lol wut l33t spek on vIrtoo?




So after playing on Virtue for a few days I have realized that all the roleplayers seem to have a complex for having perfect grammar. So my question is this, why are all the virtue players English Majors? lurn 2 not /B anol!

K Thx Bai



Tip to all Virtue players:

Ignore this thread entirely and just positive rep PoS

He'll be annoyed

"Kickblast: Known as the first to die, last to die, and one to die every time in between." -Sun Splitter



as a long term Vitruian I can honestly say that you have noooo Idea how bad my Grammer can git esp, after a few rum and cokes.



Originally Posted by PhoenixOfSyrinx View Post
So after playing on Virtue for a few days I have realized that all the roleplayers seem to have a complex for having perfect grammar. So my question is this, why are all the virtue players English Majors? lurn 2 not /B anol!
Because, generally speaking, proper grammar is an indication of your level of intelligence. I don't want to roleplay with a moron. No offense.

I am a grammar princess, and thusly piss off people when I correct them. Doesn't bother me in the slightest, because I am a shameless intellectual snob. Suck it. HA!

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Originally Posted by PhoenixOfSyrinx View Post
So after playing on Virtue for a few days I have realized that all the roleplayers seem to have a complex for having perfect grammar. So my question is this, why are all the virtue players English Majors? lurn 2 not /B anol!
I don't expect perfect grammar, but I do expect people to at least try. Using l33t doesn't make a person look cool. They just look lazy and/or stupid. Shorting words makes sense when you are texting, but you have a full easy-to-use keyboard in front of you. Use it. It will help when you get out into the real world. Using l33t in company emails will cost you a raise, promotions, and possibly your very job, if you can get hired in the first place. Any application I get that is filled out in l33t goes straight to the rejects.

�Let there be truth, happiness, and waffles�
-Vagabond, Dark Lord & Avatar of Gnarr
The Justiciars



Originally Posted by DocArcus View Post
I don't expect perfect grammar, but I do expect people to at least try. Using l33t doesn't make a person look cool. They just look lazy and/or stupid. Shorting words makes sense when you are texting, but you have a full easy-to-use keyboard in front of you. Use it. It will help when you get out into the real world. Using l33t in company emails will cost you a raise, promotions, and possibly your very job, if you can get hired in the first place. Any application I get that is filled out in l33t goes straight to the rejects.
That makes me sad if someone ACTUALLY put in applications for things in 1337.

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Yeah, the Freakshow have really tightened their hiring practices. Nowadays, it's not just enough to have more hardware than a mechanic.

You actually need to follow the set procedures.

"It's c4ll3d t3h 3mpl0ym3nt fr4m3w0rk n00b."

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Originally Posted by DocArcus View Post
Who-ho-ho-hoa there, broseph. This is a joke thread. Couldn't you tell?

Honestly. People need to turn their "serious business" switches down or something.



Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
That makes me sad if someone ACTUALLY put in applications for things in 1337.
What really boggles my mind is when someone uses text-esque abbreviations in speech. I was walking through a store a couple months back, and I actually heard someone say "btw." Now, it wasn't the fact that they used an abbreviation that intrigued me, so much as it was the fact that they used that particular abbreviation, which takes longer to say than the "long" form.

(Incidentally, I have the same reaction to the use of "GSW" instead of "gunshot wound" in medical dramas. Stop wasting time with those two extra syllables -- or one, if you're a "dubya"-er -- while the patient's trying to bleed out on us!)

Major James Ashe



Mainly because l33t speak is a dying internet meme circa 2001.
Get with the times man.

Reasons to not associate with those that use 'Elite' Speak
1. This would become our future!

2. It's often times far easier to just use the proper spelling/syntax. Thus, it gives the impression that your trying to hard to be 'cool' a given sign that you of course are not.

3. Willingness to just sit back and accept it makes the normal people think it's acceptable behavior, when in fact, it's not.

4. The urge to deteriorate into a rage filled scream fest of "Grow up you moron" insults.

tl&dr version.
'Elite' speak is a fad that has been played out, much like the 'Rickroll' and as such should be ignored by the mass population.
Those of you who still use this in everyday communication can enjoy the fact that your still a minority. Only now, everyone understands 'Wut uR sayn'
So you go right ahead and keep on truckin, just don't expect any sympathy from those of us that actually went to school.

