I'll review and rate

Aliana Blue




Arc ID: 16690 Mean People.

[/ QUOTE ]

Mission 1: I get a pop-up when the mission is over, but it is blank. Otherwise it was a standard mission with a custom group. Nothing fancy, but fun to play through. You should add some story to the description of the custom characters.

4 stars.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks! Yeah, my arcs are missing some/most critter text, and text in general. Dont know why. When I can find the time from work and house work I will try and fix them.



Mission 1: Nice twist, or take, on a pretty popular controller set. I like the custom enemies that were designed from the illusionists pets. Excellent planning having the EB spawn only when you rescue the ally, who is a Boss, and who is at the very very end of the map. Great start.

Mission 2: This mission seemed like the same map as the first one, might want to vary that up a bit. Could not beat the EB with a lvl 41 plant/rad controller, even with all the rad toggles on him, so I had to quit the mission.

This is purely personal opinion, and not a knock on your mission Human, but the use of EB's and AV's seems way to prevelant in the MA. There is nothing wrong with having bosses, even set to Hard rather than EB's....or providing an ally. Again, this is just coming for a solo'er and I know you warned me.

I would give it 4 stars based on the fact it is a good idea, but I didn't get to finish it. I am sure I could beat it with a better solo toon.

I'll withhold the rating because I didn't get to finish. I may come back with a different toon in the future.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the feedback! I'll look at changing the second map and if more agree with the difficulty I'll change the EB as well.



If you're still reviewing Story Arcs, I'd greatly appreciate any feedback on mine

Story Name: The Galactic Protectorate

Story ID#: 47143

Technical Details: The entire story arc is 3 missions long, it contains no Arch-Villains or Elite Bosses, and there are no "Defeat All" maps

I tried my best to balance the story with the gameplay, and any improvements you could suggest would be helpful

[/ QUOTE ]

Mission 1: Yikes. I was looking forward to this mission based on the starting story, and I know that map fits the story well, but it feels like work hunting around a smoky, uneven terrain looking for 4 hostages. They are guarded by some pretty tough critters as well. Without running any toggles I ate through 4 blues and still had no endurance. They drained me quick and painfully. Like a trooper I went back in prepared for these guys and they took me down quicker than before. Wow, not only do they drain energy, they are pretty resistant to holds and confuse. Darn, should have brought a break free. OK, third time was a charm for Nurse Bannister, but that group of baddies needs to be toned WAY down. Spent the next 5-10 minutes searching for the mayor, never to be found. Also died again cruising around on the search when I was immob'd then held, then drained and wiped.

I won't rate it, but if I did it wouldn't be that good based on my experience.



Mission 1: Nice twist, or take, on a pretty popular controller set. I like the custom enemies that were designed from the illusionists pets. Excellent planning having the EB spawn only when you rescue the ally, who is a Boss, and who is at the very very end of the map. Great start.

Mission 2: This mission seemed like the same map as the first one, might want to vary that up a bit. Could not beat the EB with a lvl 41 plant/rad controller, even with all the rad toggles on him, so I had to quit the mission.

This is purely personal opinion, and not a knock on your mission Human, but the use of EB's and AV's seems way to prevelant in the MA. There is nothing wrong with having bosses, even set to Hard rather than EB's....or providing an ally. Again, this is just coming for a solo'er and I know you warned me.

I would give it 4 stars based on the fact it is a good idea, but I didn't get to finish it. I am sure I could beat it with a better solo toon.

I'll withhold the rating because I didn't get to finish. I may come back with a different toon in the future.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the feedback! I'll look at changing the second map and if more agree with the difficulty I'll change the EB as well.

[/ QUOTE ]

No problem. Difficulty of the EB is such a touchy thing, because as we all know different powersets may find him normal difficulty. I usually don't have any problem with the game's EBs when I get my rad toggles up. I am having more problems with MA stories though.



What level do you play on Beach?

Wanting to know because the last mission of my arc features two elite boss allies and three AV bosses that fall under the game rules meaning they will show as Elite bosses unless you meet the conditions.

That and do tell me when you get around to it... I got some typo's and missed words. I never noticed to clean up to the limit of my abaility. You may know notice what I missed grammaticly.



Exploring the Architect #1: Whack-a-Mole. A bit more advertising on this one, but hasn't gotten a whole lot of reviews just yet, like 3-4.

