
  • Posts

  • Joined

  1. What are your in-game Globals?:

    What characters do you have on Freedom?:
    EM/SR Stalker
    Sonic/Em & Psi Blasters
    Ice/Em Doms

    Are you willing to respec into a PvP build?:
    Define PVP Build...?

    Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?:

    Briefly describe your PvP experience:
    Been PVPing since I4.
    Been in multiple leagues and Test PVP.
    Can call targets.
  2. This made me giggle. People still pvp in this game.
  3. Yea we had a great turn out last night for being the first night. I want to thank everyone again for coming out, We ran at least four different matches from basic 8v8 to 5v5v5v5 and ended the night with a 20+ person Swiss Draw Tourney. I will try to get more PVP IOs for next week, Might end the night with a 3 Man Swiss Draw Tourney.
  4. Tonight on Freedom Kickball has returned, So get those Heroes/Villains ready for Monday Night Kickball!!! Kickoff is at 10pm Est in Pocket D. Come out for your chance at those awesome PVP IOs.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    when are you thinking of running this?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Soon as I see enough interested people.
  6. It has become apparent that organized PVP in general has been very lax as of late and needs a push in the right direction. I propose that a new “Live” 5 Vs 5 League be formed on Freedom. The main purpose of this league is to rebuild the Arena PVP community in an organized fashion. I would like to get a census of how many individuals or groups (consisting of 7-9 people) would be interested. The plan is to use rules similar to how the previous ladders have been run on Infinity and Test (DR on, Heal Decay off, Travel Suppression Off). More details to come as soon I get a feel for who all is interested and also anyone interesting with this is more then welcome.

    Organized COX Arena PVP must live.
  7. UPDATE:
    @BleakJ (Leader)
    @Kevin-, @quiet-, @supersede (Contact)
    @EnD-Reitanna (Contact)
    @iniquitos @KlLLSPREE
    @Rass1 ,@Chen

    @Cyclo, @iCyclo
  8. DOA challenges PE and Renegades. Lets get some matches going.
  9. DOA accepts rules and is gonna throw our hands in the ring.
    Challenge coming soon and roster located : Roster
  10. We accept the rules of the test ladder.
    We will be issuing a ladder entry challenge with in two weeks.
    Test Globals - Subject to change.

    @BleakJ (Leader)
    @Kevin-, @quiet-, @supersede (Contact)
    @EnD-Reitanna (Contact)
    @iniquitos @KlLLSPREE
    @Rass1 ,@Chen
  11. Falling on deaf ears. Just wait for a new game based on COX pvp pre i13 but better
  12. [ QUOTE ]

    4) Yes, various PPP's now have access to FA.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Soooooo Good
    Doms? O.o
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    If you have other guys that need a new home I am sure Spec and Raz can find a place for ya. You guys did real good gratz on your accomplishments. Hope to see some of you on Renegade Vent.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I know some of the newer groups struggling to stay in the ladder would probably appreciate having a chance to grab those guys.

    more talent dispersion = more pvp.

    just sayin.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I agree with this.

    Depending on how many rosters are bloated (if they're bloated), maybe there's an opportunity to create another team here. Dark Res and LOLVirtue have dropped recently even though Dark Res hadn't been active for a long time.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  14. Cleaned up list

    Test Globals - Subject to change and will be confirmed before waiting period is over.

    @BleakJ, @teh Mik - Leader/Contact
    @Fue, @Fue2
    @Max the Ninja,@New Age Terminator,@Shozi2,@Max4(Contact)
    @poison control,@poison control1
    @ Total Decimation ( eligible 09/15/08 )
    @elephant gun
    @Wasp Bane; @Wasp Bane II
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Test Globals - Subject to change and will be confirmed before waiting period is over:

    @BleakJ, @teh Mik - Leader/Contact


    @Max the Ninja(Contact)
    @New Age Terminator(Contact)
    @Max4 (Contact)
    @poison control
    @poison control1

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Adding @ Total Decimation ( eligible 09/15/08 )

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Adding @HP
    Adding @Wasp Bane; @Wasp Bane II
  16. [ QUOTE ]

    Test Globals - Subject to change and will be confirmed before waiting period is over:

    @BleakJ, @teh Mik - Leader/Contact


    @Max the Ninja(Contact)
    @New Age Terminator(Contact)
    @Max4 (Contact)
    @poison control
    @poison control1

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Adding @ Total Decimation ( eligible 09/15/08 )
  17. We accept the rules of the villain test ladder.
    We will be issuing a ladder entry challenge once our two week waiting period is up for some our members.

