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Beyond the society where it was dick around with lesser used powers, most RPvP i've seen was "pick OP AT and sets, keep character development to a minimum, all and every conflict must be set in the arena." *cough* mandate *cough*. Needless to say it IS hard to find a fun spot, even then one hurt feeling can turn that fun spot into dust.
It is, Insurgency mod already ruins my eyes by calling for hyper sensitivity, last thing i need is bright red text on dull blue.
Quote:I can vouch for this, back on sentinels when i played wow, alot of the people on there just came to the server so they didn't have to deal with tards, sure the rpers were pretentious and snobby "you can't rp in this spot, i icly own it, i got ignore as my police force" but it was a well mixed community in the end even if i hate the server.
Strangely, RP tags on other games, are often a maturity filter. People who do not RP will gravitate to an RP server, just because they tend to be more peaceful, more mature and feature a lot less l33ter rubbish. -
We got an unofficial one, whats the point? Sides' it keeps grifers away cause a shiny "Rp server" tag put up by NCsoft can be a magnet.
Quote:Rumor has it, all kinds of awesome RP exists outside the D. No psychic barrier warning labels necessary.
The moral of this thread is: those who Mary Sue should just be given a gentle pat on the head - and then you can return to regularly scheduled programming.
Now if you get Count Logan'd, then my advice is find a thesaurus and beat him at his own game. If you construct a decent sentence using the words alacrity, vociferous and "in situ", he'll generally leave you alone.
Don't sweat him calling you soppy apeth, he does that to everyone, even those clearly worth more than a half penny.
I get called filthy lizard then blackmailed, what do i do!? -
Quote:I love that on my ooc tags, my best was my bi-form peacebringer "no erp, who wants to sleep with some multi tentacled t- you know never mind i asked.."Most of the time in my bio stuff, if I have something in there, it's a parody of other such themes. There used to be a mention in Liz' bio about "To pyschics - you see yourself in the midst of a tryst with a 15th century gargoyle. Pervert." Similar reasoning.
I like poking fun at stuff. People take stuff too seriously sometimes. -
I often play alot of characters who have jackS**t for mental defense, but if i EVER get captain psi skeleton key, i make it a giant puzzle, you know how dreams are often metaphorical layers? imagine that.
Captainpsiknowitall: Probes the lizard's mind, trying to find out all exploitable information on his past
Captainpsiknowsitall-->: you see mental images of a swingset, Seattle school, a sign called mulberry road and some emotions of plutaonic love, then remorse and regret; and there's a clock.
They got what they wanted, it's immersive, and hell...fun if they figure it out! -
this is what? the count's first case of murder?
It depends on age, Gila, Agilo and Austain are ten shades of immortal because i love them enough to get them to 50 and develop them, and because i know i'd regret it later when i wanna play em. My alts however i feel could fall off a cliff and i'd remake their concept, but under a different character.
I never had that in drama class in highschool....though i did learn stage fighting and summoning emotions.
Half the wasps unsubscribed to go play butterflies online after the queen put in the new stinger mechanics patch... though i can't blame them, travel suppression is one thing, BUT I WANT MY REGEN BACK
PvP seems kinda dead if three people in a single zone stirs up a whole hive of people looking for something to do.
Quote:no really, come back...i'm in champs these days but we miss you.If you tolerate the occasional moron who tries to cut you down for roleplaying, I highly reocommend talking in character randomly from time to time. If you are in front of an NPC, say something to them in character - or have your character mutter to themselves or comment their surroundings, or have them acknowledge the mission out loud when they are picking up a new mission.
It doesn't always work, but so often it does. It tends to bring RP out of the woodwork, even if it just a few sentences worth before they go off and destroy another evil plot.
Also I test about every PUG I stumble into for RP, and if I see character descriptions on any of the team members, I start roleplaying immediately. I always wait for "down times" to RP. Usually when someone goes AFK, or the party is reassembling (picking up new members, or deciding next mission) is the perfect time.
Anyway, it works for me, so I thought I pass the advice along. -
Quote:I'd like CO's naming setup better if it using names of items or gear wasnt considered invalid.
IE: My Pistol-Kata character 'Dune Rattler' can't have that name, because theres a piece of crap gear in the desert called 'Rattler'. I can't even have the WORD Rattler in my name. Regardless of the Dune in front.
Well, i couldn't use the term "skeet shooting" in my nemesis' description, shooting plates is bad yo. -
Quote:,...When did you get back?! WHERE DID YOU GO!?I like what CO has done with names, I dislike just about everything else about CO, and I am deeply saddened about how that game turned out.
I think CO is going against the grain with naming though. Really, I think the future not only will ensure names are unique, I think server shards will become a thing of the past (except for large regional shards like Europe v. America). Server shards will be virtual in the decade ahead, which will mean many things. Mostly it will mean you will have some control over which ones you wish to join for a session, or even create your own shard and invite others to play in it for a session - eventually holding some shards open like the way a bot holds open a channel in IRC.
I think this means names will likely be global to the game as a whole, not just a server. I also think "premium names" for which you pay a small fee to obtain and reserve are on their way. I say this because the micro-pay, commodity market in ORPGs is looming on the horizon and I think some key names people might actually a buck or two to obtain them. EA in particular is investing a lot in this kind of thing, and we'll see much more of it in the years ahead.
Gamers express outrage at this, but they are so often the ones (like me) who shell out far too much money for something as clumsy and trivial as the Magic booster pack. -
Quote:"Everyone will be nerfed until IT IS FUN!"
Don't forget smashing your head into the wall repeatedly trying to get the low spawn rate quest mobs, while surrounded by griefers and other campers. I loved a developer's response to the issue of a very early quest that was impossible to complete because of this: "go to another instance or go do another quest." People harassing your quest mobs? "Go to another instance or go do another quest." Actually able to complete your quest? "Well that's no fun!"
Accually that reminds me, about griefers, they. are. everywhere
There is a small rp community and rp in public is a pain due to people spamming /e dance, throwing homoerotic slurs around, etc. Not once have i been able to go into club caprice without Wowtards doing there thing (see: mis-spelling pro-nouns and having an IQ lower than their shoe size). and i've been convinced to break my golden rule on ignore, where only if i know i'll never see the person again...currently half the community is on it. There's a rumor that SG bases and player housing is coming near October which will be nothing short of a godsend for the rp community, as for finding SGs, they're there; but very xenophobic.
What i've seen (and a little i'll admit...) is really less send a tell or post a small bio in tells, but more "go to our fourms and get to know everything pretty well first and we'll evaluate you, expect a mail in a week. I dunno why this is policy, but it's a turn off.
Now as for why i'm still playing? i payed 65 bucks to follow friends, and i'll enjoy what little i can out of it and wait for the game to tank, which at this rate, i'm sure it will. -