Tuesday Dec 16th - Wednesday Dec 17th Outages!!




i like them...free respecs...
i13 demanded all respecs i had :/



If the respec was really needed, why wouldn't it have already been used? And if you don't really need the respec...then what the heck is the problem?

[/ QUOTE ]
Finals at school, work, and volunteer work for the first half of the month. I was looking forward to finally having some scheduled free time starting tomorrow thinking that I could do my fixes before the 21st.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters




Live Publish--December 16th 7:00 AM CST - 10:00 AM CST
All North American Live Servers and Test Servers will be brought down for a live publish. This publish is expected to last 3 hours. There are no public patch notes as this publish is for the support of COH Mac.

[/ QUOTE ]

CoX for MAC going into open beta today sometime then?
Or are we still on Soon(tm) timeframe?
I just can not wait to be able to play again.

Snixnix - Humanform Warshade
Various others.




Way to show your appreciation there guys. Merry X-mas to you too.

Devs: Merry X-mas! Here is some free stuff!

Crybaby players: Screw you Devs! I don't need this crap! Even if I did you should give me more notice! Can't believe your nerfing my playtime! Doom!

[/ QUOTE ]

You forgot the line about the fanboy going 'how DAaAaRE you' and listing reasons why everyone should kiss some backalley backside

IOW, the forums, as usual




I'm interested to know as well about the Mac client.

Any ETA on when the client is available for download since the live servers have been configured for it?

Main Hero: Kinnetix Lvl50 Fire/Kinetics Controller - Liberty
Main Villain: Caustic Frost Lvl50 Ice/Thermal Corruptor - Liberty



Wow... I can't believe there's a fuss brought up about 2 whole hours of down time. Thanks for the freespec.

T. Hayes
@The Cleansing



Wow some people will cry over everything!!
Hey thanks very much for the free stuff. Hope everyone has a nice holliday and Merry Christmas to all!



Didn't receive anything here. No free tailor session nor a respec.



Didn't receive anything here. No free tailor session nor a respec.

[/ QUOTE ]

That might be because it's not quite December 17th 8:00 AM CST - 10:00 AM CST yet...



All I see is that the Mac version is getting patched to live. I'm not a Mac user but it excites me to know that it will be live soon and with that...the Valkarie set!

I don't see what the fuss is about missing your chance to burn a freespec before a new one. If you needed to change something, I'd think you would have used it. If you didn't need/use it before the next freespec comes out, why get all bent out of shape? So now you want to go and burn your freespec on a toon(s) that apparently didn't "need" it and you'll probably screw it up and need to burn the next free one anyways...

I'm just thankful they give out a freespec in the first place. If I need it I'll use it. If I'm happy with my builds, I won't. I'll still have that freespec anyways for future use.



If the respec was really needed, why wouldn't it have already been used? And if you don't really need the respec...then what the heck is the problem?

[/ QUOTE ]
Finals at school, work, and volunteer work for the first half of the month. I was looking forward to finally having some scheduled free time starting tomorrow thinking that I could do my fixes before the 21st.

[/ QUOTE ]

blame yourself for having a life not everything goes as planned, etc, yadda yadda

2 days notice was plenty time imo.


Thanks but how about giving us the gift of letting us keep our 2 hours of playtime. I really don't need another respec and I SURELY don't need another tailor token.

Thanks for the thought though.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll second the motion... respecs are easy to get. How about giving me the time I paid for back.

[/ QUOTE ]

let me look through the couch for some loose change, I think a nickel is all that time is worth



You know, I've lost count of how many freespecs I've lost - and with 60 alts, 2/3 of which I hardly ever play, that can really add up.

I did do a respec on Burgundy Flame to swap out Hover for Air Superiority, and have to do the same for the rest of her sorority sisters as well.

(Mind you, this doesn't include the veteran's reward freespecs I have.)

And Icon tokens??? Well, All-American Teen currently has 18, and I've used plenty for her in the past two years.

I short, I don't let that part of the game bother me as much as, say, the problems with the base bug where I can't hang or move stuff right up to the west and south walls.

Global: @All-American Teen
70 toons across 11 servers.

Top hero -All-American Teen lvl 50 eng/invul Tanker (01:10 EST; 1/24/09)
Top villian -Poisoned Plum lvl 30 robots/devices Mastermind



Good lord people, here I thought this was the City of X forums and not the World of Whinecraft forums. What the hell is wrong with some of you.

