Discussion: COH/COV for Mac!




More good stuff.

So I hear these are by StoneFalcon, who also brought us The Revenge of Dr. Mechanico and The Return of the Revenge of Dr. Mechanico.

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I had never seen that second one. LOL! It's a riot.

I love the Mac ads. Great work Stone Falcon! These are, bar none, the best videos that have been made for CoX.

@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL="http://tobyfife.blogspot.com/"]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog



More good stuff.

So I hear these are by StoneFalcon, who also brought us The Revenge of Dr. Mechanico and The Return of the Revenge of Dr. Mechanico.

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I had never seen that second one. LOL! It's a riot.

I love the Mac ads. Great work Stone Falcon! These are, bar none, the best videos that have been made for CoX.

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Holy bajeebus!! I love those vides. I remember when they first came out! That is so awesome that he did these ads!

@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...



Want to make it clear, I'm loving these ads. They're great, they're well done, and they're funny. And I've been posting them on some Mac forums I participate in, with an explanation of what CoH is.

My comments are just that, as stand-alone ads for people who don't know what CoH is already, they don't work. So "Let's run these on TV" would be mostly wasted money, because most of the people who see it won't know about City of Heroes (and there won't be a description beside it explaining what CoH is).

But for those who know about it, and for locales where there's also some info, they're great and I'm looking forward to the next one.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



Hero-grade regulation spandex...

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Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Dark_Respite your vids rock too, I LOOOOOVE your rikti raid video.



These are great. Well done, well acted and just plain funny. Much props to you Stone Falcon. I hope we get more promo vids from you



Simply put: Hilarious!

I think these are wonderful. I especially like the writing... "Hero-grade spandex" and the entire "You sound like a cliché Hero" spiel are glorious, and very much in keeping with the particular variety of humor in the game as a whole (U'konn G'rai anyone?).



wish there was a downloadable version

Knowledge is power.
Power corrupts.
Study Hard. Be evil.



wish there was a downloadable version

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Might try StoneFalcon's website and see if they're there... don't know, though, since these are official CoX videos.


Hey Ex Libris, any chance you guys can save these and put them in the ftp.coh.com folder where all the other videos are?


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



GReat stuff, very funny as well. Loved the one about the sidekick.

Makes me wish we had voice off mobs ingame though...I do understand the engine can't support it at this point.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Hilarious, good use of the emotes, true to the tone of the original ads.

Oh, and poor hero. He can't catch a break.



That's a nice write-up for the Apple Games site. Bravo!



Since Positron mentions the Mission Architect and the article links to here, I thought I'd plug my guide.

It's not how many times you get knocked down that count. It's how many times you get up.



Was all that talk about guiding yourself to the shady places or sunny places code for side switching in issue 15?



"This is regulation Hero-grade spandex!"

Yeah, I think my villain is going to have to harass heroes about that in RWZ now.

God I need more co-op.



That was a cool writeup and I learned some history I never knew. Plus, it's cool to see you featured on Apple's Game section!



This part caught my attention:

He adds that the Mission Architect stories you write will be distinct from the game’s storyline, “unless we the developers want it to be part of the official canon. That’s the ultimate goal for any mission writer: Make a story so good and so fitting in the City of Heroes universe that it becomes part of the game lore itself.”

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That surprised me. From the info we've heard before, I was under the impression that the missions we create will never become canon. But Positon's quote contradicts that.




This part caught my attention:

He adds that the Mission Architect stories you write will be distinct from the game’s storyline, “unless we the developers want it to be part of the official canon. That’s the ultimate goal for any mission writer: Make a story so good and so fitting in the City of Heroes universe that it becomes part of the game lore itself.”

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That surprised me. From the info we've heard before, I was under the impression that the missions we create will never become canon. But Positon's quote contradicts that.


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That's actually old news........

"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.



That's actually old news........

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Really? Because I remember being told that our created missions wouldn't become canon. I'm pretty sure the Dev's Choice thing isn't the same as our missions becoming canon.

I could be wrong, though.



That's actually old news........

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Really? Because I remember being told that our created missions wouldn't become canon. I'm pretty sure the Dev's Choice thing isn't the same as our missions becoming canon.

I could be wrong, though.

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Dev's choice doesn't make it canon, and I'm sure if you come up with something that contradicts what they've got in their bible, the bible will stand. But if someone has an interesting take on something that they just never filled out either in game, in the bible, or in their mind...they'll adopt it.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



That's actually old news........

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Really? Because I remember being told that our created missions wouldn't become canon. I'm pretty sure the Dev's Choice thing isn't the same as our missions becoming canon.

I could be wrong, though.

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Dev's choice doesn't make it canon, and I'm sure if you come up with something that contradicts what they've got in their bible, the bible will stand. But if someone has an interesting take on something that they just never filled out either in game, in the bible, or in their mind...they'll adopt it.

[/ QUOTE ]It was hinted at by Hero 1 a while ago when someone asked him about the Coralax storyline, but I don't think it's been flat-out said until now.




This is in regards to the article listed here ::


City of "Inaccurate Articles"

Okay, so I read this article, and I hardly started before I was having issues from what was being said. I really like my news articles to be correct and to understand the subject so that they can give the real picture to me. Maybe this is more of an entertainment article and not a news article or even an introduction to the game, but, none-the-less, I feel the urge to comment upon it.

I'm only going to comment on what I think is wrong. There are plenty of “Way-to-go!”, “That's so cool” comments that always come in with these things that I feel it is necessary to point these out because that is the only way the situation will improve.

The world needs heroes. But it also needs villains. Play either side of that yin-yang relationship in City of Heroes, which includes the City of Villains expansion pack.

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City of Villains wasn't an expansion. It was released as a separate game. CoV could very well be called CoH2 (the apparently mythical game that one game article writer speculated would come out to compete with DCUO and Champions Online) as it was the second game to come out involving the "City of" system. Yes, CoH and CoV could be connected to each other as they are now, but they were originally "stand alone" games - ones that "could be" played separately from one another and with out the other product.

Choose your side, select one of five archetypes (see “Archetypal Beginnings”), customize your character, and begin training for a life of good or evil.

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Actually 10 archetypes. Five archetypes on the hero side, and five on the villain side.
It is true that once you pick a side that you will only have five choices for archetypes, it gives a better impression of the variety of the game if it is clear that the sides get completely different archetypes to chose from that are unlike the ones on the other side of the good/evil fence.

If you’ve read even a few superhero comic books, you’ll probably be tempted to emulate your favorite character. Miller and the rest of the development team know how you feel. “My influences started out very Marvel-centric, but once I started working on City of Heroes, I started reading some DC books,” he recalls. “Comic books have covered a lot of cool themes, and we try to do the same thing, but translated into game terms for the players.

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[sarcasm]That's just great.[/sarcasm] This makes a new player excited about making a Marvel character!
Look at the picture! It's Ironman with a Thor hammer and a shield! (At least the shield didn't look like Captain America's!)

It is against the EULA to make Marvel characters.
If the player is /petition'ed and, I would imagine that they would be, then the player will be informed that they can't make a Marvel character, the character name maybe nerf, and the costume scrambled.
So, basically, this sets new players to get blind-sided by the repercussions of making a Marvel character clone.

That does not leave a good impression on the customer.
It will even make them feel like they were being set-up for it to happen. “They said I could do it in the article...right?”
Not good.

Collect the Whole Series
NCsoft also took a cue from comic books by calling its expansion packs “issues,” complete with numbers and titles.

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So all of the issues are expansion packs?
[sarcasm]And I need to “Collect the Whole Series”? How much will that cost?

Uh oh....[/sarcasm]

Three to four are scheduled each year —

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[sarcasm]Sounds expensive![/sarcasm]

Oh, I guess they couldn't say that they were “free expansions” because you had to pay for CoV when it first came out – since the article already called CoV an expansion pack. And the actual “expansion packs” like GvE, Wedding Pack, Cyborg Pack, Valkyrie Pack, and upcoming Magic(?) Pack actually cost money to add them to your game account.

Issues are different and someone should have set them strait on this.

When you install issue number 14 (“Architect”), you’ll have access to the new Mission Architect system, which Miller says “will allow our collective community to create more content than we ever could.

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This makes it sound like i14 has already been released and that it is ready to install. It's debatable if a new player will think that they can buy and install i14 right away.

....although when the Mission Architect feature comes, I anticipate ....

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Okay, that seems to set it strait.
Apparently, at least some of the confusion is coming from an article writer that doesn't really have a grasp of what is going on and how to word it correctly. It may be simply because they didn't have all the information, but it seems clear here that the writer knew that i14 had not been released yet as this comment says “when”.

Sometimes the curved lines of those yin-yang relationships blur, and you’ll need to figure out whether you reside in the shady place or the sunny place. May your powers guide you true.

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This is very deceptive as there is no “Fable”-like feature of a good-to-evil meter that determines what side of the hero/villain fence that you are on. Once you pick a hero or a villain that is what that character is for the duration.


This article like others about CoX need to be checked for accuracy before they are released. I can understand a journalist wanting to be able to phrase things their own way, but any journalist worth-their-salt wants to be delivering factual information to their reader.
This isn't the only article that has been like this. I have already noted the speculated CoH2 which we have no proof actually exists (other than CoV really being CoH2, but that has nothing to do with what that article writer was speculating upon).
Speculation and blatant falsehoods lead customers into situations that they will be disappointed with, confused by, or worried about. The goal of a journalist should be to deliver information that is clear and truthful.
What a new player runs into when they enter the City/Isles, should be what they expected to find based on the information they were given (by this article for example) and not something else.
Sometimes it is hard to put these things into words. A little help from the DEVs by a pre-read of the article for accuracy would have gone a long way.



Ageed. The advertisment of CoH/CoV has always been our weakest point.



I was frankly shocked by the Ironman thing. There was a friggin' lawsuit about that, and somehow this went to press? I'm guessing Posi and co. didn't have the editorial rights to the article, but whoever put it together clearly did not do their homework at all. I hope NCSoft contacts them quick about this, as that is rather important.

And I agree about the setting up false hopes, the free issue thing, etc.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory