Tuesday Dec 16th - Wednesday Dec 17th Outages!!




Live Publish--December 17th 8:00 AM CST - 10:00 AM CST
This outage is to grant Holiday gift from NCsoft to all City of Heroes active subscribers of Freespec and Tailor Token.

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Wasn't the freespec to happen AFTER the 21st?

<a href="/showflat.php?Number=12723565" target="_blank">Official post</a>:
Right now, Issue 13: Power and Responsibility is live on all servers. There are lots of new things to do and try out, so get out there and explore the new Day Jobs, Pact Leveling, Shield and Pain Domination powersets, and more! We’ve made a ton of changes to powers, so a Free Respec has been granted to all characters. I know we didn’t give much notice on this Freespec, so to make up for that, and in the spirit of the season, another free respec will be given out before the end of December. Remember, these don’t stack, so if you want to take advantage of both, you need to use the one you have currently before we issue the next one sometime after Dec. 21st.

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Last line.

Again, we get (less than) two days notice of a change in the granting of respecs. Can you please tell whoever is throwing darts at the calendar that they need to pay a tiny bit of attention to previous announcements?

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Seriously, this is getting a little old. Also, how about making these announcements like in the AM instead of 5 minutes to 9 when east coasters are playing and not reading the forums. I just see this now, not even on the front page anymore, the only reason I found out was because there was a patch so I came looking for patch notes. Had this been posted at a reasonable time yesterday, I could have done my respecs last night.



Good lord people, here I thought this was the City of X forums and not the World of Whinecraft forums. What the hell is wrong with some of you.

I come here to get away from all the cry babies on the WoW forums and all I see are people crying over time frames of announcements. Good god some of you are pathetic.




Thanks but how about giving us the gift of letting us keep our 2 hours of playtime. I really don't need another respec and I SURELY don't need another tailor token.

Thanks for the thought though.

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I'll second the motion... respecs are easy to get. How about giving me the time I paid for back.



Thank you Devs! Cant wait to see what the in game thingy is!

this game freaking ROCKS!

Happy (neuter politically correct holiday cheer)!

ahh heck with it - Merry christmas!



Good lord people, here I thought this was the City of X forums and not the World of Whinecraft forums. What the hell is wrong with some of you.

I come here to get away from all the cry babies on the WoW forums and all I see are people crying over time frames of announcements. Good god some of you are pathetic.

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some of us are getting a little annoyed as to the way things are "forgotten" If you don't like what I say, put me on ignore.



Oh for Petes sake..its just a game!
Go on a date!
Take the significant other out for dinner or a movie..
Spend time with family or OFF-LINE friends..
The world goes on!



Oh for Petes sake..its just a game!
Go on a date!
Take the significant other out for dinner or a movie..
Spend time with family or OFF-LINE friends..
The world goes on!

[/ QUOTE ]

Its 10AM here, most people dont go on "Dates" right now..



The issue most players have with the limited time frame of the announcements is that they don't want to "lose" a respec. Players that have gotten attached to a particular alt for 4 years are down to buying a respec recipe, buying a respec, or waiting for a free respec from the Dev team. Players that know they are limited on options like to keep a free respec around in case they can afford a new super build or a power changes.

If you have a free respec banked and know another one is coming you can use your banked respec with confidence that if you are unsatisfied you can undo the changes in short order. With little notice of the grants a lot of players cannot make use of their banked respec and for the most part miss out on a free respec.

My understanding was the second grant was planned to in part make up for this scenario the first time. Now with another round of short notice some players will miss out on 2 respec's in a row. I think it's completely understandable that dedicated players feel slighted by this.

Of course if we could bank more than one free respec there wouldn't be an issue, bu that's a discussion for another thread.

Poisonous Ice 50 Ice/Rad
Icy Jax 50 Ice/SS
Jaxon Penn 50 Shield/Mace
Cpt Clax 50 Thugs/Dark
Lady BlackIce 50 Dark/Cold
Lady Black Ice 50 Dark/Ice
Bella Jax 50 Storm/Sonic
Operative Jax 50 SoA
Level 50 Trick Arrow Alts
Level 50 Claws Scrappers



Thanks Ex and NCSoft, for the additional freespec. I know this was to make up for the 1 hour notice on the last one as I13 went live. Because I have not even used that one yet, I will take this latest one in the spirit of the season, and say thanks.

