Rage Against the Rikti-Squadron Registry: Virtue




Brickstown, Paragon City...

Saadiq Night shifted down the gears of his '08 Mustang GT as he pulled into the parking lot of his apartment complex in Brickstown. Shades adjusted on the bridge of his nose, he hopped out of his car and locked it, hoisting a backpack over his shoulder as he exited the lot. He strolled casually towards the door man, giving him a nod and a brief "Hey" before walking past him and to an elevator. He tapped the button for the 12th Floor, and let out an exasperated sigh as the doors closed.

He was exhausted. From 9 to 5, Saadiq's day had been filled with board meetings, errands, gadget tweaking here-and-there, as he struggled to get his business off the ground. On top of that, he'd been interrupted several times by the local sets of Council and Freakshow causing trouble, and on occassion he had to step out, suit up, and take care of the issues, which only made his day longer. All he'd been able to think about since he got up was getting back home so he could get to work on brainstorming ideas for new inventions. But now, all he wanted was a nap.

A ding signaled to Saadiq that the elevator had reached his floor, and the doors pulled back open. He strolled out and down the hallway, to his apartment door. He ran one hand through his shoulder-long locks as the other fished in his pocket for the keys. The grooves from the key went through the tumblers of the lock, he twisted the knob, and nudging the door ajar, he entered his small spartan apartment. The bag on his shoulders hit the floor as he dove onto the couch.

"Man, feels great to be back ho--*Bzzt!**Bzzt!*"

Saadiq pulled his Justiciars comm. link from his pocket. A flashing light indicated that a message had just been received, and his thumb activated it.



Be advised. Incoming attack inevitable! Evacuation orders for all civilians. Call all available Super Powered Beings. Rikti Alien Invasion NOW!!

[/ QUOTE ]


"...Great." Without hesitation, Saadiq rose from the couch and slapped a concealed button on his wristwatch. A silver liquid substance swarmed out of it and engulfed his body, and the nanites formed a white and black costume. The nanites closed in, and a golden insignia emblazened across his chest.

"Open," he commanded, and the window in his living room opened wide. He sprinted forward into a dive, and blasted out into Paragon City.

The Oversurge had a job to do.


Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Oversurge
Global Contact: @The Oversurge
Level of Classification: 50
Origin: Science
Super Rank & Super Group: Reserve Justiciar of The Justiciars

Oversurge-Level 50 Blaster
Sentry-Man-Level 50 Tanker



Meanwhile, an ocean away...

A lone figure sits in a newly-built hall, upon an ornate chair raised one step above the room. Beneath the chair sits a large, worn stone. His eyes, framed by the fine lines of care, years, and worry, flick quickly over reports as the pages turn. Most of the content is innocuous enough.

A messenger enters and crosses the room, stopping at a respectful distance. After a few moments the throne's occupant speaks without raising his eyes from the report in his hands.

"Aye, Malcolm?"

"Your Majesty. I have an urgent message for you. It's from ... Ajax."

Steel-grey eyes fix the messenger, and the room's temperature drops a few degrees for just a moment. Then a sigh, fraught with knowledge of the trials that must follow short on the heels of this missive.

"Of course, let me see it."

*parchment crackling*

"Malcolm, please send my condolences to Her Majesty in Buckingham, as I'll no' be able to attend the summit. Make sure Parliament knows they may have t' do without me for some time as well. Alert the Blackwatch. Then reply to this for me. Tell them Royal Sovereign is at their disposal."

"Very good, my liege."

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Royal Sovereign
Global Contact: @Tyrrano
Level of Classification: Controller 43
Origin: Mutant
Super Rank & Super Group:
Patriot, "The American Legion" - Foreign Legion division



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Skylancer
Global Contact: @Wildwind
Level of Classification: 39 Energy/Energy Blaster
Origin: Science
Super Rank & Super Group: Calamity of Trouble Incorporated

Name: Kitten America
Global Contact @Wildwind
Level of Classification: 45 Claw/Reflex Scrapper
Origin: Science
Super Rank & Super Group: WMD of Trouble Incorporated

Name: The Smokemeister
Global Contact: @Wildwind
Level of Classification: 31 Dark/Dark Scrapper
Origin: Mutant
Super Rank & Super Group: Mischief of Trouble Incorporated

And quite a few others...



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Doplar Effect
Global Contact: @DestineeFable
Level of Classification: 50
Origin: Science
Super Rank & Super Group: Seeker, The Seekers

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Destinee Fable
Global Contact: @DestineeFable
Level of Classification: 50
Origin: Magic
Super Rank & Super Group: Seeker, The Seekers

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: The Tempered Flare
Global Contact: @DestineeFable
Level of Classification: 50
Origin: Mutation
Super Rank & Super Group: Seeker, The Seekers



James Calendar sat at the briefing table, gripping the edge of it with shaking hands. Just reading the notice was enough to bring back the memories of the worst year of his life. Some small, sadistic part of his mind insisted on replaying the sound Connoly's head made as it bounced across the courtyard at Portal Corp.

