I'll review and rate

Aliana Blue



As per your feedback, I modified mine. Lowered the 2nd mission EB to boss, changed the 2nd map.

Arc# 25633

[/ QUOTE ]

Running this modified arc with my illusion controller

Mission 1: Excellent job on the custom group. They look and fight just like the real phantoms. Ally is overpowered while working through the mission. He made all the fights trivial, but was a nice help against the EB. I would consider putting him towards the end of the map so you can pick him up just before the EB fight. Otherwise a fun mission. Interesting start to the story, with the other dimension angle, etc.

Mission 2: Much better on the 2nd mission than last time. The boss was a decent challenge but do-able. Interesting development with the amulet. The exit pop-up and subsequent mission text was.....well, it was a twist, but I'm not sure how I feel about it yet...

Mission 3: Oh, this map. I cringe when it comes up. I've run into it in about a half dozen arcs in this thread alone. It turns into a scavenger hunt for the one boss you have to fight. The boss fight was pretty easy for an EB, which is OK. Not sure how much of a challenge you were going for. We never find out about me in the other dimension. Your contact using you as a pawn seems a bit cheap.

This is another 3.5 star arc, and since I am in a good mood tonight, I'll bump it to 4 instead of down to 3.

Mission 3:



I'd appreciate it if you would take a look at Arc 8121, Rapp'Mas'Ta's War. I've had a lot of friends look at it, but you know...fresh eyes, huh? It IS solo-friendly, and I enjoyed writing it. Hope you have fun!

[/ QUOTE ]

Since the first map is a lvl 35-40 mission, I am going to skip this until I am playing a toon (or have one - I don't think I have anything in that range right now) that is level appropriate. It is on my list but might be a while.



Arc Name: Coming Unglued
Arc ID: 6015
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Linarra
Difficulty Level: Easy/Medium
Synopsis: Something has “dislocated” this dimension from the other dimensions…
Estimated Time to Play:35min - 1 hour
Notes: 3 missions. Small maps. No missions are ‘kill all’; can be a quick set of missions or longer at your discretion. Story based. Crey enemies, with a few ‘surprises’.

[/ QUOTE ]

Mission 1: Pretty basic story premise to get things going. Short, but decent enough mission. Cool little ambush on the first object.

Mission 2: Well, the story is moving along, but we really have no idea what effects the pylons have, what the dangers are, etc. The contact is just sending us on missions without a real overall purpose so far. In fact, I am not even sure who the enemy group is. Is it Crey? Why are the Crey there? Another short but sweet mission. I have no real problems with the missions themselves, though they are a bit basic.

Mission 3: Another short mission, making for an arc you can run through pretty quickly. We do need more of these. The message after each glowie indicated an ambush but one only came after the last glowie and the mission ended so I could exit out and avoid it.

Overall the missions were fine, if not overly simple. Mostly minions. I'm not sure if there were even any Lt.s No bosses at all. The story made sense in that it progressed from start to finish, but there was not much to it at all. I have to give it just 3 stars, but there is probably a much better story in there somewhere. Give us a purpose to do the things we are doing. Give us a reason behind the enemies we are fighting (if that makes sense).



If you get a moment, I could always use some feedback on this one:

Jenkins's Guide to Super-Villainy
Arc ID: 84008
Faction: Villainous
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Circuit Boy
Difficulty Level: Missions #1-3 1-50, Mission #4 20-29; easy to medium difficulty
Synopsis: Tired of Kalinda prattling on about searching for the "Destined One"? More than just a mercenary gun for hire? Tired of exterminating snakes for Mongoose? Not thrilled to be Doctor Creed's lab assistant? Want to know how to become a real super-villain? Jenkins has just the guide for you!
Estimated Time to Play: 4 missions, 60-90 minutes

40062: The World's Worst PUG
84008: Jenkins's Guide to Super-Villainy
230187: The Hero of Kings Row
No H8 - 08.04.10
@Circuit Boy - Moderator - Pride global chat channel



If anyone has the time, I'd love to get some more reactions to my arc. Some background.... I came up with it as I was writing it. I had a picture in mind of a villain group reminiscent of the silver-age villains you'd find in the comics (the ones with campy names or themes, like the Royal Flush Gang who dress up as characters in playing cards).