To be totally honest, since I13 went live, I have done 1 ITF, and thats it as far as playing goes, all my other time since has been in the Base editor....yes I'm playing City of Architect (in my real job I pretty much do the Architects work for them so why not actually design in CoH) and having fun figuring out neat crap to do with stacking =)



Oh for Petes sake..its just a game!
Go on a date!
Take the significant other out for dinner or a movie..

[/ QUOTE ]

My SO lives 2 hours of flight and 3 hours of car ride away. We're gonna need a longer maintenance.

Character index




Way to show your appreciation there guys. Merry X-mas to you too.

Devs: Merry X-mas! Here is some free stuff!

Crybaby players: Screw you Devs! I don't need this crap! Even if I did you should give me more notice! Can't believe your nerfing my playtime! Doom!

[/ QUOTE ]

I really enjoyed this, it made me laugh. Thanks Jacobi

If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

~Mary Engelbreit



Oh for Petes sake..its just a game!
Go on a date!
Take the significant other out for dinner or a movie..
Spend time with family or OFF-LINE friends..
The world goes on!

[/ QUOTE ]

Its 10AM here, most people dont go on "Dates" right now..

[/ QUOTE ]

You... could be recovering from one! (Must have been SOME DATE!)

I usually get my CoX fix first thing in the morning before having to slog off to work. This time, I was like, "Oh good, sleep late," and toddled back to bed. I'll use my freespec later when I get home.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Post deleted by Jacobi_Law



I usually get my CoX fix first thing in the morning

[/ QUOTE ]


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Some turns of phrase are just too good to pass up, Jacobi. I had to do it.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



HA HA! :-)

Good attitudes peoples :-)



Remember devs:

You can please some of the people all of the time.
You can please all of the people some of the time.
But you can't please all of the people all of the time.
My take on Abe Lincoln's quote "You can fool some of the people"

Happy Holidays! Ho! Ho! Ho!

There is always a lot to be thankful for, if you take the time to look. For example, I'm sitting here thinking how nice it is that wrinkles don't hurt. ~Author Unknown




We realize that Positron set an expectation, however this was done without consultation of our publishing schedule. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

Unfortunately this is the only date before next year we can grant this gift.



[/ QUOTE ]

I think you should wait until the new year then, because seriously, it's too soon. If we can't take Positron's word as "law" then what can we?



I was thinking of replying to some of the sad whining but, its just not worth it... lol, I just can't help but laugh.

Thanks Dev's, if I loose it I loose it. I can always just earn another... wait, that sounds too much like common sense, wrong thread.

If its broke, don't fix it... I like the chaos!




Do I lose the ones I'm not going to be using from I13? lol.. Hey if I haven't set up my characters they way I want by now I never will.

Hey if you really want to do something for us as a gift then how about double XP, or no XP debt and no revive stun till the end of the year




Way to show your appreciation there guys. Merry X-mas to you too.

Devs: Merry X-mas! Here is some free stuff!

Crybaby players: Screw you Devs! I don't need this crap! Even if I did you should give me more notice! Can't believe your nerfing my playtime! Doom!

[/ QUOTE ]




Thanks but how about giving us the gift of letting us keep our 2 hours of playtime. I really don't need another respec and I SURELY don't need another tailor token.

Thanks for the thought though.

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I'll second the motion... respecs are easy to get. How about giving me the time I paid for back.

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You know what, I'll refund your four cents worth of time.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. --- Thomas Jefferson
Formerly known as YFNDBA



If you have a free respec banked and know another one is coming you can use your banked respec with confidence that if you are unsatisfied you can undo the changes in short order. With little notice of the grants a lot of players cannot make use of their banked respec and for the most part miss out on a free respec.

[/ QUOTE ]They've had two weeks to use the freespec they were granted...and a week (I think) since Posi announced there would be another one.

If the respec was really needed, why wouldn't it have already been used? And if you don't really need the respec...then what the heck is the problem?



I'm grateful and impressed :3

The game I came from would have never given any sort of compensation for unexpected server downtime.



With all the whining I see on the forums I would assume that these people hate the game... but they still continue playing... I wish these people would just leave the game and let the rest of us enjoy it.