James had manged to climb back up after the war; Kelly had been a large part of that. She had saved his brother's life, she saved his soul. He'd finally managed to get back into school, and was on track to actually complete his junior year this time. Did he really want to risk all that for a chance at revenge?


Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: The Overlooked
Global Contact: @Protocol 9
Level of Classification: 45
Origin: Mutant
Super Rank & Super Group: Member, Young Sentinels

Captain Marks sat back after perusing his e-mail; it was about the only thing that worked in the shack that was HQ.

So they're coming back. Folks say how advanced they're 'sposed to be, but they keep sticking their snouts into the one town guaranteed to punch it in.

Time for us to get our shot in, eh Solarburn?

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Captain Freefall
Global Contact: @Protocol 9
Level of Classification: 23
Origin: Natural - Peacebringer
Super Rank & Super Group: CO, 7th Kheldian Airborne



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Resting Breeze
Global Contact: @Teikiatsu
Level of Classification: SL50
Origin: Magic
Super Rank & Super Group: Commander, The Seekers

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Midnight Lightning
Global Contact: @Teikiatsu
Level of Classification: SL50
Origin: Natural
Super Rank & Super Group: Reservist, The Seekers

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Kold Ztatik
Global Contact: @Teikiatsu
Level of Classification: SL50
Origin: Mutant
Super Rank & Super Group: Reservist, The Seekers

DestineeFable's Guide to an MSTF run (fixed!)
My latest AE madness



~hands in her pockets and a rifle slung over a shoulder she makes her way down the street humming to herself. Business had been rather slow with so many new heroes emerging everywhere one turned. She stops as she hears her com start shouting out "Emergency." A wide grin spreads across her face as she unslings her rifle and pops a clip into it before taking to the skies~

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Eva Valerius
Global Contact: @darkhawk513
Level of Classification: 50, Assault Rifle/Device Blaster
Origin: Natural
Super Group: Angry Angels 5.0


"Take that Hami!" ~She smashes a Jonny Icon action figure's foot into her green jello. She laughs and then takes a bite of the jello, her feet dangling from the too tall of a chair she is sitting in at the table.~ Hm? ~She looks over at her official Jonny Icon Emergency Alarm on the wall and listens to what it has to say. A big grin erupts and she shoves the table aside smashing it against the wall, her little wings start fluttering rapidly lifting her off the chair.~ "I cant wait to see whats happeneing out there!" ~She looks at the splintered table~ "oops. no time to worry about cleaning up now!" ~She then opens the window and flies off toward the fight, giggling the entire time and wondering if she'll see anyone she knows!~

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Star Orchid
Global Contact: @Wild-Orchid
Level of Classification: 50, Willpower/Super Strength Tanker
Origin: Science
Super Group: The Pack



Re: Confidential Message

Acknowledged, Ajax.

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name:Agent 3-X aka Chastity Blades
Global Contact: @Phantom Narrator
Level of Classification: 50 / 36
Origin: Technology
Super Rank & Super Group: Stiletto Mistress, Stiletto-Heeled Enforcers



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name:Psychotic Hatter
Global Contact: @Twib
Level of Classification: 50
Origin: Mutant
Super Rank & Super Group: Specialist Mercenary of Weapons Union

*looks up from his PDA* "Seems even Vanguard is willing to put us to work

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Claire Hanther
Global Contact: @Twib
Level of Classification: 12
Origin: Mutant
Super Rank & Super Group: No real group

Oh *bleeb* Oh *bleep*, first invasion, I do not even have a hero costume yet

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name:Operative Boris
Global Contact:@Twib
Level of Classification: >25 (ok I forgot)
Origin: Natural
Super Rank & Super Group: Mercenary of Weapons Union

Does not always detect CoH



Oh, dear... This can't be good. My team is ready to help out wherever we are needed.

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Nurse Midnight
Global Contact: @Nurse Midnight
Level of Classification: 49
Origin: Natural
Super Rank & Super Group: Legend, Young Gods of the Golden Age

Globals: @Nurse Midnight, @Red Kabuto, @Zeronos
Twitter: @NurseMidnight

Golden Age Heroes



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Kinetic Clay
Global Contact: @ROBOKiTTY
Level of Classification: 50 controller
Origin: Magic
Super Rank & Super Group: Director of The Rogue Register - Paragon Edition

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Solaris Procella
Global Contact: @ROBOKiTTY
Level of Classification: 50 controller
Origin: Mutation
Super Rank & Super Group: Chief Supervisor of The Rogue Register - Paragon Edition

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: In Caligine
Global Contact: @ROBOKiTTY
Level of Classification: 39 tanker
Origin: Mutation
Super Rank & Super Group: Chief Supervisor of The Rogue Register - Paragon Edition

I18 Hamidon raiding guide



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Justice Omega
Global Contact: @Zaied
Level of Classification: 50 Super Strength/ Invulnerability Tank
Origin: Mutant
Super Rank & Super Group: Platinum Sentinel (Leader) - United Sentinels of America

Rikti Inquistition: Unexpected. Chief Weapon: Fear and Surprise. Chief WeaponS: Fear and Surprise and Uniforms: Snappy Red. Exclamation: Profanity! Declaration: Restarting.



