Game Update June 17th, 2008




I know this may not apply to many, but is there any plans to fix the 48mo vet pets? They currently only have 5hp regardless of level and are an agro magnet, which doesn't help to actually benefit from them in the middle of a fight



Yes, had to pay for it, darn scam...anyways, I took a break, I was just too mad since I'm new and getting that felt really nice since I was able to anything.

Thanks Rejolt, I'll think about it again.



I am personally not happy. I am actually a player trying out the game, and I play with my boyfriend on the game- who is also only on trial. Now, my 14 day trial got cut off because we can't play together in game. I can understand certain restrictions, like money, Super groups, and maybe chat like request, emails, and broadcast. I am hoping to get the game eventually- but as a person who doesn't take advantage of the trial system, I think it is terrible, and not fair to people like me.

Edit- and to add- People aren't going to get to play the best of the game either. Now, they will get blind invites from people- For those of you who know MMO's those are usually the bad players. People aren't going to get a good experience playing the game with the bombardment of limitations. I know that I am glad I got to try the game to its full before this, and I still plan on getting it eventually, but I feel sorry for the people who are going to try it out from now on. I know if it were me, I would be mad, and probably wouldn't get the game. You may as well just take the trial away.



Had reported last week on the test server that the Mini 2 and Mini 3 skirts have the slits on the front and back now instead of the sides so that the character's underwear is clearly visible. Checked today's update and sure enough now the same issue is happening on the live server. Don't know if there are any other clothes items this happens on. I have bugged it on both servers. FYI

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Thanks for the report. We looked into it here and have not been able to reproduce it. PM me with the server and character name of a character affected by this and we'll try and track it down.

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You might want to check with Nivienne about this. It's supposedly a known bug.

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I don't know if this is a bug or not but has the Night Widow placate always caused the claws to redraw with the first attack following the placate? I had just recently picked up this power and did not notice it until today. All other placate powers in sets that have drawn weapons do not cause redraw so I felt this must be a bug. If it is not a bug could it be fixed so it is consistent with the other placates in the game.


Snow Witch



I am personally not happy. I am actually a player trying out the game, and I play with my boyfriend on the game- who is also only on trial. Now, my 14 day trial got cut off because we can't play together in game. I can understand certain restrictions, like money, Super groups, and maybe chat like request, emails, and broadcast. I am hoping to get the game eventually- but as a person who doesn't take advantage of the trial system, I think it is terrible, and not fair to people like me.

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We are two, something similar from me on previous page. It's ok, just calm down and think about the good times you had. I'm still thinking if I'm going to get the subscription, then again, thanks Rejolt, I'll think it thrice.



I am personally not happy. I am actually a player trying out the game, and I play with my boyfriend on the game- who is also only on trial. Now, my 14 day trial got cut off because we can't play together in game. I can understand certain restrictions, like money, Super groups, and maybe chat like request, emails, and broadcast. I am hoping to get the game eventually- but as a person who doesn't take advantage of the trial system, I think it is terrible, and not fair to people like me.

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It's not the devs you should be angry at because of this change, it's the people that made it necessary. The people that would create hundreds of trial accounts just to spam other people with ads for power levelling or influence selling services. Every time something was changed to try to curtail this behavior (i.e. not allowing them to send tells) they'd find something else to do. I've personally gotten a lot of invites to team just to have the leader tell me I should go to a website to buy influence.



I'm not mad at them- I'm just mad about certain things. I understand that there are people taking advantage of it, I played World of Warcraft for a long time. I, personally, didn't see it much, but maybe it was the server I was on, or the times, or me being a lower level.

Overall, I think it should be thought through again, and some things tweaked.



Had reported last week on the test server that the Mini 2 and Mini 3 skirts have the slits on the front and back now instead of the sides so that the character's underwear is clearly visible. Checked today's update and sure enough now the same issue is happening on the live server. Don't know if there are any other clothes items this happens on. I have bugged it on both servers. FYI

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Thanks for the report. We looked into it here and have not been able to reproduce it. PM me with the server and character name of a character affected by this and we'll try and track it down.

