Character descriptions are now all one paragraph.
I hear you. I removed mine as a result and now will be less likely to read other descriptions since most of them have become walls of text.
Too bad. I hope it gets fixed soon.
Yeah, it's definitely a bug. I find it very annoying too. Hopefully we'll see a fix soon.
If you already have a perfectly good description in place then whatever you do DON'T open your ID window. If you need to look at your bio then type "/info" when you don't actually have anything targeted. The moment you open your ID window your description will become a wall of text.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
If you already have a perfectly good description in place then whatever you do DON'T open your ID window. If you need to look at your bio then type "/info" when you don't actually have anything targeted. The moment you open your ID window your description will become a wall of text.
Opening the ID tag puts you at the point of no return. There is currently no way to fix it at that point.
How this bug is not fixed yet is beyond me.
The very foundation of this game is our heroes.
When we no longer want to read others bios to see background because a huge wall of text kicks us in the nads, theyve just removed a bunch of creativity from our perspectives.
Give it to us with MA, but take our bios away?
WHY isnt this fixed yet?
i found this out today i created a new widow as i just finally unlocked VEATs Thursday night and when i went back into it to try and space some of it out with the spacebar it deleted everything past a certain point which left none of the bio i had come up with which really upset me and for the first time in four years of playing i filed a bug report
Bringing this back to page one because this bug really needs to be fixed.
And in my experience, its a more than just a wall of text problem - I've also experienced a problem where it doesn't stop me from typing when I get to the character limit, so the end of my biographies on new toons look like this:
"She has since embraced her role as a superhero and decid"
I know a lot of people don't use the biography feature - I couldn't tell you how many times I've come across a really cool looking character with a very clever name only to find they have no bio - but I write one for every one of my toons, so to me having a bug that screws up my biographies is almost as bad as if capes suddenly started hanging down the front of my characters instead of the back.
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
This problem is part of MA as well. All custom critter descriptions must be contigious as well. If you place a return, it barks for invalid characters in the description.
Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion
"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."
If you already have a perfectly good description in place then whatever you do DON'T open your ID window.
[/ QUOTE ]
This would be great information if it was in the damned patch notes. Before this became widespread news, I had to look it up on Google to figure out what the hell was happening with my character biographies. How has this not been fixed yet? If the developers can be arsed to fix the myriad SG base errors, why not this?
Back to the top with you.
Has anyone sent a /petition about this problem? Maybe that would get some action? Who knows, it might be worth trying that!
Try my 3 MArcs: I.D.#67166:Protect the Artifacts!! I.D.#97724:Level-Up Time. I.D.#243803:Witch War! Salem vs. Croatoa!
Also discussed here.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
How many places are you going to bump it? There are a bunch of threads about this. Are you going to bump them all? WE (the players) already know about it. All WE can do is send in a /bug report, which most of us probably already have.
All WE can do is send in a /bug report, which most of us probably already have.
[/ QUOTE ]
My question is "has anyone /bugged this and gotten any sort of answer back yet about it being fixed?"
My support reply was "We have received reports of this happening and Quality Assurance has confirmed it and made the Development Team aware. The responsibility is theirs to make any changes from here on out...."
In other words, "we know it's broken. Fixing it? Welllllll...dunno."
(And I'm not bashing Customer Support -- unlike other games I've played, I find that here they reply with answers in a timely fashion! Unfortunately, it seems the dev team hadn't made this answer available yet.)
"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner
30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04
This bug makes me very sad.
The Bacon Compels You.
What on earth are you doing way down here.
Still here!
My question is "has anyone /bugged this and gotten any sort of answer back yet about it being fixed?"
My support reply was "We have received reports of this happening and Quality Assurance has confirmed it and made the Development Team aware. The responsibility is theirs to make any changes from here on out...."
[/ QUOTE ]
My response back was:
"Thank you for contacting the The City of Heroes/Villains Support Team. The Development Team is currently working on a resolution for this issue. Once a fix has been completed and tested, it will be made available in a future patch to the live servers."
Not specific, but hopeful.
This bug makes me very sad.
[/ QUOTE ]
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
This bug takes place in chat windows, bio's, and MA. I hope they are working on it.
To me, this is the most distressing bug currently in the game.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
To me, this is the most distressing bug currently in the game.
[/ QUOTE ]

off subject
oh god, is that the real boxxy.....
off subject
oh god, is that the real boxxy.....
[/ QUOTE ]
Was wondering the same thing...heh
Global: @Midnight Blues
"How can you master, when you have not failed?"
off subject
oh god, is that the real boxxy.....
[/ QUOTE ]
Was wondering the same thing...heh
[/ QUOTE ]
The name given in the account is bbs real name, but the account was created in March this year which is long after bb got famous. So its a hundred to one its just a boxxy fan.
BTW Isn't it against the EULA to give a fake name?
EDIT: This game has three bugs: The bio bug, that customizing chat bubbles has stopped working, and that pets can't speak in /local anymore. Anything else is small change.
US: @Gearheader (EU: @Gearhead EU)
Thank you! thank you! thank you! Castle or Posi or BAB or whoever at Paragon Studios restored the abilities of pets to talk and emote!
I've asked people around the server, multiple times on multiple days. I thought maybe it's a temporary bug. I don't quite know. Here is what I just asked about 5 minutes ago.
[PinnBadges]Craftermath: Does anyone elses experience the problem where you can't go to the next line when typing your character description? It's all one paragraph? It shows me going down a line as I'm typing it, but not when I look my description after I'm done.
[PinnBadges]Sun-Fyre: i do craft, same problem
[PinnBadges]Sun-Fyre: its that way on all my toons
[PinnBadges]Flame Enchantress: yeah it screwed up my bio
[/ QUOTE ]
It's terribly annoying. A *Sample* bio that looks like this: [ QUOTE ]
ts not easy being a superhero. Oh sure, theres the fame, the applause, the prestige. But at the end of the day, all Garbage Guy really cares about is that someone took out the trash.
Garbage Guy showed an early aptitude for clutter control. It started with him taking out the kitchen trash first by request, then just because he wanted to. Soon he was emptying every trash can in the house on a daily basis. It was just a matter of time before his almost mythical ability to restore order where chaos once reigned would elevate him to superhero status.
Now Garbage Guy helps dozens of worthy citizens fight the good fight against the invasive power of junk. Glamorous work? Not really. But for Garbage Guy, his customers relief after mastering their mess is all the glory he needs.
[/ QUOTE ]
Is now one single paragraph. I personally find it terribly annoying. I don't want to point priority over the lag/chat text bug thing, but it has "attacked" the descriptions of superheroes and villains.
I didn't see this in any of the other threads in this forum and I don't know why it hasn't been mentioned before. I've seen it all over the game and that means I'm not the only one who is experiencing it and <br> won't work drop us down the page like I can do in the Mission architect feature either.
Now imagine everything I've just typed in this post as one single paragraph. That is what we're seeing on City of Heroes right now when you look at someone's description. Large blocks of text. It's fine and dandy, pre-issue 14 descriptions until you go to edit it. That's when it becomes ruined.