I'll review and rate

Aliana Blue



As per your feedback, I modified mine. Lowered the 2nd mission EB to boss, changed the 2nd map.

Arc# 25633



I'm getting pretty backed up on long and very long arcs, but if you have medium or shorter ones, please add them. I do enjoy picking off a few shorter ones in between the longer ones.



I just published an arc that needs reviewing.

Title: The Rise of Magus Veneficus
Author: @Cursed Sorcerer
Arc ID: 80924
Length: Short
Morality: Heroic
Enemy Groups: Custom Group
Missions: 1

I need feedback on the difficulty of the custom mobs and the AV. I would recommend a team as always.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



#6999 Seekers of the Grail. Spent about 12 hours creating it and would love to get some people to play it.

5 Missions, all custom mobs. Tried for a challenging balance of powers and abilities that are still possible to solo.

Let me know what you think!

[/ QUOTE ]

Mission 1: That is one colorful contact! OK, so we have a King Arthur themed arc here. Very nice work on the custom group. Their costumes perfectly fit who they are and they have a nice mix of powers. The mission is to click a glowie and then once you do a boss spawns. there really is no reason to nave the first objective spawn the second...you can just have both objectives starting out. I mention this because I missed the glowie, cleared the map, then had to go back through the map to find the boss. It wasn't too bad since it was a smaller map, but not a good habit to get into when creating missions. Would have liked to get more purpose to the story from the contact or in the mission though.

Mission 2: We are getting a weird mix of Arthurian legend and technology here, but I'll go with it. I generally hate cargo maps, so I fast forwarded to....well, there was a boss so I took him down....then found the EB and battled him. Fun fights, but the story is not developing much yet. Basically the story so far is this Arthur clan is bad and they are getting some extra power from somewhere. Perhaps we could learn why they are bad, why Lancelot wants us to do what he asks. I'm hopeful some answers are coming, but it would be nice to have a better idea by the time mission 2 is over.

Mission 3: This was a fun mission. A (short) rescue, a few bosses mixed in and an object. Not sure how the mission ended, I guess defeat the guys protecting the object. There were lots of baddies in that room and I think I got ambushed from behind. If I didn't have my phantom army I would have been destroyed.

Mission 4: Well now we get a ton of story. I think this arc works better if Lancelot is up front with you, tells you what kind of threat these bad guys are and then go from there. That's just my opinion though. Now this mission was pretty fun. A boss and EB in here. I still think this is a pretty good custom group.

Mission 5: Huge Orenbaga map with the objective to defeat the EB/AV at the end. It was a pretty decent mission if not a little long.

Overall you had a very good custom group, but the story and the way it was presented was not up to par. I would re-work the story, get right into it from the beginning and present it better. I would give it a 3.5, and normally I round up, but this time I went to a 3 because I feel you can do a lot more with what you have here.



If you're not swamped with reviews, I could use some feedback.

Arc Name: Dr. Dave and the Copper Legion
Arc ID: 60280
Length: Very Long
Difficulty: Medium- Final mission contains 1 AV, but with two Allies; many collections, some captives to rescue, an escort mission
Synopsis: An expedition to Cimerora uncovers and ancient weapon which -- in the wrong hand -- could destroy all of Paragon City. Plenty of mystery, some danger, and an obscure CoH villain.

[/ QUOTE ]

Mission 1: Fun cimeroran arc - lots of roaming patrols. Feels heroic being asked to save somebody's kidnapped daughter and then the story she tells is intriguing.

Mission 2: We are sent to find some information on a legendary army of metal soldiers. Excellent premise, I can't wait to see this army (hopefully we do). Ha! Nice introductory message when you enter the mission. You used an orenbaga map, but kept it simple, so that is good. I would think twice about using roaming patrols on this map, I saw CoT climbing rock mountains as well as swimming in pools way down below.

Mission 3: We get our first glimpse of the metal army. Great costumes, appropriate names. Great map for a kill all and very thematic. Story moving along nicely.

Mission 4: This was a fun mission and you get to battle hundreds (or so it seemed) of metal army guys. I think having this as a defeat all is a little much. You have to trust the quality of your mission and determine that it is good enough that people won't just stealth it. The enemy group is so well done, it feels like they should be included in the developers next update to Cimerora.

