Discussion:Issue 14: News, Information, & Updates!





How can anyone say this isn’t great?

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How? I’ll tell you how.

First, it will deflate the population of potential teammates. Want to run that Sewer Trial for the badge, and for the fun of it, because you haven’t run one in forever? Want to run the 2nd respec task force to re-do your character’s slots or powers? Want help taking down Infernal? Well, guess what? Your pool of participants will be reduced by the MA in a real, and not-insignificant way - those potential teammates who could have joined you are working - whoops! I meant to say “writing” - MA arcs and aren’t playing as characters..

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OR that pool of participants is gone anyway, because they have done everything and don't care anymore.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



'want to run a (INSERT SF/TF)? Nah, I'm making a Mish.", "Oh, OK. I'm gonna log and play a game where there's actually people playing."

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It never ceases to amaze me how people demonize extremes to make their point. This example suggests that because one person is pre-occupied making a story arc, that there aren't hundreds of people just idling, looking for something to do. Why does it always come to extremes with these examples? lol

How about this:

'want to run a (INSERT SF/TF)? Nah, I'm making a Mish.",

"Oh, OK. I'm gonna ask some of the other 38 people standing around the market if they want to run a mish, surely 7 of those 38 is up for something."

Gross exaggeration ftl.

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OMG! Day jobs will reward people for not playing the game!!!

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



People getting all goofy over something new put into the game. Just like every new issue. More will do it at first, then it dies down.JUst like every other issue and new thing put in game. With every new issue there is doomsayers, and people that get their jollies arguing. Arguing on the internet gets nowhere, ever...Might as well look at the wall and argue with that. You will get as far and change the walls mind as much as people on here.(if it had one).

It's just a new issue with a cool new feature. People need to settle down and just go with the flow of the game

Like the new feature? Great, use it. Don't like the new feature? Great, don't use it. Dont like the missions people put out? So what, dont play them. Like them? Fine, play them.

Dont mind me, just go about the arguing and fussing at one another to absolutely no avail, like always here on the forums.



Sir, (or Madam), your reasonable and moderate views have NO PLACE in these forums. Do not inject your 'even keel' into these discussions!!

This, My Good Sir (or Madam), is The Internets!!

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Hey folks,

Just reading up on the Issue 14 update just released, I saw this rather bold statement up top:

"The First MMORPG to Offer User Created Content!"

Well, I don't know about NCSoft's knowledge of the MMORPG market but I beg to differ: there are, and have been, MMORPGs with large followings of players with user-created content. From my own experience: Try, for example, Neverwinter Nights!

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Neverwinter Nights is not an MMO.



As they've said many times before, closed beta helps them get things fixed better and faster. Rather than having a few thousand people on who just want to play, they have a smaller number who are actually interested in testing and helping make it better. Besides, it's not like it will stay closed all the way until release. You'll have your chance to try things out sooner or later.

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Because everyone in beta is a good tester, amirite? There are testers who might log in a few times just to keep themselves eligible for betas (and keep getting invited), and at any rate, logging in a few times to fiddle around with things isn't really testing.

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Because, after all, NOBODY can do anything in casual testing that might bring out a bug ("Hey, why do I keep crashing after placing that Arachnos flyer?")

Nope, the only worthwhile testers are the ones that can spend 20 hours a day at it!


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You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity.

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Now turn away from the mirror.



Was Captain Dynamic Ed Robertson from Barenaked Ladies?

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That was crazy. When he first came out I thought, "Is that Ed Robertson??" then he took off the glasses and I saw it was!

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Had to dig around a bit to get any sort of cast list for the video. Found this quote on Rooster Teeth's web site (emphasis added, quote's below the video):

Captain Dynamic: Episode 1
A team of writers is hired to use the new content creation tools in the game City of Heroes to promote the worst superhero in the world, Captain Dynamic. Starring Ed Roberston of Barenaked Ladies. Based on the game City of Heroes from NCSoft.

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As a long time Rooster Teeth fan, I can identify just about everybody in that video:

The guy with the Sourthern accent in front - John Reed, aka The Director from Red vs Blue: Reconstruction.
Captain Dynamic - Ed Roberston better known as one of the members of Bare Naked Ladies. Or as he said in a commentary once, 'even better known as Captain Butch Flowers.'

