Game Update June 17th, 2008





Eagle's Claw:

Still not good enough. This attack is still the worst in the whole set in terms of Damage Per Animation Second. Please cut the animation down to 1.5 to 2 seconds.

Trial Accounts:

Most of the limitations I agree with. However, the inability to send tells will make it very difficult for them to get on teams, meet people, etc. Also, the inability to make teams themselves means that a pair of friends trying out the game can't team with each other.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



No, and such speculation is pretty silly if you know anything about how RMT operations work.

[/ QUOTE ]
Well considering that I (thankfully) know absolutely nothing about how RMT operations work I'd say that my speculation is just that. Speculation. Nothing silly about it. If I knew anything about RMT operations then I wouldn't have to speculate now would I? Perhaps you, with your boundless expertise on RMT operations, could inform me as to how RMT operations work. I'm also curious as to how this knowledge came to you as well.

I do think it's kinda funny that a lot of these trial accounts, registered within just the last couple of days, are posting on the forums now. All of a sudden. I haven't seen this many new accounts on the board ever.

And it's also kinda funny how a lot of these supposedly new people seem to know a lot about CoH/CoV. For example: one guy who registered just today in his very first post used the term CoX. Now if he's really new to the game, new to the forums and on a new account (and not an regular forum poster on a trial account or an RMT spammer) then how does he know to use that term?

[/ QUOTE ] What is RMT????[/color]



You might want to check with Nivienne about this. It's supposedly a known bug.

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Oh, definitely Known. We looked at it when it was first reported. However, the problem didn't happen in our test cases. That's why I asked for specific cases where it was happening to look at. (BTW, I have enough PMs on it! Thanks to everyone!)

I tracked down the specific geometry involved last night and sent the info over to Jay. Hopefully, he and the software guys can figure out what's going on in time for the next build.

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But it's fixed on the current build on test. Two characters (hero and villain) that I had leather skirts on, when I log in to test, the bug is there. But when I go to icon/facemaker, the new skirt selection interface ends up with the correct skirt, even making the same choice.



The case is that the trial is an experiment often the first impression is that is ... many people like me for example learn to play with the first trials to then improve the game, if you block things crucial to the learning of the game such as chat rooms and so ... they pay the new players will join in the game ... from flying by me left 3 day trial so it had the same opportunities that they pay is.

[/ QUOTE ]

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



The case is that the trial is an experiment often the first impression is that is ... many people like me for example learn to play with the first trials to then improve the game, if you block things crucial to the learning of the game such as chat rooms and so ... they pay the new players will join in the game ... from flying by me left 3 day trial so it had the same opportunities that they pay is.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sorry for being mean, but um...seriously? How can anyone even understand what in the world you're saying?!?

LOL Translation tools.



So when i enter a new zone with flight active my controller is waving her arms like bird or like she's having a fit or something. This never happened before.



What is RMT????[/color]

[/ QUOTE ]

Real Money Trader.

They'll sell you (and you buy with real world cash) infamy, or a leveled up toon/account, or Power Level you in game.

They're the ones spamming their services in the game. And they're the reason trial accounts have restrictions. This way, RMTers can't use free accounts to spam their wares.

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Agggh damn it my eyes.

Do you have to make your bright white text bold?



Trial Account restrictions implemented:

Trial Accounts cannot email other players

Trial Accounts may not level past 13

Trial Accounts can only have 50k influence

Trial Accounts can only speak in
[1] /local
[2] /help
[3] /team

Trial Accounts cannot invite players to team
[1] Trial Accounts may join teams, but not invite other players
[2] Trial Accounts may not join SuperGroups.

No emailing? Fine, no problem, and good riddance to spam emails.
Same with only 50k inf, and only speaking in Help, local, and team.
Cant invite people to team? WTH is that for? I dont get that at all. Only speaking in local, its hard to find people that are looking for teammates, if theyre using broadcast or /tells. Also, what if youre stuck as leader? Do you say, "Sorry, Im on a trial, and cant invite", then ask who wants the star?

Cant join SGs? No problem, doesnt bother me at all.

What DOES bother me, greatly, is that you can't respond to /tells. I got a couple tells this morning asking if I wanted to join their team, but they werent even on the same map(I was in KR, they were somewhere in Sky/Fault/Steel), so /local wasnt much help in accepting the invite. Please change this so trial accounts can respond to, but still not send tells.



Seems hover/flight needs re-re-tweaking. Flew into the train and upon exiting the train in a new zone Cerebrawl is vibrating like he's having siezures.



No, and such speculation is pretty silly if you know anything about how RMT operations work.

[/ QUOTE ]
Well considering that I (thankfully) know absolutely nothing about how RMT operations work I'd say that my speculation is just that. Speculation. Nothing silly about it. If I knew anything about RMT operations then I wouldn't have to speculate now would I? Perhaps you, with your boundless expertise on RMT operations, could inform me as to how RMT operations work. I'm also curious as to how this knowledge came to you as well.