ID: 30821
Title: A Clean Break
The Pool Gang were just a bunch of local homeboys frequenting the pool halls in Kings Row. When capes started proliferating, they found an excuse to put on tights and hassle the local gangs. But someone seems to be leading them into more dangerous waters, and you're asked by a friend to come down on them before they get in too deep.

Even though the story was spontaneous and, admittedly, a learning exercise while I was discovering the Architect, I spent time polishing dialog, costumes, mission objectives, and story. I worked on picking out powers for the villains so they'd be a moderate challenge for the average player. I also spent time adding small details to make it look more professional (proper wording for clues, navigation text, etc.). I'm rather pleased with how it all came out, and got good feedback from the few people who played it (two so far), so I wouldn't mind hearing from more people.

[/ QUOTE ]

Mission 1: I have to nitpick and say that you should break up some of this text into paragraphs. It is a bit hard to read. Your contact's speech is a bit tough to read, but I get that he is a pool hall hood and is supposed to talk that way. Good beginning to the story though. Wow, what a GREAT custom enemy group! I love the look of them! I can't say enough good things about them. They are tough little guys though. Are they all WP defense sets? That might be a bit rough. Just a fun group to fight though.

Mission 2: 8-ball is an excellent custom boss. Nice story progression with Crey. Just a fun story arc so far.

Mission 3: You might want to check the pop up that comes up at the mission entrance. I think you have a wrong name in there. Good finish to the arc. Another nice custom boss, totally fits with the whole theme. Ally maybe a bit over powered, but he was nice to have in the EB fight. You might want to experiment with having him spawn towards the end of the map. Having him for the whole mission made all the fights trivial.

Overall: Well, the story is not going to win literary awards, but it is good comic book stuff - and most importantly it was a fun story, fun custom group, and just all around good time for the whole family!

5 stars!

[/ QUOTE ]
Thank you. All your points are well-taken and I'm going to examine those areas tonight.... try to make the dialog a bit easier to read with paragraph marks, make sure I'm keeping the names straight, stuff like that..

Yeah, they're hardy little guys. The melee minions have superstrength primary and either Invuln or Willpower (if I remember correctly) as a secondary just to give them a little bit of toughness. I also intentionally gave the melee minions flight so that players who hover would have to keep on their toes. The ranged minions have Super Reflexes to help them avoid attacks a bit, which is particularly effective when the ally is helping you in the final mission as he has trouble hitting them. Since he was there to mainly keep the final boss from being too overwhelming for a low-level squishie who may be soloing, I don't mind that he's only marginally effective against the minions.

The lieutenants were meant to be mildly buffing/debuffing. One day I'll have to try this in a larger group setting and see how they work when there's larger spawns with them.

Thanks again. I'm really glad it's being enjoyed. Like you said, it's a light story not about to win a literary award. The story sort of came together while I was playing around with the MA, and I kept working with it to try to tie it together in some way where even if it wasn't a complex tale, it would at least be coherent and viable. And I do really appreciate the advice as I'm going into it tonight to look at those areas you mentioned.

Arc ID#30821, A Clean Break

The only problem with defeating the Tsoo is that an hour later, you want to defeat them again!
"Life is just better boosted!" -- LadyMage
"I'm a big believer in Personal Force Field on a blaster. ... It's your happy place." -- Fulmens



Got another one here for ya.

Arc Name: The New Freaks in Town
Arc ID: 72852
Morality: Heroic
Factions: Custom, Freakshow
Level range: Mission 1 is 1-45, Mission 2 is 1-50

Synopsis:There is word around the city that there is a new villain group in town and are planning an attempt to overthrow the Freakshow. That's bad new for the Freakshow by far, but it could turn out bad for all of us. You must make sure this doesn't happen and prevent an all out gang war.



I wouldn't mind some feedback.

Story Description: When the Rikti attack the offices of a brilliant evil genius, you are called to help. What is the meaning of the mysterious sudden attack, and why are the Rikti involved? All these questions and more are answered in the tale known as: Quoth the Raven.

Story Arc ID: 74617
Author’s Global Chat Handle: @Sroxah
Length: Very Long (4 missions)
Alignment: Villainous



Since I was one of your early reviews, I thought you might be interested in the next chapter I've been working on and published tonight.