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You might want to check with Nivienne about this. It's supposedly a known bug.

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Castle doesn't even work in the art department. I think he's just trying to beef up his screensaver library.

Castle: Please send me your character name, the server you're on, and a screencapture of the issue, prefereably in 1280x1024, and I'll look at it. Into it, I meant look into it. The problem: look into the problem. Not the skirt of course.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Well I don't know about how bad WoW gets the RMT but I know back in the day I would get at least 5 RMT tells and would occasionally log in a toon and find 30 RMT e-mails in it's in-box.

So while this is screwing over the legitimate trial account users and I can sympathize, I feel that the gain from not getting all the tells and e-mails to be quite worth it. It was getting really really REALLY annoying.



TA/A now causes the bow to be redrawn between the two sets . Not the worse thing in the world, but my new TA/A defender is getting shelved til this gets fixed (I'll be having too much fun on my MA stalker anyway )



>>Masterminds / Thugs / Call Thugs / Empty Clips: Also decreased this power’s damage.
A very, very big boo indeed. This is my *favorite* power (and one of my favorite powersets) and to nerf the power in any fashion is atrocious. The empty clips power takes enough endurance as it is, without decreasing the damage it does.

>>I think that the not being able to start a team on a trial account sucks. Having come from a trial account years ago, I am very sad that so many spammers have made it necessary to implement these new rules. I personally think 50k is too low - you can spend that much on one enhancement or recipe! I can understand why it would be implemented, but it's still harsh. New trial accounts have it much harder than I did - although I'm so glad that we finally get infamy AND prestige for our SGs now



I am ecstatic about the trial account changes. Thanks devs.



Had reported last week on the test server that the Mini 2 and Mini 3 skirts have the slits on the front and back now instead of the sides so that the character's underwear is clearly visible. Checked today's update and sure enough now the same issue is happening on the live server. Don't know if there are any other clothes items this happens on. I have bugged it on both servers. FYI

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Thanks for the report. We looked into it here and have not been able to reproduce it. PM me with the server and character name of a character affected by this and we'll try and track it down.

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PM Sent

however this goes beyond the slits.

Mini Skirt Leather same problem, what was on the side is now on the front and back. This also affects patterns placed on the skirt.

"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?




I noticed something off about the thigh high boots- they are alot more skin tight looking at the top, than the have in the past. I went to the tailor yesterday and I definetly noticed a difference from how they looked pre- I12, to now.

They don't fold/fan/bend/whatever out at the top and looks as if it is almost skin tight.

"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.



Had reported last week on the test server that the Mini 2 and Mini 3 skirts have the slits on the front and back now instead of the sides so that the character's underwear is clearly visible. Checked today's update and sure enough now the same issue is happening on the live server. Don't know if there are any other clothes items this happens on. I have bugged it on both servers. FYI

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Thanks for the report. We looked into it here and have not been able to reproduce it. PM me with the server and character name of a character affected by this and we'll try and track it down.

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I sent you a PM about this Castle.

Here is my troller Kinetic Destiny on Freedom Server. Hope this gets fixed soon



I'm not mad at them- I'm just mad about certain things. I understand that there are people taking advantage of it, I played World of Warcraft for a long time. I, personally, didn't see it much, but maybe it was the server I was on, or the times, or me being a lower level.

Overall, I think it should be thought through again, and some things tweaked.

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Unfortunetly, pretty much everything they restricted they restricted because it was being used to spam people - tels, emails, inviting into teams.

I played World of Warcraft on a trial account, and they had pretty much the same restrictions, plus you couldn't touch the auction house or trade anything to players. At least here you can still do those two things.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



>>Masterminds / Thugs / Call Thugs / Empty Clips: Also decreased this power’s damage.
A very, very big boo indeed. This is my *favorite* power (and one of my favorite powersets) and to nerf the power in any fashion is atrocious. The empty clips power takes enough endurance as it is, without decreasing the damage it does.

