I'll review and rate

Aliana Blue



I would like to put my first story arc on your queue ^^

Arc Name: The Audacity of Hope: Episode I - Rise of the O
Arc ID: 32865
Faction: Neutral
Creator: Kitty Katttt
Description: The year is 2008. The United States of America has sparked a global recession, engaged in two costly wars, and lost credibility with the world. However, all is not lost. There is still hope. You can help change the world. (Note: Please include NPC Dialog in your chat window.)
Length: Very Long



If any of y'all have time give mine a go.

Dark Dreams
Arc ID: 3615
Length: Medium (2 missions)
Difficulty: Medium, 2 AVs in last mission but Allies as well.



Ok, finally got the arc IDs
They are both short and strait forward.


Arc IDs : 15726, Defeat the String thief.Map is strait forward. You should have your bloom option on so it doesnt look bright.Very cool map.

Arc ID: 16690 Mean People.

Everyone has some pretty cool missions



Can you try 15006 and 15707, its a two-parter with the title "War of the Worlds - The Anakim Invasion (part 1 and then part 2). Although its two stories, its mostly because I had so many custom chars that I ran out of space. Would appreciate some honest feedback. Initially I had it on test and at one point, someone rated it 4 star and had some suggestions which I made. Then another friend ran it and didn't like the changes (first one said: too many chars, so I removed some, 2nd one then said: too bland, needs more characters).


story 1:

story 2

feedback forum

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I started this one, but could not defeat the Elite Bosses. The Boss I rescued to help me did not fight. No rating.



Arc Name: Operation: Discredit
Arc ID:14724

Morality: Heroic
Faction: Longbow, Council, PPD, Arachnos, Malta, Carnival of Shadows
Difficulty Level: Easy to Medium (at the very end) [suitable for solo, team, or casual play]
Estimated Time to Play: 1-2 hours if stealth isn't used.
Synopsis: The Sentinel of Liberty SG has been framed and arrested. They need your help to clear their name and restore their reputations as Heroes the public can count on.

Please give me feedback. PMs are greatly appreciated. ((Disclaimer: You, not the supergroup are the stars of this mission.))

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This one looks pretty long and you have 6 ratings and 5 stars already so I'm gonna skip this one.




Hit up #4625 "Call Me!"

It's a short, one mission story about a lost cell phone.

It's intended to be cute and fun, not particularly deep and meaningful.

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Circle of Thorns is one of my favorite groups to fight. Nice simple mission, but I feel like there were some in jokes I didn't get. 4 stars.



Arc 32803: Cops and Graverobbers.

One-mission arc, timed mission (45 minutes). Custom EB at the end with high difficulty; one pet encountered at the beginning, three more available from optional goals. They will spawn at the Front of the map, hopefully.

"Defeat All" objective listed, but it's actually just Clear Final Room.



If you have time to play mine I would appreciate it. It says Very Long in MA, but it really isn't. I'm not sure what designates how they choose the timeframe. But my first two missions are extremely quick. And the other two are more what I could medium then long.

Attack of the Tinkers Toys!
Arc ID: 5402
Faction: Custom Enemy
Creator Global Name: @Listens to Wind
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis: A series of robberies has been taking place. Eye witnesses are claiming the perpetrators are toys.
Mission Count: 4
Estimated Time to Play: 30-60 Minutes

A couple people have played it and it has four stars. But, I'm really looking for acutal feedback on it. It's nice that people who've played it - like it. But that doesn't tell me a whole lot.

Thanks for playing!

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Mission 1: I love the custom critters. Very original.

Mission 2: Very short, but a cool boss and more unique toys. No clues and nothing about Tinker in the mission. Story needs to be tightened up around here.

Mission 3: Nice custom boss, but just more slaughtering of the same toys. Perhaps make this mission a little more unique. I'm not sure what to suggest, but it just needs something more.

Mission 4: I couldn't beat the EB because he would continually drain my End and the ambush by all the toys made it pretty tough solo. The helper didn't help too much. Being blinded every other mob got a bit annoying.

Overall: I'll give you 4 stars, but there is really a lot of untapped potential in your custom critters and story.



Your Brute might enjoy Arc 2150 "Win the 2009 Freak-Lympics", Plenty of things to Smash, Heroes and policemen to beat up and loot to steal.

As long as you can take an EB, you should be find, since there are some in there, but there are allies provided to help as well when they do come up.

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Mission 1: OK, updating one of the great CoX arcs of all time starts you out with 5 stars. Great start to the arc and a very nice take on a typical bank mission. Well done!

Mission 2: Love the concept, but I had to quit the mission. I spent a good 15 minutes searching for the last 2 destructible object and only found 1. I would consider using an easier to navigate outdoor map, and/or having many fewer objects to destroy.

I think I'll come back and try this arc again, but I just got way too frustrated searching and searching and searching.

I won't rate it for now.



*has a feeling these type of posts will be pounced on as much as someone in the art forum announcing free art*

I'll toss out my arcs too if you're queue's not too long still.