[/ QUOTE ]

Mission 1: OK, pretty clever. I only got 4, but I wasn't playing one of my quicker killing machine toons. Oh, and I failed! How many do you have to kill to win?

Great idea, and very nice of you to use it as a training tool in the City Scoop.

5 stars for the community service and for the unique idea.



If you get a chance try Arc #38778 "The Enclave Strikes Back" and let me know what you think honestly. I really want to learn and improve my craft. Thanks in advance.



I was considering a Topic for the sake of testing the story arc.

The one primary warning I can think of is my spelling and grammer might be illigal in 12 states. @_@


Four Mission Story Arc

Savage War
Arc ID: 59152

I hope it's not horrible.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was playing at Level 5, but somewhere during this thread I moved down to Level 4, which is probably where I will stay. Currently playing with a lvl 42 plant/rad controller - though I have played some stories with a lvl 50 ill/rad, lvl 50 regen scrapper and lvl 50 brute.

Mission 1: Amazingly cool contact and custom group. When a group appeared out of nowhere I jumped in my chair, literally. Of course, out of the first 5 groups, I was dropped 3 times. I'm gonna take a break and play this with my 50 Ill/Rad later tonight.



I hear there is a bug with Ninjutsu, can you tell me what that is specificly?

I'm assuming it has something to do with the damage they do?



I hear there is a bug with Ninjutsu, can you tell me what that is specificly?

I'm assuming it has something to do with the damage they do?

[/ QUOTE ]

They are WAY over powered. The damage that a NPC custom does is insane. Way insane.

Ones with Ninjutsu that is.



I hear there is a bug with Ninjutsu, can you tell me what that is specificly?

I'm assuming it has something to do with the damage they do?

[/ QUOTE ]

Ninjitsu gets a damage buff to "simulate" a stalker hitting as it comes out of stealth.

The problem is that the damage buff is NOT supressing after an attack (meaning, it's always on), and it's not flagged as unique, so it self-stacks. So if you attack a Ninjitsu mob right as you enter the mission, they'll only do a bit of damage. A few seconds afterwards the buff will have stacked a second time. Then a third. Then... Until they reach the 400% damage cap.

Very ouchie

Players' Choice Awards: Best Dual-Origin Level Range Arc!

It's a new era, the era of the Mission Architect. Can you save the Universe from...

The Invasion of the Bikini-clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space? - Arc ID 61013



Mission 1: Yikes. I was looking forward to this mission based on the starting story, and I know that map fits the story well, but it feels like work hunting around a smoky, uneven terrain looking for 4 hostages. They are guarded by some pretty tough critters as well. Without running any toggles I ate through 4 blues and still had no endurance. They drained me quick and painfully. Like a trooper I went back in prepared for these guys and they took me down quicker than before. Wow, not only do they drain energy, they are pretty resistant to holds and confuse. Darn, should have brought a break free. OK, third time was a charm for Nurse Bannister, but that group of baddies needs to be toned WAY down. Spent the next 5-10 minutes searching for the mayor, never to be found. Also died again cruising around on the search when I was immob'd then held, then drained and wiped.

I won't rate it, but if I did it wouldn't be that good based on my experience.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ouch. Sorry you had such a hard time, but thanks for the feedback anyway.

In hindsight, I probably should have warned you about the enemy group ahead of time; from your post, it sounds like you tried to tackle the Arc with one of your Controllers, essentially making it 10 times harder than a more solo-friendly class would have. I actually did beat the Arc with one of my Defenders - by turning my difficulty down to Heroic Of course, I had the advantage of knowing what I was walking into.

When I first created the mission, I had the hostage placement on "Anywhere", but much like you, I found that it was too much of a hassle to look through the entire map for them. I've since then changed the placement of all the hostages to "Middle", which, from my experience, seems to always place them in front of the steps to City Hall, on the yard in front City Hall, or in that small area to the right of the steps to City Hall.

I'm a bit confused as to the Endurance Drain problems you had Of all the critters in the group I created, I can only think of two that actually have Endurance Drain powers: the Storm Riders and the Energy Dancers, both Lieutenants. (I may be wrong though; I'll check through my critters later to see if any else have End Drain). The Storm Riders have several attacks that drain a little Endurance, while the Energy Dancers (to the best of my knowledge) only have one attack that drains Endurance... but it drains ALOT of Endurance.

