry legion!

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

Mission 1: Good starting mission and start to the story. The ally seemed a bit overpowered for the mission. the glowies were not a mission objective, not sure if you want them to be.

Mission 2: Super short mission, but nice chaotic ambush.

Mission 3: Not a bad mission at first. You have to find and destroy 3 bosses, but once you accomplish that, a new boss spawns and you have to defeat him and his crew. The issue I have with this is that you have searched an entire outdoor map for the first 3 bosses, then you have to go over it again to find another boss, which is not well defined in the mission objectives. I sat around waiting for the squad to ambush me at first and I wasn't entirely sure what I was looking for.

Mission 4: Quick and easy mission, oh but big story advancement here! I won't spoil it, but nice job on the story.

Mission 5: Pretty good final mission. the 2 clues were a bit of a pain to find. You designed some great looking bosses, but none of them were necessary to complete the mission - which I guess makes sense in the whole context of the story.

Overall this was a fun arc that uses existing story lines, and takes them a little further. Anybody who likes the council and the wolves should give this a try. 5 stars!



I would love some feedback. Here ya go:

Arc Name: Eclipse Over Paragon
Arc ID: 64609
Faction: Council, Custom
Length: 5 missions
Morality: Heroic
Creator: @jjac
Difficulty Level: Medium
The Council threaten to turn Paragon into their own Warwolf Factory! Stop their plans and crush their furry legion!

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

Mission 1: Good starting mission and start to the story. The ally seemed a bit overpowered for the mission. the glowies were not a mission objective, not sure if you want them to be.

Mission 2: Super short mission, but nice chaotic ambush.

Mission 3: Not a bad mission at first. You have to find and destroy 3 bosses, but once you accomplish that, a new boss spawns and you have to defeat him and his crew. The issue I have with this is that you have searched an entire outdoor map for the first 3 bosses, then you have to go over it again to find another boss, which is not well defined in the mission objectives. I sat around waiting for the squad to ambush me at first and I wasn't entirely sure what I was looking for.

Mission 4: Quick and easy mission, oh but big story advancement here! I won't spoil it, but nice job on the story.

Mission 5: Pretty good final mission. the 2 clues were a bit of a pain to find. You designed some great looking bosses, but none of them were necessary to complete the mission - which I guess makes sense in the whole context of the story.

Overall this was a fun arc that uses existing story lines, and takes them a little further. Anybody who likes the council and the wolves should give this a try. 5 stars!

[/ QUOTE ]

Alright, I lowered the crate count in mission 1 but made it necessary. I made the 4th boss in mission 3 spawn with everyone else, and I gave the other 3 bosses brighter animations to help them stand out from the crowd. I've set the 2 glowies to spawn exclusively in the back as well.

Thank you for the feedback and the good word!



Here's mine: I Dream of Fussionette

Arc# 86187
Level 35-50
3 missions, all small maps, 1 EB

Tagline: You just can't seem to get Fussionette out of your head, it's like she's everywhere...

I been able to solo it with my BS/SR. Shouldn't be too difficult, at least I think so

[/ QUOTE ]

Mission 1: Crey is one of my favorite groups to fight and this was a good mission. A couple different mission objectives that all fit well together. There were some grammer and spelling errors (which I did not note down) that needs to be cleaned up.

Mission 2: OK, that was a bizarre turn of events, but I liked it! This was a fun mission. My only suggestion is to make the captives easier to find on outdoor maps with some kind of aura.

Mission 3: Great final mission, had a real lot of fun playing it. Couple of problems though. Your 2 allies are way overpowered. Made every fight too easy, including the final EB fight. And in regards to the EB, it is not a requirement to beat her to finish the mission. I left her for last and when I destroyed the last capsule, the mission ended. I went and fought her anyways. I think this is just a button you need to click to make it a mandatory objective.

Overall this was really fun, easy 5 stars.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the suggestions!

The EB was intentionally not a required objective since didn't want people being unable to move on. It's now a required objective seeing how I did give a warning and villain-side we're already having EBs thrown at us early on. On with the pain I say



Arc Name: The End of All things
Arc ID: 85556
Faction: Several Custom
Creator Global/Forum Name: @The Combat
Difficulty Level: Medium-Hard (contains some EBs, and 1 AV that should be easy because of allies and a final AV that doesn't need to be fought.)
Synopsis: You are recruited to destroy a universe where all things are personified by a spell. You fight Time, Earth, and save Life.
Estimated Time to Play: around 30-45 min

TW/Elec Optimization



Mission 1: Standard 'click a glowie' mission in a council cave map. No problems with this. Story starts out just fine.

