Discussion:Issue 14: News, Information, & Updates!




Much as I love and respect CoH, Issue 14 will NOT make it the first MMORPG to offer player created content. Furcadia has been doing it for years.



So, when does PVP Get their Awesome button?



Sorry guys I could care less about the MA so this issue so far holds no interest for me.

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So you had to post to say so.


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There's nothing wrong with someone expressing their opinion that they aren't interested in this feature, as long its done in a polite and reasonable manner. This place is supposed to be more than an applause echo chamber.

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i agree most people noses are so deep brown ( as in up someones [censored]) in this thread its refreshing hearing some dissent
come may issue 15 better be good or we know the competition ( not mentioning other names) will be
said my peace...just an opinion no need to rant
I just

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See, your post is an example of how *not* to express dissent. If you can't say "this feature doesn't interest me" without resorting to sophomoric vulgarity, that doesn't do give your opinion much credit.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



Heres another interview, from Allakhazam, some nice insights and apparently the devs will be using the MA to make missions in the future (and that when they get new tools for it, they will be passed onto the players).

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So wait, if they start giving the playerbase 100% content and creative control, then what will be the reason for us to pay $14.95?

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Beeeecause, oh, maybe, THEY are still creating content?
Because without access to the servers, you can't play *any* content at all?

They are not "giving the playerbase 100% content and creative control." The IP, the official storylines, etc. are still in NC's control. This is *something extra to play with.*

Got it?

Not happy with that... *shrug* save yourself fifteen bucks a month.

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I agree that it will be soemthing to play with.

The fear is that such a powerful tool results in the end of creative obligation on their part and a drying up of storytelling opportunities. We, the players will close doors on any potentially original story arc from NCNC.
They'll throw something out there and the crowd will cite a previously created arc that a player made and we'll shout in unison "seen it." And let me tell you those are some horrible words to see when your job is to keep things fresh in the story department.
You can't just give it all away. People will gorge themselves, and nothing will be left.



okay.. then i can just say this issue does not amaze me i hope issue 15 will be better
certain issues are better than others cant please everyone

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



So, when does PVP Get their Awesome button?

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Meh, PvP is fine.

"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



Hmm. Well after seeing the responses here it's apparent that even though I'm a veteran of the game that my decision to simply lurk on the boards was well founded.

That being said, I've been looking forward to this for quite some time and I'm liking the way it looks. I just wish there was some way to make SG specific missions. Maybe they'll have that later on down the pike. I remember the Mission COmputer was suppsed to do that and that ended up being pretty much nothing.

All in all, I'm truly looking forward to this still. Kudos.

God bless.

Servant 12 (50 Defender)- Millennium Paladins
Servant-12 (50 Blaster) - Millennium Paladins
Servant.12 (50 Tank) - Millennium Paladins



I for one thought the video was hilarious. Then again I'm a big fan of Rooster Teeth.

Mission Architect looks awesome and I plan on making lots of missions. If there's one thing I'm curious about MA though is how they're going to handle missions created that are like "rescue wolverine from magneto" or something like that. Are they going to remove them from your published list?

I'm also kind of curious if anything else will be added in besides MA. I'm not saying MA isn't enough I'm just curious. I'm a curious critter. :P



Heres another interview, from Allakhazam, some nice insights and apparently the devs will be using the MA to make missions in the future (and that when they get new tools for it, they will be passed onto the players).

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So wait, if they start giving the playerbase 100% content and creative control, then what will be the reason for us to pay $14.95?

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Beeeecause, oh, maybe, THEY are still creating content?
Because without access to the servers, you can't play *any* content at all?

They are not "giving the playerbase 100% content and creative control." The IP, the official storylines, etc. are still in NC's control. This is *something extra to play with.*

Got it?

Not happy with that... *shrug* save yourself fifteen bucks a month.

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I agree that it will be soemthing to play with.

The fear is that such a powerful tool results in the end of creative obligation on their part and a drying up of storytelling opportunities. We, the players will close doors on any potentially original story arc from NCNC.
They'll throw something out there and the crowd will cite a previously created arc that a player made and we'll shout in unison "seen it." And let me tell you those are some horrible words to see when your job is to keep things fresh in the story department.
You can't just give it all away. People will gorge themselves, and nothing will be left.

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You make a very valid point. While you can't predict or control player content once the genie is out of the proverbial bottle you also can't avoid allowing this kind of system in the face of the fact that the impending competition will be providing something similar.

There's also the possibility that the developers will take advantage of the early popularity of the Mission Architect in order free up some of their resources to work on more of the game mechanics. Give the players the option to tell their own stories and further inject their characters into the City of Heroes mythology meanwhile the developers redirect their focus to other parts of the game like new powers, new archetypes, power customization, PvP.

"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



I agree that it will be soemthing to play with.

The fear is that such a powerful tool results in the end of creative obligation on their part and a drying up of storytelling opportunities. We, the players will close doors on any potentially original story arc from NCNC.
They'll throw something out there and the crowd will cite a previously created arc that a player made and we'll shout in unison "seen it." And let me tell you those are some horrible words to see when your job is to keep things fresh in the story department.
You can't just give it all away. People will gorge themselves, and nothing will be left.