I do think it's kinda funny that a lot of these trial accounts, registered within just the last couple of days, are posting on the forums now. All of a sudden. I haven't seen this many new accounts on the board ever.

And it's also kinda funny how a lot of these supposedly new people seem to know a lot about CoH/CoV. For example: one guy who registered just today in his very first post used the term CoX. Now if he's really new to the game, new to the forums and on a new account (and not an regular forum poster on a trial account or an RMT spammer) then how does he know to use that term?

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm sorry if you found "pretty silly" dismissive or condescending, it wasn't my intent to belittle you. It's just that an RMT operation is unlikely to use the forums in the way you describe. A far less sinister explanation is that trial accounts have been retroactively hit by these changes and people are coming here to complain or share problems that have come up as a result of that.

As for getting information on how most RMT operations work, I'll let Chase field that. He loves to talk in-depth about these sorts of things whereas I'm far too lazy to.



Please change this so trial accounts can respond to, but still not send tells.

[/ QUOTE ]Better that trial accounts should auto-respond to tells that the user is on a trial account and cannot respond, just as AFK auto-responds.

Remember that a trial account is a TRIAL. A test to see if you like the game. You don't need full communication or even full teaming abilities for that any more than you need to be able to play to level 50 before deciding if it's worth paying for. Since you're otherwise playing the game for free I don't see what anyone on a TRIAL account can really complain about. Just MHO.




Is it just me, or does it seem like the RMTers are really upset about the new trial account limitations?

Upset enough that they just might be using those brand new trial accounts to make brand new forum accounts to post on the forums in hopes of getting the trial limitations reversed.

Hmmmm... we may never know.

[/ QUOTE ]

As much as I like a good nemesis plot, the posters complaining about the restrictions write coherantly and also respond to forum posts. Makes them a cut above the norm in fact

High Beam - 50 Blaster Energy/Ice - 1228 Badges
Munitions Mistress - 50 Mercs/Traps
Many Other 50's, Too Many Alts, All On Freedom
Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should!




Is it just me, or does it seem like the RMTers are really upset about the new trial account limitations?

Upset enough that they just might be using those brand new trial accounts to make brand new forum accounts to post on the forums in hopes of getting the trial limitations reversed.

Hmmmm... we may never know.

[/ QUOTE ]

As much as I like a good nemesis plot, the posters complaining about the restrictions write coherantly and also respond to forum posts. Makes them a cut above the norm in fact

[/ QUOTE ]

Err... scroll up a few posts and read this again:

The case is that the trial is an experiment often the first impression is that is ... many people like me for example learn to play with the first trials to then improve the game, if you block things crucial to the learning of the game such as chat rooms and so ... they pay the new players will join in the game ... from flying by me left 3 day trial so it had the same opportunities that they pay is.

[/ QUOTE ]

and this:

I only hope that deep change that situation, my many friends who were going to pay to play abandoned because these changes in the trial, then staff of the staff please review this ...

[/ QUOTE ]

That's coherant?


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



Please change this so trial accounts can respond to, but still not send tells.

[/ QUOTE ]Better that trial accounts should auto-respond to tells that the user is on a trial account and cannot respond, just as AFK auto-responds.

Remember that a trial account is a TRIAL. A test to see if you like the game. You don't need full communication or even full teaming abilities for that any more than you need to be able to play to level 50 before deciding if it's worth paying for. Since you're otherwise playing the game for free I don't see what anyone on a TRIAL account can really complain about. Just MHO.

[/ QUOTE ]Gotta disagree with you there. Maybe its just me, but I think its nice(and rather helpful), to make some friends/find good people to team with, during the trial. But if if all someone gets is something like "Player is on trial account, and cannot respond to tells", then that would be someone I wouldnt bother inviting to a team. Sure, you can only get to level 13, but if someone goes and buys the game soon after that they can continue with that character, and if soon enough after the trial, they may be able to join the friends they made during the trial period.

You're right, you don't NEED full teaming/communication abilities to see if you like the game, and I'm not asking for full communication abilities, just the ability to respond to tells, and I do think trial players should be able to invite people, I can't see the rationale behind disallowing it, honestly.

Heh. You seem to think that playing for free, for a limited time means an awful lot. It doesn't, at least not to me. I'm much more interested in seeing the interpersonal relations, especially how much cliquing, elitism, ect, there is, and if players are generally decent, helpful people. If it had been like this during the trial I played before I got an account(waiting on timecards now), I most likely wouldnt be playing now.




Trial Accounts[LIST][*] Added a message specific to trial accounts explaining why they can't send emails.[*] Trial Account restrictions implemented:[*] Trial Accounts cannot email other players[*] Trial Accounts may not level past 13[*] Trial Accounts can only have 50k influence [*] Trial Accounts can only speak in
[1] /local
[2] /help
[3] /team [*] Trial Accounts cannot invite players to team
[1] Trial Accounts may join teams, but not invite other players
[2] Trial Accounts may not join SuperGroups.