Going around the table clockwise for the writers:

The tattoed guy who goes 'not even sure that's allowed.' - Geoff Fink - Minor Junior Private Dexter Grif, Negative First Class of Red vs Blue.
Balding writer who doesn't say much - Nathan Zellner, aka Andy the Bomb from season 3-5 of Red vs Blue: The Blood Gulch Chronicles
Guy in the back (not sure on this one) - Gavin Free aka Private Jo-anes of Chapter 3 of Red vs Blue: Reconstruction.
Guy who wants exposure to getting paid - Jason Saldana aka Private Lavernius Tucker from Red vs Blue.
The guy who Captain Dynamic wants to touch his awesome button - Joel Heyman, aka Private Micheal J. Caboose.

Also, to quote someone's sig/TV Tropes: "As a rule, whenever there is a major announcement, there will be rioting. "

Also, something I've been saying since this was first announced: a mish where a bunch of NPC heroes are beating up Positron for having to run his TF. Still don't know if I want the PCs to join in beating Posi or saving him.



Because everyone in beta is a good tester, amirite? There are testers who might log in a few times just to keep themselves eligible for betas (and keep getting invited), and at any rate, logging in a few times to fiddle around with things isn't really testing.

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I don't think it works that way.

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I didn't either, until the I13 beta.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Heres another interview, from Allakhazam, some nice insights and apparently the devs will be using the MA to make missions in the future (and that when they get new tools for it, they will be passed onto the players).

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So wait, if they start giving the playerbase 100% content and creative control, then what will be the reason for us to pay $14.95?

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Just as you are free to stop paying $14.95 per month, NCNC is free to stop allowing you access to their servers.

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It is not that simple and both you and I know it.

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What exactly IS your point, if it isn't "why pay 14.95 for the game that already has 4 years worth of content and is only adding content I won't use this time"?

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I'd like to go back in time, too.



Was Captain Dynamic Ed Robertson from Barenaked Ladies?

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That was crazy. When he first came out I thought, "Is that Ed Robertson??" then he took off the glasses and I saw it was!

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Had to dig around a bit to get any sort of cast list for the video. Found this quote on Rooster Teeth's web site (emphasis added, quote's below the video):

Captain Dynamic: Episode 1
A team of writers is hired to use the new content creation tools in the game City of Heroes to promote the worst superhero in the world, Captain Dynamic. Starring Ed Roberston of Barenaked Ladies. Based on the game City of Heroes from NCSoft.

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As a long time Rooster Teeth fan, I can identify just about everybody in that video:

The guy with the Sourthern accent in front - John Reed, aka The Director from Red vs Blue: Reconstruction.
Captain Dynamic - Ed Roberston better known as one of the members of Bare Naked Ladies. Or as he said in a commentary once, 'even better known as Captain Butch Flowers.'

Going around the table clockwise for the writers:

The tattoed guy who goes 'not even sure that's allowed.' - Geoff Fink - Minor Junior Private Dexter Grif, Negative First Class of Red vs Blue.
Balding writer who doesn't say much - Nathan Zellner, aka Andy the Bomb from season 3-5 of Red vs Blue: The Blood Gulch Chronicles
Guy in the back (not sure on this one) - Gavin Free aka Private Jo-anes of Chapter 3 of Red vs Blue: Reconstruction.
Guy who wants exposure to getting paid - Jason Saldana aka Private Lavernius Tucker from Red vs Blue.
The guy who Captain Dynamic wants to touch his awesome button - Joel Heyman, aka Private Micheal J. Caboose.

Also, to quote someone's sig/TV Tropes: "As a rule, whenever there is a major announcement, there will be rioting. "

Also, something I've been saying since this was first announced: a mish where a bunch of NPC heroes are beating up Positron for having to run his TF. Still don't know if I want the PCs to join in beating Posi or saving him.

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Some classic lines (imdb helps):

Capt. Butch Flowers: Men, your delightful tomfoolery puts a spring in my step and a bounce in my britches. If I weren't your Commanding Officer, I'd pick you both up, give you a big bear hug and make you call me 'Daddy'.

