Discussion: Issue 13: Architect




It all sounds great -- I'm thinking both Shield/SS and MA/Shields as options for alts. Possibly even a Pain Domination villain.

But... conspicuously absent from this announcement is any mention of further powerset proliferation. Does that mean there simply won't be any this time? I hope that's not the case, since the talk leading up to the Issue 12 release definitely made it sound like proliferation would be an every-issue type of thing.



I am blown away by the prospects offered with this new expansion. Take your time, it will be well worth the wait!

Finally, we can design our OWN "Cathedral of Pain" Trial, and sympathize with the Devs if we can't get it to work!

Seriously, though, this is the most exciting news since CoH itself.

Now, if you would just phase out that silly four-second Travel Power Suppresion after every attack, we'll be fully back on the right track again!


If we can save this game, I promise I will never complain about Travel Power Suppression again! You have my word on it!
"The customer is always right."



Also, since most of my alts are supposed to be working in Pocket D will there be rewards for logging out there?

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On Test, I've got a character that's still in the old Paragon Dance Party. I've got another that has been standing on the roof of the Storm Palace for years now.

I think my villains will be fighting for a weather forecaster job. Today's outlook: sunny. Tomorrow, sunny. 10 day forecast: sunny! Sunrise and sunset times never change. Even the moon phase stays the same! Now that's my kind of work!



I'd love to read the announcement, but while the official forums aren't blocked at work,the CoX website is.

@Oroborous and @Oroborous2
Avatar by HeroPortraitStudios
From the Groundhog Day Attempt at Citadel: GM, "There's no badge for breaking a TF."



I have the same problem, biomechanic. However. The LJ comm, city_of_heroes has a link with a copy of the announcement.

I am restraining myself from dancing at my desk. This sounds AWESOME.

Currently playing:
The Domestic: Broom/WP
Shadowhex: Dark Control/Dark Affinity
Defenestration Lass: Grav/Kin

"See, this is what happens when you have to shove all this stuff into your pockets: it's easy to misplace a suborbital warhead." -Arcanaville, on how crowded our power trays are getting lately



I find the name Pain Domination very awesome.
Control over pain to help self and allies and hopefully debuff the snot out of others. Sounds very sweet.
Shields... very awesome.

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I agree that Pain Domination is an awesome name, but I thought we Dominators were getting a new set. Sadly, I have to vote to change the name to avoid confusion (unless Dominators can get Pistol Corruption just to annot the Corrupters ).

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Yeah... I do agree with this. There's so many other means to describe Domination without using the word "Domination."

Sore Supremacy or maybe Aching Ascendancy? eh ... minor grumble but only because I'm a Dominator.



Okay, this day job thing? Isn't that basically rewarding us for NOT playing the game?

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Shields! Yay!

All sounds AWESOME!


Psi-Fist -- Emp/Psi Defender -- Guardian
Lunaries -- Mind/Emp Controller -- Guardian
Betsy Blast -- Energy/Electricity Blaster -- Guardian
Xiang Xu -- Martial Arts/Super Reflexes Scrapper -- Guardian



I bet the power included with the Cyborg bonus pack is the transform to Freak Boss permanent temp power. Not complaining, just it would make perfect sense.

Want better looking NPCs Contacts? Check out this NPC Contact/Trainer/Etc Revision Thread and Index
Remember: Guns don't kill people; Meerkats kill people.



Okay, this day job thing? Isn't that basically rewarding us for NOT playing the game?

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Sure, don't play as much as you want as long as you throw in your 15 bucks.

This is going to be awesome...I'm definitley going to be rock the mission designer ASAP!

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.



I am going to give this game so much of my money. I will subscribe forever. *le sigh* I love you, devs.



Can we get an exchange rate from PVP Bounty to Merits?
Show PVP some love even if it 100:1




and maybe blasters get shields as second pool? eh? eh?



Nice looking issue. Little disappointed about the lack of a pistols power-set. Ah well, can't have everything.

Love to have a bit more information on the Cyborg booster, though

It's 106 miles to Grandville, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing faceless helmets

... Hit it ...



OMG this looks awesome! I'm so excited about this update. I'm curious what these merits are used for though.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Shields Finally and pain domination. That in itself is enough for me. (we've been waiting on shields for over three years pistols can wait a bit longer )

The create your own story arcs is just icing on the cake. This will be Glorious



First off, I apologize for the rant-part of this post. This is something that I eagerly await for several varying character concepts I have in mental storage:

Personally I'd like to know when Blasters, Defenders, and Corruptors are going to get a Dual Pistols attack tree. The framework for it is already existant in the game, both as NPC attacks (Malta Gunslingers, or Lady Jane of the Dawn Patrol), and the basics of the tree are available to Thug MMs (who almost never use them). But a "modernized, gadgeteer-type" cowboy Hero or Villain wouldn't be caught dead thematically running with a bunch of street thugs...

