Feedback Winter Event - Bugs and Suggestions!




Objective ::
I've had two characters where this same kind of thing has gone on.
First off, I'm a server jumper, so I have gone to several servers to get boot or boots and gloves or a halo for one character or another.

Starting on Saturday, I ran a character (different than the ones that I had run before)- I think to get boots - and then stayed on the team to get candy canes. [details deleted per posting guidelines] - at any rate - I get done with a mission and I click on the candy canes and click accept. I look and there are no candy canes..I had clicked on candy canes on the previous mission as well. Both of these missions I had a co-op mission to auto complete.

So I know this is going on.

Today, I duo some of the missions in the pocket D ski chalet with the same mentor the whole time with a character that I had not run in the PD at all yet (at least in this round of the winter event - but maybe last year...).
Mission 1) sk'd. running the mentor's mission. I don't have a co-op mission. I get the 5 candy canes. Mentor gets candy canes. I give my candy canes to my mentor as I know they will need them more than I do at that point.
Mission 2) sk'd. running mentor's mission. I have a co-op mission which I auto-complete at the end of mission. No candy canes. Mentor gets candy canes.
Mission 3) sk'd. running mentor's mission. I have a co-op mission which I auto-complete at the end of mission. Candy canes are auto selected. I select something else, click back on candy canes, and then click accept. No candy canes. Mentor gets candy canes.
Mission 4) sk'd. running my mission. Mentor auto completed upon mission completion. Candy canes are auto selected. I select something else, click back on candy canes, and then click accept. No candy canes. Mentor gets candy canes.

So either there is DR on the BNY missions or I'm not getting the candy canes that I should from these missions.

Subjective ::

With the inability to get candy canes from repeating the BNY mission, the only alternative to get them is to run zones for presents. I still seem to get candy canes for that.



You missed the mission 5) which would be a repeat of misison 1, which eliminates a Diminishing returns idea.

As long as you dont have a co-op version you get the candy canes as a sidekick. The testing I need to finish is if you have to drop sidekick or not.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Next year Praetorian Santa please.

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Bad Santa!

Virtue and Freedom
Hi, my name is Northman, and I am an Altoholic. No wait, I'm Lost Nova, no wait, Arc Havoc, no, Dragon Moon, no, Lord Fury......



Trainers (or a single co-op trainer) in Pocket D would be nice for when someone levels up during all the BNY grinding, and/or during the Valentine's day stuff.



Trainers (or a single co-op trainer) in Pocket D would be nice for when someone levels up during all the BNY grinding, and/or during the Valentine's day stuff.

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Yes! Please put a trainer in Pocket D even if it is just temporary for the events.



The geyser on the luge slide does not work properly if you are using speed buffs or have superjump active. This is a problem because you are all but required to have SJ or SS active in order to win a medal.

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All geysers work this way. If you have ever been to the Shard you won't get anywhere with speed buffs on. (you probably won't get anywhere with them off either lol)

The event is fun but the candy cane costs are through the roof. Is it that the farther in the past a badge gets the more you are going to charge for it? That makes a kind of sense but if you want to do up a few characters it becomes "I give up" fairly quickly.

Why isn't sprint considered a travel power? For my characters without PP travel powers that is what I use but I can't slot the winter IOs into Swift or Sprint where I would like to use them for the 6% speed bonus.

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



I have a few issues, some of them already mentioned by others here, and one of them already noted in-game.

Naughty/Nice Halos: As noted in-game, these cannot be used by anyone under level 30 and they are not tintable as originally advertised. This is a waste of effort for lower-level alts, especially since they have to play the BNY mission five times to get this. This should be treated as the cyborg combat auras are, which are accessible at any level.

Naughty/Nice Presents: I agree with some of the early posters that there should be some sort of special reward for defeating these frostlings and/or Winter Lords.

BNY Mission: I don't mind keeping the Baby New Year mission, but there should be some additional missions, possibly accessible through Pocket D like there were for the Valentine's Day event.