Sarge: Get on with it, Grif.
Grif:[surrendering][exasperated sigh] I would just like to let everyone know that I suck.
Church: And?
Grif: [with heavy hesitation] And that I'm a girl.
Church: What else?
Grif: [in a hesitant tone] And I like ribbons in my hair, and I want to kiss all the *boys*.
Sarge: This may be the best surrender of all time.

Andy The Bomb: No, I'm the other talking bomb, Francis. Pleased to meet ya, [censored]!

Tucker: I'm sorry, what? It's kind of hard to hear you over the sound of your constant team killing.

Caboose: I like me.

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



"I want you to touch my awesome button" LOL

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Hey now I can redo ITF missions 3 and 4 so they don't become a lag filled slide show.




Hey now I can redo ITF missions 3 and 4 so they don't become a lag filled slide show.


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Move...................Move............Freeeeeeeee eezzzeeee.............
Move..............Move.............Move........... ...Freeeeeeeezzzzeeeee..............
..........Move...........Rubberband............... .....Move........

Yeah, fun aint it?!?



Pardon my sarcastic snark. If this gets modded, ok, but I can’t help responding to this kind of negativity.

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Hey, you asked, so I answered. LOL! But let me ask YOU something: why does criticism of the game's direction result in vicious flaming?




So let me see if I can distill your comments down a bit:

1. You expect a lot of people to enjoy the mission architect immensely, and pour significant amounts of their playing time into it.

2. Its an optional feature of the game that players can choose to ignore or participate in as they wish, without affecting the rest of their game play.

3. The MA will all players of any authoring skill levels to participate, and be judged on their creations by their peers.

4. You'll be able to customize the story content to the same degree as the CoX mission designers.

5. Most of the players will spend more time playing MA-created missions rather than authoring them, and for those that wish to play combat-intensive missions there will probably be authors of the same mindset that write combat-intensive missions with little or no storyline interfering with the action.

6. The quality of the MA is likely to be consistent with the rest of the game.

Thanks for the show of support! I'm sure the devs really appreciate players like yourself taking the time to express your opinions on the likely successful nature of the Mission Architect system. Its posts like yours that really brighten their day and make them appreciate the opportunity they have to continue to develop the game in directions that will continue to entertain the player community. I'll be sure to mention your fine expression of good will to the devs the next time I chat with them. Bravo sir.

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Congratulations to you, sir (you called me a sir, even though I am not male, so I am returning the compliment), for being dismissive of my criticisms, and for your snarkiness.

No need to be so defensive, though. You aren't a dev, so you shouldn't get so worked up if I or anyone criticizes the game's direction. Although, as we all know, you do a great many unpaid things for the betterment of the game, so you are, in practice, somewhat of an employee.

You can distill that last comment, I'm sure.



Have all of you peeps missed the fact that we can Custom Create our own Enemy Groups? Have ties betweeen them and AV's/Heroes, and even include said AV's/Heroes in our Arc?

I never even dreamed I could have Lord Recluse in my Arc.

In short,

Some Peeps will find a way to make this an Exploit. Some will treat it as an alternate to the standard in-game content. Some creative peeps will design and publish very good Story Arcs. Some will refuse to participate because it does not do exactly what they want it to do.

In the end,

Good content will be added.

Plenty of Farms will be added.

Most folks will wind up using it.

We can actually put existing AV's in the Mish? WOW!!!!!

I can't wait.

I'm not gonna ask again to be involved in Closed Beta.

I will prolly be in on Live Beta to some extent, but what's the point?

Live I will unleash the Story Arcs I have in mind.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



The video was sort of brutal, yeah. The "I'm a Hero, I'm a Villain" fellow/people not available?

MA, hopefully, will be all sorts of fantastic, though I'm still waiting for confirmation of being able to Branch in some form. Even if it isn't there I'll be more than happy. It did just dawn on me earlier today that this might prove interesting for the altaholic rather-RP-than-mishers, making it even harder for them to ever get a character leveled.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



I entered this game because of the good community and customization... The more I look at the i14 updates the more I EXPLODE
(in happiness of course)

Celtech Main Site
My DA Profile



Have all of you peeps missed the fact that we can Custom Create our own Enemy Groups? Have ties betweeen them and AV's/Heroes, and even include said AV's/Heroes in our Arc?

