Discussion: COH/COV for Mac!




That was to funny! Great work!

Synergy Lvl 50 Def FF/Electric/Psy - Protector

Cimarron - Protector Mascot
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...and whoever is scripting the "emote-acting" is doing a great job

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AND drawing in the mouths! That's what's really impressing me to no end! (If it's BAB doing it, I expect we'll have mouth movements on some of our emotes in I14. )

P.S. The link on the announcement page to this topic is in HTML instead of UBB.

P.P.S. Suuuuure is easier to post links to other topics over in those neeeeeew boards, isn't it? Suuuuuuuure would be nice to start heading over there.... <ahem>

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Mouth movements / Facial expressions FTW!

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



I am curious. Are these official advertisements or just play ones?

[edit: I just hope they get permission for stuff like this.]

One of Six, Cannibal 6



I am still saddened by the fact that we haven't seen a CG trailer since, the now defunct, City of Hero.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Its win! Pure and simple!

Now put these on TV where they belong!!!!



I am still saddened by the fact that we haven't seen a CG trailer since, the now defunct, City of Hero.

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Meh, myself, I really like using the actual ingame figures and such. Having the small updates of the mouths being animated isn't like getting your hopes up for a whole huge CG fest - and being disappointed. With these at least, it IS just about exactly this, in the game.

Now if only we had a solid white, well-lit but not over-exposed area for doing screenshots... o.o

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Use Leandro's splasher program.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Ok, that was a lot funnier than I expected it to be. Good job!

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I've GOTTA show the guys at work this video now! lol. I already showed them the first one and they loved it!

@Nurse Donna
You can find me on Infinity, Exalted, Liberty and sometimes on Virtue or Freedom



That was funny. I like the actual game characters too. Rather see stuff based on our graphics than something unrelated.

Angel Witch II - Chord of Souls - Storm Witch II - Princess of the Dawn - Standing Horse - Witch of Xymox
Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia



Loving the new vids, very funny. Hope to see more soon!



Its win! Pure and simple!

Now put these on TV where they belong!!!!

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Agree, agree, and agree some MORE!! Just as long as there's a 3rd one where the Villain gets what's coming to him....



lol. Love these videos, and they are worthy for tv imo.

Now when do we get those costume change spinny emotes I had in the suggestions forum a few months back that the hero used?

10 50's To Date! Check out Titan Sentinel; it got my CoH presence synced online



Yep, like the spinny emote, and so want to be a shoe salesman!

Great job on the videos, and the dialogue. The voice acting is great too!

Are these airing on TV? If not, where are they hitting media wise?

And are the credits listed somewhere?



Who ever is coming up with the script for these videos needs a raise. Seriously. Soo funny!



Quick question....

has Justsomerandomguy said anything about these? they very close to his "Hi, I'm a Marvel?"



Really liking the ads - especially the villain

Any chance we'll see these guys ingame? Since they're introducing new players it would be cool to see them as new contacts for Atlas and Mercy, or at least standing next to each other in Pocket D giving out new missions for the holiday events.



Quick question....

has Justsomerandomguy said anything about these? they very close to his "Hi, I'm a Marvel?"

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Er, they're very close to "Hi I'm a Mac". He took that idea and went with it for Marvel and DC. He doesn't own any part of marvel, dc, or the mac.... so... technically since NC worked this deal out, they've got a way better grasp on the legal aspects of parody here. NC doesn't need to ask their permission to do something like this.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I'm going to be wanting that little costume changing spin now.

I will not rest until we have in-game throwable pies!



I'm going to be wanting that little costume changing spin now.

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me too. Maybe a dev saw my CC change emote thread in Suggestions & Ideas and that was one of them

..hey. i'm allowed to dream

10 50's To Date! Check out Titan Sentinel; it got my CoH presence synced online



First off, I'm going to dissent with everyone and say, yes, video 1 was funnider. This one was still good though. The villain is a bit hard to understand towards the end. It's a nice touch that what the villain guesses are all available jobs in the game.

Oh, and yes, costume change emote would be good. More emotes are always good.

I also shudder to think how hard drawing the mouths on the characters must be.



Now put these on TV where they belong!!!!

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To be a killjoy about the TV idea: the ads say nothing about what CoH/V is about. It could be for a new animated sitcom. Coming in cold in watching it, there's no guarantee that someone would pick up that CoH/V is 1) a video game or 2) a MMO. Or even what a skerrick of gamesplay would be like.

Also, both executions were 60+ seconds, which is a very expensive length. Plus it's an ad with a punchline, which can be missed if the audience comes in late / leaves early.

The ads work best online and virally - so send it to your friends! - were people might be able to spend a bit more time watching it and can immediately follow up by going to the official site.



I have to agree with UnSub. These are great ads for those who know about CoH. But for those who haven't heard of City of Heroes, it's amusing, but gives no reason to go play the game.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
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Maybe they'll like our sense of humor and check it out?

Good job on the ad!



Youtube has better ones.



*makes an Al Bundy Alt*