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Originally Posted by Major James Ashe View Post
What really boggles my mind is when someone uses text-esque abbreviations in speech. I was walking through a store a couple months back, and I actually heard someone say "btw." Now, it wasn't the fact that they used an abbreviation that intrigued me, so much as it was the fact that they used that particular abbreviation, which takes longer to say than the "long" form.

(Incidentally, I have the same reaction to the use of "GSW" instead of "gunshot wound" in medical dramas. Stop wasting time with those two extra syllables -- or one, if you're a "dubya"-er -- while the patient's trying to bleed out on us!)
The shortening of phrases into letters doesn't bug me...cause I do that. It's not from gaming but from texting and the like. I use it for emphasizing purposes.

Its kind if like in the 90s when everyone put "yo'" after everything or shoved in a "like" between each word. I imagine the BTW, FML, and OMG in speech will stick around. But that is just my prediction.

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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
That makes me sad if someone ACTUALLY put in applications for things in 1337.
I wish I could say that I don't see it very often, but I would have to say that at least 25% of the applications I get use l33t.

�Let there be truth, happiness, and waffles�
-Vagabond, Dark Lord & Avatar of Gnarr
The Justiciars



Originally Posted by DocArcus View Post
I wish I could say that I don't see it very often, but I would have to say that at least 25% of the applications I get use l33t.
Ugh. But can we really expect much more when the generations graduating high school right now think that a "C" grade average at a CRAPPY school is good enough?

Sad face.

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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
Ugh. But can we really expect much more when the generations graduating high school right now think that a "C" grade average at a CRAPPY school is good enough?

Sad face.
((Hey! Don't underestimate those dumb, slacker C-average students! One of them just left the White House at the beginning of this year!))



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
((Hey! Don't underestimate those dumb, slacker C-average students! One of them just left the White House at the beginning of this year!))
LOL. My point exactly....sad face x 1902412038109238

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Originally Posted by Alkaiser View Post
Who-ho-ho-hoa there, broseph. This is a joke thread. Couldn't you tell?

Honestly. People need to turn their "serious business" switches down or something.
Ok, someone got it. It still surprises me to see people jump on a thread and tear it a new one when it was intended as a joke.

K Thx Bai



Bah that's silly, I've met plenty of folks try to speak l33t. Then again it was mostly oocly and joking, RPing is more for tangible speeches and the sort.



Originally Posted by PhoenixOfSyrinx View Post
Ok, someone got it. It still surprises me to see people jump on a thread and tear it a new one when it was intended as a joke.
Plenty of people got it.

Heck, Sorah's response made me laugh.

"Kickblast: Known as the first to die, last to die, and one to die every time in between." -Sun Splitter



Originally Posted by Sentai_KB View Post
Tip to all Virtue players:

Ignore this thread entirely and just positive rep PoS

He'll be annoyed




Th3 pr0b is th4t typ1ng 1n l337sp34k c4n 4ctu4lly +4k3 m04r 3ff0r+ th4n ju$+ +yp1|\|g no|2/\/\4|_, 4|\||) 1+ h3lp$ \/\/|-|3|\| |2P-1ng 2 b cl34r @$ p0s$1|3Le

Not to mention stuff can get out of hand.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by Sentai_KB View Post
Tip to all Virtue players:

Ignore this thread entirely and just positive rep PoS

He'll be annoyed
That's an unfortunate acronym.



Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
The shortening of phrases into letters doesn't bug me...cause I do that. It's not from gaming but from texting and the like.
I dislike it. Being concise in 160 characters or less doesn't mean you need to shave letters. It just means you need to be parsimonious and brilliant with your words.

On the other hand, I do appreciate clever uses of 1337.



Because tightly wound players feel if they pick apart typos enough, they'll have some kind of tangible intelligence and not be just pretentious.



Maybe they are roleplaying a human/machine synthetic human from an alternate timeline where leet-like speak has become THE primary way of communication as it is about one step up from binary.

It really hurts your head to type like that all the time. :P

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and affirm that it is fitting
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