Mission 5: A really fun finishing mission, keeping with the theme and bringing a nice ending to the story. The boss at the end spawned as an EB and my two allies were both EB's so it wasn't even a challenge at the end. I know you are trying to help players out against an AV, but I wanted to point this out.

Overall this is a great story arc. If you are reading this and you like the Cimerora stories in this game, then you must play this arc! 5 stars.



I'm glad you liked it! This arc in particular has undergone a lot of revision, mostly thanks to the many reviews of other people's arcs I've read. I'd like to think I was gauging players' tolerance for things (without showing my own cards, of course).

I see Mission 4 as a problem. The story, in my mind, seems to demand for a kill-all. But from a player's perspective, I know how tedious it is. I'm torn, and no amount of brain-wracking has helped. So I'm leaving it as-is until I can think of some workaround to stick in the text.

And I was worried that would happen, in Mission 5. I'll probably scale one of the Allies down again (they used to both be AVs), to make it a challenge. Also, I'm open to suggestions as to which AV model I should use (since he can easily be swapped out for anything else).

Above all, thanks for taking the time to review!

Rise of the Copper Legion (#60280; with soundtrack)
The Fractured Dreamer (#498588; with musical theme)

"Now Leaving: Paragon City": original composition for the end of CoH



Since I was one of your early reviews, I thought you might be interested in the next chapter I've been working on and published tonight.

Arc Name: "Nothing Left to Lose"
Arc ID: 83170
Faction: Villain
Creator Global/Forum Name: @jbrass/jbrass
Difficulty Level: Medium (Optional AV at end)
Synopsis: Sequel to "Nobody of Consequence" (7780) -- You're asked to find the link between a new hero on Rogue Isles and Black Scorpion
Estimated Time to Play: Three missions -- 30 to 45 minutes

Only three missions for this one. Gave me a little more breathing room and able to more adequately explain what's going on without worrying about the memory limit.

I have issues that I don't believe the final mission works the way I want it to. I won't explain why so as to not direct your experience.



Please add me to the cue.

Arc Name: Bugs and Robots, ma'am, bugs and robots
Arc ID:53433
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Nod
Difficulty Level: Above average (custom enemy faction, custom AV)
Synopsis: A new villain group infests Paragon City. It's up to you to find out why and stop them!
Estimated Time to Play: 30-60 minutes

I've run it solo with many ATs and level ranges, and have had teams of up to 5 people run through it.



MA "Animal Farm"

ID: 71800

One mish, about 40 minutes long tops. Two ally to rescue to help finish map. As the name implies...lots of bad critters on the farm.

"Oh NO! I'm so sorry baba! you and your wife will be sorely missed...s#@!, i did it again, didn't I?" - mintmiki
Animal Farm ID:71800
When Alts Collide: 134432



I would like to put my first story arc on your queue ^^

Arc Name: The Audacity of Hope: Episode I - Rise of the O
Arc ID: 32865
Faction: Neutral
Creator: Kitty Katttt
Description: The year is 2008. The United States of America has sparked a global recession, engaged in two costly wars, and lost credibility with the world. However, all is not lost. There is still hope. You can help change the world. (Note: Please include NPC Dialog in your chat window.)
Length: Very Long

[/ QUOTE ]

Mission 1: Depressing, but interesting topic. the custom group in here was not really custom, just existing critters renamed, but it still fits the theme. The story is kind of a weird Terminator/Matrix mix with even a group called JEEDI (Jedi?)

Mission 2: The amp fits the theme of the arc, but it is kind of annoying having to seek out 4 little glowies on the big outdoor map. It wasn't too bad, but does suck some of the fun out of it.

Mission 3: Pretty fun mission with a little mix of objectives. The ally you pick up at the beginning of the mission is way overpowered though.

Mission 4: I like having to defend an object, but once again searching for 1 little glowie on the big map is a pain. Ally is still way overpowered. Otherwise a decent mission.

Mission 5: The final battle, the boss appears three times in a row but you have an ally to help you. Your ally is an EB and make the fights pretty simple.

Overall: Not a bad arc. The story was decent enough. The missions were mostly fun with just a couple annoyances. Thematically, all the enemies and maps fit together.

4 stars.



Please review "The naked elf"

arc number in my sig

[/ QUOTE ]

Decent quick mission. Boss seemed overly powerful when played at challenge level 2. Wasn't great, but nothing wrong with it. 3 stars.



