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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    <3 DM

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [/ QUOTE ]

    I concur.
  2. Potence

    The Head Shop...

    Come on in and check out the goods!

    Add the single digits of your Reged Date together for your *special number*, then add that to the *special number* in the post above yours.

    12/08/06= 1+2+0+8+0+6=17

    Add-i-tion. Easy. Right?


  3. What on earth are you doing way down here.

    Still here!
  4. Siphon Life is the Disembowl of Dark Melee.

    That heals you and is available at level 8.

    Get it.
  5. How this bug is not fixed yet is beyond me.

    The very foundation of this game is our heroes.
    When we no longer want to read others bios to see background because a huge wall of text kicks us in the nads, theyve just removed a bunch of creativity from our perspectives.

    Give it to us with MA, but take our bios away?

    WHY isnt this fixed yet?
  6. Star Strider Forces Registry
    Name: Potence
    Global Contact: @Potence
    Level of Classification: Level 50 DM/Regen Scrapper
    Origin: Magic
  7. Potence

    The Kudos Thread

    Thanks for making my dream of being a hero come true, at least in an online world.

    For being a great dev team and sticking to your standards and vision, I applaud you.

    Back to the game!