Giving Scrappers, Stalkers (thank you), Brutes and Tankers Shields is great... but aside from the gives in Powerset Proliferation, Corruptors, Blasters, and Defenders have gotten no love lately.

Again, I apologize for the ranting. If anyone can direct me to where to properly post an idea I had for setting up a new powerset, I would be deeply appreciative.



Kinda weird how Patron respec is mentioned in the bottom and bases aren't mentioned at all. Aside from Mission Creator, these were my favorite upcoming features. Yes, higher than shields. Maybe I'm just weird.

Of course we didn't know about "day job" yet.

And merit system sounds interesting... wonder if it will be patterned after Vanguard stuff?



Okay, this day job thing? Isn't that basically rewarding us for NOT playing the game?

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Well nobody can play 24/7 so what's the big deal? You aren't getting anything for when you can't play now so there's no way on earth this can be seen as anything but a positive. *shrugs*



First off, I apologize for the rant-part of this post. This is something that I eagerly await for several varying character concepts I have in mental storage:

Personally I'd like to know when Blasters, Defenders, and Corruptors are going to get a Dual Pistols attack tree. The framework for it is already existant in the game, both as NPC attacks (Malta Gunslingers, or Lady Jane of the Dawn Patrol), and the basics of the tree are available to Thug MMs (who almost never use them). But a "modernized, gadgeteer-type" cowboy Hero or Villain wouldn't be caught dead thematically running with a bunch of street thugs...

Giving Scrappers, Stalkers (thank you), Brutes and Tankers Shields is great... but aside from the gives in Powerset Proliferation, Corruptors, Blasters, and Defenders have gotten no love lately.

Again, I apologize for the ranting. If anyone can direct me to where to properly post an idea I had for setting up a new powerset, I would be deeply appreciative.

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Suggestions forum is a few areas down. Best place for it.

"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges
http://GuardianForce.Guildportal.com - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?



Hmm, The dayjob thing sounds interesting, though I have a feeling it will stop counting time on a particular logoff after a set period, maybe ten hours, so an inactive alt can't be a neurosurgeon at level one just by being forgotten. (similar to how the inns work in WoW).

Interestingly enough, I find many of my toons do have particular locations they call home... The Feigns go to the Midnighter's library to log out, Shekinah and Praetorian Grey go to Ouroboros, Rhiannah and Baduro go to the Pocket D... It all works out pretty well.

Shields have always been a little meh for me, though it will be interesting how they will stop them from working with Dual Blades.

I'm already rocking the base editor even using the archaic ritual that is Magic Desks. (Though it feels like making stuff out of spare parts in a cave.) So I will be VERY happy to get a base upgrade. And the mission editor should also be a gigantic timesink of fun and happiness. (No matter basic the system is starting out, I will make the Willworld arcs EPIC... using spare parts in a cave.)

All that is planned fails. All that is born dies.
All that is built crumbles. This will always be true.

But memories remain, And that is beautiful.



Merit System is very very exciting!

Queen of the Amazons, WP/DB
Sound Judgement Son/Son
Cobra Lily Plant/Kin
Celestia, FF/Psy
Nefertiri, Storm/Elec
Pixie, Ill/Rad
Guardian Server



I have to say, the devs are really starting to raise the bar when it comes to issues. This is like the third issue in a row now where I'm like "Wow this is the best issue yet". The devs just keep on topping themselves issue after issue and I'm loving it.

On a side note, will there be any sort of experience points rewarded for completing the player made missions? I'd be fine with something like half of normal experience when in player created missions.

On another side note, fingers crossed for a new mm PRIMARY in issue 14. Thanks for the Pain Domination, looks cool, but I'm really itching to play a new MELEE mm.

[url="http://data.jsonline.com/sports/favre/"]Need some Favre info?[/url]

[url="http://www.packersnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/frontpage"]Some news maybe?[/url]

[url="http://www.packers.com/"]Packers stuff.[/url]



First off, I apologize for the rant-part of this post. This is something that I eagerly await for several varying character concepts I have in mental storage:

Personally I'd like to know when Blasters, Defenders, and Corruptors are going to get a Dual Pistols attack tree. The framework for it is already existant in the game, both as NPC attacks (Malta Gunslingers, or Lady Jane of the Dawn Patrol), and the basics of the tree are available to Thug MMs (who almost never use them). But a "modernized, gadgeteer-type" cowboy Hero or Villain wouldn't be caught dead thematically running with a bunch of street thugs...

Giving Scrappers, Stalkers (thank you), Brutes and Tankers Shields is great... but aside from the gives in Powerset Proliferation, Corruptors, Blasters, and Defenders have gotten no love lately.

Again, I apologize for the ranting. If anyone can direct me to where to properly post an idea I had for setting up a new powerset, I would be deeply appreciative.

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Suggestions forum is a few areas down. Best place for it.

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Thnx much, PlasmaStream