Overall, the power of the enemy group I created comes from their synergy. Individually, they're pushovers, but when you get a whole bunch of different types of them together... well, you already know. I don't know what difficulty you're using, but it might help if you choose one that actually spawns higher level critters, but less of them, rather than one that spawns lower level critters, but alot of them. I usually tackle the arc with my DB/WP Scrapper. I used to run it on Difficulty Level 3, but I wanted to test how much harder it would be with larger groups (thus getting the aforementioned synergy to kick in), so I lowered it to Level 2. As expected, they were much harder (despite being lower in level), but I was still able defeat them so long as I didn't recklessly charge into several groups at once. I can definitely say this: If you accidentally aggro more than one group at once, your best bet is probably to run. Either that, or be prepared to burn alot of inspirations.

If you ever feel like trying my Story Arc again (again, sorry about the bad experience ), it might help to use your Fire/WP Brute over your Controllers. Or, if you can tell me what servers you have characters on, I could help you out with the arc. It always helps to have a teammate

Supplemental Galactic Protectorate Fanfic



I hear there is a bug with Ninjutsu, can you tell me what that is specificly?

I'm assuming it has something to do with the damage they do?

[/ QUOTE ]

Ninjitsu gets a damage buff to "simulate" a stalker hitting as it comes out of stealth.

The problem is that the damage buff is NOT supressing after an attack (meaning, it's always on), and it's not flagged as unique, so it self-stacks. So if you attack a Ninjitsu mob right as you enter the mission, they'll only do a bit of damage. A few seconds afterwards the buff will have stacked a second time. Then a third. Then... Until they reach the 400% damage cap.

Very ouchie

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh crap.... I'm suddenly glade I didn't make bosses with Ninjutsu @_@....



I was considering a Topic for the sake of testing the story arc.

The one primary warning I can think of is my spelling and grammer might be illigal in 12 states. @_@


Four Mission Story Arc

Savage War
Arc ID: 59152

I hope it's not horrible.

[/ QUOTE ]

OK, doing it again with my ill/rad, challenge level 2

Mission 1: Lucky for me both bosses were near the front. Unlucky for me the second aggro'd when I engaged the first. I survived. Great first mission.

I understand that ninjitsu is bugged as well, but I don't know how exactly. I know it does make this mission very difficult.

Misspelling: within (twice) strength (twice), influencing

Mission 2: Paragraph 2 of the introduction to this mission is missing a few words and reads a little weird.

Normally I hate being exemped down, but this was a small map with a manageable EB at the end, so it didn't bother me at all. I think it took me to lvl 32?

Mission 3: The story is a little disjointed. I know that I am saving the children, but not sure why the bad guys want the children, and why I am helping this woman.

Anyways, I have real mixed feelings about this mission. There are a ton of objectives, and half of them I don't know why I am doing it within the story. I understand saving the children, but who is in the body bags and whats with the artifacts?

I also knew I would miss one of the 11 glowies. I was able to locate it pretty quickly though.

Its a pretty good effort. The story is the weakest part. There is a good story in there, you just have to make it come to life. That is not my strong suit, so I can't really help you there.

4 stars.



Mission 1: Yikes. I was looking forward to this mission based on the starting story, and I know that map fits the story well, but it feels like work hunting around a smoky, uneven terrain looking for 4 hostages. They are guarded by some pretty tough critters as well. Without running any toggles I ate through 4 blues and still had no endurance. They drained me quick and painfully. Like a trooper I went back in prepared for these guys and they took me down quicker than before. Wow, not only do they drain energy, they are pretty resistant to holds and confuse. Darn, should have brought a break free. OK, third time was a charm for Nurse Bannister, but that group of baddies needs to be toned WAY down. Spent the next 5-10 minutes searching for the mayor, never to be found. Also died again cruising around on the search when I was immob'd then held, then drained and wiped.

I won't rate it, but if I did it wouldn't be that good based on my experience.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ouch. Sorry you had such a hard time, but thanks for the feedback anyway.

In hindsight, I probably should have warned you about the enemy group ahead of time; from your post, it sounds like you tried to tackle the Arc with one of your Controllers, essentially making it 10 times harder than a more solo-friendly class would have. I actually did beat the Arc with one of my Defenders - by turning my difficulty down to Heroic Of course, I had the advantage of knowing what I was walking into.

When I first created the mission, I had the hostage placement on "Anywhere", but much like you, I found that it was too much of a hassle to look through the entire map for them. I've since then changed the placement of all the hostages to "Middle", which, from my experience, seems to always place them in front of the steps to City Hall, on the yard in front City Hall, or in that small area to the right of the steps to City Hall.