3369: Matchstick Women - 3 missions, one AV/EB (standard diff w/no defense sets) Story is about a strange group of women arsonists and their leader. As told by a mysterious flame. A variety of mission objectives with hopefully nothing too annoying.

2711: Exploring the Architect #1: Whack-a-Mole A bit more advertising on this one, but hasn't gotten a whole lot of reviews just yet, like 3-4.



Hi. I'd like to add one of mine to the list. It's called "The Missing", Arc ID: 37636. It has 3 short missions, and one standard-level EB. The faction is heroic. It's story-driven, and has a bit of a mystery.

It's shorter and has less custom mobs than my first one (the other one in my sig), but I think this one has more heart. No kill-alls, no blue caves.

I hope you get to give it a try.



I'll toss mine into the ring as well.

Arc ID 38226, called "If you teach a man to make a fish"

It's about a UN-sponsored organization called the GENE Project, that attempts to make a clone of the infamous Captain Mako for use as a cheap, durable, super-soldier.

The second mission is a kill all, but on a small map (and the reason is supported by the story). It features the Scrapyarders, the Coralaxc, and a custom boss.



Thanks for the feedback; I know with the allies I've had to at times make the enemy run past them to have them engaged; and have it set on aggressive.. I'll take a look; and I will look at changing EB bosses power to make it easier.

Arc: 378122 "Tales of the Terran Space Marines -The Apocalypse Initiative" 5stars!
Arc: 481545 "Twilight of the Gods - The Praetorian conflict"8000+ hits!



Arc Name: For the Glory of Godby: Part 1
Arc ID: 6235
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @IanTheM1
Length: Very Long. Expect anywhere from 45 to 90 minutes depending on how fast you can go.
Difficulty Level: Balanced difficulty. Final mission is slightly challenging. Features Carnies and Custom Enemies.
Synopsis: Help Agent Crimson investigate the mysterious Godby Organization and get to the bottom of one of their latest plots.

Looking for plays, feedback, whatever. I'd love to hear about how fair the Godby Organization is as an enemy group.

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Mission 1: Good start to the story. Great map. Who are these Godby guys??

Mission 2: It asks you to accept the mission, but you don't have the description of what is going to happen until after you click accept. I do like your customer group and this is a good mission. However, the ally is way overpowered. I know it is fun to have an ally in the mission, but all too often I see them overpowered. It is a boss, but should only be a Lt. at most.

Mission 3: Same problem with overpowered ally. Also, he was just sitting there, without guards. I didn't have to defeat anybody for him to join me. Not a fan of this mission at all. Why is the PP there and why do we have to lead her out. it might make sense later in the story, but at this point, seems unecessary. Godby assassin is way overpowered. Was one shooted (basically) twice trying to lead PP back to door.

Gave up on the arc here. I think it has good potential though. I felt like the ally was overpowered, and then the assassin was way overpowered as well.

No rating at this point. I would clean this up a bit and I might give it another shot.



Arc Name: Midnight Bell's Toll
Arc ID: 12217
Faction: Villain

Mine is not too bad and I am looking for some input to see if it is on the right track

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This is a very long story with 5 plays and a 4 star rating, so I am going to skip this one and leave it for somebody else to try, as I prefer shorter arcs.



Heh- sensible post by Morgenstern.

I would request you try my Spiderling arc. It's fluff, but I think it is cute fluff. My other arc is iffy for solo.

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31 plays already. I'm trying to do some that have had very few plays. I hope you understand if I skip over for now.



If you have time to play mine I would appreciate it. It says Very Long in MA, but it really isn't. I'm not sure what designates how they choose the timeframe. But my first two missions are extremely quick. And the other two are more what I could medium then long.

Attack of the Tinkers Toys!
Arc ID: 5402
Faction: Custom Enemy
Creator Global Name: @Listens to Wind
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis: A series of robberies has been taking place. Eye witnesses are claiming the perpetrators are toys.
Mission Count: 4
Estimated Time to Play: 30-60 Minutes

A couple people have played it and it has four stars. But, I'm really looking for acutal feedback on it. It's nice that people who've played it - like it. But that doesn't tell me a whole lot.

Thanks for playing!

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Mission 1: I love the custom critters. Very original.

Mission 2: Very short, but a cool boss and more unique toys. No clues and nothing about Tinker in the mission. Story needs to be tightened up around here.

Mission 3: Nice custom boss, but just more slaughtering of the same toys. Perhaps make this mission a little more unique. I'm not sure what to suggest, but it just needs something more.

Mission 4: I couldn't beat the EB because he would continually drain my End and the ambush by all the toys made it pretty tough solo. The helper didn't help too much. Being blinded every other mob got a bit annoying.

Overall: I'll give you 4 stars, but there is really a lot of untapped potential in your custom critters and story.

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Thanks Beach!

