


The mon AI running the instant you even think about attacking is extremly annoying since the only viable way to prevent this is to run either a dom or troller which isn't always available to team with.

Although it is funny to see the one lone mob run like an idiot past other players/enemies with no one responding to it.Almost as if that mob was saying "the world is made of poo stop this madness."



Unless they PL'd, it's pretty hard to get to 50 and NOT have a Skulls/Tsoo/CoT/etc badge or be so close that it doesn't matter if you take out a few gray spawns.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not completely true. There are some of us out there that were around before the badges were introduced, and don't have a number of the "kill OMG amounts!" badges.

Edit: On topic I find this problem to be little more than a nuisance. Just wait for a little bit and the mob will come back. The great thing is they don't BAF in this game like the runners on other games.



I have noticed that the prisoners around brickstown are especially cowardly. I chased one around for several minutes once trying to catch him.



They are programmed to run away after X amount of time of not landing a hit on their opponent. There are probably other triggers too.

[/ QUOTE ]

This part seems patently unfair to me. Defense-heavy characters have to chase their opponents while Resist-heavy ones don't? I call shenanigans on this one...

[/ QUOTE ]

I swear I'm gonna pistol-whip the next guy who says shenanigans...

"Hey Comicsluvr, what's the name of that restaurant you like with all the goofy $*&^ on the walls and the mozzarella sticks?"

(sorry, it HAD to be said...)



It's annoying, was fighting +1 EB Mynx, she popped her SR top power (forget it's name) then promptly ran away leaving the 3 longbow minions and Lt to deal with me.

Thought to myself, that's a really good example for a hero to set.

If the good guy gets the girl, it's rated PG;
If the bad guy gets the girl, it's rated R;
And if everybody gets the girl, it's rated X
- Kirk Douglas



I said earlier in this Thread something to the effect that I hate it when the mobs run away, but what I hate the most is when, in some cases, the mobs run right to the Police Drones!

Try my 3 MArcs: I.D.#67166:Protect the Artifacts!! I.D.#97724:Level-Up Time. I.D.#243803:Witch War! Salem vs. Croatoa!



to hel p all yes they improved the AI of mobs aseveral issiues ago.

bye improve i mean they decided that all teams must have a controller on them to impolize them or lay down an ice patch .

this bye far is the worst improvment i think they did to the game. beig a heavy aoe blaster.

they did turn the run like crazy down a lil but its still stupid to see an 4+ AV run from you specially when thier your anchor.



26 pages... have we gotten any confirmation this is WAI? As someone who has played since launch I can tell you they didn't used to act this "flighty" but mostly it's just a detriment to their own ability to fight back. So I shrug and take the freebie.



Was fighting Arachnos last night with my 37 Crab and as soon as I fired my Venom grenade at a 37 Bubblebot Boss he would run full speed 3 rooms away. It happened every single time, got to the point I was so annoyed and disgusted I exited the mission and logged. I am waiting the 2 days then dropping the mission, I dont want to deal with this crap.



I had rolled up a new thugs MM and I've noticed that Longbow run like crazy if they get shot or burned with a DoT. Obviously the flying longbow are the worst but the LT's get really flighty too. It's obvious to me that this is different than it was a while ago but I'm not sure how long it has been this way TBH.

Edit: Even the boss officers do this. The one I just fought ran around in circles, running away and coming back, never fighting, just burning and getting shot... Makes mobs pretty easy I guess?



Okay a Scrapyarder, literally, ran so far away from me inside this mission that they de-agroed from me. =/



I do seem to have noticed this more.

However, I believe that a Tank can still get them back with their taunt aura. I have noticed with the low-level Brute I've been playing lately is that if I start an attack and they turn and run, when the animation is over and they take damage, they'll turn around and fight. I guess this is how the Brute's taunt works.



Had romulous run so much one time we chased him to the top of the mountain before we killed him... Now it did make it easier since his healing nictus was running all over too and he wasn't getting heals.

Gavalin Kingsbury LVL 50 INV/SS Tank and 26 other LVL 50 heroes and villians (all Triumph)
Heroes of Justice and Liberty/Loved or Loathed
"NCSOFT doesn't fork for anyone but they might spoon you if they like you"



-wrong thread-



Okay a Scrapyarder, literally, ran so far away from me inside this mission that they de-agroed from me. =/

[/ QUOTE ]

Council warwolves (I was fighting lvl 43s) also do this on a regular basis. It was annoying that I had a mission full of them. I'd throw out Sleet, stun one with Screech, and the other would rocket off to who knows where, not to be seen for at least a few minutes.

CoT mages (fire, ice and air) also get included on the guilty list for this sort of thing. What's most annoying is that their running behavior persists even when they're terrorized. If I cast Fearsome Stare on a bunch of CoT they'll all sit there for a few seconds before bolting, even if I haven't done anything to them. They won't attack unless I attack them, but they'll happily run away despite being terrorized.



Oh, I hate it when this happens!

Especially with the Mob Bosses in Port Oakes, they stand around in pairs on occasion (depending on my level/difficulty slider - if I'm not mistaken), and when I go to kill them (even when they're white, blue, or green = not grey to me) they run like scared kittens for a 'nearby door' to disappear into - before I get a chance to take them out... Wussies.

Rather amusingly, just last week or so I was badging for a few of these guys with a lowbie alt (from a themed VG) and managed to I hit one of them with my Nemesis Staff - when he had the door half open - the knockback kicked-in on him... I think he died, I'm not certain because I was laughing to hard.

He went floating up into the air, outside of and away from the building, like he was going up to heaven (or maybe not), it may have been some effect like he was going to another part of a mission map, IDK.

And sure, it does kinda makes sense for the Mob Bosses to run. But, I'd think they might wait until they're hurt - like even a tiny little bit...
But no, these "wiseguys" - tend to take-off at the first sign of a "mean glance" in their general direction!

"I'll get those dirty scum..." /shakesfistintheair
"Wait, I'm dirty scum too, Doh!"

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
City of Heroes didn't fail, City of Heroes was killed. If a 747 dropped on your house, you'd say you were killed, not you failed to find a safer dwelling.
"The U.S. is in no more danger of coming under Sharia law than it is the rules of Fight Club." - Will McAvoy.



The running away is a good thing. Especially if the runner is an anchor or has a player chasing him into more angry mobs.

On the STF I remember Wretch saying to us "All heroes die!" then he ran off looking for some.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



One of the weird ones I have noticed are foes who are able to run while disoriented or even knocked down. They are running away at sprint speeds while animated flat on their backs or slumped with the swirlies over their heads. What? I want this ability on my character if the foes I am presented with get to do it.



Originally Posted by comicsluvr View Post
[ quote ]
they are programmed to run away after x amount of time of not landing a hit on their opponent. There are probably other triggers too.

[/ quote ]

this part seems patently unfair to me. Defense-heavy characters have to chase their opponents while resist-heavy ones don't? I call shenanigans on this one...

Get your broomsticks!



Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
EDIT--- This happened when I was fighting scrapyarder as well... Basically he ran instantly.
what new there after 33 months here i never know him to stay still after one hit >.>

to me he always been the big blue headless chicken to me



The worst thing about Scrapyard running is that he spawns, then wanders over to an area near two sets of drones and the Black Market. I've seen him kill himself running into the Black Market more than once - which he either didn't run, or wandered around somewhere else!



Today I joined a ragtag group of villains who attacked Deathsurge. The battle oppened when a MM had his bots open fire on Deathsurge from range. Deathsurge's reaction? Immediate flight directly away from the PCs. He ran and kept running. He led us on merry chases, leaping among the rooftops in Cap au Diable like some manic Donkey Kong character. He twice regenerated to full HP from around 50% just because it was impossible for characters to both attack him and keep up with this maniac leaping due to travel suppression.

There are a couple of things that bug me about this. One is that it strikes me as ridiculous for a Giant Monster to turn and flee immediately and never once stand its ground. ("Look at me, I am big and sca...OGOD OGOD, VILLAINS!") Another is that -jump debuffs have no impact on a mob's ability to leap six stories, because they aren't actually "jumping"

This is educated guesswork on my part, but it seems that mobs like GMs have a wildly exaggerated response to certain debuffs. For example, the initial salvo from the Mastermind's robots would have applied a significant -regen effect. Slow debuffs also seem to make them very prone to flee, even though they have massive resistance to them. If there's anything to this, it really doesn't make much sense for them to react in this way. Far more mundane mobs appear far less likely to flee such effects, which seems backwards.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Running away needs to serve a purpose, right now we just seem to have an annoying "hero is X distance away, NPC runs until X = 200 feet" or something. My fire/dark corruptor is having a really hard time solo because I keep having my anchor run off before I've dropped the first mob. Why are lvl 10 Lts running from my level 9 corruptor? Why do they not stop running from me after they get outside of rain of fire?

There need to be limits on and purposes for running, and the higher the rank or con of the npc the less it should be fleeing. Gms, AVs and EBs should be highly disinclined to run from you, and a boss shouldn't run far. Maybe add a function where certain NPCs will call reinforcements, or where a few separated groups will scatter and regroup into boss/lt/minion formation and come back at you. Running for no reason except to make people chase you is not AI, its just a way to make a game less user friendly and take longer. I'd rather efficiency over lack of efficiency if the AI is going to suck no matter what, and trying to justify the running by saying "well they'd run in the real world" doesn't work when its the only friggin thing the NPCs do that they'd do in the real world.



This is deffinetly pissing me off to the point of madness.I run a lowbie paper mission with my Spider and even though I miss a mob of roughly 6 or so they ALL run away forcing me to play some pointless version of whack-a-mole which is NOT fun for me.Even if the mobs are +4 they still run like i've got a weed whacker and their face it a giant grass lawn (as opposed to a lawn made of bread or something....shut up it's my joke.)

Just once i'd like a group of mobs to have some balls and fight me head on instead of running like it's the friday night sissy fights.



You can throw a rock at Kraken and he starts running, tap with boxing deathsurge and he starts running.

There are also issues with mook hitmen(snipers) when you try to corner pull or herd them they start running back and forth in the same area even though they have a melee attack