Winter Everywhere: This is supposed to be winter, so perhaps it would be good if winter showed up everywhere and not just in a little spot in Croatoa.

New suggestion: How about unlockable base items related to the Winter Event? How about being able to add those decorated trees or some candy cane or a snow bank to our base?

I'm hoping that this time around at least some of the suggestions/issues will be addressed and, in the case of the halo auras, dealt with before the Winter Event ends.

Battlerock X - inv/str tank, Justice Server - The Battlerock X Chronicles - fan-based comic book series "The Guardian Powers"
"With Me - Against Me" Mission Arc 230667



Objective: The Candy Cane costs for the various rewards are high enough that they've created a large amount of farming to get the rewards.

Subjective: The new ski run is great. The badges are hard to get, but the run itself is a blast.

Subjective: The BNY mission is getting kind of old. As the Mission Creator will be live well before the next winter event, how about holding a contest next fall to have players create some new missions/TFs for the winter event? Take the top three or five, and make them new official winter event missions.

Subjective: It would be nice if the ski lodge were kept around all year from now on. The zombie invasions from Halloween have stayed, let us keep this part of the winter event too. Remove Father Time, the Candy Keeper, and disable the medals on the ski runs, but leave the area itself. Not only are the ski slopes fun, but it's a nice RP spot for those of us that like to RP.

Begging: Please, please, pretty please... let us keep the ski lodge this time!

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Objective: Winter's Gift Recipe - Unable to claim it with low level character despite it being labled a level 1 recipe. I tried at level 1, 3, and 5. I got the error "Inventory is full" despite the recipe inventory being empty. Low level characters do get recipe drops, this shouldn't be the problem. "Level 1" is false advertising.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Objective Feedback:

I'm not sure how to describe this, but sometimes winter mobs will be huddled around a present and then de-spawn when you approach. You can then click the present and it results in a "naughty" and nothing spawns. It's rather annoying.

The slopes (all of them) feel a bit difficult to me but most people I know say that they're doable and just require patience.

Subjective Feedback:

I like the concept behind the presents and snow critters.

I think a "winter themed" zone would be a nifty addition to the game. A small co-op zone perhaps similar to Croatoa with optional content for both sides. There could be a task force where you have to take out a Winter Lord at the end or possibly even prevent a Winter Lord from being created by other snow critters. The clockwork paladin coding could be utilized? Tuuatha and Redcaps could be included in the zone as well as snow critters and maybe some new additions like flying reindeer or some type of candy cane critter? An iced over lake would be a nice addition as well so people could ice skate.

New badges and maybe even an accolade power or costume pieces could be associated with the zone. Ice skates perhaps?

I know a lot of people hate the "invasions" but I would be in favor a a winter style invasion event also. Random castings of "freezing rain" or "snow storm" would be interesting too. I don't know how complicated it would be to "snow over" a zone but having snow on buildings, the streets, random ice slicks, etc would be a lot of fun.

Okay, that's my wishlist.

Oh yea, please don't make the Winter Universal Travel power set unique. Not being able to slot it into sprint, fine I can understand that. But I would like to be able to slot it into SS and SJ on the same toon thanks

[ @Zombie Fryer ][ @Zombie Smasher ]
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Trainers (or a single co-op trainer) in Pocket D would be nice for when someone levels up during all the BNY grinding, and/or during the Valentine's day stuff.

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Yes! Please put a trainer in Pocket D even if it is just temporary for the events.

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And a Wentworth's/Black Market kiosk too! That would be great.

@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL=""]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog




New suggestion: How about unlockable base items related to the Winter Event? How about being able to add those decorated trees or some candy cane or a snow bank to our base?

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Terrific Suggestion. If they could give it a "wall" property, make that the north wall, you could then hang decorations from it and customize it. Oooooo ornaments for cats to play with. purrrrrrr

HP Lovecat



Objective: I keep selecting the rings after rescuing baby new year, but I never seem to get them. Seems like a bug.

