Discussion:Issue 14: News, Information, & Updates!




I did a Google News search for "City of Heroes Mission Architect" and one of the articles that came up was this:


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Are you hoping to convince us you're not a regular reader of GeekSugar?



It's just alphabetical order, and yes, it does appear to be every single item in the game, as I said in my other post, which is what I've always heard when people complain about how the market loads.

[/ QUOTE ]I believe the market defaults to "For Sale & Bidding", so the Huge List O' Everything won't include items that have no bidders or sellers.




I did a Google News search for "City of Heroes Mission Architect" and one of the articles that came up was this:


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Are you hoping to convince us you're not a regular reader of GeekSugar?

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I'm not a regular reader of anything other than Google News. I even made myself a T-Shirt to show my love to the world: http://s55.photobucket.com/albums/g1...tlz/Image3.png

www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!




MA, hopefully, will be all sorts of fantastic, though I'm still waiting for confirmation of being able to Branch in some form. Even if it isn't there I'll be more than happy. It did just dawn on me earlier today that this might prove interesting for the altaholic rather-RP-than-mishers, making it even harder for them to ever get a character leveled.

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Good catch, I would be interested in possibilities such as that as well. Though I'm sure you know the alternative to take, should we not be met with such a feature:

Make "Episodic" or "Chapter" content, with proceeding archs in either direction after a particular choice of the character, proceeded by a disclaimer letting the player know which of the arcs to chose based on a decision they made in the last/previous missions of the arc or series.

So many possibilities.. I just might finally be able to do my characters' justice, and get around to explaining how an entire supergroup was destroyed by a single super.



What happens when someone makes an entire enemy faction of Masterminds? O_o
For that matter, what happens when someone makes the faction entirely Controllers?

So much pain to be had... Lockdown on steroids, and instant mob-multiplication on inhumane scale.

It's gonna be fun. ^_^

To die... to sleep.
To sleep perchance to dream.
Aye, there is the rub... for in that sleep of death what dreams may come...



What happens when someone makes an entire enemy faction of Masterminds? O_o
For that matter, what happens when someone makes the faction entirely Controllers?

So much pain to be had... Lockdown on steroids, and instant mob-multiplication on inhumane scale.

It's gonna be fun. ^_^

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think we have the ability to make MM NPCs. I believe that was the info posted.

I am wondering about the name thing for your NPCs etc. I am assuming all names will be out there and cannot be taken since this is a holodeck thing. Not a bad idea if that is what they are doing. However, I guess we could have several NPCs with the same name...ah well...can't be perfect!

Also, I really hope future versions allow us to adjust the tile sets in the missions. That would HELP eliminate my #1 beef with this game....the redundant tile set/map!!!




How can anyone say this isn’t great?

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How? I’ll tell you how.

First, it will deflate the population of potential teammates. Want to run that Sewer Trial for the badge, and for the fun of it, because you haven’t run one in forever? Want to run the 2nd respec task force to re-do your character’s slots or powers? Want help taking down Infernal? Well, guess what? Your pool of participants will be reduced by the MA in a real, and not-insignificant way - those potential teammates who could have joined you are working - whoops! I meant to say “writing” - MA arcs and aren’t playing as characters.

Second, it is a gimmick completely disconnected from the CoH game lore. Let’s face it, the MA is a stand-alone “feature” in the game that doesn’t develop any of the CoH backstory. It’s a flashy gimmick intended to sell box sets, and grab publicity and attention from the gaming world. In other words, it’s a marketing tool to get more cash into the devs' pockets.

Third, the vast majority of “storytelling” will be cringe-worthy. Have you read through the fanfic in the roleplay section of this very forum? No offense to anyone, but it ain’t my cup of tea - I cannot spend more than 90 seconds reading through any of it before I cringe, embarrassed, and click out of it. A lot of my in-game friends cannot spell. A LOT. A lot of my in-game friends have no imagination when it comes to creating an interesting costume (copy-paste the “Enforcer” outfit and change the colors and body size, literally, to a dozen characters). A LOT. A lot of my in-game friends who have actually written character bios have produced only derivative and loopy ones (you have seen that thread in our forum where the person - however mean-spirited it might have been - was copying ridiculous character bios to his website blog, haven’t you?). A LOT.

Fourth, the “writing” that will come from the MA is going to be very limited - sure, you can write NPC dialogue, or “begin the mission” dialogue, or “contact dialogue.” But that’s it. If I want to read a great story, I’ll go to Borders and buy a book, not log into City of Frickin’ Heroes! If I want to write, I will launch Microsoft Word and type, not log into City of Frickin’ Heroes! And truth be told, guess how many of my in-game friends RARELY paid any attention to what the actual text was associated with any mission, anyway? A LOT.

Fifth, a lot of people won’t bother creating missions, because it will be too much of a chore. Guess how many of my in-game friends don’t go into minute detail with the costume creator? Guess how many of my in-game friends don't use the SG base editor to either create their own base or revise a current base? Guess how many of my friends log into the game just to have fun by blasting or smashing stuff since this is, in fact, a comic-book-based action video game and they want to unwind and need a break from “work” (whether that is a job, studying, or taking care of the kids, etc)? A LOT.

Sixth, it will be filled with the usual horrific bugs and egregious exploits that will necessitate shutting down the MA entirely, and possibly even the game, for extended periods of time for emergency fixes. Merits. ‘Nuff said.

[/ QUOTE ]

All I can say is wow your Friends must suck. My SG friends are essentially the opposite to yours.

Arch light L50 INV/SS
Psiberia L50 Kin/Psi
Screaming Mentallica L50 Sonic/MM

Arc Voltinator L50 SS/Elec
Mind Fire Kinesis L50 Fire/Kin
Flaming Screamer L50 Fire/Sonic




How can anyone say this isn’t great?

[/ QUOTE ]

How? I’ll tell you how.

First, it will deflate the population of potential teammates. Want to run that Sewer Trial for the badge, and for the fun of it, because you haven’t run one in forever? Want to run the 2nd respec task force to re-do your character’s slots or powers? Want help taking down Infernal? Well, guess what? Your pool of participants will be reduced by the MA in a real, and not-insignificant way - those potential teammates who could have joined you are working - whoops! I meant to say “writing” - MA arcs and aren’t playing as characters.

Second, it is a gimmick completely disconnected from the CoH game lore. Let’s face it, the MA is a stand-alone “feature” in the game that doesn’t develop any of the CoH backstory. It’s a flashy gimmick intended to sell box sets, and grab publicity and attention from the gaming world. In other words, it’s a marketing tool to get more cash into the devs' pockets.

Third, the vast majority of “storytelling” will be cringe-worthy. Have you read through the fanfic in the roleplay section of this very forum? No offense to anyone, but it ain’t my cup of tea - I cannot spend more than 90 seconds reading through any of it before I cringe, embarrassed, and click out of it. A lot of my in-game friends cannot spell. A LOT. A lot of my in-game friends have no imagination when it comes to creating an interesting costume (copy-paste the “Enforcer” outfit and change the colors and body size, literally, to a dozen characters). A LOT. A lot of my in-game friends who have actually written character bios have produced only derivative and loopy ones (you have seen that thread in our forum where the person - however mean-spirited it might have been - was copying ridiculous character bios to his website blog, haven’t you?). A LOT.

Fourth, the “writing” that will come from the MA is going to be very limited - sure, you can write NPC dialogue, or “begin the mission” dialogue, or “contact dialogue.” But that’s it. If I want to read a great story, I’ll go to Borders and buy a book, not log into City of Frickin’ Heroes! If I want to write, I will launch Microsoft Word and type, not log into City of Frickin’ Heroes! And truth be told, guess how many of my in-game friends RARELY paid any attention to what the actual text was associated with any mission, anyway? A LOT.

Fifth, a lot of people won’t bother creating missions, because it will be too much of a chore. Guess how many of my in-game friends don’t go into minute detail with the costume creator? Guess how many of my in-game friends don't use the SG base editor to either create their own base or revise a current base? Guess how many of my friends log into the game just to have fun by blasting or smashing stuff since this is, in fact, a comic-book-based action video game and they want to unwind and need a break from “work” (whether that is a job, studying, or taking care of the kids, etc)? A LOT.

Sixth, it will be filled with the usual horrific bugs and egregious exploits that will necessitate shutting down the MA entirely, and possibly even the game, for extended periods of time for emergency fixes. Merits. ‘Nuff said.

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All I can say is wow your Friends must suck. My SG friends are essentially the opposite to yours.

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I think this MA may save this game. CHAMPS is supposed to come out within a few months and by then we should see i14 and maybe i15. I14 could be great and the MA looks like it will be awesome.

Anyone thinking this isn't a great option to have in the game is a few sandwiches short of a picnic...if you get my drift This game is so full of repetitive crap that all they do is throw the same rubbish at us with some new story angle. The MA will not solve this issue completely but at least we will get unique enemies and opponents and ideas.

It's no secret CoX was losing subscribers and heading the wrong way and this might save it. Looking forward to it.

The buzz about i14 got me excited enough to start playing again after my 3 month break - sadly, after an hour I remember why I took my break lol. Can't wait for 14.



I am unable to contain all of my responses to your confused post, JazMan, so I'll just say this:

/e popcorn.

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



I am unable to contain all of my responses to your confused post, JazMan, so I'll just say this:

/e popcorn.

[/ QUOTE ]

/e steals

Unofficial Brownnoser of PWNZ

I kiss the Devs [censored]! -Perfect_Pain



I am unable to contain all of my responses to your confused post, JazMan, so I'll just say this:

/e popcorn.

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Good thing I never asked for your response!

In short, I noted how the MA is a positive for the game and think anyone saying otherwise is being ridiculous The MA will not be perfect but it adds an entire new dimension to game play. Very important, IMO.




I don't think we have the ability to make MM NPCs. I believe that was the info posted.

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May I direct your attention to a Mr. Sinister Shadow seen on the pictures here middle row 2 spaces from the right. If I'm not mistaken it says his known powers are "thugs" and "forcefield". (and for some reason prefers melee...)



Considering in normal missions multiple NPCs can have the same name and people will want to recreate their own characters in the missions you should be able to reuse names if they're taken or not.



Normally i would refrain from making completely frivolous posts, and this may be partly triggered by a recent trip to the pub, but I just wanted to express my overwhelming enthusiasm for CoH and I14 in particular, and I really hope we get even more new information soon and maybe even open beta by the end of this week.

Thank you Devs for making something so fun.

Always remember, we were Heroes.



I would like to try the feature before it comes out but I probly won't put much effort into it on the Test Server. I just want to use that time to learn the system before it goes live after that then I'll actully start putting the effort into my missions.

It's basically the learn how to use and the limitations of said system before I dive in head first on the live server.



I think just for giggles I'm going to make a mission/arc that has all the signature heroes and villains. In one mission. All together. In one group. With Malta and Vanguard as the grunts.



I think just for giggles I'm going to make a mission/arc that has all the signature heroes and villains. In one mission. All together. In one group. With Malta and Vanguard as the grunts.

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That's exactly the kind of mission I sugested the test before publishing restriction for.



I think just for giggles I'm going to make a mission/arc that has all the signature heroes and villains. In one mission. All together. In one group. With Malta and Vanguard as the grunts.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's exactly the kind of mission I sugested the test before publishing restriction for.

[/ QUOTE ]

I would want to play that mission normally...



I think just for giggles I'm going to make a mission/arc that has all the signature heroes and villains. In one mission. All together. In one group. With Malta and Vanguard as the grunts.

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That's exactly the kind of mission I sugested the test before publishing restriction for.

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I would want to play that mission normally...

[/ QUOTE ]

Have you ever attempted Lord Recluse SF, that's hard enough with only the 8 Signature heroes there, what you're talking about is crazy.



I think just for giggles I'm going to make a mission/arc that has all the signature heroes and villains. In one mission. All together. In one group. With Malta and Vanguard as the grunts.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's exactly the kind of mission I sugested the test before publishing restriction for.

[/ QUOTE ]

I would want to play that mission normally...

[/ QUOTE ]

Have you ever attempted Lord Recluse SF, that's hard enough with only the 8 Signature heroes there, what you're talking about is crazy.

[/ QUOTE ]

I live for danger. Or in this case, die for danger. Die a lot.



I think just for giggles I'm going to make a mission/arc that has all the signature heroes and villains. In one mission. All together. In one group. With Malta and Vanguard as the grunts.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's exactly the kind of mission I sugested the test before publishing restriction for.

[/ QUOTE ]

I would want to play that mission normally...

[/ QUOTE ]

Have you ever attempted Lord Recluse SF, that's hard enough with only the 8 Signature heroes there, what you're talking about is crazy.

[/ QUOTE ]I don't think we've had any indication that we can put multiple AVs in the same spawn. Also, AVs should be downgrading to EBs just like normal arcs.




I don't think we've had any indication that we can put multiple AVs in the same spawn. Also, AVs should be downgrading to EBs just like normal arcs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Technically, even in a normal arc they can still appear as AVs if the team size and difficulty allows for it.

So... Lord Imperial vs. Lord Vestereo

You think a level 50 DDD Player could defeat a level 53 zombie/dark MM NPC EB

Or vice versa, level 50 Zombie/Dark MM Player could defeat a level 53 DDD NPC EB

You know thanks to the Save and Load costume feature even though I can't technically select any of my characters from the character selection and stick them in a mission I should still be able to easily recreate them as NPCs.



I just read that thread with my 4 year old and even he said, that guys being sarcastic,huh mommy?!
Dad is that you? Too funny thanks for the chits and grins!



I just read that thread with my 4 year old and even he said, that guys being sarcastic,huh mommy?!
Dad is that you? Too funny thanks for the chits and grins!

[/ QUOTE ]

OK a little off topic but did he read it or did you read to him? Nice job if you actully taught him to read allready.

Back on topic, if anyone here has seen my old topic for Lord Imperial the series, that series that never got made due to several issues with time and casting. Anyway I still have that script and will be useing it in I14 for my missions.

Oh and I just remembered another question I had. Would we be able to pick a neiborhood of a zone as a mission map like say I wanted to use the grave yard section of Sharkhead Isle for a mission. I don't think there have ever been missions set in that part of Sharkhead but I'd still really like to use it if I can.



We were reading it together before bed! Nice bedtime stories I know but he likes the game so it keeps him interested at least.
And keeping them interested in reading is the important part!
He reads some on his own, still learning!