Arc Name: "Nothing Left to Lose"
Arc ID: 83170
Faction: Villain
Creator Global/Forum Name: @jbrass/jbrass
Difficulty Level: Medium (Optional AV at end)
Synopsis: Sequel to "Nobody of Consequence" (7780) -- You're asked to find the link between a new hero on Rogue Isles and Black Scorpion
Estimated Time to Play: Three missions -- 30 to 45 minutes

Only three missions for this one. Gave me a little more breathing room and able to more adequately explain what's going on without worrying about the memory limit.

I have issues that I don't believe the final mission works the way I want it to. I won't explain why so as to not direct your experience.

[/ QUOTE ]

Mission 1: We start off with an interesting premise: low level villains banding together to overtake their bosses, but then the plot seems to get overly complex bringing in some other groups. The mission itself is fine. there are 2 custom bosses to defeat, neither were very difficult - your standard boss. The clues and the wrap up text didn't reveal much.

Mission 2: Storywise, this mission is just something to do to distract Black Scorpion. The mission itself was pretty fun though, with a variety of objectives.

Mission 3: Well the story picks back up here and does a pretty good job of tying things up heading into the mission. It makes me want to find out more about the Undestined One. I don't know if it is me, you or a bug on the map, but I heard the glowie loud and clear and search for a good 10 minutes, never to find it. I had to quot the mission.

Overall, this had potential until I was unable to complete it. For now, I have to give it 3 stars. If it turns out to be a bug, or just my stupidity, I would give it 4. If you can fix this or give me some help here, it could very well be a 4 star arc.

[/ QUOTE ]

It would have to be a bug. I tested that mission many times to work out how the spawns should be. There are two glowies. One is mandatory, one is just for more info. I even used a fixed map, rather than random caves to try to avoid problem. I did notice that sometimes the computer would spawn right up against the central cave columns in dead ends and could be tough to see.



Please add me to the cue.

Arc Name: Bugs and Robots, ma'am, bugs and robots
Arc ID:53433
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Nod
Difficulty Level: Above average (custom enemy faction, custom AV)
Synopsis: A new villain group infests Paragon City. It's up to you to find out why and stop them!
Estimated Time to Play: 30-60 minutes

I've run it solo with many ATs and level ranges, and have had teams of up to 5 people run through it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Mission 1: People and animals disappearing - insect infestation. I'm intrigued. Fairly easy mission. We will have to see how it goes from here.

Mission 2: I don't usually like these particular maps, but with the big cocoon's and the smaller size, it worked perfectly. The custom group is pretty cool. I like seeing non-human shaped groups.

Mission 3: I'm not sure I see the connection between the hivers and a robot factory, but into the mission we go. That one robot is really amazing, the one that is human shaped. I think it is custom created. Worth the price of admission just to check out the great design. Story got bogged down here as we seemed to go off on a (almost) totally unrelated tangent with this mission.

Mission 4: OK, story gets back on track here. Somebody knows the location of the big bad, so we need to go in and get him out safely. The mission was pretty fun. Densely populated with robots. Maybe a bug, or maybe a design flaw, but the hostage would target when I hit tab, and also auto targeted during battles.

Mission 5: The final battle and our contact is coming to help! It was maybe an unnecessarily long map. The EB was very well designed as well, a fair fight.

Overall, the Hivers looked and acted perfectly. That one custom robot was excellent. The story was OK. We don't know the motives behind the custom group, we don't know where they come from, what they want. We really don't know anything about them. We know the big boss has robot parts and insect parts, but not how, or why, or what powers they give her.

3 stars with easy potential for 4 and even 5.



Take any in my sig. I need the most feedback on "the Revenge of Hro'Dtohz" and "Hunting the Dark Dragon".

[/ QUOTE ]

We will go with Hunting the Dark Dragon #2922. Love fighting the Circle, hate the Malta, who doesn't hate a sapper.

Mission 1: The circle is summoning dragons, allegedly. We will go and investigate. I assumed we would be clicking something, but the dragons were a great idea. They were way overpowered as allies, but in this case I was happy because it was a really huge Oranbaga cave and the quicker you can get through one of those the better.

Mission 2: If I have this straight, Circle summons the Dark Dragon, but can't control it. Dark Dragon makes a deal with Malta. Poorly designed mission objectives here. It says defeat Weedeater leader and crew. There were 3 bosses, and crew meant entire huge room with the thorn tree. I would skip adding his crew to the defeat, but that is just me.

Mission 3: OK, next up we take a stolen Arachnos flier into a Malta base. If you don't know this map uses a door to go inside the building, you are S.O.O.L. which I was for about 10 minutes. A hint would have really been nice. Otherwise the mission was fine. Your map choices are some of the more annoying ones in the game though. Space pirates are a nice touch, but I'll be interested to see how they fit in, or if they ever do.

Mission 4: OK, back to the dark dragon and his next target. Perhaps we meet him in this mission. Wow, nasty ambush, dropped me before I even knew they were coming. I regroup and head back in, knowing they are there now. Ambush goes down this time, but still not without a fight. Mako shows up out of nowhere, I hardly have to fight him though, something else in the mission brought him down to about 1/5th of his health. I stepped in and finished him off no problem.

Mission 5: Contact says he is lost in the story. Frankly, so am I. That one big room was a real battle inside. More information on who the guards you had to beat were - mission objectives should be clearer. Mission gives you a choice on how you want to finish, which is a neat ending. I won't spoil anything here.

Overall, I think you took on too much story here. The mission objectives were poorly defined in some instances. Map choices were more tedious than fun in some cases. 3 stars.



Got another one here for ya.

Arc Name: The New Freaks in Town
Arc ID: 72852
Morality: Heroic
Factions: Custom, Freakshow
Level range: Mission 1 is 1-45, Mission 2 is 1-50

Synopsis:There is word around the city that there is a new villain group in town and are planning an attempt to overthrow the Freakshow. That's bad new for the Freakshow by far, but it could turn out bad for all of us. You must make sure this doesn't happen and prevent an all out gang war.

[/ QUOTE ]

Mission 1: Interesting premise, although it seems a bit strange to be helping the Freakshow. Very nice on the custom group. The EB was very tough, but still solo-able. Mission objectives fit the story so far. Nice start.

Mission 2: This is a good use of a big outdoor map because it fits the story line perfectly, and it is pretty easy to track down the first and then the second boss. Two fun EB fights.

Overall the missions were fun and the custom group was excellent. They could be a group in the regular game they are so well done, though I have to say the stone Lt is way overpowered. Also, while I like short arcs, I thought this one could have used another mission or two and could have gone more in depth on the custom group. They were so well done, I wish there was more to them. Perhaps they get another story arc? Would love to play them again and learn more about them. I am going to give you 4 stars even though I want to give 5. The arc just needs a little more story, maybe another mission or two.



Thanks again for reviewing my arc, A Clean Break. I took your advice and worked on the dialog a bit. I found a couple of errors in my text that I corrected, and I cleaned up some of the dialog to tighten up the story a bit. I also moved the ally to the mid-point in the final mission. I was surprised at how many little things I missed.

I'm overall pleased. I have six votes so far and am averaging four stars, which I think is about right.

Arc ID#30821, A Clean Break

The only problem with defeating the Tsoo is that an hour later, you want to defeat them again!
"Life is just better boosted!" -- LadyMage
"I'm a big believer in Personal Force Field on a blaster. ... It's your happy place." -- Fulmens



Arc Name: A Hero is Made, Not Born
Arc ID: 20863
Faction: Hero
Creator Global/Forum Name: @OverlordIndigo
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis: Updated 4/22/09] Traveling back in time you aid the enigmatic Commander Chronus to inspire the career of a would be hero. (( This is a lower level mission by design and should be soloable for most characters.)) [TAGS: SFMA/LBMA]
Estimated Time to Play: 15 minute timer. 1 mission
Link to More Details or Feedback: Feedback Thread

Link to Movie Poster

All feedback is appreciated.



Arc Name: The Doctor's Aide
Arc ID: 51539
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Oro Liquido
Difficulty Level: Three missions are 30-54, one 40-54 (Protector). Custom EB in final mission.
Mob Groups: Crey, Custom
Synopsis: Crey is close to unleashing a devastating computer program. Your goal is to aide the hacker known as 'The Doctor' in putting a stop to them.
Estimated Time to Play: 1 hour? Three medium, one large size tech maps. None are defeat all.

