Rage Against the Rikti-Squadron Registry: Virtue




Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Countess Quark
Global Contact: @traumaunit
Level of Classification: 22 Brute
Origin: Mutant
Super Rank & Super Group: Rook, The Hellfire Group



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: WinterShock
Global Contact: @psyqyq
Level of Classification: 50-Blaster
Origin: Science
Super Rank & Super Group: Commander, The Honor Guard

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Qharon
Global Contact: @psyqyq
Level of Classification: 50-Corruptor
Origin: Magic
Super Rank & Super Group: Ionno, Ex-employees of Arachnos



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Frigid Bridgit
Global Contact: @velk
Level of Classification: 38 (Ice/Elec Blaster)
Origin: Tech (gadgets from retired hero parents)
Super Rank & Super Group: Student, Paragonian Knights - Grae Academy



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Cheeseman
Global Contact: @Cheeseman
Level of Classification: 50 Blaster
Origin: Natural
Super Rank & Super Group: Colonel, The Professionals



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Weatherby Goode
Global Contact: @Weatherby Goode
Level of Classification: Controller, Hero of the City
Origin: Magic
Super Rank & Super Group: Professor (Part Time), Paragonian Knights - The Grae Academy



"A decisive strike against the Rikti? It sounds as though Vanguard has a plan cooked up now... This is too intruguing to not get involved with. For honor and glory, I bring the fight to evil's door!"

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Maximus Leo
Global Contact: @Magus Joseph
Level of Classification: 47 (Broadsword/Invuln scrapper)
Origin: Magickal
Super Rank & Super Group: Gamma of the ASPCA: Anthromorphic Superheroes of Paragon City America


Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Mr. Tiny Tiger
Global Contact: @Magus Joseph
Level of Classification: 44 (Invuln/SuperStrength Tanker)
Origin: Science
Super Rank & Super Group: Leader of the Inhibitors

"The Rikti are indeed a grave threat to the Rikti and while a full scale war may not be the best thing to do... Something had to be done... My aid shall come like the winter's wind"

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Ether Chill
Global Contact: @Magus Joseph
Level of Classification: 37 (Ice/Storm Controller)
Origin: Magick
Super Rank & Super Group: Member of the Galacto Rangers

Virtue Roleplayer!
Skyway Bulldozer Level 50 SS/Invuln/Mace Brute
Maximus Leo Level 50 Sword/Invuln Scrapper
Mr. Tiny Tiger Level 49 Invuln/SS Tanker
Cage-Match Level 45 MA/Will Scrapper



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Alpha Neutrino
Global Contact: @Stryke Force
Level of Classification: 43 (Rad/Rad def)
Origin: Technology
Super Rank & Super Group: Member of the KGB Special Section 8

possible alt

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Frigid Vengence
Global Contact: @Stryke Force
Level of Classification: 42 (Cold/Ice def)
Origin: Natural
Super Rank & Super Group: Member of Global Co. - Out Sourcing



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Spiny Sister
Global Contact: @Von Krieger
Level of Classification: 50 (Spines/Regen Scrapper)
Origin: Science
Super Rank & Super Group: None (Anyone want to adopt a cuddly, pokey, dark elf with a Super Mario inspired spiny suit?)

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Dolphin
Level of Classification: 34 (Mind Control / Kinetics)
Origin: Science
Super Rank & Super Group: Paragon's Valiant Protectors / Longbow



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Agent Storm
Global Contact: @sithrose
Level of Classification: Hero of the City, Defender-Class Empath
Origin: Technology
Super Rank & Super Group: Director, The Technocratic Union

(Somehow my first post vanished...)

@SithRose and @Sith Rose
Permanent resident of Virtue
"Mommy, I need Cthulhu. He keeps the bad dreams away."



The Knight stood in the citadel, watching the holodisplay. All of Paragon City, and points beyond, were shown, with lights indicating areas being hit. At least the automated repair systems are keeping ahead of the damage, she thought, and smiled grimly. Using their own technology against them. How fitting.

"Boss. You should hear this."

"What is it, Night Bird?"

Her student turned on the external speakers of the monitoring station.



Be advised. Incoming attack inevitable! Evacuation orders for all civilians. Call all available Super Powered Beings. Rikti Alien Invasion NOW!!"

The silence in the control room was deafening. Night Bird turned to her mentor, her voice hushed.

"What does it mean? What's going on?"

The Knight took a deep breath. "It's the final push. The Lineage of War has expended most of it's resources in these prolonged strikes against Paragon and the Rogue Isles. If we can beat them now, we can put an end to their major assaults for good."

She narrowed her eyes and turned back to the holodisplay. "But they know this. That will make them desperate. They'll hit us with everything they can. We have to force them back."

She strapped the reinforced boots and gloves on over her nanoweave suit, and secured the Impervium combat belt around her waist. "Stay here. Monitor the situation, and tell the others. MegaGirl, WildFox, Swiftwing, we'll need everyone we can muster."

"Oh no. No no, I'm coming wi-"

"NO." She held up a finger, warning against any further argument. Relaxing her posture after a moment, she stepped forward and rested her gauntleted hands on the younger woman's shoulders. "Look. I know you want to help. I know you want a part in this, but you can't. Not this time. Everything rides on this. Everything. If something goes wrong, then someone has to survive to continue the battle. Do you understand? You're the next in line."

She turned from her student and put on the reinforced cowl. The recievers in the earpieces picked up and filtered every channel she would need. The smartcloth cape trailed over her shoulders and back and down to the floor.

She was ready. The Hawk Knight turned and spoke to her student one last time.

"I'm counting on you, Night Bird."

She strode to the telepads.

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Hawk Knight
Global Contact: @Modern Myth
Level of Classification: SecLev 50 Martial Artist/Reflex/Weapon Master
Origin: Natural
Super Rank & Super Group: Founder and Leader of the New Crusaders

"Ooo! A little fight in you! I like that..."

"Then you're going to love me."



/e eyes the message marked "7High Priority."

/e glances to the photo attached to the case...

/e grunts, and taps out a short reply:

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>You have my sword.

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Shane Heward
Global Contact: @Night Ouul
Level of Classification: 49
Origin: Natural
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: No affiliation.</pre><hr />



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Hawk's Scream
Global Contact: @HawksScream
Level of Classification: 48 Blaster
Origin: Natural
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: Leader, The Aerie

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Canadiens
Global Contact: @HawksScream
Level of Classification: 33 Blaster (That's 33 levels of elec/elec awesome!!!)
Origin: Natural
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: No rank, free agent



The lads and I will stand against any invasion. These aliens need to get the message that this planet, this dimension, does not welcome their presence.
Bring the noise!

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Agent Flatline
Global Contact: @SaintTzu
Level of Classification: 50 Mastermind
Origin: Magic
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: Director, Even Inc.

[/ QUOTE ]



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Lord of Thieves
Global Contact: @Grazel
Level of Classification: 50 Stalker Energy/Energy
Origin: Technology
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: Headmaster of The Statavus Home for Wayward Boys



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Rev. Sorrow
Global Contact: @Sudbury33
Level of Classification: 36 thugs/posion mm
Origin: Natural
Super Rank &amp; Super Group. Commander in Chief, Arachnos Special operation



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Seraphimel
Global Contact: @El D
Level of Classification: 50 Fire/Fire Scrapper
Origin: Natural
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: N/A - Freelance Hero

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Holiday Archer
Global Contact: @Elisenda
Level of Classification: Security Level 21 Device Archer
Origin: Natural
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: Dragones



I will help you Defend this planet from these invaders and then we will work on Star Defense Platforms to be put into space and they will defend this world from any other Attacks.
Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Adaptoid
Global Contact: @Qnor Hive
Level of Classification: 32 Tanker
Origin: Technology
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: Cold Front
(P.S. What do you mean by Super Rank?)



A threat to Earth is a threat to my People.

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Tribal Claw
Global Contact: @Tribal Claw
Level of Classification: 50
Origin: Mutant
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: Big Cheese, The Knights' of Paragon



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Schreodinger's Cat
Global Contact: @Spectrum Lord
Level of Classification: 26
Origin: Science
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: none

The aliens are stranger than humans and smell very bad. They mark the isles as if they own them. These are my hunting grounds, not theirs.



Name: ManMECH
Global: @polarzen
Level: 40
Origin: Technology
VG: The Machines of War

Bah, one disgusting organic is just as bad as another....however, they do possess some technology I would like to look at. Consider our immdiate goals to be on the same page.



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Seismic Starchild
Global Contact: @DeathSentry
Level of Classification: Level 50 Controller
Origin: Mutant
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: Lantern-Elite - The Emerald Order

Arc: 378122 "Tales of the Terran Space Marines -The Apocalypse Initiative" 5stars!
Arc: 481545 "Twilight of the Gods - The Praetorian conflict"8000+ hits!



The D was busy as usual and Devin, also as usual, sat in his spot on the rail sipping what had to be his 10th cup of coffee. All morning he had heard the murmurs and conversations about the broadcast that Ajax had sent out regarding the Rikti and the call for able bodies.

As he sipped his coffee, Devin idly played with his old Longbow dag tags that dangled from his chain. "All able bodies huh?" Devin mumbled to himself as his eyes continued to scann the bar. "Well then, guess its time to sign back up to fight the good fight."

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Devin Wilson.
Global Contact: @Lquidcourage
Level of Classification: Lev 38 Merc/ Dark MM
Origin: Tech
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: Merc