Subjective: any way I can get these? I like 'em




How about adding a practice dummy at the top of the ski slopes so Kins can use it to Siphon Speed?

@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL=""]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog



I'd like a giant candy cane for my war mace tanker to beat things with.

Getting all the candy canes needed is very tedious. Like many here I have a lot of alts that need stuff. I trimmed down my list to my ice tank, who gets all the winter badges, my main badger, who gets everything, and those of my alts who needed the halos for concept reasons. Even this truncated list took some time to get, and that's without bothering with the IO set. I agree with other posters about adding canes to the winter minion drops. This would help with both the abandoned spawn problem and the grinding nature of candy cane collection.

I think events should be broken into 2 levels of work. The first is the casual level; this is the login badges, running a mission or 3, getting a nice shiny for you effort (like the halos or other costume bits) Ideally this takes less then an hour and doesn't require grinding or resetting missions. Something you can run all your alts though during the course of the event. Then there should be something for the crazy badgers and OCD folks (myself included in this) This is things like the toy collector badge (200 presents) and the full winter's gift set. These are not door prizes, they take work to get; that's OK. They can take days to get, and you might be able to get one or two of your characters all of them before time runs out.

My problem with this event is the casual level. It requires running the same mission many times. If you are running all your alts through it, it gets painful fast. If you could get some candy canes while doing the mission (rather then just as an end reward) you could shave a few runs off of the number needed. It is nice that there is an instanced way to get canes, so I'm not competing with the whole server when running patterns for presents in the city. But that just leads to grinding the SAME mission more.

I used my dual build to pick up the gold ski badges. Had a lot of fun on the runs; loved this part of the event. It would be nice to have a temp power vender selling skis, or loosen up the times a little. I burned my spare build to get them, because I wanted the badges badly enough. With TP chains or outside buffs anyone should be able to get then (I think), but soloing them takes either the right choice of travel powers or a respec.

It would be nice to see the return of the frozen lakes and the old missions. More options is always better.



I'll add an addendum to the minions dropping candy canes - ONLY if they are of a level to give xp, or are coded even conning like the invasions. That way it doesn't encourage high levels to farm the low levels, crowding out lowbies from their presents.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



For a game that has gone out of its way to 'deal with farmers', the winter event turns around and requires running the same single mission about 60 times to reap the entire rewards set. That's not 'fun',it's excessive. Ditto for 100/200/whatever present collecting.

Ski slopes are fun.



I'll add an addendum to the minions dropping candy canes - ONLY if they are of a level to give xp, or are coded even conning like the invasions. That way it doesn't encourage high levels to farm the low levels, crowding out lowbies from their presents.

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The problem with that method is that it doesn't account for the higher level person who is simply looking for presents for the badge. They have 0 incentive to kill their spawns. No, offer a small chance to get a cane off any snowman and you'll have no problems with lowbies getting ganked by left behind spawns. Even someone who isn't opening presents for the express purpose of finding canes wouldn't likely pass up the opportunity to get one if it's just a matter of killing 3 grey mobs.



For the presents badge...first, cut the requirements way back. The devs got it right with the Zombie Apocalypse, event badges should be easy to get. And make it "x presents" not "x nice presents" and give everyone on the team credit (maybe only give the team credit if they kill the spawns).

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
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Grey cons will never drop anything so High Level folks in a low zone still would have no incentive if you added the Candy Cane drop to Snowmen. The only place that would help would be in giving incentive to zone appropriate level folks to clean up spawns.

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Grey cons will never drop anything so High Level folks in a low zone still would have no incentive if you added the Candy Cane drop to Snowmen. The only place that would help would be in giving incentive to zone appropriate level folks to clean up spawns.

