Discussion:Issue 14: News, Information, & Updates!




What happens when someone makes an entire enemy faction of Masterminds? O_o
For that matter, what happens when someone makes the faction entirely Controllers?

So much pain to be had... Lockdown on steroids, and instant mob-multiplication on inhumane scale.

It's gonna be fun. ^_^

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I don't think we have the ability to make MM NPCs. I believe that was the info posted.

I am wondering about the name thing for your NPCs etc. I am assuming all names will be out there and cannot be taken since this is a holodeck thing. Not a bad idea if that is what they are doing. However, I guess we could have several NPCs with the same name...ah well...can't be perfect!

Also, I really hope future versions allow us to adjust the tile sets in the missions. That would HELP eliminate my #1 beef with this game....the redundant tile set/map!!!

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So sorry to disappoint you, but I've seen a JPG being posted on this very Thread showing a new NPC with the Thug Mastermind Power .... I made a Quote of the very Post...



I don't know if this has been stated before but i was wondering since we can customize AV and mobs can we also customize Giant Monsters?

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That is a very good question! Bad news in FAMILY SIZE...!



I have to admit I don't care about a lack of a map editor if I have 1,000 map choices now.

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I agree. This game has lots of unique maps that players might only see once or twice. So we can play with those until the devs figure out how to make a map editor workable.

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No Map Editor?? THANK YOU! All my past attempts at making Adventures sank in humilating waters over my complete lack of Map Creation skills.....



This is sweet... I was on it last night till 4am EST making an awesome 5 mission long arc that seems to be really unique and awesome. The end is an AV battle against a Robot/Elec Manipulation and his robot court of 4 EB's

<---Offically in love with this game again




I played the test for about 2.5 hours last night, and I can't help but wonder if it's just me or is I14 still bugged? I mean, I didn't expect it to be in perfect shape in Open Beta, but there are kinks that are still not fully worked out. One thing that truly disappointed me was the lack of control in terms of enemy and item placement. I set up a mission with a captive to be freed and an AV to be defeated in order to save her. I set it up so that you could not free the girl until the AV was defeated. Strangely, after defeating the AV, the girl and some captors just appeared out of nowhere in a portion of the mission map I had already cleared (away from the AV). How does that work? I have spoken with some other people and they have found some weird bugs, as well - NPC text is not working correctly, Mission Objective text overlaps in the NAV box, Glowies don't make the glowie noise, and setting end boss level range is quirky when matched with mission level range.
Overall, I think this is a fun little addition to the game, but with a lack of control in these areas, I can see the novelty and excitement wearing off. Perhaps a bunch of us (including me)are doing something wrong, perhaps not.



I love the originality of the player made missions (I went on one that was a parody of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory ) But the content and mission mechanics is the same Ol' same.




I played the test for about 2.5 hours last night, and I can't help but wonder if it's just me or is I14 still bugged?

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Yep. Still quite a few bugs floating around in there. That's what the Training Room is for.

One thing that truly disappointed me was the lack of control in terms of enemy and item placement. I set up a mission with a captive to be freed and an AV to be defeated in order to save her. I set it up so that you could not free the girl until the AV was defeated. Strangely, after defeating the AV, the girl and some captors just appeared out of nowhere in a portion of the mission map I had already cleared (away from the AV). How does that work?

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Lack of control of enemy and item placement isn't a bug. It's based solely on the spawn points within each map. So while the situation you described above is definitely weird, it's not a bug. I'd guess the rescue had already been assigned a spawn point, so when you passed by that spot originally, you would have found nothing at all. Kill the AV, and *pop*, they appear. I'm not sure how else you'd expect it to work, within the CoX framework that we're all used to. If the rescue was already there, what would prevent you from defeating them the first time, before the AV?

Remember that the MA works within the (pretty much) same environment that the NCNC team has when developing official canon content. So it's a safe bet that you'll never see MA features or functionality that doesn't play out in the regular game.

There's been talk of being able to alter spawn points maybe... maybe... somewhere in the future, but I wouldn't hold my breath on that one.

El Furioso - Inv/SS Tanker .:. Chlorostorm - Plant/Thorn Dominator {Virtue}

Proud member of the Repeat Offenders Network

City of Heroes Mission Review .:. MA arcs submitted and reviewed by the CoX community



how about buttcapes for our Widows? are there buttcapes comming this issue?