Passing Notes
by @Aracade
Arc ID: 72475
Lenght: Long
Morality: Neutral

Recommended Level Range: 30 - 50

Enemy Group says Custom but that is only partly true.

Three Missions

[/ QUOTE ]

Mission 1: You open a chest to begin this arc and are told you are poisoned. How did that happen, and why? Compelling enough reason to follow the instructions and do what the contact tells you though. Pretty standard first mission with a custom group that is actually just the Arachnos with a custom boss.

Mission 2: This mission has a mish-mash of unrelated enemy groups with no explanation. The objective is to beat 2 seeds, but what is a seed? I think you used the worst map in the game. This was a pretty bad mission all told.

Mission 3: Just a whole lot more randomness. 2 EB's at the end, the second being very very tough to defeat.

Overall, this was just all so very random. No story, and the custom group was just a mixture of different existing enemies in the game. I can only give you 2 stars here, sorry.



MA "Animal Farm"

ID: 71800

One mish, about 40 minutes long tops. Two ally to rescue to help finish map. As the name implies...lots of bad critters on the farm.

[/ QUOTE ]

Mission 1: First encounter was with Billy and he is insanely difficult. I didn't die, but it ook all of the rad toggles and 3 cycles of phantom army to defeat him, and then he rezzed!

Rescuing the hostages resulted in a couple of insane battles. These are some extremely tough custom groups.

Final fight was more managable with the allies helping. Fun, but real challenging mission.

4 stars.



I just published an arc that needs reviewing.

Title: The Rise of Magus Veneficus
Author: @Cursed Sorcerer
Arc ID: 80924
Length: Short
Morality: Heroic
Enemy Groups: Custom Group
Missions: 1

I need feedback on the difficulty of the custom mobs and the AV. I would recommend a team as always.

[/ QUOTE ]

This arc is actually #80927.

I ran this solo and it took awhile because the enemy group is extremely difficult. The EB battle was very fair. I liked the design of the custom group and it was a fun, challenging mission. I think there would be lots of builds that cannot solo this at all.

But overall it was fun and provided a nice challenge for my ill/rad. 4 stars.



Post deleted by Azerrath



Here's mine: I Dream of Fussionette

Arc# 86187
Level 35-50
3 missions, all small maps, 1 EB

Tagline: You just can't seem to get Fussionette out of your head, it's like she's everywhere...

I been able to solo it with my BS/SR. Shouldn't be too difficult, at least I think so



I would really appreciate a review of my latest mission. Thanks.

Arc Name: The Endless Battle
Arc ID: 87248
Faction: Neutral
Name: Rock_Crag
Difficulty Level: Hard (or at least I think so, in certain parts)
Synopsis: Pirates VS Ninjas! What more can you ask for?



Well I have one I'm pretty proud of. Here is the link to the story I wrote for it as well as the ARC #. I care about and will respond to any and all critiques be they good OR bad. Thanks! http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showflat....=5#Post13333290

[/ QUOTE ]

Mission 1: Well it starts off as if I was mid-way through the mission, talking about people and things I don't know much about. Maybe I should have read the background you typed up? I've gotten this map on about 3 other arcs I have reviewed and I stand by my word that it is not a great map to use. The mission was fairly straightforward though, the boss was a fair challenge. One of the clues has no text in it.

Mission 2: I still feel like we jumped into the middle of the story. I understand the 5th are back, but why exactly are we doing the things we are doing...I don't know if your backstory provides the info, but it shouldn't be a requirement, imo. Mission objective text needs to be cleaned up a bit when in the mission. I had no issues with the mission though. It is your standard council mission in a council-caves map. That's just fine.

Mission 3: No real story developing here. I don't know if this is an oversight, but your custom group name is: "All Custom Characters."

OK, huge issue here that lead me to quitting this arc (and I would have quit a lot sooner if I wasn't reviewing it). You have a HUGE oranbaga map where you have to find 6 (I think) glowies. As usual, I miss one. so then I have to search back through this huge twisting map for it. Then I find it, and only after clicking it does a new objective appear, to find and kill the boss. So once again I am sent searching all over this large Oranbaga cave map (for the third time now). I went back and forth twice and could not locate the boss. I think it I gave it more than ample time to search, long after I was already frustrated.