Mission 2: Ahhh, the story takes a very interesting turn. I was wondering why there was a carnie and why we had to rescue her. The mission itself was again your pretty standard click a glowie and save a hostage mission in a warehouse. No problems here.

Mission 3: Now who doesn't love this map! Great ending to the story.

Overall, this is a nice arc. It can be as short as you want if you stealth parts of it, or you can battle your way through the maps. The story was put together nicely and had kind of a sad ending, but I guess it just had to end that way. Just a nice fun arc. Thanks for posting it here.

5 stars.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the feedback. I was kinda paranoid about a few things, so it was good to hear some more stuff. I guess it's a good thing that I changed the last mission so it wasn't a blatant Rick Roll anymore before you reviewed it.

@Aoide Muse

Arc IDs: #3571 Digital Love, #182068 The Rikti Roll, #334016 The Null Earth Saga: A Reflected Web



Arc Name: Arachnos of The Ages
Arc ID: 55202
Faction: 70s Arachnos, 3rd Column, Midnight Club, Longbow
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Undead steve
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis: (Villianous) Travel back in time to when the first fights within Arachnos began while earning great infamy and respect.
Estimated Time to Play: about 45 min



If anyone has the time, I'd love to get some more reactions to my arc. Some background.... I came up with it as I was writing it. I had a picture in mind of a villain group reminiscent of the silver-age villains you'd find in the comics (the ones with campy names or themes, like the Royal Flush Gang who dress up as characters in playing cards).

ID: 30821
Title: A Clean Break
The Pool Gang were just a bunch of local homeboys frequenting the pool halls in Kings Row. When capes started proliferating, they found an excuse to put on tights and hassle the local gangs. But someone seems to be leading them into more dangerous waters, and you're asked by a friend to come down on them before they get in too deep.

Even though the story was spontaneous and, admittedly, a learning exercise while I was discovering the Architect, I spent time polishing dialog, costumes, mission objectives, and story. I worked on picking out powers for the villains so they'd be a moderate challenge for the average player. I also spent time adding small details to make it look more professional (proper wording for clues, navigation text, etc.). I'm rather pleased with how it all came out, and got good feedback from the few people who played it (two so far), so I wouldn't mind hearing from more people.

Arc ID#30821, A Clean Break

The only problem with defeating the Tsoo is that an hour later, you want to defeat them again!
"Life is just better boosted!" -- LadyMage
"I'm a big believer in Personal Force Field on a blaster. ... It's your happy place." -- Fulmens



I'll give yours a shot Barata, I'm a fan of the Silver Age.

I'll offer my arc up too:

Arc Name: The Doctor's Aide
Arc ID: 51539
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Oro Liquido
Difficulty Level: Three missions are 30-54, one 40-54 (Protector). Custom EB in final mission.
Mob Groups: Crey, Custom
Synopsis: Crey is close to unleashing a devastating computer program. Your goal is to aide the hacker known as 'The Doctor' in putting a stop to them.
Estimated Time to Play: 1 hour? Three medium, one large size tech maps. None are defeat all.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've seen another interesting arc touching on The Doctor, and mine is a *little* less involved. It started out admittedly pretty vanilla-Crey, but I've since added a custom group which fits a little better in the last two missions of the arc. It still has Crey in there though if you like Crey, Beach_Lifeguard.

Super Packs Done Right
Influence Sink: IO Level Mod/Recrafting
Random Merit Rolls: Scale cost by Toon Level



Here is a summary of the 31 arcs I have reviewed so far:

The Bomber, #16607 4
A Warriors Friend 5
Nobody of Consequence 3
Enter the Father Hat Gang #21391 5
Small Fears 5
Call Me #4625 4
Tinker Toys #5402 4
String Thief #15726 5
The Missing #37636 5
Dark Dreams #3615 3
Mean People #16690 4
Exploring the Arch. #1 5
Savage War #59152 4
The Galactic Protectorate #47143 5
Matchstick Women #3369 5
Save the Music #16460 3
Pandas vs. Rikti #68930 5
#67098 2
Cadence #66137 3
Seekers of the Grail #6999 3
Dr. Dave #60280 5
The Audacity of Hope #32865 4
The naked Elf 3
Passing Notes #72475 2
Animal Farm #71800 4
The Rise of Magus #80924 4
2nd Generation Hero #41429 2
Digital Love #3571 5
I Dream of Fussionette #86187 5
The Endless Battle #87248 3
Eclipse over Paragon #64609 5

If I added correctly, these average out to exactly a 4.00 rating.




