Rage Against the Rikti-Squadron Registry: Virtue




Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Red-Shadow
Global Contact: @draugadan
Level of Classification: 50
Origin: Magic
Super Rank & Super Group: Mystic (Leader), Elite Mystics of the Inner Sanctum

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Schattenmaus
Global Contact: @draugadan
Level of Classification: 40
Origin: Mutant
Super Rank & Super Group: Captain (Commander), All Star Teen Sentinels

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



Name: Patty-Sue Ivanova
Global Contact: @emperorsteele
Level of Classification: 50
Origin: Mutation
Super Rank & Super Group: Leader (Main Character) in the "Heroes of Paragon City"

She's bored and wants an excuse to bust heads.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)




I'm game for this.

Name: Flea Mark Tempest
Global Contact: @The Flea
Level of Classification: 50 Scrapper
Origin: Natural
Super Rank & Super Group: I'm Flea, Savvy? - Security at Maggie's Rock

Notes: Probably still a wanted fugitive. Still a [censored]. Still an alien git who kills non-humans without giving a damn for consequences.

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



Name: Patty-Sue Ivanova
Global Contact: @emperorsteele

[/ QUOTE ]

You're Patty!!???



Time for...

some appropriate music.

Yes. Right now the big bad Flea is coming out of retirement.

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Rua Bas
Global Contact: @rua bas
Level of Classification: 50
Origin: Mutant
Super Rank & Super Group: None

"I have great faith in fools - self-confidence, my friends call it." Edgar Allan Poe



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Agent Parker
Global Contact: @tenaveran
Level of Classification: 50
Origin: Technology
Super Rank & Super Group: Director, The Technocratic Union

Agent Parker -- Mind/FF Snark Lord
Captain Hadron -- Will/TW Immovable Object
Destroyer-X -- Elec/EA SMASH
Ms Apprehension -- Ill/Rad Chaos Controller
Permanent resident of Virtue



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Agent Storm
Global Contact: @sithrose
Level of Classification: Hero of the City, Defender-Class Empath
Origin: Technology
Super Rank & Super Group: Director, The Technocratic Union

@SithRose and @Sith Rose
Permanent resident of Virtue
"Mommy, I need Cthulhu. He keeps the bad dreams away."



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Scorpion Jane
Global Contact: Inazuma
Level of Classification: 50
Origin: Natural
Super Rank & Super Group: Sisterhood of Shadows



The wind was relaxing. Each breeze softly flowing through her hair. Her eyes were closed, her mind was open. She was easily fifty stories up, floating in mid-air, seemingly without any care in the world. Quiet. Her eyes snap open just before the comm system on her belt sounds. She raises the device and stares at it. The corner of her lips slowly turns up. "Perfect."

Star Strider Forces Registry

Name: Cynthia Zarena
Global Contact: @Psi
Level of Classification: Security level 50 - Master Mentalist (aka controller)
Origin: Magic
Super Rank & Super Group: Second level commander; The Justice Guard

"The Hollows was a cover up; it was really caused by Blue Steel experimenting with Foot Stomp." - Steelclaw

<-- boy



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Burn
Global Contact: @MirageKnight
Level of Classification: SL 50 - Blaster
Origin: Mutant
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: Leader of The New Breed



-Super- groups? Call me when yah need a villian to get the job done...

<ul type="square"> Star Strider Forces Registry

Name: Exotica
Global Contact: @Ara
Level of Classification: 50 Rad/Rad Corrupter
Origin: Mutation
Rank: Idol
-Villain- Group: Jaded Angels[/list]

"Whose vertue can not be exprest, but by an Angels quill." - Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight Lo.[rd]

Made: Exotica � Phobia l Heroes of the City: Alt � American Anthem � Dakota � Freeze Frame � Noa � Una



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Jericho Stone
Global Contact:@xen10k
Level of Classification:50 DM/SR Scrapper
Super Rank &amp; Super Group:Student/Recruiter. Maggie's Rock



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Dragonberry
Global Contact: @Dragonberry
Level of Classification: Security level 50
Origin: Mutant
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: Freelance do-gooder !

no idea whats going on but like a lemming I shall follow the herd and post



Name: Patty-Sue Ivanova
Global Contact: @emperorsteele

[/ QUOTE ]

You're Patty!!???