I'll work on your suggestions. I'm not sure how to improve that second and third mission, but I'll play around with it. The third mission especially. I know what I want, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it.
I've gotten some comments from folks about difficulty. So, I may make the EB a Boss at the end. I've toned it down some already, but maybe I should drop the ambushes at the end. Although I think those add to it. Especially the lines the characters say.

Some more comments I've gotten are people asking for the toys to say more. But, I havn't been able to figure out how to make the enemies say things. For example, the great lines that the Nemesis Automations have. Is that even possible? I could make patrols I guess, and have them say something. But I would rather have the lines occur as soon as the player is withing range.

Any more suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



Give #25633 "Moment of Most" a try if you get a chance. It's 3 medium missions and all custom enemies. About an illusion phantom/decoy breaking the chains of his former master.

A couple EB's but not too tough, I've solo'd it on low and medium settings. (a glowie/ally/boss, a glowie/boss and a boss)

Any feedback is much appreciated. I'll be trying some of these listed on this thread.

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Mission 1: Nice twist, or take, on a pretty popular controller set. I like the custom enemies that were designed from the illusionists pets. Excellent planning having the EB spawn only when you rescue the ally, who is a Boss, and who is at the very very end of the map. Great start.

Mission 2: This mission seemed like the same map as the first one, might want to vary that up a bit. Could not beat the EB with a lvl 41 plant/rad controller, even with all the rad toggles on him, so I had to quit the mission.

This is purely personal opinion, and not a knock on your mission Human, but the use of EB's and AV's seems way to prevelant in the MA. There is nothing wrong with having bosses, even set to Hard rather than EB's....or providing an ally. Again, this is just coming for a solo'er and I know you warned me.

I would give it 4 stars based on the fact it is a good idea, but I didn't get to finish it. I am sure I could beat it with a better solo toon.

I'll withhold the rating because I didn't get to finish. I may come back with a different toon in the future.



I was considering a Topic for the sake of testing the story arc.

The one primary warning I can think of is my spelling and grammer might be illigal in 12 states. @_@


Four Mission Story Arc

Savage War
Arc ID: 59152

I hope it's not horrible.



Ok, finally got the arc IDs
They are both short and strait forward.


Arc IDs : 15726, Defeat the String thief.Map is strait forward. You should have your bloom option on so it doesnt look bright.Very cool map.

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Not what I expected when I saw the mission title, but it made me laugh. Good one. One nitpick: would like to see a little more variety in the custom group. Major flaw: That map has got to go.

Even though I think that map detracts from the mission greatly, and there is no obvious reason to have it, I'll give you 5 stars. Nice job.



If you're still reviewing Story Arcs, I'd greatly appreciate any feedback on mine

Story Name: The Galactic Protectorate

Story ID#: 47143

Technical Details: The entire story arc is 3 missions long, it contains no Arch-Villains or Elite Bosses, and there are no "Defeat All" maps

I tried my best to balance the story with the gameplay, and any improvements you could suggest would be helpful

Supplemental Galactic Protectorate Fanfic



Hi. I'd like to add one of mine to the list. It's called "The Missing", Arc ID: 37636. It has 3 short missions, and one standard-level EB. The faction is heroic. It's story-driven, and has a bit of a mystery.

It's shorter and has less custom mobs than my first one (the other one in my sig), but I think this one has more heart. No kill-alls, no blue caves.

I hope you get to give it a try.

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I'm obviously skipping around from the order the requests were posted. I'll keep trying to get to what I can...

Mission 1: Good start to the story arc. Bank missions are always lots of fun. Story has you interested enough to continue on....

Mission 2: Another great map from the early levels. Nice story twist too!

Mission 3: Very cool ally and custom boss. And the ending to the story.....*SOB*

Great job, 5 stars!



If any of y'all have time give mine a go.

Dark Dreams
Arc ID: 3615
Length: Medium (2 missions)
Difficulty: Medium, 2 AVs in last mission but Allies as well.

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Trying this, even with AV's. We'll see if the allies help enough.

Mission 1: I had some issues with this mission. The map doesn't fit the story. I think a regular office map would have been fine. Why are there workers in a flooded moldy office? The custom group was OK, not scary, as they seem to be portrayed. Also, after I rescued the hostage, it said the boss would be blocking the door. He wasn't, I had to search all over for him.

Mission 2: Just wasn't working for me. Seth was nowhere to be found. Malaise kicked my butt because I couldn't find a helper, plus what was he even doing there?

I hate to do it, but I gotta rate it 3 stars. You have the basis of an interesting story, but it needs work.



I would be happy to try more story arcs, my list is running low. I realize I don't have in depth analysis like some other rating threads, but that is because I don't expect perfection. I just want an interesting story that I can solo, preferably non-annoying maps and/or mission objectives with cool new custom groups.




Arc ID: 16690 Mean People.

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Mission 1: I get a pop-up when the mission is over, but it is blank. Otherwise it was a standard mission with a custom group. Nothing fancy, but fun to play through. You should add some story to the description of the custom characters.

4 stars.