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

I whole-heartedly agree!!

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I dont agree with the sg thing. If I invite a friend to try a trial account, i cant bring them into my sg to kinda make them a part of the group to encourage them to stay. Do the RMTers actually use some part of a sg to spam? It isnt like we invite rmters into our sg's and have a problem with "$49.99 for 5 mill! pst to new sg member!!!!!" he wouldnt be in the sg more than 30 seconds longer lol.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages




I dont agree with the sg thing. If I invite a friend to try a trial account, i cant bring them into my sg to kinda make them a part of the group to encourage them to stay. Do the RMTers actually use some part of a sg to spam? It isnt like we invite rmters into our sg's and have a problem with "$49.99 for 5 mill! pst to new sg member!!!!!" he wouldnt be in the sg more than 30 seconds longer lol.

[/ QUOTE ]

Blame the people who made trial accounts and filled up their SGs just before prestige grants for that one.

Dawncaller - The Circle of Dawn
Too many blasted alts to list, but all on Virtue.



I DISAGREE. why should they limit trial accounts. Most of the people spaming are not using trial acounts. Most of my emails i have gotten to buy influence were from 40+ level character and i teamed with one. did not know it till he added me to gloabal. I started becouse of a trial account. so did alot of my freinds



Well I don't know about how bad WoW gets the RMT but I know back in the day I would get at least 5 RMT tells and would occasionally log in a toon and find 30 RMT e-mails in it's in-box.

So while this is screwing over the legitimate trial account users and I can sympathize, I feel that the gain from not getting all the tells and e-mails to be quite worth it. It was getting really really REALLY annoying.

[/ QUOTE ]

wow, they must not like me. Dont get anywhere near that myself.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



I DISAGREE. why should they limit trial accounts. Most of the people spaming are not using trial acounts. Most of my emails i have gotten to buy influence were from 40+ level character and i teamed with one. did not know it till he added me to gloabal. I started becouse of a trial account. so did alot of my freinds

[/ QUOTE ]
ever hear of "Power Leveling", i've seen lvl 50 with no veteran badges or exploration, only the automatics for lvling, so yes you do get high lvl trial accounts spamming for a sale.



i joined becouse i made some freinds and liked the people. limiting trial accounts will just cost people joining




I dont agree with the sg thing. If I invite a friend to try a trial account, i cant bring them into my sg to kinda make them a part of the group to encourage them to stay. Do the RMTers actually use some part of a sg to spam? It isnt like we invite rmters into our sg's and have a problem with "$49.99 for 5 mill! pst to new sg member!!!!!" he wouldnt be in the sg more than 30 seconds longer lol.

[/ QUOTE ]

Blame the people who made trial accounts and filled up their SGs just before prestige grants for that one.

[/ QUOTE ]

Also, I believe I've heard of RMT and trail account people joining SG's and looting their storage bins. Yes you can blame the SG's for giving new members permissions, but why limit legitimate new members that aren't trail accts?




I dont agree with the sg thing. If I invite a friend to try a trial account, i cant bring them into my sg to kinda make them a part of the group to encourage them to stay. Do the RMTers actually use some part of a sg to spam? It isnt like we invite rmters into our sg's and have a problem with "$49.99 for 5 mill! pst to new sg member!!!!!" he wouldnt be in the sg more than 30 seconds longer lol.

[/ QUOTE ]

Blame the people who made trial accounts and filled up their SGs just before prestige grants for that one.

[/ QUOTE ]

was that really a problem? so they have enough prestige to make a nice base? how does that hurt anyone.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages




I dont agree with the sg thing. If I invite a friend to try a trial account, i cant bring them into my sg to kinda make them a part of the group to encourage them to stay. Do the RMTers actually use some part of a sg to spam? It isnt like we invite rmters into our sg's and have a problem with "$49.99 for 5 mill! pst to new sg member!!!!!" he wouldnt be in the sg more than 30 seconds longer lol.

[/ QUOTE ]

Blame the people who made trial accounts and filled up their SGs just before prestige grants for that one.

[/ QUOTE ]

was that really a problem? so they have enough prestige to make a nice base? how does that hurt anyone.

[/ QUOTE ]
On top of which ... OK I wasn't playing or following the boards at the time, but I ran into someone who swore to me that Lighthouse and Ex Libris specifically advocated that behavior. Now that seemed a little silly to me, I didn't see much NCSoft benefit in trials being used like that. But he was sure enough that I do believe him.

So it seems like a big jump from "we recommend it" to "it's not allowed."

Not that CoH would ever overreact to anything.



I only hope that deep change that situation, my many friends who were going to pay to play abandoned because these changes in the trial, then staff of the staff please review this ...

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmmm.... short, terse, broken Engrish...

You're not from a North American time zone, are you?

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform