Rage Against the Rikti-Squadron Registry: Virtue




I am not doing the FEMA paperwork for this!

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Psychosus
Global Contact: @Psychosus
Level of Classification: Security Level 50
Origin: Magic
Super Rank & Super Group: None.

Defenders do it with protection.
Blasters do it from behind.
Tankers do it with a group.
Controllers do it with restraints.
Scrappers do it with a death wish.



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Blade Wielder
Global Contact: @Mr. Trilby
Level of Classification: 50 DB/WP Scrapper
Origin: Tech
Super Rank & Super Group: Leader & SVA Inc.



Ok add me to the list of people who would like a clearer explaination.



Star Strider Forces Registry

Name: GoldDragonNinja
Global Contact: @The Alt-oholic
Level of Classification: 50
Origin: Natural
Super Rank & Super Group: Project Manager, H.E.L. Laboratories

allied (alien-fighting) alts

Name: Ninjette
Level of Classification: 20
Origin: Technology
Super Rank & Super Group: Project Manager, H.E.L. Laboratories

Name: Torque Master
Level of Classification: 25
Origin: Science
Super Rank & Super Group: Project Manager, H.E.L. Laboratories

Name: Scream Maiden
Level of Classification: 38
Origin: Mutation
Super Rank & Super Group: unaffiliated

Name: Sweat Dorgan
Level of Classification: 16
Origin: Science
Super Rank & Super Group: Project Manager, H.E.L. Laboratories

Name: Kara DZ
Level of Classification: 13
Origin: Natural
Super Rank & Super Group: unaffiliated

Name: Aquarial
Level of Classification: 14
Origin: Science
Super Rank & Super Group: Project Manager, H.E.L. Laboratories

Name: Armor Ace
Level of Classification: 21
Origin: Technology
Super Rank & Super Group: Project Manager, H.E.L. Laboratories



Ok add me to the list of people who would like a clearer explaination.

[/ QUOTE ]



((No idea what your talking about and the lack of any kind of time frame is particularly irksome but anyway.))

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Zambo
Global Contact: @Inquizitor
Level of Classification: 50
Origin: Magic
Super Rank & Super Group: XO/ Order of the Blue Crecent

The amazing Zambo always stands ready to assist the public!



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Agent Munin
Global Contact: @Pheonyx
Level of Classification: Security Level 22 Blaster
Origin: Natural
Super Rank & Super Group: Warder, The Saviours Of Tomorrow

The Cape Radio

"It's good to have friends. Wish I did." - Troy Hickman



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Irish Rose.
Global Contact:@trimutive
Level of Classification: L50 SS/WP Tank
Super Rank & Super Group: Nyte High Councel -- Midnyte Society



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Shattering Star
Global Contact: @Leiter
Level of Classification: 21 Blaster
Origin: Science
Super Rank & Super Group: Survivor, STS-51-L

The Sixth Column

"Good company and good discourse are the very sinews of virtue."
Izaak Walton



Star Strider forces Registry
Name: BattleChain
Global Contact: @FireWyvern
Level of Classification: 50
Origin: Technologie
Super Rank & Super Group:Employee, The Rogue Register

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Kegan
Global Contact: @Kegan
Level of Classification: 50 (Kat/Reg Scrapper)
Origin: MAGIC
Super Rank & Super Group: LUMINARY (Leader), ANGRY ANGELS

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Kurai Musha
Global Contact: @Kegan
Level of Classification: 50 (Fire/Fire Corrupter)
Origin: MAGIC
Super Rank & Super Group: Forsaken - JADED ANGELS



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Arachnos Commander
Global Contact: @Arachnos Commander
Level of Classification: Threat Level 50, Mastermind
Origin: Natural
Super Rank & Super Group: Command Leader, Arachnos Elite

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Vanguard Commander
Global Contact: @Arachnos Commander
evel of Classification: Threat Level 50, Stalker
Origin: Natural
Super Rank & Super Group: Commander, Vanguard Elite

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Kerse
Global Contact: @Arachnos Commander
Level of Classification: Security Level 50, Tank
Origin: Magic
Super Rank & Super Group: Command Lead, Code Dread

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Calamity Cassie
Global Contact: @Calamity Cassie
Level of Classification: 50 Brute
Origin: Mutant
Super Rank & Super Group: Face puncher of Dark Hearts~

I would like to issue a plea on behalf of Paragon's diminutive protectors, please watch where you step. We're four feet tall in a six foot tall world, we've been cast adrift in a sea of butts. -Pillbug





Be advised. Incoming attack inevitable! Evacuation orders for all civilians. Call all available Super Powered Beings. Rikti Alien Invasion NOW!!

Star Strider Forces Registry
Global Contact:
Level of Classification:
Super Rank & Super Group:

[/ QUOTE ]

The message had stirred disquiting feelings within the otherwise easygoing ursine. Inside the gardner's shack he puts away the implements of his chosen trade and takes up those of his chosen duty. Memories flood his thoughts with the long months of torment he withstood at the hands of the Rikti scientists as they performed thier experiments. They had sought to take Earth's fauna and twist it into a weapon of war to be used against against the many meta beings thier scouts had reported. The experiments had turned a number of animals into twisted humanoid versions of themselves, to enable them to use Rikti weaponry. But in spite of thier best attempts they could not override the beats' instincts, and they could all sense the danger these beings represented. The captives rebelled and were summarily discharged from the ship that held them during the experiments. The fall from the extreme altitude had taken seemingly forever, with air currents scattering the beasts due to size and weight. To this day, Panda has not seen any of his fellow would be Rikti super soldiers, and to his knowledge is the only one to have survived the ordeal.

He now exits the shack and takes a defiant stance as he looks toward the heavens.
"Let them come!"

.Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Panda Monium
Global Contact:@Clobbertime
Level of Classification: 50
Origin: Science
Super Rank & Super Group: Groundskeeper of Maggie's Rock

Bishop stares at the message on the screen long after having read it. He remembers the first time the Rikti invaded. He and members of his medical unit, including his fiance, were in Paragon City to attend a joint military seminar on the role of metas in the armed forces. When the invasion started those of his unit combined with others attending the seminar and set triage and MASH centers throughout the city to aid those combatting the invaders. Then Statesman makes his glorious entrance, to the collective cheers of the citizenry. Cheers that soon turned to screams as the greatest of heroes exhibited his stupidity by sending no less than 3 of the massive ships crashing into the city before finally realizing that an object knocked out of the sky over a city will fall into the city. One of the vessels crashed near the MASH center his unit had established, killing hundreds, including his fiance, and leaving thousands of others to wither from effects of radiation poisoning for years to come when it's power core ruptured and flooded the area with massive levels of radiation. He survived, aided by the healing abilities he was born with when they reacted to the influx by furthing altering his genetic makeup, leaving him now able to generate and control several typs of radiation in addition the abilities he was born with. He has sworn vengeance on all those who conspired to take from him the only thing that had given his life meaning, the woman he loved. Statesman, the Rikti, and Nemesis. All will feel his wrath.

The message is intriguing inasmuch that the Rikti have indeed already invaded again since that day. Smaller and more disorganized, and now only in scattered areas. Could this merely be some delayed broadcast, lost in time from the Rikti homeworld or perhaps a harbinger of a new, perhaps global, campain being readied? Whichever, it matters not. When they come they will find him standing ready to dispense with his own form of justice for thier actions.

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: The Bishop of Battle
Global Contact:@Clobbertime
Level of Classification: 50
Origin: Mutant
Super Rank & Super Group: His Imminence founder and leader of The Majestics.



Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Belle Barium
Global Contact: @Kyuu
Level of Classification: Lev. 50 - Trick Arrow/Sonic Defender
Origin: Technology
Super Rank & Super Group: Acting Second in Command of the Association of Associated Scientific Associates of Science




Is there a minimum security level to sign up?



Just another voice being added to the rabble:

What're we signing up for?



I'm lost. What's the point of this? Obviously it's related to the Rikti invasions this weekend but... well, and?

I'm lost.



Ok add me to the list of people who would like a clearer explaination.

[/ QUOTE ]

Pick one:

1. We're mindless lemmings. To prove a wager between a Ex Libris and some new intern, this is a a small social experiment to see how many will sign a list provided without explanation.

2. We're enthusiastic and creative fans of a really flexible (thematically) MMO environment. Knowing this and knowing it's been some time since an issue release, this is Ex's way of providing us an avenue to re-explore our characters via reactive response -and- get tah meet other fun-loving big kids.

3. It's an illusion. This thread does not exist. You are not who you think you are. Soon [tm], all will be revealed either with two possible outcomes: /resubscribe or /unsubscribe. There can be only one. In addition, Statesman is returning and the number of his post count is 6.. 6.. i13. Yes.. I am typing to type right about now.. you forget, I play villains mostly and don't care about heroes getting actual answers.. muahahaha.

4. YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH. Sign up, peas. <3


<ul type="square"> -------PS: In addition to my scrapper, ------

Star Strider Forces Registry

Name: American Anthem
Global Contact: @Ara
Level of Classification: 50, Emp/Arch
Origin: Natural
Super Rank: Luminary
Super Group: The Angry Angels[/list]



Posting for a friend:

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Golden Storm
Global Contact: @Mink
Level of Classification: 50
Origin: Magic
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: Angry Angels 5.0

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Final Kiss
Global Contact: @Mink
Level of Classification: 50 Stalker
Origin: Natural
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: Jaded Angels

"The Hollows was a cover up; it was really caused by Blue Steel experimenting with Foot Stomp." - Steelclaw

<-- boy



What's all this about, then? How many times do I have to slap those Rikti around before they just give up? I mean, I've got giant spiny biting eyeballs to fight here!

*sigh* Oh well. Arblis, reporting for duty.
Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Arblis
Global Contact: @MooCow
Level of Classification: 50 / Tanker
Origin: SCIENCE!
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: Whiny non-officer of the League of Misfits. Or maybe they've finally kicked me out. Who knows?



Rikti Helping Forces Registry
Name: Rik'ti
Global Contact: @ObviouslyFakeGlobal
Level of Classification: 50 / petless-MM
Origin: Science
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: "Super Commander" of "The Great Rikti Empire"

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX



ah what the hell.

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: The 13th Magnus
Global Contact: @Hyperflux
Level of Classification: 24 Troller
Origin: Magic
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: None



Dang it. Why won't those blasted Rikti leave us alone?!?!

Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Killowatt
Global Contact: @Killo
Level of Classification: Level 50 Blaster
Origin: Tech
Super Rank &amp; Super Group: Prodigy of Knowledge of the Superdudes



Forming a drop ship unit for fun, Thursday 20th - 8 pm EST for heroes. Sign ups and details on seperate thread [link here]. On the spot sign-ups welcome.