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Well, let me put it this way. That very same problem is a problem I'll face as a potential Mission Architect author: potentially thousands of other players will be writing stories, and there is the real danger that after working on a story arc and publishing it, the player community will say "seen it."

It just means I have to work harder at being original. If I can deal, the professional writers at NC are probably not worried either. They have better tools, better control, and the benefit of being canonical. And they almost certainly get first crack at every new toy: new critters, new powersets, new maps, new mission technology. I wouldn't be worried if I were them.

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(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



That all find and dandy, But what else is there going to be?



Was Captain Dynamic Ed Robertson from Barenaked Ladies?

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yes! BNL FTW!

Co-Leader, Paragon City Defense Fleet
Co-Leader, Scions of Arachnos

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and many many more alts
Altoholics Anon.



Was Captain Dynamic Ed Robertson from Barenaked Ladies?

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I was just coming here to ask that! That would be like an extra layer of awesome icing on an awesome cake.

That video was simply terrific. Loved everything about it! I'm glad to see the videos branching out and doing new things!

@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL="http://tobyfife.blogspot.com/"]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog



"Touch my awesome button" is so becoming my new sig.




Well, let me put it this way. That very same problem is a problem I'll face as a potential Mission Architect author: potentially thousands of other players will be writing stories, and there is the real danger that after working on a story arc and publishing it, the player community will say "seen it."

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Really now, Arcana, I doubt it will be that bad. I stalk all your posts on the forums so I'm sure I'll check out all your mission arch... err, I mean ... 'seen it.' <whistles>

I think it will be hard for almost any given mission to get attention. The difficulty in being original will be a problem, but I think the sheer number of potential missions that could be out there to sort through is an even bigger problem.

The fact that dev created content will be built directly into the game world rather than part of the MA emporium should be enough to keep it noteworthy all by itself. That the devs will get a few unique tricks, artwork and features for their content is the icing on the cake.

I do wonder, though, how the MA system will influence dev content. I've always heard that the original interface they used was pretty rudimentary, so they might well have an easier time making content now. That's a happy thought. And since we players should be churning out plenty of "normal" content, the devs might choose to focus their content on stories that have unusual graphics, features, or a very strong tie to the game world. That's always the content that I have been most interested in. So I'm cautiously very optimistic about this.


Darkonne: Pinnacle's (unofficially) mighty Dark Miasma/Radiation Blast enthusiast!

Be sure to check out this mighty Arc:
#161865 - Aeon's Nemesis



Is that Ed Robertson of BNL fame? It looks and sounds like him, but Ed has nicer teeth...



Was Captain Dynamic Ed Robertson from Barenaked Ladies?

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I was just coming here to ask that! That would be like an extra layer of awesome icing on an awesome cake.

That video was simply terrific. Loved everything about it! I'm glad to see the videos branching out and doing new things!

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I got on a buss in Toronto, and he had just gotten off. Everybody on the bus was like, "Oh man, that was Ed Robertson!" (I was traveling with a lot of folks who'd beaten me to the bus, I'm sure he's often seen in Toronto) and I was like "DAMNIT!!"



I just want to know who kidnapped NCSoft's marketing team and got one that was willing to make a decent video and had to involve spending at least a little money to do it. If 30 seconds spots of this with the phrase about touching his awesome button aren't on Heroes, or even just the Heroes web site for their video replay of the show, then it's a huge missed opportunity.

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Especially with the new retail box coming out in April.



Sorry guys I could care less about the MA so this issue so far holds no interest for me.

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So you had to post to say so.


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Correct, just like all the people that had to post to say how awesome it was.



Sorry guys I could care less about the MA so this issue so far holds no interest for me.

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Could you care less about proper phrasing?

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Oh dear I made a typo.

It must be cool to have never done that.

Carry on



"Touch my awesome button" is so becoming my new sig.

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I had you beat by about 11 hours!

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



As they've said many times before, closed beta helps them get things fixed better and faster. Rather than having a few thousand people on who just want to play, they have a smaller number who are actually interested in testing and helping make it better. Besides, it's not like it will stay closed all the way until release. You'll have your chance to try things out sooner or later.

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Because everyone in beta is a good tester, amirite? There are testers who might log in a few times just to keep themselves eligible for betas (and keep getting invited), and at any rate, logging in a few times to fiddle around with things isn't really testing.

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Because, after all, NOBODY can do anything in casual testing that might bring out a bug ("Hey, why do I keep crashing after placing that Arachnos flyer?")

Nope, the only worthwhile testers are the ones that can spend 20 hours a day at it!


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You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Looking over this, I'm beginning to really get a feel for the effort they've been putting into it - or at least I am perceiving that they really did put a lot of effort into this. Assuming I'm not wrong, this could be bigger than we thought it was going to be. i14 may not have much else in it (who's to say right now?), but this looks like it got done right the first time, or as nearly so as is possible.

Cool beans!