Thanks for trying my arc out the other day. I'll give yours a run through soon.

Here is an arc I played last night that was mentioned in another review thread:

The Art of Villainy
author: @Alika-Awesome
arc#: 43405

I just wanted to mention it because it was brilliant and I rated it 5 stars. Give it a try, especially if you are leveling up a villain.



Please try my arc.

I Will Dance On Your Grave
author: @dugfromthearth
arc# I don't know

5 mission arc. Custom version of the Skulls so it is levels 1-50. Dark magic, voodoo, and necromancy. No EBs or AVs.



I submit mine for review, if you get a chance.

Arc Name: Reflection of Spirit
Arc ID: 66477
Faction: Tsoo
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Radionuclide
[b]Difficulty Level: Medium (one EB at the end)/b]
Synopsis: Help Mirror Spirit recover someone important
Estimated Time to Play: 1-2 hours





I would really appreciate a review of my latest mission. Thanks.

Arc Name: The Endless Battle
Arc ID: 87248
Faction: Neutral
Name: Rock_Crag
Difficulty Level: Hard (or at least I think so, in certain parts)
Synopsis: Pirates VS Ninjas! What more can you ask for?

[/ QUOTE ]

This was a bizarre mission. The map was just arachnos until you click the glowie, then it is a huge lag fest (could be my computer) for a few minutes while the map populates with ninjas and pirates. These factions go on to pretty much kill each other and then the arachnos wipe out most of the rest. You have to beat the 2 bosses that remain.

Way too big of a map and the execution of what happens is not smooth. 3 stars.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the review. My computer is pretty fast, so it's good to know that I need to make some changes in order to make it more friendly for the general player.

Did you read the dialog from the contact? I believe I typed out the explanation there.... but if you read it and still didn't understand what was to happen, perhaps I need to work on that as well.

I'm glad the Pirates and Ninjas were busy killing each other. That's pretty much what I wanted to accomplish with them. They ignore you and focus killing each other, but you could step in and destroy them both if you wanted to. The Arachnos, admittedly, are only there to make sure Ninjas weren't the main enemy. I originally wanted it so there were no enemies there before you clicked the mission object, but I couldn't figure out how to make it work like that.

Also, I would have preferred to have the 2 bosses fighting each other..... but there's no specific option for that....



I'd like to offer my arc up for a review when you have a chance (and I'm sure you're now utterly swamped) as I'm looking for feedback (only had 3 plays so far as of yesterday; and two comments - one for a spelling error I had missed, now fixed; and another who said she liked it a lot and found it fun).

Title: Is it Live or is it Memory-X

Story Arc ID: 70210
Author’s Global Chat Handle: @Armsman
Length: Very Long (5 missions)
Alignment: Heroic

Story Description: The 5th Column is building a device to control the world. Can you save the world from TOTAL DOMINATION?! (Hey it worked to get my Villians and Vigilantes pen and paper RPG group interested back in the day.)

Designer Notes: The Arc can actually be soloed by most Scrapper, Tank and MasterMind builds. In testing, my Gravity/Force Field Controller made it through mission 3 solo with no issues, but starting getting defeats in mission 4; so if you’re a support class or a blaster, you probably need a team-mate. This arc is actually based on an adventure I ran players through in the “Villians & Vigilantes” pen and paper RPG a number of years back. I was surprised at how much of the original ‘flavor’ I was able to keep in adapting it to fit in the CoX universe. There was only really one element I couldn’t include due to MA limitations.



I'd like to offer my arc up for a review when you have a chance (and I'm sure you're now utterly swamped) as I'm looking for feedback (only had 3 plays so far as of yesterday; and two comments - one for a spelling error I had missed, now fixed; and another who said she liked it a lot and found it fun).

Title: Is it Live or is it Memory-X

Story Arc ID: 70210
Author’s Global Chat Handle: @Armsman
Length: Very Long (5 missions)
Alignment: Heroic

Story Description: The 5th Column is building a device to control the world. Can you save the world from TOTAL DOMINATION?! (Hey it worked to get my Villians and Vigilantes pen and paper RPG group interested back in the day.)

Designer Notes: The Arc can actually be soloed by most Scrapper, Tank and MasterMind builds. In testing, my Gravity/Force Field Controller made it through mission 3 solo with no issues, but starting getting defeats in mission 4; so if you’re a support class or a blaster, you probably need a team-mate. This arc is actually based on an adventure I ran players through in the “Villians & Vigilantes” pen and paper RPG a number of years back. I was surprised at how much of the original ‘flavor’ I was able to keep in adapting it to fit in the CoX universe. There was only really one element I couldn’t include due to MA limitations.