Someone care to explain CLEARLY what exactly it is?
Seems like it's like the first invasion? But a bunch of us weren't there back then....is it something special or it's just like the weekend invasion?

And what's the thing about giving our global? I could probably apply and bail out if i don't like it, but i hate to do that.

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX



If I had to guess? Poking around the boards, I came across the Dropship Server Challenge. But I don't know if that's it.

Without more details, I won't be able to say whether I can participate.



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Naughty Nadya
Global Contact: @Naughty Nadya
Level of Classification: 50 Corr
Origin: Science
Super Rank & Super Group: Leader & Recluse's Furies

-Virtue's First Naughty Girl-



Somewhere in the clouds above Paragon City, a red and blue streak raced through the skies toward Atlas Park. As the clouds parted, and the mighty Atlas Memorial came into view, the figure began to lose speed, until the blurr of color vanished, a red and blue clad hero in it's place.

The hero known as Sentry-Man touched down in front of City Hall, as he usually did before he began any patrol. The familiar sights of heroes gathered in the plaza brought a smile to his face, as his hand activated his GAH communicator.

"Good afternoon, everyone," he began. "This is Sentry-Man, signing on for patrol."

He made idol chatter with his friends and allies as they greeted each other over the channel. Suddenly, his communicator indicated a global broadcast. With a look of concern, he played the message.




Be advised. Incoming attack inevitable! Evacuation orders for all civilians. Call all available Super Powered Beings. Rikti Alien Invasion NOW!!

[/ QUOTE ]


Abandoning the smile from before, Sentry-Man's face now displayed a look of sheer determination behind his domino mask. The familiar red halo of energy enveloped his gloved hands, as he adjusted himself into a defiant stance.

"You Rikti never learn, do you?"

Sentry-Man was ready to defend his home.

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Sentry-Man
Global Contact: @The Oversurge
Level of Classification: 50
Origin: Natural
Super Rank & Super Group: Champion of The Golden Age Heroes

Oversurge-Level 50 Blaster
Sentry-Man-Level 50 Tanker



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Roy "HEROID" Kirby
Global Contact: @Heroid
Level of Classification: 50
Origin: Tech
Super Rank & Super Group: Leader of the Other Guys

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Blitz
Global Contact: @Heroid
Level of Classification: 24
Origin: Science
Super Rank & Super Group: Student at Maggie's Rock



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Astounding Man... though folks generally call me Ethan.
Global Conatct: @arksulli
Level of Classification: 39
Origin: Science
Super Rank & Super Group: Peon... well... something like that. Part of the Silver Guard now.

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Church Mouse
Global Contact: @arksulli
Level of Classification: 50
Origin: Mutant
Super Rank & Super Group: Last of the Dawn Treaders.



Name: Alissara
Global Contact: @Alissara
Level of Classification: 50
Origin: Science
Super Rank & Super Group: Guardian: Angry Angels 5.0

Scrappers are just like chainsaws. Somewhat hard to handle, EXTREMELY dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane.
@Alissara - an Angry Angel
The Angry Angels. When it absolutely positively has to be spanked today.



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Silver Tooth
Global Contact: @Silver Tooth
Level of Classification: 50 Rad/Rad defender
Origin: Science
Super Rank & Super Group: Leader, Moonlight Kingdom



More Rikti? I'm always game for bringing them some hurt!
*cracks knuckles*

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Moonlyte Shadow
Global Contact: @Moonlyte Shadow
Level of Classification: 50
Origin: Magic
Super Rank & Super Group: Leader, Moonlight Kingdom

Home: Virtue
Moonlyte Shadow lvl 50 dm/regen scrapper
Snowdaze lvl 50 ice/energy blaster
Lord Veovis lvl 50 bot/bub MM
Boy Molar lvl 50 SS/invuln tank
Dusk Serpent lvl 50 spines/dark scrapper



Well... Can't have the Rikti running loose.

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Doc Arcus
Global Contact: @DocGiggles Rad/Arch Defender
Level of Classification: Level 50
Origin: Science
Super Rank & Super Group: High Justiciar, The Justiciars

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Lady Amur
Global Contact: @DocGiggles
Level of Classification: Level 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Origin: Mutant
Super Rank & Super Group: Reserve Justiciar, The Justiciars

�Let there be truth, happiness, and waffles�
-Vagabond, Dark Lord & Avatar of Gnarr
The Justiciars



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Gold Vanguard
Global Contact: Star of Thade
Level of Classification: Fifty
Origin: Technology
Super Rank & Super Group: None

[RP Virtue]Psi: Bwaha. Getting the final hit with [Kick] is awesome. It's just like "*Kick Crotch* *crumple over*"



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Potence
Global Contact: @Potence
Level of Classification: Level 50 DM/Regen Scrapper
Origin: Magic