[/ QUOTE ]

Running this with lvl 50 ill/rad controller.

Mission 1: Interesting introductory text. I could see this kind of story line getting confusing, but so far everything makes sense. This mission itself is a standard Crey Tech lab and 1 glowie. I mentioned before that Crey is one of my favorite groups in the game, so this was fun for me. One problem with them though, is that at lvl 50 only crey tanks spawn. Not your fault obviously.

Mission 2: This is similar to mission 1, but advances the story a little bit. Our contact has been captured, and the big bad in this mission dropped a clue. Map and enemy group same as mission 1, but that is perfectly fine in the context of the story.

Mission 3: The next mission says we have to hack the Crey computers and enter a virtual world. Let me tell you, if I am ever stuck in a virtual world, I will fully expect to see this custom enemy group in it. Nothing too complicated, but they just look like they belong in there. One of the best custom groups I've seen that fits their theme. The mission was another Crey Tech map, no issues with it at all.

Mission 4: Story is wrapping up nicely, as we learn what the clue from mission 2 was, and we learn exactly what the Crey are up to. The custom EB is very nice, fits perfectly with the rest of the custom group and the theme of the story. Your ally in this mission is placed perfectly and is a good help against the boss, which would prove pretty tough without her I think.

Overall, the missions were fun to play through, and the custom group was one of the better looking ones. the only thing keeping this from 5 stars is the story. It is not a bad story. It has a beginning, middle and end, and all makes perfect sense. I just don't know if it is all that exciting of a story. I am far from an expert on this, so I'm having trouble saying exactly what it is missing.

Still, 4 stars and worth a play through. Its fairly short and has a nice group to fight.



Arc Name: Getting to know Oneself
Arc ID: 41625
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: @FireBrandi
Difficulty Level: Medium
Length: 4 missions
Synopsis: Help the Midnight Club investigate the mysterious links that connect one Hero to others out there. You find there is greater significance to this link that suspected as well as a danger.

One EB and one AV, there is an ally to help with the AV so it can be soloed. No kill-all, so you can skip right to objectives to finish quickly.

[/ QUOTE ]

Running this with Lvl 50 Ill/Rad Controller.

Mission 1: Introductory text says we are going to unlock the secrets of the universe! That is a tall order to live up to, but the basic premise of why we are doing this first mission is pretty interesting. Souls are linked together, but there is a force keeping the linked souls from meeting each other. The mission was a small warehouse and a rescue against the council. No problems with the mission. The hostage's soul is linked to our contact's soul.

Mission 2: Contact sends us in to find another soul linked to her and the hostage in the first mission. The more linked souls we find the more evidence we can gather as to what the force keeping them apart is. The mission introduces a custom enemy group, but we have no idea who they are, why they are there and how they are linked to this story.

Mission 3: Off to save another soul linked to the others, but this time it is a villain. We have to defeat this villain instead of rescue. It is a map of banish pantheon with a custom enemy or two thrown in. The clue offered by the boss really clouds the story, but the dialogie from your contact clears it back up.

Mission 4: I don't want to spoil too much of the story here. The EB was pretty tough, even with an EB ally with you, but it was a fun mission.

Overall this was a really good story arc. The custom group was good, but didn't serve much of a purpose as a group. We didn't learn much about them, just a little about their EB that you fight at the end. The main problem with the arc is that it seems like a story about your contact rather than a story that you take part in (if that makes any sense). You are forced into playing the backstory of your contact. It is still a good arc, but that is going to keep it from a 5 star rating from me.

4 stars.



Story Title: Spectre of the Gun's Search
Length: Short
Levels: 1-54
Alignment: Heroic
Map: outdoor map
Faction: Custom
Genre: Western
Length: 1 mission at this time
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Leaf Cutter Ant/smyte

Difficulty: Set on Heroic boss should be soloable. Set at higher difficulty the boss will be more difficult. No EB/AV. All enemies are 1 primary 1 secondary.

Contains: 1 boss, 1 release captive, 1 ambush, collection and patrols

Arc Description: Spectre of the Gun is looking for one of the bullets that killed him in 1867. He has the guns and 1 of the bullets. The second bullet has escaped his grasp, when he finally has it in his ghostly hands, what powers will he be able to tap into then?

Working on the next missions for this arc.

[/ QUOTE ]

Playing this with Lvl 50 Ill/Rad Controller.

Mission 1: I like the western theme here, but we are going after a criminal and saving somebody we have zero knowledge about. Lots of issues here. There is a spawn right on the entrance, so as soon as I am in there I am already stunned, then I am able to barely drop my phantom army and i get drop kicked right out of the mission. Also, there are what, 50? 100? chests, only 1 of which is the one you have to click on to complete the mission. The boss was overpowered for a boss. There was kickbacks, stuns, and terrorizing all in that one group, not to mention gang war and all his other minions. I got through him without a defeat, but it was a huge challenge.

I have to give it 2 stars, not because of the boss or the roaming patrols that were at the entrance, up in the trees, etc... but just for the glowie scavenger hunt. Get rid of all the fake ones. It is so annoying. If I wasn't reviewing this, I would have quit as soon as I saw dozens and dozens and dozens of chests with the mission objective of finding just the 1 you need.



Thanks a lot for the review on The New Freaks in Town Pt. 1. Fixed a few of the typos and updated a few of the Freaks of Nature characters. Adding a Pt. 2 for sure soon (next week sometime it should be done). Might also be adding a small middle mission just to add a bit to the size of the first one. Also adding a spin-off arc soon after Pt. 2. Thanks again for the review and glad you liked it.



Submitting my arc for review:

Arc Name: Light of the Sun
Arc ID: 89545
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Skydance/Skydance
Difficulty Level: lv46+ recommended, slightly above standard CoH mission difficulty. Adds can be dangerous, final Boss is somewhat dangerous
Synopsis: Crey is up to something in Crey's Folly, and a young hero was already severly hurt. Janet Kellum is looking for an experienced hero to help her out.
Estimated Time To Play: 5 missions - 30 to 60 minutes, small maps, no defeat all, stealthing possible of some missions
Enemy Groups: Freakshow, Arachnos (very few), Crey + Crey Custom group.

Further Comments:
It is very helpful if the player is familiar with Gordon Stacys 'Revenant Hero Project' storyarc, and Crey in general. A plus if your hero has worked with Janet Kellum before (lv40-45 Crey contact).

The custom group is not overly difficult, especially solo they are not noticeably harder then standard groups. In bigger teams (or solo if more then one spawn is aggroed), some of the debuffs/buffs can stack quickly making them a more serious threat. Problem mobs will need to be identified and given priority.

The final boss is no pushover, but should not be impossible, inspirations may be needed depending on build/AT. She will scale down from Elite Boss to Boss on heroic.

[/ QUOTE ]

Quoting myself here (sorry), from an earlier request for a review in this thread, since you already reviewed arcs before, and after my post, it probably just got overlooked. If not, I apologize for bringing it up again.

Still hoping you can find the time to give it a try, as I would love some feedback on how it plays for others, and what things need tweaking.

Thanks again.



Arc Name: Getting to know Oneself
Arc ID: 41625
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: @FireBrandi
Difficulty Level: Medium
Length: 4 missions
Synopsis: Help the Midnight Club investigate the mysterious links that connect one Hero to others out there. You find there is greater significance to this link that suspected as well as a danger.

One EB and one AV, there is an ally to help with the AV so it can be soloed. No kill-all, so you can skip right to objectives to finish quickly.

[/ QUOTE ]

Running this with Lvl 50 Ill/Rad Controller.

Overall this was a really good story arc. The custom group was good, but didn't serve much of a purpose as a group. We didn't learn much about them, just a little about their EB that you fight at the end. The main problem with the arc is that it seems like a story about your contact rather than a story that you take part in (if that makes any sense). You are forced into playing the backstory of your contact. It is still a good arc, but that is going to keep it from a 5 star rating from me.

4 stars.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the critique. I'll work on improving it. Add some dialog from the custom group on their missions to flesh them out more, include a few of them in the third to help tie it together, and more explanation of what they are in the intro for final mission.

The mystery of the links is supposed to be applicable to just about any character, I should insert some references to links detected in the person going on the missions to clear that up, and bring them in more. After all, it could happen to YOU next time

FireBrandi - Champions lvl 50 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster - Tier 4 Alpha
Kim Paler - lvl 50 Crab Spider - Tier 3 Alpha

My DA page



Take any in my sig. I need the most feedback on "the Revenge of Hro'Dtohz" and "Hunting the Dark Dragon".

[/ QUOTE ]

We will go with Hunting the Dark Dragon #2922. Love fighting the Circle, hate the Malta, who doesn't hate a sapper.

Mission 1: The circle is summoning dragons, allegedly. We will go and investigate. I assumed we would be clicking something, but the dragons were a great idea. They were way overpowered as allies, but in this case I was happy because it was a really huge Oranbaga cave and the quicker you can get through one of those the better.

Mission 2: If I have this straight, Circle summons the Dark Dragon, but can't control it. Dark Dragon makes a deal with Malta. Poorly designed mission objectives here. It says defeat Weedeater leader and crew. There were 3 bosses, and crew meant entire huge room with the thorn tree. I would skip adding his crew to the defeat, but that is just me.

Mission 3: OK, next up we take a stolen Arachnos flier into a Malta base. If you don't know this map uses a door to go inside the building, you are S.O.O.L. which I was for about 10 minutes. A hint would have really been nice. Otherwise the mission was fine. Your map choices are some of the more annoying ones in the game though. Space pirates are a nice touch, but I'll be interested to see how they fit in, or if they ever do.

Mission 4: OK, back to the dark dragon and his next target. Perhaps we meet him in this mission. Wow, nasty ambush, dropped me before I even knew they were coming. I regroup and head back in, knowing they are there now. Ambush goes down this time, but still not without a fight. Mako shows up out of nowhere, I hardly have to fight him though, something else in the mission brought him down to about 1/5th of his health. I stepped in and finished him off no problem.

Mission 5: Contact says he is lost in the story. Frankly, so am I. That one big room was a real battle inside. More information on who the guards you had to beat were - mission objectives should be clearer. Mission gives you a choice on how you want to finish, which is a neat ending. I won't spoil anything here.

Overall, I think you took on too much story here. The mission objectives were poorly defined in some instances. Map choices were more tedious than fun in some cases. 3 stars.

[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks for your time, this gave me a ton of useful info. Some changes made since this review:

Mission 2: Weedkiller Leader now changed to the name of the boss, makes him easier to find. Objective changed to defeat boss only.

Mission 3: Patrols added whose dialogue tells you where the door is.

Mission 4: Mako's appearance is now scripted to blend more smoothly with the rest of the mission. Fixed inconsistencies and added more info on the main plot.

Mission 5: Rewrote nav. text to clear up who needs defeating.

You may be right about taking on too much story. I tried to trim it down some, drop more info with less clues. If you'd like to take another look at it and let me know if it reads better now, I'd appreciate it. If not, that's cool too, as the maps are still the same due to plot purposes.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Take any in my sig. I need the most feedback on "the Revenge of Hro'Dtohz" and "Hunting the Dark Dragon".

[/ QUOTE ]

We will go with Hunting the Dark Dragon #2922. Love fighting the Circle, hate the Malta, who doesn't hate a sapper.

Mission 1: The circle is summoning dragons, allegedly. We will go and investigate. I assumed we would be clicking something, but the dragons were a great idea. They were way overpowered as allies, but in this case I was happy because it was a really huge Oranbaga cave and the quicker you can get through one of those the better.

Mission 2: If I have this straight, Circle summons the Dark Dragon, but can't control it. Dark Dragon makes a deal with Malta. Poorly designed mission objectives here. It says defeat Weedeater leader and crew. There were 3 bosses, and crew meant entire huge room with the thorn tree. I would skip adding his crew to the defeat, but that is just me.

Mission 3: OK, next up we take a stolen Arachnos flier into a Malta base. If you don't know this map uses a door to go inside the building, you are S.O.O.L. which I was for about 10 minutes. A hint would have really been nice. Otherwise the mission was fine. Your map choices are some of the more annoying ones in the game though. Space pirates are a nice touch, but I'll be interested to see how they fit in, or if they ever do.

Mission 4: OK, back to the dark dragon and his next target. Perhaps we meet him in this mission. Wow, nasty ambush, dropped me before I even knew they were coming. I regroup and head back in, knowing they are there now. Ambush goes down this time, but still not without a fight. Mako shows up out of nowhere, I hardly have to fight him though, something else in the mission brought him down to about 1/5th of his health. I stepped in and finished him off no problem.

Mission 5: Contact says he is lost in the story. Frankly, so am I. That one big room was a real battle inside. More information on who the guards you had to beat were - mission objectives should be clearer. Mission gives you a choice on how you want to finish, which is a neat ending. I won't spoil anything here.

Overall, I think you took on too much story here. The mission objectives were poorly defined in some instances. Map choices were more tedious than fun in some cases. 3 stars.

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Thanks for your time, this gave me a ton of useful info. Some changes made since this review:

Mission 2: Weedkiller Leader now changed to the name of the boss, makes him easier to find. Objective changed to defeat boss only.

Mission 3: Patrols added whose dialogue tells you where the door is.

Mission 4: Mako's appearance is now scripted to blend more smoothly with the rest of the mission. Fixed inconsistencies and added more info on the main plot.

Mission 5: Rewrote nav. text to clear up who needs defeating.

You may be right about taking on too much story. I tried to trim it down some, drop more info with less clues. If you'd like to take another look at it and let me know if it reads better now, I'd appreciate it. If not, that's cool too, as the maps are still the same due to plot purposes.

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I don't know whether I'll get to it or not. I have about a dozen on my list, but the changes you listed sound like it would do a real lot to improve things. Thanks for posting your arc. I plan on giving your Dev Choice arc a go at some point as well.



Submitting my arc for review:

Arc Name: Light of the Sun
Arc ID: 89545
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Skydance/Skydance
Difficulty Level: lv46+ recommended, slightly above standard CoH mission difficulty. Adds can be dangerous, final Boss is somewhat dangerous
Synopsis: Crey is up to something in Crey's Folly, and a young hero was already severly hurt. Janet Kellum is looking for an experienced hero to help her out.
Estimated Time To Play: 5 missions - 30 to 60 minutes, small maps, no defeat all, stealthing possible of some missions
Enemy Groups: Freakshow, Arachnos (very few), Crey + Crey Custom group.

Further Comments:
It is very helpful if the player is familiar with Gordon Stacys 'Revenant Hero Project' storyarc, and Crey in general. A plus if your hero has worked with Janet Kellum before (lv40-45 Crey contact).

The custom group is not overly difficult, especially solo they are not noticeably harder then standard groups. In bigger teams (or solo if more then one spawn is aggroed), some of the debuffs/buffs can stack quickly making them a more serious threat. Problem mobs will need to be identified and given priority.

The final boss is no pushover, but should not be impossible, inspirations may be needed depending on build/AT. She will scale down from Elite Boss to Boss on heroic.

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Quoting myself here (sorry), from an earlier request for a review in this thread, since you already reviewed arcs before, and after my post, it probably just got overlooked. If not, I apologize for bringing it up again.

Still hoping you can find the time to give it a try, as I would love some feedback on how it plays for others, and what things need tweaking.

Thanks again.

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Sorry about that. I am not reviewing in any strict order, but you are pretty much next on my informal queue. Look for something tonight I would think.



Check out the one in my sig.



I'm gonna review mission #113839 called Enter Sandman with my Lvl 50 Ill/Rad Controller.

Mission 1: This is a horror themed arc and the contact and custom group really fir in nicely. The auras on the custom enemies look very cool. Their powers are nicely balanced. The story is a little Nightmare on Elmstreet-ish, but does not rip it off at all. Good start.

Mission 2: You have to defeat the big bad's #2 in command, which is a cool looking boss with good dialog. Maps are fairly standard, not overly long. Mission objectives are straight forward.

Mission 3: We are going after the big bad in this mission. He is an EB, but you get a boss towards the end of the mission to help you out.

Overall this was just a fun arc. The story was good, and had an interesting horror theme to it. The custom enemy group was really nice and fit the theme perfectly. The missions were on the shorter side, making this a fairly quick arc to run through, which is nice.

5 stars, and I recommend a play through on this one.



I just published my own new arc this evening.
It is #113886.
I would appreciate anyone who wants to play and send me some feedback. On mission three, I tried something a bit risky I think. You just have to play through it and there is a legit reason for it. This is very story driven, should be easy to solo with most builds. Just 1 boss at the end.