I come here to get away from all the cry babies on the WoW forums and all I see are people crying over time frames of announcements. Good god some of you are pathetic.

[/ QUOTE ]

some of us are getting a little annoyed as to the way things are "forgotten" If you don't like what I say, put me on ignore.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually no, I'll just sit back and watch you blow a gasket over a game, all the while laughing till my sides hurt.

And to Snow Globe's latest response, well I'm sure the next time they want to give out a free respec they will be sure to check with you on your schedule and to make damn sure you've already used your respec from the last time before they schedule the next one. <rolls eyes>



Being told something is going to be given out on a certain date, and then having it given out on a different date is unprofessional. And yes, worthy of complaint. I know there are a lot of brown-nosers here who refuse to criticize when the devs do anything wrong, but you're only hurting yourself in the long run. If the devs don't feel that their feet are held to the fire, they're going to get even lazier.



Please dont confuse complaining with critisizing and brown nosing and gratefulness.
The devs already gave you two weeks, Your life doesnt need to revolve around the game, and you dont need to make such a huge fuss. I imagine that people who are complaining the most have played the game for sometime so they expect a certain decorum from teh devs. however if teh respec was truely that important to them, i imagine they have the inf. to buy it at WC/BM and then again if they know what to expect fromt he devs why are they acting so suprised? in review this error ont eh devs/planner part doesnt seem like anything new.
Someone earlier said "you cant please all the people all teh time". This is incredibly true when dealing with a large base of people. And was undeniable when I13 came out as masses of people complained and other masses cheered.
im gonna go back to sleep now..wait nvm servers are up



Ugg, why people pissand moan over something that is FREE!!!
I have LOTS of respecs and costume tokens, I dont whine about getting moar

Anyway, thanks devs for the free stuffs.




Thanks but how about giving us the gift of letting us keep our 2 hours of playtime. I really don't need another respec and I SURELY don't need another tailor token.

Thanks for the thought though.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll second the motion... respecs are easy to get. How about giving me the time I paid for back.

[/ QUOTE ]

You know what, I'll refund your four cents worth of time.

[/ QUOTE ]

This made my morning.



Why do people feel so entitled, like their time is SO valuable? I mean, it took me 6 minutes to microwave my frozen vegetables yesterday. They're something I paid for, why can't I have them right away, when I want them? Why does it take six minutes, plus time to cool, before I can eat them? Shouldn't I be compensated for the time it takes me to take the bag out of the freezer and heat it up?

People are funny. LOL.



Greetings Players due to the upcoming holiday breaks and our normal publishing schedule you will be seeing some service outages over the next few days that I will recap in this message.

Web Server Maintenance--December 16th 6:00 AM CST - 8:00 AM CST
All NCsoft game forums will be down for DB maintenance for this time period. The estimated down time is set for 2 hours.

Live Publish--December 16th 7:00 AM CST - 10:00 AM CST
All North American Live Servers and Test Servers will be brought down for a live publish. This publish is expected to last 3 hours. There are no public patch notes as this publish is for the support of COH Mac.

Live Publish--December 17th 8:00 AM CST - 10:00 AM CST
This outage is to grant Holiday gift from NCsoft to all City of Heroes active subscribers of Freespec and Tailor Token.

Discuss or ask questions about this announcement here!

[/ QUOTE ]

As an fyi, this morning's maintenance also included a hotfix to address the XP Loss issue that was affecting some customers.

This was applied to the Training Room yesterday, and fast-tracked to the Live servers this morning. Our Customer Support department has dealt with all lost XP reported.

The XP Loss hotfix information was withheld from Ex Libris' post until we could perform some post-hotfix deployment checks and perform several hours of monitoring of the Support Ticket queue.

We have not received any new reports of XP loss since this morning's maintenance.




Thanks but how about giving us the gift of letting us keep our 2 hours of playtime. I really don't need another respec and I SURELY don't need another tailor token.

Thanks for the thought though.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll second the motion... respecs are easy to get. How about giving me the time I paid for back.

[/ QUOTE ]

You know what, I'll refund your four cents worth of time.

[/ QUOTE ]

This made my morning.