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The spawned snowmen (and the trick or treat mobs) should be like the Rikti or Zombies during invasions, they always con same level to you. So if you're a 50 who wants to protect Atlas Park from snowmen, you can...and both get rewards for it and not spawn extras that are an unusual risk for other heroes in the zone.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



Subjective Feedback: I'll chime in my agreement with giving the "naughty" spawns the Rikti code, and giving them a small percentage of dropping candy canes.

Subjective Feedback: Next year, add a couple more "Baby New Year" missions, just to spice things up. I love the suggestion somebody up there had regarding holding a "Mission Creator" contest for best Winter Holiday themed mission, and making the top 3-5 "official" next year.

Subjective Feedback: I know this is a minor and silly thing ... but couldn't you switch the "nice" vs. "naughty" message in CoV? My villain's a baddie! He should be getting presents for being naughty, not for being nice!

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I suggest that next time you add a temp (or even permanent!) power reward to the BNY mission that would enable people to slide everywhere because being able to "skate" on the ice in that mission is the best part of the winter event. I think it's speed should be slightly faster than sprint or perhaps just use less endurance than sprint. Maybe you could also tie it into the ski slopes by making the power enable them to move much faster on already icy surfaces as well.



For a game that has gone out of its way to 'deal with farmers', the winter event turns around and requires running the same single mission about 60 times to reap the entire rewards set. That's not 'fun',it's excessive. Ditto for 100/200/whatever present collecting.

Ski slopes are fun.

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I totally agree. The Winter Event feels like "work", not "fun", because it takes so long to get the badges. I finally just stopped trying.

Lvl 50 fire/rad troller Wantonya - Infinity
Too many other alts and servers to bother counting




We want to hear your feedback on this years Winter Event.
Please use this thread to post about any bugs you have found as well as any suggestions you may have for us.

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OBJECTIVE: 1) If members of a team do not personally take the Father Time mission, they will not be able to choose a Candy Cane reward upon team mission completion in the mission is someone else's or you don't choose 'yes' to a completion of the duplicate mish if you have it. This should not even be a concern. Anyone who joins a BNY mish team should NOT have to have a BNY mish in their inventory to receive awards; this is not the case with other mishes in the game, why here?
2) Yellow arrows to gates are not detailed well. The arrows should be better aligned on the course with the gates. This causes 50/50 choices at splits wherein one path does not lead to a gate; not a good method or path system.

1) CHANGE THE DANG BABY OUT WITH A BETTER LOOKING BABY!! Not the mongoloid baby we always see. PLEASE!!! If you continue to do the BNY mishes, PLEASE fix the baby!

2) Ice skating area/pond out on the open slope areas for others to have fun on.

3) New costume item - ice skates! (to use on the new icy pond in the common Winter Event area). Make the ice skates laced-up and available for ALL pants options.

4) New costume item - Santa Jacket with fluffy fun edging and a optional SOLID fat and wide buckled belt.

5)NEW WINTER MISH (in addition to BNY mish):
The BNY mish system, although notably generic and doesn't offend anyone in particular requires replacement.

Instead, a mish that deals with CoT magically placing the 'presents' all over the other zones should be the theme; stop the CoH from creating/producing the 'snowbeast/Winter Lord' presents in the zones with a cave/tunnel mish that instead has CoT. Have the CoT 'caught' in the act of magically altering stacks of presents in the cave. At the end of the mish several of these packages can be opened by other team players, that way ALL players have to go to the caves, reducing the need for farming/grinding. Everyone gets the same rewards as this year's for mish completion, but you put presents IN the cave so that those DOING the work get to get extra presents/snowbeast/Winter Lord option in the cave. It's fairer and gives those doing the real work, more rewards.

Other than that, I have once again enjoyed the Winter Event with the exception of the ski courses; I do not have the ability to do twitch games, nor the patience to waste hours to get one silly subjective badge, if I'm lucky. I dislike the timed requirements for these mishes, though I understand your reasoning for them. I still don't like them.