It is obvious you put a lot of work into this, and I hate to give it 2 stars, but at this point, I have to. The first map should be changed, and certainly this map. The story needs to engage the player without having to read any background.

I believe you have a story in your mind, and it may be a great one, but you are not delivering it clearly to the player.

Really sorry, like I said, it is obvious you put a great deal of effort into this.



check out mine if you like

Its a fun little gang war romp.. arc in sig

[/ QUOTE ]

This is on my list but I really hate exemping down, especially to lvl 14. It may be a while but I will try it when I am leveling up a new toon. I'll message you when that happens.



I guess I'll toss my arc in because I really could sue some feedback. Yes I know it's 4 stars and has 9 ratings, but all of those are from before my most recent round of changes to the arc (changed some minor things in the second mission, and the bulk of the text in the final mission). And yeah, no custom enemy groups or bosses here, it's just my first (and so far only) attempt at an actualy story arc.

Arc Name: Digital Love
Arc ID: 3571
Faction: Neutral
Your global/forum name: @Matres
Difficulty Level: Easy
Recommended Team Size: Any
Typical duration: 15-30 min Solo and stealthing
Arc Synopsis: A tale of Artificial Intelligence, Robots, and the Carnies that love them
Link to a more info/comments thread: Warning! The song that came up on my playlist while I was creating this kinda influenced the last mish (all though not as badly as it was before my changes). And yes, these missions were designed to be stealthed if people want to stealth them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Mission 1: Standard 'click a glowie' mission in a council cave map. No problems with this. Story starts out just fine.

Mission 2: Ahhh, the story takes a very interesting turn. I was wondering why there was a carnie and why we had to rescue her. The mission itself was again your pretty standard click a glowie and save a hostage mission in a warehouse. No problems here.

Mission 3: Now who doesn't love this map! Great ending to the story.

Overall, this is a nice arc. It can be as short as you want if you stealth parts of it, or you can battle your way through the maps. The story was put together nicely and had kind of a sad ending, but I guess it just had to end that way. Just a nice fun arc. Thanks for posting it here.

5 stars.



Heyo! Got a review in another thread, would appreciate a review from you as well.

Arc Name: The Mystery of Mr. Millis
Arc ID: 67254
Faction: Arachnos, Longbow, Council, Custom
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Succendo
Difficulty Level: Easy-Medium
Synopsis: A retired assassin-for-hire, Jackie Millis, has disappeared. Having worked for heroes and villains alike, Jackie holds a wealth of secrets valuable to almost every side in the war for Paragon City. His former partner, Ramirez, wants help protecting the secrets of his missing comrade. At any cost.
Estimated Time to Play: 60-90 minutes



Animal Farm

Single Map. Recommend the rad or the brute if you are soloing (and diff setting) as the AV can be tough on some builds solo.

"Oh NO! I'm so sorry baba! you and your wife will be sorely missed...s#@!, i did it again, didn't I?" - mintmiki
Animal Farm ID:71800
When Alts Collide: 134432



Animal Farm

Single Map. Recommend the rad or the brute if you are soloing (and diff setting) as the AV can be tough on some builds solo.

[/ QUOTE ]

I already reviewed this just a little bit above.



I just published an arc that needs reviewing.

Title: The Rise of Magus Veneficus
Author: @Cursed Sorcerer
Arc ID: 80924
Length: Short
Morality: Heroic
Enemy Groups: Custom Group
Missions: 1

I need feedback on the difficulty of the custom mobs and the AV. I would recommend a team as always.

[/ QUOTE ]

This arc is actually #80927.

I ran this solo and it took awhile because the enemy group is extremely difficult. The EB battle was very fair. I liked the design of the custom group and it was a fun, challenging mission. I think there would be lots of builds that cannot solo this at all.

But overall it was fun and provided a nice challenge for my ill/rad. 4 stars.

[/ QUOTE ]

I appreciate the feedback. Thanks. I did want to make it a challenge, but not brutal hard as I could've easily done. It looks like I did succeed in making a good challenge arc.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



I would love some feedback. Here ya go:

Arc Name: Eclipse Over Paragon
Arc ID: 64609
Faction: Council, Custom
Length: 5 missions
Morality: Heroic
Creator: @jjac
Difficulty Level: Medium
The Council threaten to turn Paragon into their own Warwolf Factory! Stop their plans and crush their furry legion!

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