I'm a bit confused as to the Endurance Drain problems you had Of all the critters in the group I created, I can only think of two that actually have Endurance Drain powers: the Storm Riders and the Energy Dancers, both Lieutenants. (I may be wrong though; I'll check through my critters later to see if any else have End Drain). The Storm Riders have several attacks that drain a little Endurance, while the Energy Dancers (to the best of my knowledge) only have one attack that drains Endurance... but it drains ALOT of Endurance.

Overall, the power of the enemy group I created comes from their synergy. Individually, they're pushovers, but when you get a whole bunch of different types of them together... well, you already know. I don't know what difficulty you're using, but it might help if you choose one that actually spawns higher level critters, but less of them, rather than one that spawns lower level critters, but alot of them. I usually tackle the arc with my DB/WP Scrapper. I used to run it on Difficulty Level 3, but I wanted to test how much harder it would be with larger groups (thus getting the aforementioned synergy to kick in), so I lowered it to Level 2. As expected, they were much harder (despite being lower in level), but I was still able defeat them so long as I didn't recklessly charge into several groups at once. I can definitely say this: If you accidentally aggro more than one group at once, your best bet is probably to run. Either that, or be prepared to burn alot of inspirations.

If you ever feel like trying my Story Arc again (again, sorry about the bad experience ), it might help to use your Fire/WP Brute over your Controllers. Or, if you can tell me what servers you have characters on, I could help you out with the arc. It always helps to have a teammate

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll try again with my ill/rad, set to challenge level 2.



If any of y'all have time give mine a go.

Dark Dreams
Arc ID: 3615
Length: Medium (2 missions)
Difficulty: Medium, 2 AVs in last mission but Allies as well.

[/ QUOTE ]

Trying this, even with AV's. We'll see if the allies help enough.

[/ QUOTE ]
I updated this recently and took some of the allies out. Forgot to update the description in this thread.


Mission 1: I had some issues with this mission. The map doesn't fit the story. I think a regular office map would have been fine. Why are there workers in a flooded moldy office? The custom group was OK, not scary, as they seem to be portrayed. Also, after I rescued the hostage, it said the boss would be blocking the door. He wasn't, I had to search all over for him.

[/ QUOTE ]

The map choice is one I've been on the fence about for a while now. I like the oppressive atmosphere but it's a bit too large and the "green" all over doesn't jive too well.
I'm still waiting for an enemy group in CoX to be "scary". Not the easiest thing to pull off in this genre. I was actually trying for mildly creepy.
The boss blocking the door is a spawn point issue. Choose "Front" and mob spawns in "Middle" or "Back", etc... it's been giving me fits lately.


Mission 2: Just wasn't working for me. Seth was nowhere to be found.

[/ QUOTE ]
Seth doesn't spawn until after you've defeated Malaise.


Malaise kicked my butt

[/ QUOTE ]
Running on difficulty level 4-5 into a mission which you have been told there are AVs..... what exactly did you expect?
It's partly my fault I'll admit for forgetting to update the description about removing some allies but I detest arcs where the NPC allies do the real fighting and the player is there just to watch.


because I couldn't find a helper,

[/ QUOTE ]
My fault. There is a helper for the AV at the end but not for Malaise. I'm thinking maybe I need to replace Malaise with a lower difficulty "Malaise".


plus what was he even doing there?

[/ QUOTE ]
Perhaps I need to flesh out this part. I thought there was enough in the story already in order for the player to figure out what is happening but maybe I need to convey it better.


I hate to do it, but I gotta rate it 3 stars. You have the basis of an interesting story, but it needs work.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the review. I'm still looking for another map for the first mission and hopefully the spawn points will get fully ironed out.

My advice to you, turn your difficulty down to Heroic. If you happen to run across AVs they will be EBs and a slightly overpowered custom critter is much easier to deal with on a lower difficulty setting. Running into a EM/Nin custom critter on Heroic is painful...on Invincible it's instadeath.



I was considering a Topic for the sake of testing the story arc.

The one primary warning I can think of is my spelling and grammer might be illigal in 12 states. @_@


Four Mission Story Arc

Savage War
Arc ID: 59152

I hope it's not horrible.

[/ QUOTE ]

OK, doing it again with my ill/rad, challenge level 2

Mission 1: Lucky for me both bosses were near the front. Unlucky for me the second aggro'd when I engaged the first. I survived. Great first mission.