[/ QUOTE ]

I just did the math and its 2 cents an hour that we pay to play ($15 / 30 days / 24 hours = .020833333333333333333333)

now if you were compensated for those 2 hours (that we lose every week or so due to maintenance any way) and while were at it lets compensate you for the 8 hours of sleep you need and since you cant play the game while your at school or work like 90% of the population earth we'll give you a refund on that too. so how much does this cost the company to be nice to you? our insanity. multiply that by all the subscribers in the game (we have to be fair now) and you have world filed with stupid people. so you see they have to be a little sane to be nice to us Merry Christmas Mr Grintch

Bonnie and her bunny
Arc ID: 59406

The Trash Came Back
Arc ID: 350303



And to Snow Globe's latest response, well I'm sure the next time they want to give out a free respec they will be sure to check with you on your schedule and to make damn sure you've already used your respec from the last time before they schedule the next one. <rolls eyes>

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, I suspect Snow Globe would just like to be able to rely on statements by NCNC's head designer. If that statement turned out to be a mistake, and Ex Libris had followed up a day or so later with "Oops, Posi was wrong, the freespec grant will take place earlier than that, and we won't be able to give much warning before it happens so you should use them now", people could have adapted.

But instead, on the 5th, we were told "don't worry, no rush, you have until the 21st". And that's the information we had until the 15th, when we were told "You have until the morning of the 17th".

Is it the worst thing to happen in game? Nope. But does that mean that we should ignore everything Posi has to say in the future? If he says "this will happen" we should assume it's the same as if I said it?

Maybe it's time to stop granting freespecs and start granting respecs. Do away with the artifical distinction between granted and given respecs. Let all respecs be done with just /respec. Nobody's complaining about the lack of knowledge of the icon tokens, because they stack, so it makes no difference when they are granted.

But please don't dismiss it all about "whiners" and "hey, it's free". We were told by the lead designer, whose statements should be most reliable, "This is what will happen". And it didn't happen. And we weren't told it wouldn't happen until the last minute. That's not good for the game.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



And to Snow Globe's latest response, well I'm sure the next time they want to give out a free respec they will be sure to check with you on your schedule and to make damn sure you've already used your respec from the last time before they schedule the next one. <rolls eyes>

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, I suspect Snow Globe would just like to be able to rely on statements by NCNC's head designer. If that statement turned out to be a mistake, and Ex Libris had followed up a day or so later with "Oops, Posi was wrong, the freespec grant will take place earlier than that, and we won't be able to give much warning before it happens so you should use them now", people could have adapted.

But instead, on the 5th, we were told "don't worry, no rush, you have until the 21st". And that's the information we had until the 15th, when we were told "You have until the morning of the 17th".

Is it the worst thing to happen in game? Nope. But does that mean that we should ignore everything Posi has to say in the future? If he says "this will happen" we should assume it's the same as if I said it?


But please don't dismiss it all about "whiners" and "hey, it's free". We were told by the lead designer, whose statements should be most reliable, "This is what will happen". And it didn't happen. And we weren't told it wouldn't happen until the last minute. That's not good for the game.

[/ QUOTE ]
This is exactly what is bothering me. I haven't made any over the top statements in this thread and I have done my best to remain neutral and stick to the facts. When asked why would someone not use the earlier freespec right away, I answered why I didn't: Things kept me from playing the game mostly, and seeing that I was told by the lead developer that I had till a specific date I took him at his word.

I planned my actions based on Positron's statements. Those statements were not made 6 months to a year in advance, rather they were made two weeks ago.

Yet it seems that I'm being laughed at, labeled as a whiner, mocked, being told that I'm ungrateful, and that I seem to be lacking Christmas Spirit. I have two things to say to these people:

* You might want to look up the terms irony and hypocrite. Instead of trying to insult/belittle/accuse me of lacking Christmas Spirit, you could have demonstrated an ounce of charity instead.

* Some of the posters that have gone out of their way to demonstrate their ill feelings at my statements are now on my ignore list.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Being told something is going to be given out on a certain date, and then having it given out on a different date is unprofessional. And yes, worthy of complaint. I know there are a lot of brown-nosers here who refuse to criticize when the devs do anything wrong, but you're only hurting yourself in the long run. If the devs don't feel that their feet are held to the fire, they're going to get even lazier.

[/ QUOTE ]I agree with this, and would like to add:

Currently I rate Arcanaville and a number of other posters as more reliable sources of information than Positron. Which is odd considering that as the lead developer you'd think that his information is the source. However this incident along with several others (like nerfs not showing up in patch notes after Positron assured us that would no longer happen) has led me to downgrade Positron's word to "semi-reliable."

As is usual with any source of information that is only semi-reliable, similar information must come from another source before said information will be considered accurate and credible enough to be acted upon.



Thanks for the freespec Ex!



Slot a couple enhancements into flight and swift. That should reduce your transit times....

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