[/ QUOTE ]

I had never heard of V&V until my friend introduced it to me a few months back. He has a Villain Group on Virtue that is dedicated to the theme:


I'll be sure to check out your arc.



If anyone has the time, I'd love to get some more reactions to my arc. Some background.... I came up with it as I was writing it. I had a picture in mind of a villain group reminiscent of the silver-age villains you'd find in the comics (the ones with campy names or themes, like the Royal Flush Gang who dress up as characters in playing cards).

ID: 30821
Title: A Clean Break
The Pool Gang were just a bunch of local homeboys frequenting the pool halls in Kings Row. When capes started proliferating, they found an excuse to put on tights and hassle the local gangs. But someone seems to be leading them into more dangerous waters, and you're asked by a friend to come down on them before they get in too deep.

Even though the story was spontaneous and, admittedly, a learning exercise while I was discovering the Architect, I spent time polishing dialog, costumes, mission objectives, and story. I worked on picking out powers for the villains so they'd be a moderate challenge for the average player. I also spent time adding small details to make it look more professional (proper wording for clues, navigation text, etc.). I'm rather pleased with how it all came out, and got good feedback from the few people who played it (two so far), so I wouldn't mind hearing from more people.

[/ QUOTE ]

Mission 1: I have to nitpick and say that you should break up some of this text into paragraphs. It is a bit hard to read. Your contact's speech is a bit tough to read, but I get that he is a pool hall hood and is supposed to talk that way. Good beginning to the story though. Wow, what a GREAT custom enemy group! I love the look of them! I can't say enough good things about them. They are tough little guys though. Are they all WP defense sets? That might be a bit rough. Just a fun group to fight though.

Mission 2: 8-ball is an excellent custom boss. Nice story progression with Crey. Just a fun story arc so far.

Mission 3: You might want to check the pop up that comes up at the mission entrance. I think you have a wrong name in there. Good finish to the arc. Another nice custom boss, totally fits with the whole theme. Ally maybe a bit over powered, but he was nice to have in the EB fight. You might want to experiment with having him spawn towards the end of the map. Having him for the whole mission made all the fights trivial.

Overall: Well, the story is not going to win literary awards, but it is good comic book stuff - and most importantly it was a fun story, fun custom group, and just all around good time for the whole family!

5 stars!



Arc Name: Coming Unglued
Arc ID: 6015
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Linarra
Difficulty Level: Easy/Medium
Synopsis: Something has “dislocated” this dimension from the other dimensions…
Estimated Time to Play:35min - 1 hour
Notes: 3 missions. Small maps. No missions are ‘kill all’; can be a quick set of missions or longer at your discretion. Story based. Crey enemies, with a few ‘surprises’.

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Arc Name: Getting to know Oneself
Arc ID: 41625
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: @FireBrandi
Difficulty Level: Medium
Length: 4 missions
Synopsis: Help the Midnight Club investigate the mysterious links that connect one Hero to others out there. You find there is greater significance to this link that suspected as well as a danger.

One EB and one AV, there is an ally to help with the AV so it can be soloed. No kill-all, so you can skip right to objectives to finish quickly.

FireBrandi - Champions lvl 50 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster - Tier 4 Alpha
Kim Paler - lvl 50 Crab Spider - Tier 3 Alpha

My DA page



Story Title: Spectre of the Gun's Search
Length: Short
Levels: 1-54
Alignment: Heroic
Map: outdoor map
Faction: Custom
Genre: Western
Length: 1 mission at this time
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Leaf Cutter Ant/smyte

Difficulty: Set on Heroic boss should be soloable. Set at higher difficulty the boss will be more difficult. No EB/AV. All enemies are 1 primary 1 secondary.

Contains: 1 boss, 1 release captive, 1 ambush, collection and patrols

Arc Description: Spectre of the Gun is looking for one of the bullets that killed him in 1867. He has the guns and 1 of the bullets. The second bullet has escaped his grasp, when he finally has it in his ghostly hands, what powers will he be able to tap into then?

Working on the next missions for this arc.

Arc Title: Yellow Submarine-Save Pepperland
ID# 92780
Length: Medium
Levels: 1-54
Alignment: Heroic
Maps: outdoor maps (at this time)
Faction: Custom
Length: Medium 2 missions at this time
Difficulty: Set on Heroic bosses will be LTs should be soloable for most ATs (have not tried it with a blaster yet) All Mobs are 1 primary 1 secondary. No EBs/AVs

Contains: Destructable objects; Free ally, 1 boss

Arc Description: The Blue Meanies have taken over Pepperland! The Meanies have captured the The Band, John, Paul, Ringo and George. Old Fred needs you to help free them and save the people of Pepperland.

Contains only Part 1 & 2 at this time

I need more time!

Pinnacle-Pale Spectre 50 Kat/Regen/Dark Scrapper
Spectre of the Gun 50 Thugs/Dark/Soul Mastery MM
MA Story Spectre of the Gun's Search" ID #352424
Spectral Darque 50 Dark/Dark Scrapper



Since I was one of your early reviews, I thought you might be interested in the next chapter I've been working on and published tonight.

Arc Name: "Nothing Left to Lose"
Arc ID: 83170
Faction: Villain
Creator Global/Forum Name: @jbrass/jbrass
Difficulty Level: Medium (Optional AV at end)
Synopsis: Sequel to "Nobody of Consequence" (7780) -- You're asked to find the link between a new hero on Rogue Isles and Black Scorpion
Estimated Time to Play: Three missions -- 30 to 45 minutes

Only three missions for this one. Gave me a little more breathing room and able to more adequately explain what's going on without worrying about the memory limit.

I have issues that I don't believe the final mission works the way I want it to. I won't explain why so as to not direct your experience.

[/ QUOTE ]

Mission 1: We start off with an interesting premise: low level villains banding together to overtake their bosses, but then the plot seems to get overly complex bringing in some other groups. The mission itself is fine. there are 2 custom bosses to defeat, neither were very difficult - your standard boss. The clues and the wrap up text didn't reveal much.

Mission 2: Storywise, this mission is just something to do to distract Black Scorpion. The mission itself was pretty fun though, with a variety of objectives.

Mission 3: Well the story picks back up here and does a pretty good job of tying things up heading into the mission. It makes me want to find out more about the Undestined One. I don't know if it is me, you or a bug on the map, but I heard the glowie loud and clear and search for a good 10 minutes, never to find it. I had to quot the mission.

Overall, this had potential until I was unable to complete it. For now, I have to give it 3 stars. If it turns out to be a bug, or just my stupidity, I would give it 4. If you can fix this or give me some help here, it could very well be a 4 star arc.



check out mine if you like

Its a fun little gang war romp.. arc in sig
Origin of Mezzolith, 77406

[/ QUOTE ]

Running this with a level 8 scrapper...

Mission 1: The story starts out neutral as the description says, but it just doesn't feel right playing either a hero or villain. I won't deduct points for that, but just wanted to let it be known. The mission was fun and good for leveling low toons. It might have been a bit long and the escort all the way back didn't seem necessary at all, considering you saved other hostages and didn't have to lead them back. You are setting up a BIG story here, which is a high risk/high reward scenario.

Mission 2: There is a reason there are few, if any, outdoor maps at the low levels. Without a travel power they are brutal. There was a hostage named Kitty Katt, but it was not an objective and I was supposed to lead her back to entrance.

Mission 3: By the way, there have been numerous typos/spelling errors, please run a spell checker. I don't really take off for that, but it is distracting. The story starts to clear up here a bit: rogue hellions, mages kidnapping skulls, etc. The mission was pretty good. The story is getting alittle better but seems to really bog down with details.

Mission 4: References to a building bombing that I read in the clues, but your contact makes it seem like we just did that mission....possibly I got all muddled up with all the clues, etc. Early in the mission I saved a girl and she didn't say a word. Oranbaga map with portals is not right for a level 1-14 arc. I'm exhausted from this mission and have to call it at this point without being able to finish.

Overall, it is a very muddled story, overrun with so many clues and factions and twisting story lines. As far as gaining XP and tickets at a low level the missions are alright, but the choice of maps is not appropriate for low levels.

I can really only give this a 3 star rating. It would probably be high if the maps were adjusted and there were not just so many objectives in each mission.



Arc Name: The Saga of Uuralur the Mirror
Arc ID: 36492
Alignment: Heroic

Difficulty level: This arc was designed to be fought in a team due to the 3 EBs/AVs and the relatively tough mobs. I'm sure some of the stronger built players could solo it, but even then, a team would certainly be much more fun.
The enemies consists of : Reflections, Circle of Thorns, Banished Pantheon, Carnies, and a few customs.
There are 4 missions, but they all have various objectives and I suggest around 45 minutes to 1 hour on a big team. My Task Force focuses a lot on City of Heroes lore, and especially the Aspects of Rularuu the Ravager.

I''m looking for more reviews and feedback, and if I get enough positive reception, I may be tempted to do another Aspect of Rularuu TF!