[/ QUOTE ]




Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



"You promised me..."

It had been five years since she watched her father strap on his body armor and load his weapons. He was already seething. The cigarette that dangled on the edge of his lip burned furiously. He tried not to hear her words, to not feel guilty for what he was doing...

"God dammit you PROMISED ME!"

For a moment, her sudden snap into vulgarity yanked him out of his trance. His eyes shifted to meet her own, only to be greeted by countenance mirrored by his own. He couldn't look her in the face if he tried. She was right, he promised her...and he was going right back into what he tried to deliver her from so long ago.

He was going back to hell...

As he clambered into the idling AH-6 helicopter on a nameless airfield, a familiar voice greeted him, via headset.

"You didn't think you were going by yourself, did you? This is who you are. Who we are. Cricket is good enough to fly combat missions, been doing it for Millennium PD after school; and there's no way in hell I'm gonna let you go to the big dance stag. The family that preys together, stays together..."

Quinton smiled at his wife, the reached in the cockpit and patted Quianna on her flight helmet.

"Let's hunt..."

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Quinton Vance
Global Contact: The Mercenary
Level of Classification: 50
Origin: Natural
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: Delta Force

[yep, bringing him back. Champions Online hired the top guy from Hellgate London. I refuse to let Vance be flagshipped. This is home.]

"People who take offense to IC actions OOCly need to learn to differentiate between the two... Or change their damn meds."



This is home.

[/ QUOTE ]


"Whose vertue can not be exprest, but by an Angels quill." - Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight Lo.[rd]

Made: Exotica � Phobia l Heroes of the City: Alt � American Anthem � Dakota � Freeze Frame � Noa � Una



ah freakin' cripes, can't they give up?

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Austain Flame
Global Contact: @gila
Level of Classification: Fire/Fire/Fire blaster
Origin: Magic
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: Incognitus, Paragon Universe



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Fallen Phyre
Global Contact: @Se7enFall
Level of Classification: Level 50 Fire/EM Blaster
Origin: Magic
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: Center Society



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Turkey Lurkey
Global Contact: @Turkey Lurkey
Level of Classification: Security Level 45 MA/Regen Scrapper
Origin: Natural
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: Leader &amp; Founder, Turkey League of America




Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Agahnim Dragmire
Global Contact: @Agahnim
Level of Classification:50
Origin: Magic-Warshade
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: Paragon Universe

Agahnim- Elec/Ice Blaster

"Elec/Ice. Nice. Holy &lt;@*&$@#!&gt; =) You're like the CoH equivalent of those bdsm people who hang from the ceiling on hooks!"

Agahnim Dragmire- Warshade

"(You spin space webs. =D)"



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Xzero.
Global Contact: @X-zero
Level of Classification: 50 FM/DA Brute
Origin: Mutation
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: N/A
"Let's go kick some alien [censored] already."

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Golden Explosion
Global Contact: @X-zero
Level of Classification: 25 Energy/Energy Blaster
Origin: Science
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: N/A
"The Rikti need to be stopped."



Sure, I'll help... why not? After all, Rikti are pushovers!

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Firro Elemental
Global Contact: @Seran'el
Level of Classification: 40 Energy/Fire Brute
Origin: Magic
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: Vassal (Leader), Hellfire Keep

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Firro (same person)
Global Contact: @Seran'el
Level of Classification: 32 Fire/Thermal Corruptor
Origin: Magic
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: Vassal, Hellfire Keep



Miraxa Moonblaze, alias Maiden Mars, reporting for duty!

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Maiden Mars
Global Contact: @Lirene
Level of Classification: Level 50 Gravity/Force Fields Controller
Origin: Natural
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: Guardian, Guardians of the Golden Age



Imitation, reporting for duty.

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Imitation
Global Contact: @chrysame
Level of Classification: 50 Claws/SR scrapper
Origin: Mutation
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: Director of Intelligence: Storm, Paragon Universe