I never even dreamed I could have Lord Recluse in my Arc.

In short,

Some Peeps will find a way to make this an Exploit. Some will treat it as an alternate to the standard in-game content. Some creative peeps will design and publish very good Story Arcs. Some will refuse to participate because it does not do exactly what they want it to do.

In the end,

Good content will be added.

Plenty of Farms will be added.

Most folks will wind up using it.

We can actually put existing AV's in the Mish? WOW!!!!!

I can't wait.

I'm not gonna ask again to be involved in Closed Beta.

I will prolly be in on Live Beta to some extent, but what's the point?

Live I will unleash the Story Arcs I have in mind.

[/ QUOTE ]

You mean like, completely FILLING a map with freaks, or FILLING a map with AV's.

Just make a map that is one BIG room and completely fill it with something to see if your toon can take it

Heh, farm this if you can stay alive

OH... and thx Mod8 for fixing my slop.. I didnt know that happen till later

I brokeded the forum



As for whether CoH really is the first MMORPG to have player generated content, I have no idea. I assume that if they say they are, then they are. Its almost certainly the most popular MMORPG to have PGC.

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Furcadia and Runescape (is it Runescape?), AFAIK, already have player-created content (is Runescape even still around)? Furcadia's is actually quite robust, including a full scripting language.

I agree that NWN is not an MMO, though.

[/ QUOTE ]Runescape does not have player created content, unless you count fansites. I suppose, since the entire game is a Java applet, someone could decompile it and create their own version with changes. I know I've decompiled Runescape before (before it started using true 3D graphics).

Second Life has a lot of player generated stuff, including Linden Scripting Language, though I'd hesitate to call it an MMO, or even an RPG...




As for whether CoH really is the first MMORPG to have player generated content, I have no idea. I assume that if they say they are, then they are. Its almost certainly the most popular MMORPG to have PGC.

[/ QUOTE ]

Furcadia and Runescape (is it Runescape?), AFAIK, already have player-created content (is Runescape even still around)? Furcadia's is actually quite robust, including a full scripting language.

I agree that NWN is not an MMO, though.

[/ QUOTE ]Runescape does not have player created content, unless you count fansites. I suppose, since the entire game is a Java applet, someone could decompile it and create their own version with changes. I know I've decompiled Runescape before (before it started using true 3D graphics).

Second Life has a lot of player generated stuff, including Linden Scripting Language, though I'd hesitate to call it an MMO, or even an RPG...

[/ QUOTE ]

Not Runescape, then, but there was some other MMO, possibly web based, that introduced player created content. I think it shut down since then. Man, I forget what that was called.

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



Not Runescape, then, but there was some other MMO, possibly web based, that introduced player created content. I think it shut down since then. Man, I forget what that was called.

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was it ryzom or something like that?



Not Runescape, then, but there was some other MMO, possibly web based, that introduced player created content. I think it shut down since then. Man, I forget what that was called.

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was it ryzom or something like that?

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Yeah, that's exactly it. Saga of Ryzom, I think?

Thanks, that was the steering wheel on my crotch.

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



That was considered a "scenario editor" and from the few times i've tried it there are quite alot of discint differences,
- i think the one that makes ours the first "mission creator" the most is that we can get exp inside our missions, there was no reward what so ever through theirs and you couldn't assign objectives through it just place pre-made enemies and tell them where to move to



Someone said the video was uniformative, hm, oooookaaaay?

Let's see, it's the first of 3 planned webisodes so no, it wouldn't cover everything but it did cover farming and making challenging content.

It also answered the question on whether players would get paid for their content and what they could do if they didn't like it.

It implies that you can put multiple missions within an arc and control how many enemies a player can go up against.

It goes into what not to expect as MA rewards.

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Are you being serious?


It amounts to a few vague hints at best. I already knew that I wouldn't be able to create a mission to rescue a cat from a tree, thanks.

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The first mission I am making is to save a kitten (catgirl) from a tree.


Adar - Lvl 50 Emp/Elec/Psy Defender on Guardian (411 badges)
Itsy Bitsy Slicer - Lvl 50 Kat/Reg Scrapper on Guardian
Flying-Tiger - Lvl 32 Sonic/Energy Blaster on Guardian