    Test Globals - Subject to change and will be confirmed before waiting period is over:

    @BleakJ, @teh Mik - Leader/Contact


    @Max the Ninja(Contact)
    @New Age Terminator(Contact)
    @Max4 (Contact)
    @poison control
    @poison control1
  18. Can we get an exchange rate from PVP Bounty to Merits?
    Show PVP some love even if it 100:1
  19. Hmm so this means new power sets too right?
    I do remember the Dev team saying new sets in I10, something like a new set for each AT?
    I can't wait!!!
  20. Now this is what I am taking about great post.
  21. Global: @BleakJ
    Gender: Male
    Age: 21
    Location: Dumfries,VA
    Height: 6'1"
    SG Affiliation: FOTM Killers,STFUB,Hells Army
    Most Recognizable Server Toon: Bleak Justice
  22. Well Im just waiting for the Ice Tanks to get over looked and go live in this broken state. My Ice tank is the only Hero I have played for about 8 months so I will give the Dev team until the end of this week to give more a response then "we are still looking into Ice Tanks" or do another global villian nerf. With all the Hard numbers that we have gotten on our sheilds and that they already know because they progammed it.It should not be this big of a problem.Im not gonna renew my account if im not gonna have fun.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Once, twice, three times the thank yous.

    For a place. For the acc changes. And for the shout out to me.

    The Acc changes are nice... but they're only a start, as they also leave some issues still in place that I'd like to see addressed (specifically regarding accuracy) - each of which are strongly exacerbated by the changes on test:

    1) Swarms (both regular and Devouring Swarms) need either a lower Accuracy, a lower rate of attack, or quite possibly both. They're a pet/underling. And yet, because of Taunt Aura's and Punchvoke they will stick on a Tanker like glue, and not let up in a most unrelenting fashion. They need to be reigned in big time.

    This is a huge issue for DEF only since they have no way of naturally toning down the damage leaving either Tough or Health as the only ways out. This is more an issue for younger Ice Tankers. Chilling Embrace's Slow doesn't much cut into their attack rate, but its what attracts them, and yet you can't exactly turn it off, since you need it on to help protect you from other things around you.

    2) Auto-hit aura's on AVs have got to go (e.g., the Envoy of Shadows). Without anything sitting behind DEF, these powers basically negate any defenses for an Ice Tanker leaving them soft and squishy. Again the only real way to help with them is Health.

    3) Mobs that can buff each other's Accuracy or debuff DEF seem to have strong abilities in this area. Devouring Earth Quartz Beacons are a great example, as they seem to impart at least +100% Accuracy to other DE. I did notice that the length of time that Nemesis Vengeance lasts seems to be shorter on Test server right now, which is a big boon here. More changes like this need to come.

    4) Base PvP Accuracy is 75%. This means that from the get-go an Ice Tankers Defenses are nullified come I5. Not to mention that 1 Accuracy Enhancer will cap that Accuracy for a non-AoE power. Weapon draw sets get +5% Accuracy. The prevalence of BuildUp, Aim, Focused Accuracy, etc. A DEF based melee set is utterly crippled in PvP. It'd be nice to know if this is going to be addressed somehow.


    Now I'd like to dive to other Ice Tanker issues. Many of which were covered in my PM to you, but I'd like to see them answered publically.

    For starters... currently on the Test Server Ice Tankers look like this (base values):

    Frozen Armor: 15% DEF Smash/Lethal, 30% RES Cold, 10% RES Fire
    Wet Ice: negligible DEF, 30% RES Cold
    Glacial Armor: 15% DEF Energy/Negative, 30% RES Cold
    Energy Absorption: negligible DEF
    Permafrost: 20% RES Cold, 10% RES Fire
    Hoarfrost: 20% RES Toxic

    Max slotted for DEF/RES as appropriate that leaves us at:

    33% DEF Smash/Lethal
    33% DEF Energy/Negative
    134% RES Cold (90% RES Cold w/out Permafrost)
    32% RES Fire (10% RES Fire w/out Permafrost)
    20% RES Toxic (due to slotting concerns Hoarfrost doesn't get slotted for RES by 99% of people who have it)

    So based on this I have a number of questions:

    0) Why were Ice Tankers, who were clearly on the bottom of the Tanker barrel to begin with, having been on par with Invuln Scrappers defensively, hit so hard for this Issue?