I understand that ninjitsu is bugged as well, but I don't know how exactly. I know it does make this mission very difficult.

Misspelling: within (twice) strength (twice), influencing

Mission 2: Paragraph 2 of the introduction to this mission is missing a few words and reads a little weird.

Normally I hate being exemped down, but this was a small map with a manageable EB at the end, so it didn't bother me at all. I think it took me to lvl 32?

Mission 3: The story is a little disjointed. I know that I am saving the children, but not sure why the bad guys want the children, and why I am helping this woman.

Anyways, I have real mixed feelings about this mission. There are a ton of objectives, and half of them I don't know why I am doing it within the story. I understand saving the children, but who is in the body bags and whats with the artifacts?

I also knew I would miss one of the 11 glowies. I was able to locate it pretty quickly though.

Its a pretty good effort. The story is the weakest part. There is a good story in there, you just have to make it come to life. That is not my strong suit, so I can't really help you there.

4 stars.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ooops, didn't realize there was a 4th mission. I thought I read that there were 3, so....

Mission 4: I like having the 3 EB's in the last room and they seemed like a fair challenge. However, having 2 EB's fighting with me made them pretty easy to beat. Not that I am really complaining, just pointing out a 'balance' issue.

I'll stick with my 4 star rating, and suggest you tighten up the story.



I was considering a Topic for the sake of testing the story arc.

The one primary warning I can think of is my spelling and grammer might be illigal in 12 states. @_@


Four Mission Story Arc

Savage War
Arc ID: 59152

I hope it's not horrible.

[/ QUOTE ]

OK, doing it again with my ill/rad, challenge level 2

Mission 1: Lucky for me both bosses were near the front. Unlucky for me the second aggro'd when I engaged the first. I survived. Great first mission.

I understand that ninjitsu is bugged as well, but I don't know how exactly. I know it does make this mission very difficult.

Misspelling: within (twice) strength (twice), influencing

Mission 2: Paragraph 2 of the introduction to this mission is missing a few words and reads a little weird.

Normally I hate being exemped down, but this was a small map with a manageable EB at the end, so it didn't bother me at all. I think it took me to lvl 32?

Mission 3: The story is a little disjointed. I know that I am saving the children, but not sure why the bad guys want the children, and why I am helping this woman.

Anyways, I have real mixed feelings about this mission. There are a ton of objectives, and half of them I don't know why I am doing it within the story. I understand saving the children, but who is in the body bags and whats with the artifacts?

I also knew I would miss one of the 11 glowies. I was able to locate it pretty quickly though.

Its a pretty good effort. The story is the weakest part. There is a good story in there, you just have to make it come to life. That is not my strong suit, so I can't really help you there.

4 stars.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmm... that gives me somethings to think about. Thank you very much. Now that know what holes I need to fix I can think of something.

I also hope I will remember to reload Word Perfect onto my computer. (new machine)

Thank you for the help.




Ooops, didn't realize there was a 4th mission. I thought I read that there were 3, so....

Mission 4: I like having the 3 EB's in the last room and they seemed like a fair challenge. However, having 2 EB's fighting with me made them pretty easy to beat. Not that I am really complaining, just pointing out a 'balance' issue.

I'll stick with my 4 star rating, and suggest you tighten up the story.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, the two elites are ment to help fight off the three 'Archvillian' level bosses. What I had forgotten was that non-custom AV's scale down to Elite Bosses.



If any of y'all have time give mine a go.

Dark Dreams
Arc ID: 3615
Length: Medium (2 missions)
Difficulty: Medium, 2 AVs in last mission but Allies as well.

[/ QUOTE ]

Trying this, even with AV's. We'll see if the allies help enough.

[/ QUOTE ]
I updated this recently and took some of the allies out. Forgot to update the description in this thread.


Mission 1: I had some issues with this mission. The map doesn't fit the story. I think a regular office map would have been fine. Why are there workers in a flooded moldy office? The custom group was OK, not scary, as they seem to be portrayed. Also, after I rescued the hostage, it said the boss would be blocking the door. He wasn't, I had to search all over for him.

[/ QUOTE ]

The map choice is one I've been on the fence about for a while now. I like the oppressive atmosphere but it's a bit too large and the "green" all over doesn't jive too well.
I'm still waiting for an enemy group in CoX to be "scary". Not the easiest thing to pull off in this genre. I was actually trying for mildly creepy.
The boss blocking the door is a spawn point issue. Choose "Front" and mob spawns in "Middle" or "Back", etc... it's been giving me fits lately.


Mission 2: Just wasn't working for me. Seth was nowhere to be found.

[/ QUOTE ]
Seth doesn't spawn until after you've defeated Malaise.


Malaise kicked my butt

[/ QUOTE ]
Running on difficulty level 4-5 into a mission which you have been told there are AVs..... what exactly did you expect?
It's partly my fault I'll admit for forgetting to update the description about removing some allies but I detest arcs where the NPC allies do the real fighting and the player is there just to watch.


because I couldn't find a helper,

[/ QUOTE ]
My fault. There is a helper for the AV at the end but not for Malaise. I'm thinking maybe I need to replace Malaise with a lower difficulty "Malaise".


plus what was he even doing there?

[/ QUOTE ]
Perhaps I need to flesh out this part. I thought there was enough in the story already in order for the player to figure out what is happening but maybe I need to convey it better.


I hate to do it, but I gotta rate it 3 stars. You have the basis of an interesting story, but it needs work.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the review. I'm still looking for another map for the first mission and hopefully the spawn points will get fully ironed out.

My advice to you, turn your difficulty down to Heroic. If you happen to run across AVs they will be EBs and a slightly overpowered custom critter is much easier to deal with on a lower difficulty setting. Running into a EM/Nin custom critter on Heroic is painful...on Invincible it's instadeath.

[/ QUOTE ]

I see where you are coming from. If you do some updating, send me a PM and I will re-run it on lvl 2 (I really hate running on heroic) and re-rate based on the update. I know you guys put a lot of work into these and I'd rather give you a 4 or 5 star rating.



Arc: Meulina Awakens!
Arc ID: 11102
Author: @Neuronia
Number of Missions: 4
Description: My attempt to expand the Coralax lore and mythos...Diviner Maros sends you on several tasks regarding rumors of a resurgent Merulina cult.

Has had varying reviews, leaning toward the average, mostly due to the Elite Boss in the last mission and plot variances.
Hope you enjoy, looking forward to comments either way.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



If any of y'all have time give mine a go.

Dark Dreams
Arc ID: 3615
Length: Medium (2 missions)
Difficulty: Medium, 2 AVs in last mission but Allies as well.

[/ QUOTE ]

Trying this, even with AV's. We'll see if the allies help enough.

[/ QUOTE ]
I updated this recently and took some of the allies out. Forgot to update the description in this thread.


Mission 1: I had some issues with this mission. The map doesn't fit the story. I think a regular office map would have been fine. Why are there workers in a flooded moldy office? The custom group was OK, not scary, as they seem to be portrayed. Also, after I rescued the hostage, it said the boss would be blocking the door. He wasn't, I had to search all over for him.

[/ QUOTE ]

The map choice is one I've been on the fence about for a while now. I like the oppressive atmosphere but it's a bit too large and the "green" all over doesn't jive too well.
I'm still waiting for an enemy group in CoX to be "scary". Not the easiest thing to pull off in this genre. I was actually trying for mildly creepy.
The boss blocking the door is a spawn point issue. Choose "Front" and mob spawns in "Middle" or "Back", etc... it's been giving me fits lately.


Mission 2: Just wasn't working for me. Seth was nowhere to be found.

[/ QUOTE ]
Seth doesn't spawn until after you've defeated Malaise.


Malaise kicked my butt

[/ QUOTE ]
Running on difficulty level 4-5 into a mission which you have been told there are AVs..... what exactly did you expect?
It's partly my fault I'll admit for forgetting to update the description about removing some allies but I detest arcs where the NPC allies do the real fighting and the player is there just to watch.


because I couldn't find a helper,

[/ QUOTE ]
My fault. There is a helper for the AV at the end but not for Malaise. I'm thinking maybe I need to replace Malaise with a lower difficulty "Malaise".


plus what was he even doing there?

[/ QUOTE ]
Perhaps I need to flesh out this part. I thought there was enough in the story already in order for the player to figure out what is happening but maybe I need to convey it better.


I hate to do it, but I gotta rate it 3 stars. You have the basis of an interesting story, but it needs work.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the review. I'm still looking for another map for the first mission and hopefully the spawn points will get fully ironed out.

My advice to you, turn your difficulty down to Heroic. If you happen to run across AVs they will be EBs and a slightly overpowered custom critter is much easier to deal with on a lower difficulty setting. Running into a EM/Nin custom critter on Heroic is painful...on Invincible it's instadeath.

[/ QUOTE ]

I see where you are coming from. If you do some updating, send me a PM and I will re-run it on lvl 2 (I really hate running on heroic) and re-rate based on the update. I know you guys put a lot of work into these and I'd rather give you a 4 or 5 star rating.

[/ QUOTE ]

Only if the arc deserves it though.

I see a large update today so hopefully it fixed some issues.

I'm still looking for a replacement map for the first mission and I've decided that without coming right out and stating that Malaise is in the second mission, he is a bit too much of a "surprise". I think I need to replace him with an EB version that's slightly weaker.



If you're still reviewing Story Arcs, I'd greatly appreciate any feedback on mine

Story Name: The Galactic Protectorate

Story ID#: 47143

Technical Details: The entire story arc is 3 missions long, it contains no Arch-Villains or Elite Bosses, and there are no "Defeat All" maps

I tried my best to balance the story with the gameplay, and any improvements you could suggest would be helpful

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Re-running, challenge level 2, lvl 50 ill/rad 'troller.

Mission 1: Well, I still don't care for this mission at all. The map fits the story for sure, but it is just not all that fun. Suggestion: I see some missions where the hostage is held up in a big green glow. This might help if you can figure out how it is done.

Mission 2: Interesting text from this other world Synapse. I don't trust him one bit!!! Well at first I was hating these enemies. They are tougher than anything in the regular game. But as this mission went on, I began to appreciate how well done they were and enjoyed the challenge. The only problem seems to be there are more computers in the mission to click on than the mission compass indicates. Also in the mission conclusion with Synapse, he talks as if he was right there with you inspecting what you found, when earlier in the story it seemed like he was communicating with you over some radio transmission. Perhaps I read this wrong?

Mission 3: Story getting very interesting. I guess I do trust this other world Synapse....we'll see though. Great mission, the final room was very cool. I saved Manticore and didn't even know I was fighting the group that was guarding him - this might be something you can't control, how the baddies are placed in the room. Made for a fun fight though.

Despite the first mission, this aarc got better and better as it went along. Although I feel they are overpowered a bit, and some might disagree, they are still a great custom enemy group. Very nice costumes and theme - looks like something that would actually be in the game.

5 stars and can't wait for the next installment. I hope you will PM me when it is up so I don't miss it. Just think about changing the map on mission 1.



Arc: Meulina Awakens!
Arc ID: 11102
Author: @Neuronia
Number of Missions: 4
Description: My attempt to expand the Coralax lore and mythos...Diviner Maros sends you on several tasks regarding rumors of a resurgent Merulina cult.

Has had varying reviews, leaning toward the average, mostly due to the Elite Boss in the last mission and plot variances.
Hope you enjoy, looking forward to comments either way.

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Well you have 30 plays and a 5 star average. I really hate exemping down, especially to lvl 30ish, and don't really have anything in the level range of this arc right now. Since you have a lot of plays, I hope you don't mind if I skip this one. If I play a toon in this level range in the future, I'll give it a try. I have noted the story arc number.




3369: Matchstick Women - 3 missions, one AV/EB (standard diff w/no defense sets) Story is about a strange group of women arsonists and their leader. As told by a mysterious flame. A variety of mission objectives with hopefully nothing too annoying.

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Mission 1: I haven't seen a story arc start quite like that before. Interesting. As for the mission, bizarre, yet pretty cool. First of all, I don't ever remember seeing that map before, it is very cool. It sets the atmosphere for the mission.

Mission 2: OK, You did one thing great and then another not so great. First, you did an EXCELLENT job of making the hostages easy to spot on the outdoor map. Everybody who creates missions should run this, just to see how it should be done. However, after rescuing the hostages, THEN you get another objective, to kill the boss. I found him right away but I could see issues where once you feel you finished the mission, then you have to go back to places you already were to find the boss. Not a huge issue, but I would rather see the hostages being held captive by 4 different recruiter bosses. That is just my opinion.

Mission 3: Wow. That was a great 'twist' to the story. This story was like no other I have tried in MA.

The arc started out a little bizarre, but it has a very cool custom vilaain group, a unique contact, and the story evolves nicely in the 3rd and final mission. Terrific job.

5+ stars!