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This should be the PET's Empty Clips, not the Mastermind's. If it was the mastermind's, it would of been displayed as "Masterminds / Thugs / Empty Clips"

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I'm not mad at them- I'm just mad about certain things. I understand that there are people taking advantage of it, I played World of Warcraft for a long time. I, personally, didn't see it much, but maybe it was the server I was on, or the times, or me being a lower level.

Overall, I think it should be thought through again, and some things tweaked.

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I think you should buy an account and pay for one month. At worse youll lose 15$ which is barely the money for two drinks in a nightclub.

I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.




Heres the problem I have ewith the new changes. One of the players in our Posi TF was on a trial account, we found this out as he started to complain he was getting no xp OR infl any more.

However, one of the missions bugged, a kill all that wouldnt finish despite all enemies visable to the team had been killed. (apparently there was a clock work off the map somewhere, 8 players searched very thoroughly) So the leader sent a petition and we waited... and waited.. Eventually the leader quit, then someone else, etc. Leaving the trial account as leader. The GM responded to the petition... BUT THE TF LEADER COULDN'T RESPOND TO HIM! He couldnt use tells! The GM went on his merry way thinking the trial account user was afk, telling him to respond via e-mail.. which he couldnt do without a support account, which apparently you dont have as a trial user... so instead of another hour wait for a new petition, the TF broke up..

And BTW, if you've ever petitioned a mission in progress, nearly the first question they ask is "Is this your mission or are you the team leader?" (TF missions belong to the team leader, thats why you can't use 'makeleader' during a TF to switch the leader) Which is why only the TL was petitioning.



I do believe some of the trial account changes go a little far...especially if they're that interested in getting new customers and the general health of the game.

Personally I don't see why trial accounts can't send out invites or tells (yes I know gold sellers Spam tells but that's what /Ignore is for) Email & Broadcast I wholeheartedly agree with though. And yes...let them get to at least lev powers are the reason many of us are still here.

COH/CoV - Virtue
8 Ball - Lev 50 Kin/Energy Defender
The Canadian Fist - Lev 50 Ice/EM Blaster

Omega Ghost - Lev 50 Robo/Dark MM
Ghostfall - Lev 50 Arachnos Crab Soldier



Is anyone else having trouble logging into Test? It is saying my account and password are wrong for some reason. This is happening on both my accounts.

Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!



Heres the problem I have ewith the new changes. One of the players in our Posi TF was on a trial account, we found this out as he started to complain he was getting no xp OR infl any more.

However, one of the missions bugged, a kill all that wouldnt finish despite all enemies visable to the team had been killed. (apparently there was a clock work off the map somewhere, 8 players searched very thoroughly) So the leader sent a petition and we waited... and waited.. Eventually the leader quit, then someone else, etc. Leaving the trial account as leader. The GM responded to the petition... BUT THE TF LEADER COULDN'T RESPOND TO HIM! He couldnt use tells! The GM went on his merry way thinking the trial account user was afk, telling him to respond via e-mail.. which he couldnt do without a support account, which apparently you dont have as a trial user... so instead of another hour wait for a new petition, the TF broke up..

And BTW, if you've ever petitioned a mission in progress, nearly the first question they ask is "Is this your mission or are you the team leader?" (TF missions belong to the team leader, thats why you can't use 'makeleader' during a TF to switch the leader) Which is why only the TL was petitioning.

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Buuut... GMs don't magically know who the team leader is to send tells to. If the GM was responding to him, it was because he sent his own petition along with the mission leaders.

Also, if he wanted to get rid of the star, he could have logged out and then back in. The star would have been passed to the next name on the list.

Trickshooter's Characters | @Trickshooter @Brightside



Had reported last week on the test server that the Mini 2 and Mini 3 skirts have the slits on the front and back now instead of the sides so that the character's underwear is clearly visible. Checked today's update and sure enough now the same issue is happening on the live server. Don't know if there are any other clothes items this happens on. I have bugged it on both servers. FYI

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Thanks for the report. We looked into it here and have not been able to reproduce it. PM me with the server and character name of a character affected by this and we'll try and track it down.

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Niviene says it's fixed. Castle just wants to look up our female toons' skirts. I haven't actually checked test to see after the patch, but Niviene hasn't lied to me yet.

@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
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