    1) Was the Slow Resistance fixed on Wet Ice? The patch note only mentions fixing it for Energy Absorption, and yet on live Wet Ice has the same bug.

    2) Why is Wet Ice no longer offering a measurable amount of DEF? Is this intentional? If not, what can we expect here in the future in the way of DEF?

    3) Question (2) but sub "Wet Ice" with "Energy Absorption"?

    4) Is this the face of Ice Tankers going forward defensively? You've put us into a range defensively where we're only maginally better than an SR Scrapper (our base DEFs are slightly higher, but their DEF is total coverage, whereas ours is not). And when they pop Elude they end up with a much higher DEF than our totals.

    This means our defenses are down in the low end of Scrapper range for I5, and yet we are not being subsequently provided with a compensation for this - Scrappers get their damage, what do we get as Ice Tankers?

    5) Can you please! please! please! do something with Permafrost? It just sits there, and because its highly redundant with the RES in our other Armors it ends up not being taken by a large majority of Ice Tankers.

    There are two things I could see you doing here:

    a) Remove Permafrost completely, then either replace it with something new and exciting, and attractive, OR slide the powers that come after it down one tier (Icicles, Glacial Armor, Energy Absorption, and Hibernate). This would make room for a more exiting and melee oriented power at level 32 (more on this below).

    b) Make Permafrost more attractive. Add Toxic RES to it (in addition to what's on Hoarfrost). Maybe throw in some Smashing/Lethal RES so we don't have to pool dive for Tough (a situation that the Test Server changes don't make any less necessary). How about Psi Resistance (the mind is as densly cold as the body).

    6) If we are to have such a strong weakness to Fire, why must Ice Tankers also be weak towards Psi? And please don't answer this with more than "Psi is the Tanker weakness", because we both know that Stone Tanks get Psi defenses. Also please don't try to tell me that Chilling Embrace covers this, we both know Psi attacks are all ranged, and CE is a melee range effect on foes.

    7) Can Chilling Embrace please be changed to not take level into account when affecting higher (or lower) level foes? It just falls off too rapidly to be as useful as its supposed to be. Even on a heroic mission with other teammates you can see mobs as high as +2, and that 25% drops down to 20% by that point, so it ends up not being as "equivalent" to RES as it should be.

    8) If Chilling Embrace is really intended as a RES substitute (which is something I've always felt it was supposed to be), then can it please get a larger AoE for Tankers, to potentially affect more at range. Right now since it only affects melee range, its offers no protection at range at all.

    9) The Hibernate lunch list:

    a) Can it please not turn off any powers.

    b) Can we please be able to turn on powers while using it.

    c) In the advent that you choose to leave it the level 32 power, can you make it more melee friendly? Perhaps a Taunt Radius? an AoE "Bitter Frost" that causes a slow like Chilling Embrace? Or maybe just let Chilling Embrace work while its active?

    d) Its nice that it heals, but there's no way to make that heal avaialble often enough to be of great use. The best recharge you can eck out of it is 16s and that requires perma-Hasten and 6 recharge enhancements. As most Ice Tanker deaths occur in the span of 5-10 seconds, that recharge time will never be fast enough. It basically has to be useful all the time more or less.

    10) Cut the End cost of Icicles by at least half. The 1.5 EPS that it is on live is just way too high.

    11) Why doesn't Glacial Armor (E/N DEF) protect vs Rikti Swords (S/E damage)? (please say bug!!!)

    12) Despite all the Accuracy changes listed above, this does not at all address the fact that attacks performed by AVs and Monsters are designed to kill characters with capped or very high RES. There are some AVs who have attacks that can one shot a full green health bar of Hoarfrosted health. This has to go. You need to either reign in the attacks of AVs and Monsters to reasonable levels, or you need to provide a means whereby DEF based builds (Ice Tanks and SR Scrappers) do not get one-shot killed. Melee classes have defense, but vs large attacks DEF withouth RES is quite meaningless. And there's nothing a healer or anyone else on your team can do to alleviate this - except perhaps some RES buffs from an SB or Dark Defender, but to say we have to get those all the time is ludicrous. A real solution needs to be provided.


    In short, I mostly just want to know what we can expect in the way of actually being made to look like Tankers again? Because right now, on test, we don't look like much of anything anyone would ever want to play or play with.

    Thank you for your time.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Now that we have the Devs attention we have to make use of it. We need Answers Statesman. You gave us another global problem solution but we Ice Tanks are still waitng on answers.We are the DEF based Tanker Set remember that.